Here's your chance right wingers , back up your claims us the proof that there is large scale voter fraud in this country, you know like people found guilty of doing it. We will wait.
I literally did just that and your previous post was a response to it declaring how you feel Nazis are patriots (or some bizarre iteration were incoherently mumbling).
There is no proof from anyone posting here so far that their is large scale voter fraud, just a lot of hate Nazi's saying there is. You people are certifiable bullshitters nothing else. Proof is not opinions and hater nazi polls and story's without any proof and hate Nazi studies , this is so simple, what we want is proof and the only proof that exist are the number of people found guilty not the number who are charged. Your attempts are comedy and lies. What we did find out in this thread is there is no voter fraud in this country other then the imagenation of a group of organized haters that they call a party. That's the only facts that came out of this. Down with the hate Nazi's
Personally, I don’t believe there is anything wrong in principle with showing legal ID to vote, especially for use initially to register to vote. States do frequently set such qualifications today. Am I mistaken about this? In NY, as I recall, when you show up at your local voting spot you simply sign in and your signature is compared to your old signature. Seems reasonable to me. :dunno: Frankly, I’m also not in principle against every person in the country being issued a Federal ID/Tax card. Isn’t this what our Social Security card really is? What I do strongly object to is that some partisan political activists spread ridiculous charges, and at the same time consciously try to discourage certain groups of citizens from voting by purging voter lists. Long lines at voting locations, refusal to accept mail balloting, these sometimes make it almost impossible for older voters, or busy working people, to vote at all. Our voting rates are not very high as is. It seems to me a lack of reason runs through all these discussions, just as it does in the different discussion regarding undocumented workers.
You don't get it my friend , there is nothing in their thoughts about voter fraud , it is all about taking away the votes of the oppositions. Which doesn't get any more unpatriotic in a Republic. So you will allow them that ,well this is what will happen , they will then make it so hard to achieve this that it will simply be a rape of the constitutional rights of just a segment of the population and that segment will be a large majority of democrats. Are you suggesting this would be done in some honorable way by these haters.
Very simple

It’s a non stop voter fraud for the democrats and globalists

The media was caught rigging elections even against Ross Perot

And the media has increased their election rigging since then

And now the globalists with the high tech brainwashing coming to the people

Outrageous non stop and increasing voter fraud since Riss Perot Ran

But now the American men have awakened and will stop this whole crooked system
There is no voter fraud in this country or at least so little that it's a joke to do anything because of voter fraud. The only reason that you brilliant people are attacking voting across the country is to take away any block of people who's majority is made up of democrats. Which makes your group as anti American as can be and so against the values of this country, Prove me wrong. This proof must be everywhere, the way scum bag talks about it.
In fact, in my thread Cellblock2429 just added a single post (#250) last week with no less than 4 links to voter fraud news articles. Again, enjoy!
There is no links in post 250

There is no voter fraud in this country or at least so little that it's a joke to do anything because of voter fraud. The only reason that you brilliant people are attacking voting across the country is to take away any block of people who's majority is made up of democrats. Which makes your group as anti American as can be and so against the values of this country, Prove me wrong. This proof must be everywhere, the way scum bag talks about it.
In fact, in my thread Cellblock2429 just added a single post (#250) last week with no less than 4 links to voter fraud news articles. Again, enjoy!
his liars post "

If you're still confused, Mommy will explain with words you can understand.

“You should come to Chinatown. Precautions have been taken by our city. We know that there is concern about tourism all throughout the world, but we think it’s very safe to be in Chinatown. I hope that others will come,” said Pelosi at a dim sum restaurant Monday afternoon. 2/24/2020

If you want to remove Trump from office - you're gonna need a bigger hoax. And the Coronovavirus scam just may be the ticket.

"The goal of socialism is communism." - Vladimir Lenin
" There is no links in this post, he is a total liar.
You were saying? :)
No matter what claims anybody may make about Republican voter fraud, all of it combined, whether true or ridiculous, could hardly be a drop in the bucket compared to the MILLIONS of fraudulent votes being cast by illegal aliens.

What will stop all this, is a nationwide PROOF OF CITIZENSHIP requirement for voting. Everybody on board with this ? :biggrin:
Ya but that just a lie , there is no proof just a convenient lie to take away the votes of dems. Or you could prove it.

