Herman Cain passed away from COVID

maybe his fate will make some twat wake up, and take this virus seriously. it was utterly irresponsible for cain (who was in a very very high-risk group) to behave like he did. he got the virus, and died. that's shitty, especially for his family. but he is responsible for this.
Cain won't be the only victim of Trump's ignorance and arrogance from that Tulsa rally.
He was Dx one week after attending it.

He's been traveling all over the country making appearances. He could have picked up it at Tulsa or at any of the other places he'd been in that time period.
He was tested before the rally in Tulsa, as all others on or near the stage in Trump's campaign, and he did not have the virus before the Tulsa rally.... was hospitalized a week or so later.
RIP. Would have been a good president

This is terrible. My heart and prayers go out to his family. I know what they are going through. My aunt died of the virus in April.

He had to die alone. Just like all those who die from covid.

It's just not right.

I hate this virus.

Yeah, that's one of the worst parts of this. Family can't even be there.

Yes I don't have the words to describe how helpless I felt when my aunt was dying of the virus. No one but the nurses could be with her.

That was the worst part of it. She died alone. We didn't get to say goodbye . I didn't get to tell her I loved her one last time. Neither did her children and grandchildren.

This virus is evil. I hate it.

That's very sad... sorry to hear you had to go through that.
nahhh..... trump team made everyone at the rally, sign a waiver.... Trump campaign cant be sued if you caught the virus at his rally.... :(
There is zero evidence that Herman Cain was infected with the virus at the Trump rally.
He could have gotten it from a coworker, checker at the grocery store, next door neighbor, etc. ... :cool:
Cain knew the risks of going out and accepted them; Trump or no one else is responsible for Cain getting the virus except Cain.

The bigger question is, did Cain get Hydroxychloroquine or other treatments or were they denied him because of leftist politicians practicing medicine of hate? Knowing that the China Virus kills blacks disproportionately, the left, in their continued hatred of black people, ban helpful treatments to harm Trump and black people.

Oops. Had the Flu!
nahhh..... trump team made everyone at the rally, sign a waiver.... Trump campaign cant be sued if you caught the virus at his rally.... :(
There is zero evidence that Herman Cain was infected with the virus at the Trump rally.
He could have gotten it from a coworker, checker at the grocery store, next door neighbor, etc. ... :cool:

There is zero evidence that he was not infected at the JUNE 20, 2020 TULSA TRUMP RALLY. Its literally been just 40 days since that Rally. It was the largest event that Herman Cain had been at in the past two months. The larger event with people, the higher the probability of infection with Covid-19.
RIP. Would have been a good president

Fuck That Fuck Wad Asshole.

Cain is dead, big fucking deal.

He got what he fucking deserved for not wearing a mask.

Just Remember the disrespect heaped on John Lewis when he died.

Fuck Cain. Fucking Asshole.

And here comes the DEMOCRAT CLASS ACTS... ^ ^ ^

Pretty much why I say... DEMOCRATS ARE THE PARTY OF TRASH.
nahhh..... trump team made everyone at the rally, sign a waiver.... Trump campaign cant be sued if you caught the virus at his rally.... :(
There is zero evidence that Herman Cain was infected with the virus at the Trump rally.
He could have gotten it from a coworker, checker at the grocery store, next door neighbor, etc. ... :cool:

There is zero evidence that he was not infected at the JUNE 20, 2020 TULSA TRUMP RALLY. Its literally been just 40 days since that Rally. It was the largest event that Herman Cain had been at in the past two months. The larger event with people, the higher the probability of infection with Covid-19.

As there is zero evidence to the contrary as well, your speculation is only that.

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