Herman Cain our next president? Check out this new poll

As Peach, Nick, Mr. T and others are saying, nobody funds the Tea Party. There are groups that arose out of the Tea Party. The Tea Partty didn't have a name in the Bush administration, but they were starting to pay attention and it was mostly them who voted the irresponsible and non responsive GOP out of power in 2006. And they were paying attention when it got even worse with the Democrats in power. They were fighting mad when TARP was passed late in 2008. Then when Congress passed an unconscionably irresonsible appropriations bill in February followed by the first stimulus package on top of TARP and then Obamacare, that was the impetus to get the Tea Patrty moving.

But the Tea Party is not organized as a recognized or registered organization. It is a symbol of all Americans from all walks of life who are demanding a government that is closer to its Constitutional roots, thatt is fiscally responsible and treats the people's money with respect, and that protects and promotes individual liberties.

Again the fact that the Koch Brothers, who fund many many different groups, foundations, organizations, and causes, has given around $2 million to groups sympathetic to the Tea Party is NOT the same thing as funding the Tea Party.

Now? Contrast this to Geoge Soros, and his manipulation, funding?

Yes. Soros is out to defeat anybody or take down any group who is opposed to big government/one world government and that would include anybody who is conservative, Republican, visionary, or Tea Party spirited. The Koch Brothers fund mostly concepts and causes that are conservative libertarian centered or are just good things to do.
The left seems to be confusing conservative organizations with the tea party movement.
The Koch Bothers and others are giving their money to conservative organizations.
The Tea Party is not an organization.
They do not have a membership fee and are not an organization.
We give donations to help promote our ideology just like any other group of people.We have many groups with their own names all across the country. Each one has a head organizer along with many others with different type of duties, but they are not leaders.
We have no leader.
Indeed...The TEA Party is not a party like the two that hold this Republic in it's political grip (with the rules written to favor the two)...It is just citizens opting out of conventional wisdom...and winning. BOTH prominent parties and the elites that run them are running scared. (As they should be).
As Peach, Nick, Mr. T and others are saying, nobody funds the Tea Party. There are groups that arose out of the Tea Party. The Tea Partty didn't have a name in the Bush administration, but they were starting to pay attention and it was mostly them who voted the irresponsible and non responsive GOP out of power in 2006. And they were paying attention when it got even worse with the Democrats in power. They were fighting mad when TARP was passed late in 2008. Then when Congress passed an unconscionably irresonsible appropriations bill in February followed by the first stimulus package on top of TARP and then Obamacare, that was the impetus to get the Tea Patrty moving.

But the Tea Party is not organized as a recognized or registered organization. It is a symbol of all Americans from all walks of life who are demanding a government that is closer to its Constitutional roots, thatt is fiscally responsible and treats the people's money with respect, and that protects and promotes individual liberties.

Again the fact that the Koch Brothers, who fund many many different groups, foundations, organizations, and causes, has given around $2 million to groups sympathetic to the Tea Party is NOT the same thing as funding the Tea Party.

Now? Contrast this to Geoge Soros, and his manipulation, funding?

Yes. Soros is out to defeat anybody or take down any group who is opposed to big government/one world government and that would include anybody who is conservative, Republican, visionary, or Tea Party spirited. The Koch Brothers fund mostly concepts and causes that are conservative libertarian centered or are just good things to do.

Besides I have no idea what makes the Koch brothers so bad in the first place?

They have money?

Soros has money, donates hundreds of Millions to numerous communist causes and publicly spews his one world government socialist ideas?
Now? Contrast this to Geoge Soros, and his manipulation, funding?

Yes. Soros is out to defeat anybody or take down any group who is opposed to big government/one world government and that would include anybody who is conservative, Republican, visionary, or Tea Party spirited. The Koch Brothers fund mostly concepts and causes that are conservative libertarian centered or are just good things to do.

Besides I have no idea what makes the Koch brothers so bad in the first place?

They have money?

Soros has money, donates hundreds of Millions to numerous communist causes and publicly spews his one world government socialist ideas?
How about bringing down the best country on the face of the Earth for thier own power over it in thier own image?

