Herman Cain: The Goal Of Liberals Is To Economically Destroy The United States

List your top 5 fav things about Cain... Direct Policy only, not "I want small Government" but how he wants to get Small Government.

I am so wondering if you can do this.

Now tell me again how badly you want Cain to be President.

Crawl back under your bridge troll. I have no intention of answering any of your I hate everyone because Paul is losing questions.

When your done crying about me not answering your question don't forget to wipe with a tissue.
Yeah, because you come to a political debate forum to avoid answering political questions.

Fucking idiot.

The only idiot is you for injecting yourself into an ongoing feud between a troll and myself. Of course I'm not going to answer HIS strategic let me fuck you over again questions.

Let me harass you for weeks on end and see how you respond.... Dipshit
List your top 5 fav things about Cain... Direct Policy only, not "I want small Government" but how he wants to get Small Government.

I am so wondering if you can do this.

Now tell me again how badly you want Cain to be President.

Crawl back under your bridge troll. I have no intention of answering any of your I hate everyone because Paul is losing questions.

When your done crying about me not answering your question don't forget to wipe with a tissue.
Yeah, because you come to a political debate forum to avoid answering political questions.

Fucking idiot.

Thank you.

It's weird to get told off every time I ask Gramps why he likes someone, what policies he agree with and why he might not like someone or their policies. I get called a Troll, over and over.

Thing is Gramps seems like a hard working guy from what I know, owns his own business and all that and again, that's what I think I know of him. I never understand why he goes out of his way to pick a fight with me by attacking RP by calling Pail names, never attacking direct policy making the debate go round and round.
Crawl back under your bridge troll. I have no intention of answering any of your I hate everyone because Paul is losing questions.

When your done crying about me not answering your question don't forget to wipe with a tissue.
Yeah, because you come to a political debate forum to avoid answering political questions.

Fucking idiot.

Thank you.

It's weird to get told off every time I ask Gramps why he likes someone, what policies he agree with and why he might not like someone or their policies. I get called a Troll, over and over.

Thing is Gramps seems like a hard working guy from what I know, owns his own business and all that and again, that's what I think I know of him. I never understand why he goes out of his way to pick a fight with me by attacking RP by calling Pail names, never attacking direct policy making the debate go round and round.

I see you ignored the reason. Now you are dragging others under your bridge with you. So here's a little reminder bitch.

ed Paul wacky or stated that I hate him. I've always stated that I think he is out of touch. You have consistently put words in my mouth. Flat out lied about me. Called me a big spender, a liberal or any other number of obsurd things. Then you have the nerve to demand answers from me. Your either really stupid or just a troll with a selective memory. If you even bothered to read through my 9-9-9 thread you would see my position is not a hard support position but rather a position that the plan needs work but is a good starting point. Problem is you read but don't comprehend it. Why the fuck should I answer any of your questions just for you to yet again misrepresent them again in the future? Your a hack idiot. I've had you on ignore for quite some time, but I occasionally check in to see if your posts reflect truth or just more slander. It never changes.

Your as bad as TruthMatters when it comes to twisting shit around to suit your needs.

Fuck off troll __________________
Crawl back under your bridge troll. I have no intention of answering any of your I hate everyone because Paul is losing questions.

When your done crying about me not answering your question don't forget to wipe with a tissue.
Yeah, because you come to a political debate forum to avoid answering political questions.

Fucking idiot.

Thank you.

It's weird to get told off every time I ask Gramps why he likes someone, what policies he agree with and why he might not like someone or their policies. I get called a Troll, over and over.

Thing is Gramps seems like a hard working guy from what I know, owns his own business and all that and again, that's what I think I know of him. I never understand why he goes out of his way to pick a fight with me by attacking RP by calling Pail names, never attacking direct policy making the debate go round and round.
If he really, truly is a business owner, he should watch this:

msnbc.com Video Player

If he actually cares about his business, he will not turn it off because he doesn't like the messenger. He will watch it, because O'Donnell points out some gaping holes in 999, for the business community.

999 is a business killer and a jobs killer.
Crawl back under your bridge troll. I have no intention of answering any of your I hate everyone because Paul is losing questions.