Democrat voters are too stupid to get an ID?
No they are smart enough to look at the facts and know their is no voter fraud and realise this has nothing to do with anything other then taking the vote away from Democrats , which is a national program by the hate Nazi's in this country.

They're so smart that they whine over a fix that won't take away more than a handful of their votes?

Or do they know it would take away millions of fraudulent votes?

Help the other moron Dem voters get an ID, stop whining like a little girl.
If this was so you could make a case with proof that what you say is true. I won't take a hate Nazi's word for it.
In fact, in my thread Cellblock2429 just added a single post (#250) last week with no less than 4 links to voter fraud news articles. Again, enjoy!
This is the problem with these haters, they try to bluff their way though life with lies , there in no sources at all on post 250. Like I said , it's just a waste of time with these hate Nazi's
There are 4 links in that one post alone and everyone can see them. Why would your dumb ass even attempt to deny it? :laugh:

Let me guess...Russian troll account? :eusa_doh:
There is no source in post 250 ,nothing at all to support a hate Nazi's comment spewing his hatred and lies. Simply look for your self people, if you can find a source , let me know , I get nothing here. I've been there 3 times now.
Let's be even more honest. We're MUCH better off when lazy irresponsible people DO NOT VOTE. Do I need to explain why?
Apathy is not our problem.

People who are that stoned on weed can't handle the paperwork and logistics of actually registering to vote for legal marijuana and showing up at the polls or filling out the ballot and mailing it in.

Hell, a lot of us conservative responsible law abiding clean and sober people can't manage that in this day and age for all the extortion rackets and threats and blackmail to stay put of politics downtown.
There is no voter fraud in this country or at least so little that it's a joke to do anything because of voter fraud. Prove me wrong.
So I do and dumb shit responds with the following...
No I've done this crap all day, give me the one that has the most convictions and I will gladly look at it.
So he doesn’t want to look at the proof after demanding proof. :lmao:
not true just give me something that is supported by proof , why would I accept the word of a hate nazi/ just asking.
jbander: “there is so little voter fraud in this nation, it’s not worth doing anything about it”.

Also jbander: “you’re just trying to prevent people from voting when every vote counts”.

Folks, you can’t make this shit up. He really is that stupid. His argument defeats itself. Either every vote matters (which means even one instance of voter fraud is intolerable) or every vote doesn’t matter (which means it’s no big deal if someone is prevented from voting). You can’t have it both ways.
NO the thinking process goes like this , if a dozen people were found guilty of voter fraud, that is in no way a reason to allow the hate Nazi's to continue their national program to take away the votes of democrats by any means possible.
There is no voter fraud in this country or at least so little that it's a joke to do anything because of voter fraud. The only reason that you brilliant people are attacking voting across the country is to take away any block of people who's majority is made up of democrats. Prove me wrong.
Requiring clean, fair elections in the United States will in no way prevent any U.S. citizen from voting. You’re just scared shitless that you won’t be able to steal elections through voter fraud. Prove me wrong.
I don't have to prove your unrespected hate nazi opinion about anything , the non stop lies of hate nazi's takes away any respect I should have for any words that come out of your mouth. People know this and you will get the respect you deserve,
Let's be even more honest. We're MUCH better off when lazy irresponsible people DO NOT VOTE. Do I need to explain why?
Apathy is not our problem.

People who are that stoned on weed can't handle the paperwork and logistics of actually registering to vote for legal marijuana and showing up at the polls or filling out the ballot and mailing it in.

Hell, a lot of us conservative responsible law abiding clean and sober people can't manage that in this day and age for all the extortion rackets and threats and blackmail to stay put of politics downtown.
Here you go, this is the intelegent level of pro voter registration.
This is like being a bully to third graders, This I'm guessing is the best the right can do.
There is no voter fraud in this country or at least so little that it's a joke to do anything because of voter fraud. The only reason that you brilliant people are attacking voting across the country is to take away any block of people who's majority is made up of democrats. Which makes your group as anti American as can be and so against the values of this country, Prove me wrong. This proof must be everywhere, the way scum bag talks about it. Or maybe just lying. We already know you don't like me , think I'm dumb and that my spelling is bad , so leave that part out.
Democratic Party steals elections every cycle. Criminal organization.
There is no voter fraud in this country or at least so little that it's a joke to do anything because of voter fraud. The only reason that you brilliant people are attacking voting across the country is to take away any block of people who's (sic) majority is made up of democrats. Which makes your group as anti American as can be and so against the values of this country, Prove me wrong. This proof must be everywhere, the way scum bag talks about it. Or maybe just lying. We already know you don't like me , think I'm dumb and that my spelling is bad , so leave that part out.

