Here's your chance right wingers , back up your claims

The links they provided have nothing to do with Brennan.

Did you forget about the 5 year GWB national study in which they quite literally found nothing? Did you find the Trump/Kobach study in which not a single case was found followed by Kris resigning in shame??

Brennan had nothing to do with those either. They were performed by RW loons who were cock-sure there were going to result in thousands if not millions of cheaters.

Don't be an idiot (if that's at all possible) :poke:

Weren't you already informed that the fraud study was terminated, because blue states refused to participate (report) ? No reports, no study. Duh! Even jbander knows enough to not try ti use that Trump/Kobach study thing.

Yeah, you were told. Just like jbander, truth doesn't matter to you, You're a propaganda screaming banshee.

Nothing dumber than a poster who refers to a thoroughly discredited talking point.

You couldn't make due with 35 states? And what the F business of yours are social security numbers, dates of birth, addresses and voting history??

  • Fifteen states are refusing to hand over voter data to President Donald Trump's Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity.
  • States attorneys general who refused balked at the commission's original request for information including partial Social Security numbers, dates of birth, addresses and voting history.
  • The commission is tasked with investigating voter fraud, even though scientific research has shown it is extremely rare.

Those things are NONE of your business - AND for the record: Arizona was a Trump state in 2016 and their governor is a REPUBLICAN. Indiana was a BIG Trump state in 2016 and their governor is a REPUBLICAN. Kentucky was a Trump state and their governor is a REPUBLICAN. Tennessee - DITTO, Texas DITTO. Many state laws PROHIBITED release of irrelevant data that Ko-Fuck demanded.

Blue States? Go pound sand ya flippin' dummy! :D

The links they provided have nothing to do with Brennan.

Did you forget about the 5 year GWB national study in which they quite literally found nothing? Did you find the Trump/Kobach study in which not a single case was found followed by Kris resigning in shame??

Brennan had nothing to do with those either. They were performed by RW loons who were cock-sure there were going to result in thousands if not millions of cheaters.

Don't be an idiot (if that's at all possible) :poke:

Weren't you already informed that the fraud study was terminated, because blue states refused to participate (report) ? No reports, no study. Duh! Even jbander knows enough to not try ti use that Trump/Kobach study thing.

Yeah, you were told. Just like jbander, truth doesn't matter to you, You're a propaganda screaming banshee.

Nothing dumber than a poster who refers to a thoroughly discredited talking point.

You couldn't make due with 35 states? And what the F business of yours are social security numbers, dates of birth, addresses and voting history??

  • Fifteen states are refusing to hand over voter data to President Donald Trump's Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity.
  • States attorneys general who refused balked at the commission's original request for information including partial Social Security numbers, dates of birth, addresses and voting history.
  • The commission is tasked with investigating voter fraud, even though scientific research has shown it is extremely rare.

Those things are NONE of your business - AND for the record: Arizona was a Trump state in 2016 and their governor is a REPUBLICAN. Indiana was a BIG Trump state in 2016 and their governor is a REPUBLICAN. Kentucky was a Trump state and their governor is a REPUBLICAN. Tennessee - DITTO, Texas DITTO. Many state laws PROHIBITED release of irrelevant data that Ko-Fuck demanded.

Blue States? Go pound sand ya flippin' dummy! :D

These hate nazi's want total acess to the internet and the comment s on it, matched to the people who said it and these hate Nazi's are in total support of all this information being at their finger tips and I know why , these brain dead right think it is for some noble right wing reason , they are total idiots.
The links they provided have nothing to do with Brennan.

Did you forget about the 5 year GWB national study in which they quite literally found nothing? Did you find the Trump/Kobach study in which not a single case was found followed by Kris resigning in shame??

Brennan had nothing to do with those either. They were performed by RW loons who were cock-sure there were going to result in thousands if not millions of cheaters.

Don't be an idiot (if that's at all possible) :poke:

Weren't you already informed that the fraud study was terminated, because blue states refused to participate (report) ? No reports, no study. Duh! Even jbander knows enough to not try ti use that Trump/Kobach study thing.

Yeah, you were told. Just like jbander, truth doesn't matter to you, You're a propaganda screaming banshee.

Nothing dumber than a poster who refers to a thoroughly discredited talking point.

You couldn't make due with 35 states? And what the F business of yours are social security numbers, dates of birth, addresses and voting history??