When your done crying about me not answering your question don't forget to wipe with a tissue.
Yeah, because you come to a political debate forum to avoid answering political questions.

Fucking idiot.

The only idiot is you for injecting yourself into an ongoing feud between a troll and myself. Of course I'm not going to answer HIS strategic let me fuck you over again questions.

Let me harass you for weeks on end and see how you respond.... Dipshit

Dude, what is "strategic" about asking for 5 positions you like about Cain and asking any positions you don't like about Paul based on their policies? I can't get to know you, understand you or truly respect your position when you just freak out and try and make me sound like I'm a "cry baby" as if you know anything about me in real life... I try and imagine you talking to me the way you do in person and honestly I can't imagine you going through with it.

I don’t even ask hard questions.

As I have said before, if people want to know Ron Paul’s position on something he gives a lecture, a speech and writes a book about it… If someone wants to know Cain’s position he says he would have an advisor or ask his generals… Do I really need to say any more?
Everyone should take a look at this whole article, also. I didn't grab the wealthy family part:

The 9-9-9 plan for an average household, and for a wealthy one

Before we get to the details, here’s the bottom line: Cain’s plan would increase the family’s tax bill by thousands of dollars.

Now, the details. Let’s start with the calculations for the current system. If you take the employer and employee side of the payroll tax, payroll taxes come to 15.3 percent of our hypothetical family’s $50,000 income.Final bill? $7,650 in payroll taxes. But that’s almost all they’re going to pay in federal taxes.

When it comes time to fill out their federal income taxes, they take the standard deduction ($11,400), plus four personal exemptions ($3,650 each), plus two child-tax credits ($1,000 each), which leaves them paying $766 in federal-income taxes.

Total tax bill? $8,416.

Cain’s plan, by contrast, acts like a 27 percent payroll tax with basically no exemptions. To understand why that is, read my earlier post, or, if you really want the details, see Kleinbard’s full analysis. So here, too, the calculation is fairly straightforward: $50,000 x 27% = $13,500.

And that leaves us with simple subtraction. $13,500 - $8,416 = $5,084. That’s how much more a family of four with $50,000 in income and a very simple tax return would pay under Cain’s 9-9-9 plan.
Yeah, because you come to a political debate forum to avoid answering political questions.

Fucking idiot.

Thank you.

It's weird to get told off every time I ask Gramps why he likes someone, what policies he agree with and why he might not like someone or their policies. I get called a Troll, over and over.

Thing is Gramps seems like a hard working guy from what I know, owns his own business and all that and again, that's what I think I know of him. I never understand why he goes out of his way to pick a fight with me by attacking RP by calling Pail names, never attacking direct policy making the debate go round and round.
If he really, truly is a business owner, he should watch this:

msnbc.com Video Player

If he actually cares about his business, he will not turn it off because he doesn't like the messenger. He will watch it, because O'Donnell points out some gaping holes in 999, for the business community.

999 is a business killer and a jobs killer.

I agree, and Cain literally can't add btw. It's a-fucking-mazing to watch him not understand 1+1 = 2 or in this case 9+8 = 17... He goes on a tangent about "hidden taxes" as if the 999 tax would not apply to every fucking person over and over and over... If anything his tax FUCKS a business owner in a sate with sales tax.
Yeah, because you come to a political debate forum to avoid answering political questions.

Fucking idiot.

The only idiot is you for injecting yourself into an ongoing feud between a troll and myself. Of course I'm not going to answer HIS strategic let me fuck you over again questions.

Let me harass you for weeks on end and see how you respond.... Dipshit

Dude, what is "strategic" about asking for 5 positions you like about Cain and asking any positions you don't like about Paul based on their policies? I can't get to know you, understand you or truly respect your position when you just freak out and try and make me sound like I'm a "cry baby" as if you know anything about me in real life... I try and imagine you talking to me the way you do in person and honestly I can't imagine you going through with it.

I don’t even ask hard questions.

As I have said before, if people want to know Ron Paul’s position on something he gives a lecture, a speech and writes a book about it… If someone wants to know Cain’s position he says he would have an advisor or ask his generals… Do I really need to say any more?