As to Soros? He has alot of Nazi baggage.
The left seems to be confusing conservative organizations with the tea party movement.
The Koch Bothers and others are giving their money to conservative organizations.
The Tea Party is not an organization.
They do not have a membership fee and are not an organization.
We give donations to help promote our ideology just like any other group of people.We have many groups with their own names all across the country. Each one has a head organizer along with many others with different type of duties, but they are not leaders.
We have no leader.
Indeed...The TEA Party is not a party like the two that hold this Republic in it's political grip (with the rules written to favor the two)...It is just citizens opting out of conventional wisdom...and winning. BOTH prominent parties and the elites that run them are running scared. (As they should be).

The Tea Party is emerging as a powerful voting bloc however.

Therefore the Democrats, RINOs, and leftwing media are doing their damndest to discredit or destroy them.

And Republicans are falling all over themselves to curry favor and support from them. And THAT is a good thing so long as those same Republicans realize that with the Tea Party, they WILL be held accountable for their campaign rhetoric/promises.

Herman Cain is currently a Tea Party darling because he speaks the language of the Tea Party. If he should veer off that tract he could lose their support in a heartbeat. There is no indiication that he is speaking from anything other than conviction though. And honorable and honest people of conviction don't wander off the course they have set.
The left seems to be confusing conservative organizations with the tea party movement.
The Koch Bothers and others are giving their money to conservative organizations.
The Tea Party is not an organization.
They do not have a membership fee and are not an organization.
We give donations to help promote our ideology just like any other group of people.We have many groups with their own names all across the country. Each one has a head organizer along with many others with different type of duties, but they are not leaders.
We have no leader.
Indeed...The TEA Party is not a party like the two that hold this Republic in it's political grip (with the rules written to favor the two)...It is just citizens opting out of conventional wisdom...and winning. BOTH prominent parties and the elites that run them are running scared. (As they should be).

The Tea Party is emerging as a powerful voting bloc however.

Therefore the Democrats, RINOs, and leftwing media are doing their damndest to discredit or destroy them.

And Republicans are falling all over themselves to curry favor and support from them. And THAT is a good thing so long as those same Republicans realize that with the Tea Party, they WILL be held accountable for their campaign rhetoric/promises.

Herman Cain is currently a Tea Party darling because he speaks the language of the Tea Party. If he should veer off that tract he could lose their support in a heartbeat. There is no indiication that he is speaking from anything other than conviction though. And honorable and honest people of conviction don't wander off the course they have set.
Indeed, they do not. Herman in every debate along with Newt has looked like the adults in the room with sticking to issues and not slamming thier fellow candidates. And I, as you, will stray from them the minute they stray into attack mode in debates. The times in which we live demand such focus.
The good thing about Herman to date is he has no reason to go off course. I am not sure if most people realize that HC works the talk radio circuit also
e has talk the talk for a long time, he has no reason not to walk the walk (so far)
Now? Contrast this to Geoge Soros, and his manipulation, funding?


Political Action Committee Spending (1989 to 2010)
Koch Industries: $5,938,993 (83 percent going to Republicans)

Soros Fund Management: $0

527 Group Contributions (2001 to 2010)
Koch Industries: $574,998

$186,598 – Democratic Governors Association
$150,000 – Republican State Leadership Committee
$103,400 – Republican Governors Association

Soros Fund Management: $0

Lobbying Expenditures (1998 to 2010)
Koch Industries: $50,972,700

Soros Fund Management: $860,000
Open Society Policy Center (Soros-Funded): $11,930,000

According to federal lobbying reports, Koch Industries’ top issues include energy, environmental, tax and homeland security policies. The Open Society Policy Center has mainly lobbied on issues relating to foreign relations, civil rights, and law enforcement policy. The graph below outlines these organizations lobbying history since 1998 (click on graph for full size):

Individual donations to federal candidates, parties and political action committees (1989 to 2010)
Koch Brothers: $2.58 million
George Soros: $1.74 million

David Koch: $2,224,170

$667,500 – National Republican Congressional Committee
$555,000 – Republican National Committee
$191,400 – National Republican Senatorial Committee

Charles G. Koch: $363,100

$58,900 – National Republican Senatorial Committee
$50,000 – Republican National Committee

George Soros: $1,748,627

$252,670 – Democratic National Committee
$147,216 – Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
$259,716 – Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee

David Koch’s Favorite congressional members:
$17,100 – Todd Tiahrt (R-Kan.)
$7,600 – Elizabeth Dole (R-N.C.)
$7,200 – Mark Foley (R-Fla.)
$6,600 – James Inhofe (R-Okla.)
$5,000 – Sam Brownback (R-Kan.)