  • Fifteen states are refusing to hand over voter data to President Donald Trump's Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity.
  • States attorneys general who refused balked at the commission's original request for information including partial Social Security numbers, dates of birth, addresses and voting history.
  • The commission is tasked with investigating voter fraud, even though scientific research has shown it is extremely rare.

Those things are NONE of your business - AND for the record: Arizona was a Trump state in 2016 and their governor is a REPUBLICAN. Indiana was a BIG Trump state in 2016 and their governor is a REPUBLICAN. Kentucky was a Trump state and their governor is a REPUBLICAN. Tennessee - DITTO, Texas DITTO. Many state laws PROHIBITED release of irrelevant data that Ko-Fuck demanded.

Blue States? Go pound sand ya flippin' dummy! :D

These hate nazi's want total acess to the internet and the comment s on it, matched to the people who said it and these hate Nazi's are in total support of all this information being at their finger tips and I know why , these brain dead right think it is for some noble right wing reason , they are total idiots.

Pathetic little failures they are. But clowns like Protectionist will continue to lie right up until 11-3. Sad

You couldn't make due with 35 states? And what the F business of yours are social security numbers, dates of birth, addresses and voting history??

  • Fifteen states are refusing to hand over voter data to President Donald Trump's Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity.
  • States attorneys general who refused balked at the commission's original request for information including partial Social Security numbers, dates of birth, addresses and voting history.
  • The commission is tasked with investigating voter fraud, even though scientific research has shown it is extremely rare.

Those things are NONE of your business - AND for the record: Arizona was a Trump state in 2016 and their governor is a REPUBLICAN. Indiana was a BIG Trump state in 2016 and their governor is a REPUBLICAN. Kentucky was a Trump state and their governor is a REPUBLICAN. Tennessee - DITTO, Texas DITTO. Many state laws PROHIBITED release of irrelevant data that Ko-Fuck demanded.

Blue States? Go pound sand ya flippin' dummy! :D

Like I said, the blue states wouldn't participate. Commission study was a joke. Never should have started. As I said before in this thread (Are you listening?) MILLIONS of illegals vote without any scrutiny of CITIZENSHIP. Study wouldn't/couldn't have audited them. Get it ? (for the 10th time) Nobody knows their citizenship status, so there;s nothing to "study".

And even if there was a proof of citizenship "requirement", it STILL wouldn't matter, because criminal Democrats would allow illegals to vote, because it's more votes for THEM. This is just like how criminal Democrat scum allow leftist street thugs to attack Trump rallygoers, block traffic, riot, and loot.

That's why arrest and convictions are meaningless, AND YOU KNOW IT.

But you're going nowhere with all your pretending, and babbling about "Trump's Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity". Ha ha. You can bullshit till the cows come home. Trump hasn't changed his message. He told the American people about Mexican invaders. They're bringing crime, they're bringing drugs, they're rapists, and it's all true now, just as it was then, and that's what got Trump elected in 2016, and that's what going to get him elected again in 2020, and there's not a damn thing you can do about it (especially with a looney tune like Biden) HA HA HA. Oh, this is too funny.
These hate nazi's want total acess to the internet and the comment s on it, matched to the people who said it and these hate Nazi's are in total support of all this information being at their finger tips and I know why , these brain dead right think it is for some noble right wing reason , they are total idiots.
Yeah, the noble right wing reason is to keep you lowlife, traitorous, sex pervert, seditious, criminal, lunatics out of power, and keep the American people safe from your gun grabbin, filthy paws.
Pathetic little failures they are. But clowns like Protectionist will continue to lie right up until 11-3. Sad

:puhleeze: Yammering about the Trump commission will not do you any good. You lost this debate the moment you entered into it. :biggrin: That you are clueless of that, is nobody's problem but yours.
These hate nazi's want total acess to the internet and the comment s on it
Yeah, the noble right wing reason is to keep you lowlife, traitorous, sex pervert, seditious, criminal, lunatics out of power, and keep the American people safe from your gun grabbin, filthy paws.
Funny thing about dillhole jbander - he asked for proof of voter fraud and when it was given, he denied it exited. Then he tried to claim a problem with a website.