Are you really this stupid? Or do you think I am?

You don't ask me questions because you want to hear my opinion or debate me. Your history with me is very clear. You take my words and twist them into liberal ideals or just outright make shit up.

Now if you perceived someone else doing that to you would you interact with that person in what you know won't be an honest debate? Hell no, so don't expect any less than that from someone else.

And as far as me attacking you... You might want to reread the threads that you and I interact in. You ALWAYS start off any conversation. And you usually do it with an insult or backhanded jab. Always. So now I just rant on you. Don't like it? Don't engage me.

Bottom line is I have no respect for you so I will not engage you in earnest debate. It's that simple.
Last edited:
Thank you.

It's weird to get told off every time I ask Gramps why he likes someone, what policies he agree with and why he might not like someone or their policies. I get called a Troll, over and over.

Thing is Gramps seems like a hard working guy from what I know, owns his own business and all that and again, that's what I think I know of him. I never understand why he goes out of his way to pick a fight with me by attacking RP by calling Pail names, never attacking direct policy making the debate go round and round.
If he really, truly is a business owner, he should watch this:

msnbc.com Video Player

If he actually cares about his business, he will not turn it off because he doesn't like the messenger. He will watch it, because O'Donnell points out some gaping holes in 999, for the business community.

999 is a business killer and a jobs killer.

I agree, and Cain literally can't add btw. It's a-fucking-mazing to watch him not understand 1+1 = 2 or in this case 9+8 = 17... He goes on a tangent about "hidden taxes" as if the 999 tax would not apply to every fucking person over and over and over... If anything his tax FUCKS a business owner in a sate with sales tax.
Did you watch it? At the end, they show a reporter asking Cain a basic question about 999, and he says "I have no idea".

The only idiot is you for injecting yourself into an ongoing feud between a troll and myself. Of course I'm not going to answer HIS strategic let me fuck you over again questions.

Let me harass you for weeks on end and see how you respond.... Dipshit

Dude, what is "strategic" about asking for 5 positions you like about Cain and asking any positions you don't like about Paul based on their policies? I can't get to know you, understand you or truly respect your position when you just freak out and try and make me sound like I'm a "cry baby" as if you know anything about me in real life... I try and imagine you talking to me the way you do in person and honestly I can't imagine you going through with it.

I don’t even ask hard questions.

As I have said before, if people want to know Ron Paul’s position on something he gives a lecture, a speech and writes a book about it… If someone wants to know Cain’s position he says he would have an advisor or ask his generals… Do I really need to say any more?

Are you really this stupid? Or do you think I am?

You don't ask me questions because you want to hear my opinion or debate me. Your history with me is very clear. You take my words and twist them into liberal ideals or just outright make shit up.

Now if you perceived someone else doing that to you would you interact with that person in what you know won't be an honest debate? Hell no, so don't expect any less than that from someone else.

And as far as me attacking you... You might want to reread the threads that you and I interact in. You ALWAYS start off any conversation. And you usually do it with an insult or backhanded jab. Always. So now I just rant on you. Don't like it? Don't engage me.

I think the truth here is you twist everyones words you don't agree with into liberal ideas.... In fact your sig says just that. Or wait, am I twisting your words again? Or could it be that because I don't agree with you oh..ooh... I'm a liberal...

Ok, nm, Gramps you're a fucking idiot lol.
Dude, what is "strategic" about asking for 5 positions you like about Cain and asking any positions you don't like about Paul based on their policies? I can't get to know you, understand you or truly respect your position when you just freak out and try and make me sound like I'm a "cry baby" as if you know anything about me in real life... I try and imagine you talking to me the way you do in person and honestly I can't imagine you going through with it.

I don’t even ask hard questions.

As I have said before, if people want to know Ron Paul’s position on something he gives a lecture, a speech and writes a book about it… If someone wants to know Cain’s position he says he would have an advisor or ask his generals… Do I really need to say any more?

Are you really this stupid? Or do you think I am?

You don't ask me questions because you want to hear my opinion or debate me. Your history with me is very clear. You take my words and twist them into liberal ideals or just outright make shit up.