George Soros’ favorite congressional members:
$6,500 – Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.)
$6,200 – Jon Cranley (D-Ohio)
$6,000 – Ken Salazar (D-Colo.)
$6,000 – Dan Maffei (D-N.Y.)
$5,500 – Tom Perriello (D-Va.)

Individual donations to 527 organizations (2001 to 2010)
George Soros: $32.5 million
Koch Brothers: $1.5 million

So-called 527 groups are non-profit, tax-exempt organizations that are allowed to raise money for political activities including voter mobilization efforts, issue advocacy and other actions. They are allowed to raise unlimited amounts of money from individuals, corporations and unions. Until earlier this year, they could not use these unlimited contributions to expressly advocate for the election or defeat of a federal candidate. Federal court rulings -- including Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission and SpeechNow.org v. Federal Election Commission -- have broken down that restriction.

Capital Rivals: Koch Brothers vs. George Soros
Herman Cain, fake presidential candidate, is going on a book tour this month. His candidacy is a publicity stunt in the grand tradition of Alan Keyes.
Now? Contrast this to Geoge Soros, and his manipulation, funding?


Political Action Committee Spending (1989 to 2010)
Koch Industries: $5,938,993 (83 percent going to Republicans)

Soros Fund Management: $0

527 Group Contributions (2001 to 2010)
Koch Industries: $574,998

$186,598 – Democratic Governors Association
$150,000 – Republican State Leadership Committee
$103,400 – Republican Governors Association

Soros Fund Management: $0

Lobbying Expenditures (1998 to 2010)
Koch Industries: $50,972,700

Soros Fund Management: $860,000
Open Society Policy Center (Soros-Funded): $11,930,000

According to federal lobbying reports, Koch Industries’ top issues include energy, environmental, tax and homeland security policies. The Open Society Policy Center has mainly lobbied on issues relating to foreign relations, civil rights, and law enforcement policy. The graph below outlines these organizations lobbying history since 1998 (click on graph for full size):

Individual donations to federal candidates, parties and political action committees (1989 to 2010)
Koch Brothers: $2.58 million
George Soros: $1.74 million

David Koch: $2,224,170

$667,500 – National Republican Congressional Committee
$555,000 – Republican National Committee
$191,400 – National Republican Senatorial Committee

Charles G. Koch: $363,100

$58,900 – National Republican Senatorial Committee
$50,000 – Republican National Committee

George Soros: $1,748,627

$252,670 – Democratic National Committee
$147,216 – Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
$259,716 – Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee

David Koch’s Favorite congressional members:
$17,100 – Todd Tiahrt (R-Kan.)
$7,600 – Elizabeth Dole (R-N.C.)
$7,200 – Mark Foley (R-Fla.)
$6,600 – James Inhofe (R-Okla.)
$5,000 – Sam Brownback (R-Kan.)

George Soros’ favorite congressional members:
$6,500 – Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.)
$6,200 – Jon Cranley (D-Ohio)
$6,000 – Ken Salazar (D-Colo.)
$6,000 – Dan Maffei (D-N.Y.)
$5,500 – Tom Perriello (D-Va.)

Individual donations to 527 organizations (2001 to 2010)
George Soros: $32.5 million
Koch Brothers: $1.5 million

So-called 527 groups are non-profit, tax-exempt organizations that are allowed to raise money for political activities including voter mobilization efforts, issue advocacy and other actions. They are allowed to raise unlimited amounts of money from individuals, corporations and unions. Until earlier this year, they could not use these unlimited contributions to expressly advocate for the election or defeat of a federal candidate. Federal court rulings -- including Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission and SpeechNow.org v. Federal Election Commission -- have broken down that restriction.

