Herman Cain: The Goal Of Liberals Is To Economically Destroy The United States

He signed his political death warrant today. He won't win the nomination, he won't get the VP nod.

With Cain the left is going to get close to the full power of the right. He will speak the truth for what we believe it...He will bring in true change and remove Obama from office. We're sick and tired of putting up moderates that screw us over like Bush. Time for someone that speaks the words of the true right.:evil:

Real change is coming. I promise you!

I pray you right wing radicals get the GOP to nominate a Michael Savage type.
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Oh and try and do it without googling Cain or looking up his site to find if he even has 5 positions on important issues...
He signed his political death warrant today. He won't win the nomination, he won't get the VP nod.

With Cain the left is going to get close to the full power of the right. He will speak the truth for what we believe it...He will bring in true change and remove Obama from office. We're sick and tired of putting up moderates that screw us over like Bush. Time for someone that speaks the words of the true right.:evil:

Real change is coming. I promise you!

I pray you right wing radicals get the GOP to nominate a Michael Savage.

A Herman Cain, Michael Savage or the king him self RUSH...Would make me very happy. Obama would get totally destroyed on national t.v!:lol:
Well, there goes your latest installment as a leading Tea Party backed conservative. You all really know how to pick’em.

Cain isn't going anywhere. He won't shut up and he will likely drag his claws into the left now until the election. Only Savage(My personal favorite), I believe would do better. He would do better because he would scream Obama down into a spot of his piss on the ground. Cain will use facts and knife Obama into the ground with his words. Either way Obama is going to look like a joke...

Cain being a hard core--- won't work with the democrats like Reagan, Bush's did. No, he will the first day start burning that red tape up. He will drill everywhere for oil and mine for coal. Herman Cain will bomb Iran within a month of being in office and have a electric fence across our borders. If you think he won't than you will learn.

Cain will laugh at the elite republicans...I wish it was Savage, because he would scream them down. But Cain is good enough.

It's going to be a lot of fun. You leftist have very few people that can handle a Cain...In none of them are within the race. :eek:

:lol: lol you are TRULY a Loony Tune :cuckoo:
He signed his political death warrant today. He won't win the nomination, he won't get the VP nod.

I think its funny that the left is now relegated to trying to pick our winners and losers because they have nothing and no one of their own worthy of equal attention.

Great times....

List your top 5 fav things about Cain... Direct Policy only, not "I want small Government" but how he wants to get Small Government.

I am so wondering if you can do this.

Now tell me again how badly you want Cain to be President.

Crawl back under your bridge troll. I have no intention of answering any of your I hate everyone because Paul is losing questions.

When your done crying about me not answering your question don't forget to wipe with a tissue.
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I think its funny that the left is now relegated to trying to pick our winners and losers because they have nothing and no one of their own worthy of equal attention.

Great times....

List your top 5 fav things about Cain... Direct Policy only, not "I want small Government" but how he wants to get Small Government.

I am so wondering if you can do this.

Now tell me again how badly you want Cain to be President.

Crawl back under your bridge troll. I have no intention of answering any of you I hate everyone because Paul is losing questions.

When your done crying about me not answering your question don't forget to wipe with a tissue.

LOL, soooo what you're saying is you can't list 5 simply "bold" stances Cain has nor just positions in General?

Gramps, this is where you lose me, and again I don't think you're a bad guy so hear me out.

In the case of Ron Paul (because you love to rip on this guy) you Claim he is "crazy/wacky" and I believe you have said Paul is even "dangerous." Yet when asked repeatedly for reasons or that is to say proof you have literally come up with zero reasons as to why you believe what you do... Yes you make fun of his eyebrows, you have lied and claimed he wants Iran to get nukes or claimed Paul is an isolationist (apparently you don’t know the definition of the word).... But nothing “real.”

But here is what gets me because I don’t care that you don't like RP or even hate him or whatever.... Really I just don’t care, like when Swallow calls me a “homo faggot fuck.”

It's this...

Gramps, then you turn around and defend Cain, you near demand people respect him or call them/us out as "loony lefties" but then when asked about Cain’s positions you LITERALLY can't name any other position than 999... Then if questioned about 999 you LITERALLY can't defend it on your won, you have even stated "I don’t know if it's good or bad."

How can you come to the table in a debate and want to be taken seriously. You hate someone near feverously but LITERALLY don’t know why and then you adore someone near feverously and once again LITERALLY don't know why.
He signed his political death warrant today. He won't win the nomination, he won't get the VP nod.