He’s a typical left-wing asshole. No amount of information or facts will ever change his mind. He’s been pre-conditioned to the progressive ideology and that’s it. Even when the U.S. collapses under his beloved failed ideology and we’re all sitting in poverty like Venezuela, the piece of shit will claim that it’s just because we haven’t implemented enough of his failed ideology (like they all did with Obama).
@CrusaderFrank’s link does not say anything whatever about voter fraud. @Ichego’s Heritage Foundation list only documents about one thousand cases found over twenty years in 50 states. Nothing significant — as most studies, including the recent WH initiated study, indicates.

Now it may be that voter fraud does occur more than I expect. Mail voting, nothing new, may prove less secure or maybe even more secure than electronic or old-style voting machines. It may turn out that Democratic or Republican precinct vote counters are more corrupt, or just equally corrupt, or overwhelmingly honest. My own limited experience in New York and Florida and via mail voting from overseas and in life generally is that overall Americans still take voting seriously and that voters, and poll “volunteers,” are community minded and honest.

Of course many don’t vote, and everybody grumbles about candidates. The real problems only arise when votes are close. The best solution would be to change our voting systems as much as possible to a multi-party ranked choice model, or a proportional “fair vote” system. See for campaigns and ideas.

In general I’m not at all opposed to requiring state IDs for original registration and other security measures being taken , but I worry more about systemic problems and attempts to discourage voting by the poor. More mail balloting seems reasonable to me. Let’s hope the Post Office itself survives our present Administration!

My link say that the democrat Party considers an accurate voter base an "existential threat" to their existence
You couldn't make due with 35 states? And what the F business of yours are social security numbers, dates of birth, addresses and voting history??

  • Fifteen states are refusing to hand over voter data to President Donald Trump's Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity.
  • States attorneys general who refused balked at the commission's original request for information including partial Social Security numbers, dates of birth, addresses and voting history.
  • The commission is tasked with investigating voter fraud, even though scientific research has shown it is extremely rare.

Those things are NONE of your business - AND for the record: Arizona was a Trump state in 2016 and their governor is a REPUBLICAN. Indiana was a BIG Trump state in 2016 and their governor is a REPUBLICAN. Kentucky was a Trump state and their governor is a REPUBLICAN. Tennessee - DITTO, Texas DITTO. Many state laws PROHIBITED release of irrelevant data that Ko-Fuck demanded.

Blue States? Go pound sand ya flippin' dummy! :D

Like I said, the blue states wouldn't participate. Commission study was a joke. Never should have started. As I said before in this thread (Are you listening?) MILLIONS of illegals vote without any scrutiny of CITIZENSHIP. Study wouldn't/couldn't have audited them. Get it ? (for the 10th time) Nobody knows their citizenship status, so there;s nothing to "study".

And even if there was a proof of citizenship "requirement", it STILL wouldn't matter, because criminal Democrats would allow illegals to vote, because it's more votes for THEM. This is just like how criminal Democrat scum allow leftist street thugs to attack Trump rallygoers, block traffic, riot, and loot.

That's why arrest and convictions are meaningless, AND YOU KNOW IT.

But you're going nowhere with all your pretending, and babbling about "Trump's Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity". Ha ha. You can bullshit till the cows come home. Trump hasn't changed his message. He told the American people about Mexican invaders. They're bringing crime, they're bringing drugs, they're rapists, and it's all true now, just as it was then, and that's what got Trump elected in 2016, and that's what going to get him elected again in 2020, and there's not a damn thing you can do about it (especially with a looney tune like Biden) HA HA HA. Oh, this is too funny.

Stop lying please. Some red states refused to participate because there are these things called LAWS in their states that they had to follow.

Predictably Kris Ko-Fuck and Donnie found NOTHING.

Now go bite someone else's ankle. :bye1:
Funny thing about dillhole jbander - he asked for proof of voter fraud and when it was given, he denied it exited. Then he tried to claim a problem with a website.

He’s a typical left-wing asshole. No amount of information or facts will ever change his mind. He’s been pre-conditioned to the progressive ideology and that’s it. Even when the U.S. collapses under his beloved failed ideology and we’re all sitting in poverty like Venezuela, the piece of shit will claim that it’s just because we haven’t implemented enough of his failed ideology (like they all did with Obama).
Stop lying please. Some red states refused to participate because there are these things called LAWS in their states that they had to follow.

Predictably Kris Ko-Fuck and Donnie found NOTHING.