Capital Rivals: Koch Brothers vs. George Soros

Are you kidding me?
Move on.org?
MoveOn.org: Please Move On! (And out of the United States)

The first portion of this page is devoted to organizations that are funded directly by George Soros and his Open Society Institute (OSI). The second portion of the page focuses on organizations which do not receive direct funding from Soros and OSI, but which receive money from one or more groups that do get direct OSI funding.

Discover the Networks

you actually tried to blow that one by us?
Commentary on SeaWytch's post re Soros vs Koch Bros. donations:

Palm Springs, California -At the front gates of the Rancho Las Palmas resort, a few hundred liberals rallied Sunday against "corporate greed" and polluters. They chanted for the arrest of billionaires Charles and David Koch, and their ire was also directed at the other free market-oriented businessmen invited here by the Koch brothers to discuss free markets and electoral strategies.
Billionaires poisoning our politics was the central theme of the protests. But nothing is quite as it seems in modern politics: The protest's organizer, the nonprofit Common Cause, is funded by billionaire George Soros.

Common Cause has received $2 million from Soros's Open Society Institute in the past eight years, according to grant data provided by Capital Research Center. Two panelists at Common Cause's rival conference nearby -- President Obama's former green jobs czar, Van Jones, and blogger Lee Fang -- work at the Center for American Progress, which was started and funded by Soros but, as a 501(c)4 nonprofit "think tank," legally conceals the names of its donors.

In other words, money from billionaire George Soros and anonymous, well-heeled liberals was funding a protest against rich people's influence on politics.

When Politico reporter Ken Vogel pointed out that Soros hosts similar "secret" confabs, CAP's Fang responded on Twitter: "don't you think there's a very serious difference between donors who help the poor vs. donors who fund people to kill government, taxes on rich?"

In less than 140 characters, Fang had epitomized the myopic liberal view of money in politics: Conservative money is bad, and linked to greed, while liberal money is self-evidently philanthropic.

Jane Mayer wrote in the New Yorker magazine, for instance, that the Kochs' anti-regulation, anti-bailout, low-tax agenda "dovetail with the brothers' corporate interest." Mayer quoted a Soros spokesman saying "none of his contributions are in the service of his own economic interests."

This is the Obama campaign's tune, too. While decrying Republican campaign contributions in an Obama fundraising e-mail, someone at Organizing for America apparently got self-conscious about the irony and tagged the e-mail with a subject line saying: "Our Donations Are Different."

So, is Soros' money really different from the Kochs' money?

On one level, they're equivalent: They are rich people using their wealth to advance their favored policies.

But the core CAP claim -- that the Soroses and Peter Lewises of the world are trying to help the poor, while the Kochs are not -- is ungrounded.

The Kochs argue, with plenty of evidence, that economic freedom and the prosperity it yields are the best things a government can offer to the poor.

And the accompanying liberal claim -- that pro-free market donations boost the donors' profits while pro-big government donations don't -- is also false.

First off -- and this was the point of a talk I gave Sunday at the Koch conference -- many of the industrialists in the audience could profit more through regulations and subsidies than they could through the free market. Some oil executives, for example, have supported California's strict refinery regulations because they kept out competitors. Natural gas companies like Enron have backed cap and trade because it hurt oil and coal. As for bankers -- the Wall Street bailouts made it clear that big government is their mother's milk.

Second, until Soros discloses all the investments and short positions of all his funds and all his personal wealth, it's not possible to conclude whether his advocacy is motivated by public interest or personal gain. Is he short coal? Has he invested in GE's Greenhouse Gas Services, which, dealing in greenhouse gas credits, depends on a cap-and-trade law in order to be profitable?

Read more at the Washington Examiner: The Kochs vs. Soros: Free markets vs. state coercion | Timothy P. Carney | Politics | Washington Examiner

Soros has long financed--even been the driving force behind--such radical groups as Moveon.org. He has been a primary behind the scenes financer of the extreme leftwing Media Matters that is perhaps the most dishonest site that ever became widely known on the Internet. Everything and everybody he funds are anti-conservative, pro big authoritarian government with a lot of emphasis on destroying anything that doesn't fit his agenda.

