Hermin Cain Announces!!!!!!!!!

Instead of "lying", would it not be more polite to say "misinformed"?

It might be polite but then I would be lying. He was not misinformed since I originally referenced the source of my information.

Lying is when you state something you know to be untrue. I think that applies here.

Well, I'd argue that he obviously never read the referenced material and is then, still misinformed. ;)

You're lying.

Captain Kirk: Harry lied to you, Norman. Everything Harry says is a lie. Remember that, Norman. *Everything* he says is a lie.
Harcourt Fenton Mudd: Now I want you to listen to me very carefully, Norman. I'm... lying.
Norman: You say you are lying, but if everything you say is a lie, then you are telling the truth, but you cannot tell the truth because you always lie... illogical! Illogical! Please explain! You are human; only humans can explain! Illogical!
gop just got their black friend...sad

You're the one who just brought up race. What does skin color, ethnicity, have to do with anything?

Hillary ran, McCain needed to find a woman (any woman, even one who believed she could see Russia from her porch); Barrack won, the GOP needs a black candidate (any conservative black man will do).

The issue is not race, it's all about tokenism. The GOP is overwhelmingly white in a nation becoming more diverse each year, to win it needs to change the perception that it is intolerant of Americans of color, the GLBT community, and non-Christian creeds.

Good luck, no one will believe painting a tiger with polka dots will fool anyone.

Let's not forget how the GOP reactively leaped on Michael Steele (did I mention he's black) for RNC chair in the wake of Obama's election...

...Michael Steele, who had, as was ignored at the time, a political stand on the left/right spectrum comparable to Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe,

and yet HE was immediately adopted as another conservative darling...
It might be polite but then I would be lying. He was not misinformed since I originally referenced the source of my information.

Lying is when you state something you know to be untrue. I think that applies here.

Well, I'd argue that he obviously never read the referenced material and is then, still misinformed. ;)

You're lying.

Captain Kirk: Harry lied to you, Norman. Everything Harry says is a lie. Remember that, Norman. *Everything* he says is a lie.
Harcourt Fenton Mudd: Now I want you to listen to me very carefully, Norman. I'm... lying.
Norman: You say you are lying, but if everything you say is a lie, then you are telling the truth, but you cannot tell the truth because you always lie... illogical! Illogical! Please explain! You are human; only humans can explain! Illogical!

But he claimed as fact that I was wrong. If he never read the material, then he could not have known whether I was wrong or not;

I consider it a lie to claim as fact something you do not know as fact, when you know you do not know whether it is a fact.

Looks like Cain is already blowing it...

But this morning on Fox News Sunday, Cain showed just how limited his understanding is of the Middle East peace process. Asked by host Chris Wallace what he would be prepared to offer Palestinians as part of a deal, Cain responded, “Nothing.” Just moments later, Cain was dazed and confused when Wallace referenced the issue of “right of return” of Palestinian refugees:

WALLACE: Where do you stand on the right of return?

CAIN: The right of return? [pause] The right of return?

WALLACE: The Palestinian right of return.

CAIN: That’s something that should be negotiated. That’s something that should be negotiated.

Wallace then helpfully
(There's the good Fox host, trying to tee it up for him) offered Cain a definition of “right of return” — “Palestinian refugees, the people that were kicked out of the land in 1948, should be able to or should have any right to return to Israeli land.” Cain again showed his lack of knowledge, veering completely off his pro-Likud script. “I don’t think they have a big problem with people returning,”

GOP Contender Herman Cain Demonstrates Clueslessness On Middle East Policy, Confused By ‘Right Of Return’

Right of return is a joke. It's like reparations....not gonna happen.

Which is exactly what Netanyahu said:

NETANYAHU: The third reality is that the Palestinian refugee problem will have to be resolved in the context of a Palestinian state, but certainly not in the borders of Israel. … So it’s not going to happen. Everybody knows it’s not going to happen. And I think it’s time to tell the Palestinians forthrightly it’s not going to happen.
Well, I'd argue that he obviously never read the referenced material and is then, still misinformed. ;)

Captain Kirk: Harry lied to you, Norman. Everything Harry says is a lie. Remember that, Norman. *Everything* he says is a lie.
Harcourt Fenton Mudd: Now I want you to listen to me very carefully, Norman. I'm... lying.
Norman: You say you are lying, but if everything you say is a lie, then you are telling the truth, but you cannot tell the truth because you always lie... illogical! Illogical! Please explain! You are human; only humans can explain! Illogical!

But he claimed as fact that I was wrong. If he never read the material, then he could not have known whether I was wrong or not;

I consider it a lie to claim as fact something you do not know as fact, when you know you do not know whether it is a fact.