Now if you perceived someone else doing that to you would you interact with that person in what you know won't be an honest debate? Hell no, so don't expect any less than that from someone else.

And as far as me attacking you... You might want to reread the threads that you and I interact in. You ALWAYS start off any conversation. And you usually do it with an insult or backhanded jab. Always. So now I just rant on you. Don't like it? Don't engage me.

I think the truth here is you twist everyones words you don't agree with into liberal ideas.... In fact your sig says just that. Or wait, am I twisting your words again? Or could it be that because I don't agree with you oh..ooh... I'm a liberal...

Ok, nm, Gramps you're a fucking idiot lol.

My Sig is just like you.

It's a joke, a punchline. Nothing more.
What else do you expect the prospective leader of capitalism to say about his prime enemy?

Remember folks ALL politicians lie and their right to lie are even protected by law.

Sheesh, I had some hopes of America waking up, but I guess not.
leader of capitalism ???whats wrong with that ?? are you a communist ??
Are you really this stupid? Or do you think I am?

You don't ask me questions because you want to hear my opinion or debate me. Your history with me is very clear. You take my words and twist them into liberal ideals or just outright make shit up.

Now if you perceived someone else doing that to you would you interact with that person in what you know won't be an honest debate? Hell no, so don't expect any less than that from someone else.

And as far as me attacking you... You might want to reread the threads that you and I interact in. You ALWAYS start off any conversation. And you usually do it with an insult or backhanded jab. Always. So now I just rant on you. Don't like it? Don't engage me.

I think the truth here is you twist everyones words you don't agree with into liberal ideas.... In fact your sig says just that. Or wait, am I twisting your words again? Or could it be that because I don't agree with you oh..ooh... I'm a liberal...

Ok, nm, Gramps you're a fucking idiot lol.

My Sig is just like you.

It's a joke, a punchline. Nothing more.

See now that is deep Gramps.

Much deeper than say, your understanding of any of the policies you support Cain on, or should I say the only policy you even know and support that Cain has... But still don’t know anything about...
What else do you expect the prospective leader of capitalism to say about his prime enemy?

Remember folks ALL politicians lie and their right to lie are even protected by law.

Sheesh, I had some hopes of America waking up, but I guess not.
leader of capitalism ???whats wrong with that ?? are you a communist ??

Proves Cains point quite nicely!
Cain has no chance, which is why the smart money is going to Romney, with lesser amounts to Perry.

Romney is the GOP's only realistic chance of beating Obama - but they don't get it yet.
you don't like Cain because his black !!......RACIST !!
He signed his political death warrant today. He won't win the nomination, he won't get the VP nod.
9% unemployment and 20% underemployment is the death warrant for the entire left !! and the push for higher taxes , and communist shitting on police cars is the only solution you idiots have to fix it !!
I wonder what Cain's goal is.
Romney will be the nominee and I doubt he'll pick Cain as his running mate. It's Romney's turn .. that's how the GOP does things.
I pray you right wing radicals get the GOP to nominate a Michael Savage.

A Herman Cain, Michael Savage or the king him self RUSH...Would make me very happy. Obama would get totally destroyed on national t.v!:lol:

Dream on. Your dogma driven idols would be destroyed by Obama. It all sounds good on the radio, when the host has callers screened and they have a cut off button.

Maybe you missed this, or just forgot...:lol::lol::lol:

Obama Goes To GOP Lions' Den -- And Mauls The Lions
Obama will not debate the GOP candidate !!:eusa_eh:
Romney is the most electable and Chris Christie will be his running mate !!:cool:!!.....................................And you can quote me on that !!
I wonder what Cain's goal is.
Romney will be the nominee and I doubt he'll pick Cain as his running mate. It's Romney's turn .. that's how the GOP does things.

I dono about that... I know I sound slike a fanboy but I really believe Ron Paul might scoop this up. As Cain fades, Perry fades they will be looking for another over Mitt, that does not mean it will be Paul but I feel it opens that box wider than it has ever been before.

We'll all see how it goes down no matter what anyone want's, that is reality.

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