With Cain the left is going to get close to the full power of the right. He will speak the truth for what we believe it...He will bring in true change and remove Obama from office. We're sick and tired of putting up moderates that screw us over like Bush. Time for someone that speaks the words of the true right.:evil:

Real change is coming. I promise you!

And it's so obvious that the left fears him, Cain is taking away white and black votes from O"Hitler and They Don't Like It !!!
List your top 5 fav things about Cain... Direct Policy only, not "I want small Government" but how he wants to get Small Government.

I am so wondering if you can do this.

Now tell me again how badly you want Cain to be President.

Crawl back under your bridge troll. I have no intention of answering any of you I hate everyone because Paul is losing questions.

When your done crying about me not answering your question don't forget to wipe with a tissue.

LOL, soooo what you're saying is you can't list 5 simply "bold" stances Cain has nor just positions in General?

Gramps, this is where you lose me, and again I don't think you're a bad guy so hear me out.

In the case of Ron Paul (because you love to rip on this guy) you Claim he is "crazy/wacky" and I believe you have said Paul is even "dangerous." Yet when asked repeatedly for reasons or that is to say proof you have literally come up with zero reasons as to why you believe what you do... Yes you make fun of his eyebrows, you have lied and claimed he wants Iran to get nukes or claimed Paul is an isolationist (apparently you don’t know the definition of the word).... But nothing “real.”

But here is what gets me because I don’t care that you don't like RP or even hate him or whatever.... Really I just don’t care, like when Swallow calls me a “homo faggot fuck.”

It's this...

Gramps, then you turn around and defend Cain, you near demand people respect him or call them/us out as "loony lefties" but then when asked about Cain’s positions you LITERALLY can't name any other position than 999... Then if questioned about 999 you LITERALLY can't defend it on your won, you have even stated "I don’t know if it's good or bad."

How can you come to the table in a debate and want to be taken seriously. You hate someone near feverously but LITERALLY don’t know why and then you adore someone near feverously and once again LITERALLY don't know why.

That's a lot of tears. I hope they don't dehydrate me cause they sure taste good.
Cain will do

1# Fence our whole border---likely electric fence
-place troops on our border with real bullets
2# Cut the corporate tax to 9 percent
3# He will likely go after the EPA hard and cut the crap out of the red tape
-drill for oil
-mine for coal
-build nuclear
4# go after Iran
5# Make our nation respected in this world once again
6# Cut leftist programs
7# Cut the deficit for reals
Likely a lot more

Hows that?
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msnbc.com Video Player

Here is Cain not even understanding how a sales tax of 8% in a state now combined with his new sales tax of 9% makes sales taxes 17%... He doesn’t get it because he is a FUCKING MORON.
It’s really fucking simple… If you didn’t pay federal sales before but you paid 8% in your state, them 999 comes along now sales tax is 17%... It ain’t fucking rocket science..
With Cain the left is going to get close to the full power of the right. He will speak the truth for what we believe it...He will bring in true change and remove Obama from office. We're sick and tired of putting up moderates that screw us over like Bush. Time for someone that speaks the words of the true right.:evil:

Real change is coming. I promise you!

I pray you right wing radicals get the GOP to nominate a Michael Savage.

A Herman Cain, Michael Savage or the king him self RUSH...Would make me very happy. Obama would get totally destroyed on national t.v!:lol:

Dream on. Your dogma driven idols would be destroyed by Obama. It all sounds good on the radio, when the host has callers screened and they have a cut off button.

Maybe you missed this, or just forgot...:lol::lol::lol:

Obama Goes To GOP Lions' Den -- And Mauls The Lions
He signed his political death warrant today. He won't win the nomination, he won't get the VP nod.

With Cain the left is going to get close to the full power of the right. He will speak the truth for what we believe it...He will bring in true change and remove Obama from office. We're sick and tired of putting up moderates that screw us over like Bush. Time for someone that speaks the words of the true right.:evil:

Real change is coming. I promise you!

And it's so obvious that the left fears him, Cain is taking away white and black votes from O"Hitler and They Don't Like It !!!