The Koch Bros. are like very wealthy Tea Partiers as they focus on people and organizations and causes that mostly promote free markets, personal liberties, and a smaller, more efficient, more effective, and less intrusive federal government.

I am watching to see which of the Republican candidates the Koch Bros. give the max donation to. If it is Herman Cain, they will believe he can win. That would make him a much more viable contender.
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To start with having a group to lobby for an item only works if the will of the people agree. BHO has found this out and in 2012 will found out the hard way
Your naivete as it pertains to American politics is showing. Not only will Cain not win the Presidency, but he will nto even be on the GOP ticket.

Yank Cain is for real
Every-one else has been a flash in the pan
Cain is the real deal. And as far as the GOP ticket goes I thought the same 2 weeks ago. No-one in the GOP really wants Romney except for the VP at most
this is why he can never take a commanding lead
These debates have set Cain away from the rest

Regardless of what you think, and MAYBE he is perfect for the job, he is too brash and unpolished. Think "Ross Perot".

I think brash and unpolished might be what America is looking for right now, in case you missed it, the people are so sick of politicians right now everyone's "President,house and senate" numbers are at all time lows. Maybe someone who is not a politician is what the doctor ordered this time around. And I think you could do no better than Cain for the job.
Herman Cain has zero chance of getting nominated. I appreciate many of his positions and what he has to say. But if Obama taught us anything, experience counts. And Cain has no experience.
At least his temporary success puts "PAID" to the Leftists' notion that the Tea Party is racist.

Obama has experience? experience at what? Community organizing? state senate for a year in which he voted present on all important issues? US senate for not much longer than that, where he did the same. He never held an actual job in the real world outside the bubble of academia.
If Obama taught us anything, it's that if you are willing to be corrupted and have friends in high places that have billions of dollars anything is possible.
The GOP establishment will deal with Cain if he begins to look like a legitimate threat.

that's sick
that's taking this to a level, never mind
do you have any idea how many independents voted for Obama?
let it go bud
there is no race issues except those of you who create them

If the GOP throws Cain under the bus, it won't have anything to do with his race. It will have to do with his star rising without their endorsement or any help from them. That isn't allowed with impunity among Republicans or Democrats. It is the precise reason that Palin, Bachmann, Paul, Johnson and a few others are treated with such lukewarm indifference. Tea Parties and Independents aren't supposed to create party leaders--that is reserved for the party itself.

The Democrats not only expect the machine to create their leaders, but they also expect women and minorities to stay on the reservation where they belong. Any who dare stray off are treated visciously.

The Republicans aren't quite that cruel, but they aren't angels in that regard either.

I think alot of you misunderstand the tea party. If Cain starts really gaining, the tea party will back him up and endorse him, he is the only candidate right now making any sense to conservatives that does not have and skeletons in the closet. I think the left fears that more than anything "No skeletons" to smear him with.
Cain has much tea party support now. He was a radio talk show person who filled in for N Bortz allot
He is a libertarian/conservative
big tea party supporter
Herman Cain has zero chance of getting nominated. I appreciate many of his positions and what he has to say. But if Obama taught us anything, experience counts. And Cain has no experience.
At least his temporary success puts "PAID" to the Leftists' notion that the Tea Party is racist.

He has vastly more executive experience than Obama did, im not sure how this one is an issue.

remember the presidency is the executive branch similar to the position of CEO or company president in the private sector ;).
I think alot of you misunderstand the tea party. If Cain starts really gaining, the tea party will back him up and endorse him, he is the only candidate right now making any sense to conservatives that does not have and skeletons in the closet. I think the left fears that more than anything "No skeletons" to smear him with.

Cain is going to be undone by his own bigotted rhetoric. He holds a religious litmus test for appointments to government office.

That's a pretty big thing to walk back.
Herman Cain has zero chance of getting nominated. I appreciate many of his positions and what he has to say. But if Obama taught us anything, experience counts. And Cain has no experience.
At least his temporary success puts "PAID" to the Leftists' notion that the Tea Party is racist.

He has vastly more executive experience than Obama did, im not sure how this one is an issue.

remember the presidency is the executive branch similar to the position of CEO or company president in the private sector ;).

No..it isn't.


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