Now go bite someone else's ankle. :bye1:
Oh, what a comeback, Mr DODGE. I see how you cling to your little Commission study teddy bear, while steering clear of "citizenship status",....."allow illegals to vote", and...... Trump's "message".
The links they provided have nothing to do with Brennan.

Did you forget about the 5 year GWB national study in which they quite literally found nothing? Did you find the Trump/Kobach study in which not a single case was found followed by Kris resigning in shame??

Brennan had nothing to do with those either. They were performed by RW loons who were cock-sure there were going to result in thousands if not millions of cheaters.

Don't be an idiot (if that's at all possible) :poke:

Weren't you already informed that the fraud study was terminated, because blue states refused to participate (report) ? No reports, no study. Duh! Even jbander knows enough to not try ti use that Trump/Kobach study thing.

Yeah, you were told. Just like jbander, truth doesn't matter to you, You're a propaganda screaming banshee.

Nothing dumber than a poster who refers to a thoroughly discredited talking point.

You couldn't make due with 35 states? And what the F business of yours are social security numbers, dates of birth, addresses and voting history??

  • Fifteen states are refusing to hand over voter data to President Donald Trump's Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity.
  • States attorneys general who refused balked at the commission's original request for information including partial Social Security numbers, dates of birth, addresses and voting history.
  • The commission is tasked with investigating voter fraud, even though scientific research has shown it is extremely rare.

Those things are NONE of your business - AND for the record: Arizona was a Trump state in 2016 and their governor is a REPUBLICAN. Indiana was a BIG Trump state in 2016 and their governor is a REPUBLICAN. Kentucky was a Trump state and their governor is a REPUBLICAN. Tennessee - DITTO, Texas DITTO. Many state laws PROHIBITED release of irrelevant data that Ko-Fuck demanded.

Blue States? Go pound sand ya flippin' dummy! :D

The founding fathers wrote the constitution and told us they gave us a REPUBLIC. If we can keep it. For decades now we have had nothing but propaganda and agendas based on party preferences. All the while moving left. Removing rights as we go and shitting on anything good. The Republic is near death. The Democracy morphing into tyranny. Which is soft but hardening. The real ph ukn is coming. You won't be so arrogant then.
Let’s try a nonpartisan think tank.
There is a huge list of states with Voter fraud...I can't post every one of them. But you are happy to check it out for yourself. Consider that an invitation. :)

You should have gave this list to Drumpf before he disbanded his commission because they couldnt find not a stitch of evidence.
Right, Asclepius. What did Trump ask them to find? 3 million fraudulent votes for Democrats?

Maybe they disbanded because they found 3 million fraudulent votes for ... Republicans?

Just kidding. But their inability to please their boss says it all ...

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There is no voter fraud in this country or at least so little that it's a joke to do anything because of voter fraud. The only reason that you brilliant people are attacking voting across the country is to take away any block of people who's majority is made up of democrats. Which makes your group as anti American as can be and so against the values of this country, Prove me wrong. This proof must be everywhere, the way scum bag talks about it. Or maybe just lying. We already know you don't like me , think I'm dumb and that my spelling is bad , so leave that part out.
"Which makes your group as anti American as can be and so against the values of this country..."
Exactly!! :clap::clap::clap:
Notice the issue has come out as a right vs left argument. In a logical setup in the voting booth the ballots are untouched after they are filled out by the voter until they are tallied by sworn officials. The scenario that democrats are proposing has so many avenues for fraud that it turns the system upside down. Voter registration is out the window and there is no way to verify who filled out the ballots without a costly and lengthily (unnecessary) investigation. Hiring minimum wage workers to distribute and/or pick up ballots is a recipe for disaster. The electoral system worked out pretty well for the last hundred and fifty years so why change it just so the fat assed lazy generation can stay close to their potato chip bowls on election day.
There has been mail-in voting for decades by people living and working overseas. There has been no evidence of voter fraud in those cases. In Washington State, where mail in voting is the norm, there has been absolutely no evidence of voter fraud. When a ballot is received, it is electronically checked against the voter's signature, which is kept on file. These are high tech days: a computer can keep your signature on file and it can check it against any attempt of forging it. Drumph wants to disallow mail-in voting because he knows if more people vote in this country, he will LOSE the election. He knows that. He's pissing his big ass pants over it.
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