A huge amount on the right or "conservatives" are scared of Cain and it ain't because of the color of his skin.
Cain will do

1# Fence our whole border---likely electric fence
-place troops on our border with real bullets
2# Cut the corporate tax to 9 percent
3# He will likely go after the EPA hard and cut the crap out of the red tape
-drill for oil
-mine for coal
-build nuclear
4# go after Iran
5# Make our nation respected in this world once again
6# Cut leftist programs
7# Cut the deficit for reals
Likely a lot more

Hows that?

HOW do we pay for this?
Cain will do

1# Fence our whole border---likely electric fence
-place troops on our border with real bullets
2# Cut the corporate tax to 9 percent
3# He will likely go after the EPA hard and cut the crap out of the red tape
-drill for oil
-mine for coal
-build nuclear
4# go after Iran
5# Make our nation respected in this world once again
6# Cut leftist programs
7# Cut the deficit for reals
Likely a lot more

Hows that?

Wow, that's not fucking vague or anything... Really "cut leftist programs?" Do you have any idea what programs or how?

What does that mean, go after Iran, how... why... and where is the constitution gonna help that position in this Herman Cain crusade?
Do you even know any of that list or is it assumed?
Next I have to wonder, can that list be applied to near every person on the Republican stage right now? Or maybe some take a “make the deficit bigger” position…

HOW will Cain cut the deficit when he won’t cut military or tell you want programs he wants to cut… Oh and when 999 looses something like 200,000,000,000 BILLION in revenue as it’s not “revenue neutral” as everyone that runs the numbers are finding out… Or is everyone else wrong and HC is just smarter than the rest of the world?
with Cain our new Reagan, it will be a good week to watch Gay Thighs Matthews and his Boyfriend BlubberMouth Schultz. I can't wait to see what they will do this week, Matthews is obsessed with Romney being a Mormon(yah? so?,,,,uhmm,,,Obama supports the Black Panthers} and now they are picking on Cain only because he's black. No wonder they only get 700,000 viewers out of 300 Million People! and one in ten viewers is a sleeping pet.
By the way I've never called Paul wacky or stated that I hate him. I've always stated that I think he is out of touch. You have consistently put words in my mouth. Flat out lied about me. Called me a big spender, a liberal or any other number of obsurd things. Then you have the nerve to demand answers from me.
Your either really stupid or just a troll with a selective memory.
If you even bothered to read through my 9-9-9 thread you would see my position is not a hard support position but rather a position that the plan needs work but is a good starting point. Problem is you read but don't comprehend it. Why the fuck should I answer any of your questions just for you to yet again misrepresent them again in the future?
Your a hack idiot. I've had you on ignore for quite some time, but I occasionally check in to see if your posts reflect truth or just more slander. It never changes.

Your as bad as TruthMatters when it comes to twisting shit around to suit your needs.

Fuck off troll
One way or another he is leading the field and is likely heading for the win. I doubt Perry, Newt, ect has much of a chance. Who's winning, Cain is!!!

Like Skookerbil says in the environmental forum...All that matters is winning!
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with Cain our new Reagan, it will be a good week to watch Gay Thighs Matthews and his Boyfriend BlubberMouth Schultz. I can't wait to see what they will do this week, Matthews is obsessed with Romney being a Mormon(yah? so?,,,,uhmm,,,Obama supports the Black Panthers} and now they are picking on Cain only because he's black. No wonder they only get 700,000 viewers out of 300 Million People! and one in ten viewers is a sleeping pet.

Cain is Reagan now?


Yeah, Cain is done.
He signed his political death warrant today. He won't win the nomination, he won't get the VP nod.

With Cain the left is going to get close to the full power of the right. He will speak the truth for what we believe it...He will bring in true change and remove Obama from office. We're sick and tired of putting up moderates that screw us over like Bush. Time for someone that speaks the words of the true right.:evil:

Real change is coming. I promise you!
Hey, moron - read this: The 9-9-9 plan for an average household, and for a wealthy one - The Washington Post

Then tell me who is going to vote for Cain.
I think its funny that the left is now relegated to trying to pick our winners and losers because they have nothing and no one of their own worthy of equal attention.

Great times....

List your top 5 fav things about Cain... Direct Policy only, not "I want small Government" but how he wants to get Small Government.

I am so wondering if you can do this.

Now tell me again how badly you want Cain to be President.

Crawl back under your bridge troll. I have no intention of answering any of your I hate everyone because Paul is losing questions.

When your done crying about me not answering your question don't forget to wipe with a tissue.
Yeah, because you come to a political debate forum to avoid answering political questions.

Fucking idiot.

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