1. One liberal scholar who studies such things reported that Hillary Corrupt Clinton received a minimum of 2.5 million and as many as 10.4 million votes from Google which sent out Get Out The Vote notices exclusively to Democrats in the 2016 presidential election.

2. President Barack Obama said on the air, "If you vote, you're a citizen."

3. Democrats want NO voter identification, but insist on identification to enter the DNC headquarters.
Stunning hypocrisy.

4. It is well known that JFK won the presidential election when Chicago resorted to voter fraud to give him enough votes to win. This was told to me by a retired physics professor from University of Illinois, Chicago.

5. Democrats DEMAND that illegals continue to freely flow into the United States, where they will of course vote Democrat after listening to the lies and pandering and socialist promises.

Why do you Democrats hate America so much and keep trying to destroy it? Why?
All Brennon did was post around a hundred links to highly reputable studies. Lazy mind ya got there Skippy.
No such thing as Brennan being "reputable". You're having a bad day. Maybe you'd be better at needlepoint.

The links they provided have nothing to do with Brennan.

Did you forget about the 5 year GWB national study in which they quite literally found nothing? Did you find the Trump/Kobach study in which not a single case was found followed by Kris resigning in shame??

Brennan had nothing to do with those either. They were performed by RW loons who were cock-sure there were going to result in thousands if not millions of cheaters.

Don't be an idiot (if that's at all possible) :poke:

There is no voter fraud in this country or at least so little that it's a joke to do anything because of voter fraud. The only reason that you brilliant people are attacking voting across the country is to take away any block of people who's majority is made up of democrats. Which makes your group as anti American as can be and so against the values of this country, Prove me wrong. This proof must be everywhere, the way scum bag talks about it. Or maybe just lying. We already know you don't like me , think I'm dumb and that my spelling is bad , so leave that part out.
.....the left/BLM are anti-American and just like nazis--I've linked this many times
..the main thing is they did not accept a fair/legal/American election
..the other thing is they disrupted political meetings of opponents --just like the nazis did
You were saying? :)
No matter what claims anybody may make about Republican voter fraud, all of it combined, whether true or ridiculous, could hardly be a drop in the bucket compared to the MILLIONS of fraudulent votes being cast by illegal aliens.

What will stop all this, is a nationwide PROOF OF CITIZENSHIP requirement for voting. Everybody on board with this ? :biggrin:
Ya but that just a lie , there is no proof just a convenient lie to take away the votes of dems. Or you could prove it.

Democrat voters are too stupid to get an ID?
No they are smart enough to look at the facts and know their is no voter fraud and realise this has nothing to do with anything other then taking the vote away from Democrats , which is a national program by the hate Nazi's in this country.

They're so smart that they whine over a fix that won't take away more than a handful of their votes?

Or do they know it would take away millions of fraudulent votes?

Help the other moron Dem voters get an ID, stop whining like a little girl.
If this was so you could make a case with proof that what you say is true. I won't take a hate Nazi's word for it.

You need proof that you're whining like a little girl? DURR
jbander: “there is so little voter fraud in this nation, it’s not worth doing anything about it”.

Also jbander: “you’re just trying to prevent people from voting when every vote counts”.

Folks, you can’t make this shit up. He really is that stupid. His argument defeats itself. Either every vote matters (which means even one instance of voter fraud is intolerable) or every vote doesn’t matter (which means it’s no big deal if someone is prevented from voting). You can’t have it both ways.
NO the thinking process goes like this , if a dozen people were found guilty of voter fraud, that is in no way a reason to allow the hate Nazi's to continue their national program to take away the votes of democrats by any means possible.

their national program to take away the votes of democrats by any means possible.

If you're too stupid, lazy, dead or illegal to get an ID, you really shouldn't vote.

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