You're more confused than a termite in a yo yo.
But he claimed as fact that I was wrong. If he never read the material, then he could not have known whether I was wrong or not;

I consider it a lie to claim as fact something you do not know as fact, when you know you do not know whether it is a fact.


:lol: Okay, you win. Screw polite! :D


Maybe xisted will testify in his own defense. :lol:

I'm impolite here to get it out of my system.
Let's say we just treat Cain the same way the Right treated Obama, racially speaking. Will you Cain fans accept that as fair? Seeing how you defended the stuff thrown at Obama,

like the watermelon stuff, the gorilla stuff, the witch doctor stuff, etc., etc.

You managed find reasons to excuse all that and give it a pass, so in fairness, you should give anyone on the left or wherever a pass on anything of the sort they throw at Cain.

You wouldn't want to be hypocrites now, would you?

Go ahead. The racist shit on the right was few and far between but if you feel the urge deep down inside of you to open up your racist side to the world be my guest.

Maybe we can take racist shit that's being said now by the fringe Obamabot left and apply it to all liberals kinda like you seem to want to do with that fringe right back in 2008 and make all conservatives out to be a bunch of racist supporting Nazis.

Once again, don’t hold back, call Cain all the names you know you really want to.

It’s fun watching all this because it’s so clear to see that the fringe left is losing their minds over the fact that the right just is not even a 10th as racist as they try feverishly to make them out to be. Like Rtard does every single day.

The Left is a 1000 times more racist than the Right. They are the ones always talking about race, they are the ones always assuming if something bad was said it was meant to represent a minority race. In their minds the so closely associate inarticulateness, poverty, crime, rage with other races that they can't help but always hear those comments as racist. All others not like them are subhuman and in their eyes can't help themselves.

The history of Jim Crow, KKK, segregation --- Thank the Democrats.
Let's say we just treat Cain the same way the Right treated Obama, racially speaking. Will you Cain fans accept that as fair? Seeing how you defended the stuff thrown at Obama,

like the watermelon stuff, the gorilla stuff, the witch doctor stuff, etc., etc.

You managed find reasons to excuse all that and give it a pass, so in fairness, you should give anyone on the left or wherever a pass on anything of the sort they throw at Cain.

You wouldn't want to be hypocrites now, would you?

Go ahead. The racist shit on the right was few and far between but if you feel the urge deep down inside of you to open up your racist side to the world be my guest.

Maybe we can take racist shit that's being said now by the fringe Obamabot left and apply it to all liberals kinda like you seem to want to do with that fringe right back in 2008 and make all conservatives out to be a bunch of racist supporting Nazis.

Once again, don’t hold back, call Cain all the names you know you really want to.

It’s fun watching all this because it’s so clear to see that the fringe left is losing their minds over the fact that the right just is not even a 10th as racist as they try feverishly to make them out to be. Like Rtard does every single day.

The Left is a 1000 times more racist than the Right. They are the ones always talking about race, they are the ones always assuming if something bad was said it was meant to represent a minority race. In their minds the so closely associate inarticulateness, poverty, crime, rage with other races that they can't help but always hear those comments as racist. All others not like them are subhuman and in their eyes can't help themselves.

The history of Jim Crow, KKK, segregation --- Thank the Democrats.

Oh...Jazzmin...sweetie.. You might do a little research on the "southern democrats". Not at all like the northern ones or the republicans. Lumping them together is ignorant. Yes the "southern democrats" AKA dixie-crats were very racist. You should be more betta informed of which you speak.
Go ahead. The racist shit on the right was few and far between but if you feel the urge deep down inside of you to open up your racist side to the world be my guest.

Maybe we can take racist shit that's being said now by the fringe Obamabot left and apply it to all liberals kinda like you seem to want to do with that fringe right back in 2008 and make all conservatives out to be a bunch of racist supporting Nazis.

Once again, don’t hold back, call Cain all the names you know you really want to.

It’s fun watching all this because it’s so clear to see that the fringe left is losing their minds over the fact that the right just is not even a 10th as racist as they try feverishly to make them out to be. Like Rtard does every single day.

The Left is a 1000 times more racist than the Right. They are the ones always talking about race, they are the ones always assuming if something bad was said it was meant to represent a minority race. In their minds the so closely associate inarticulateness, poverty, crime, rage with other races that they can't help but always hear those comments as racist. All others not like them are subhuman and in their eyes can't help themselves.

The history of Jim Crow, KKK, segregation --- Thank the Democrats.

Oh...Jazzmin...sweetie.. You might do a little research on the "southern democrats". Not at all like the northern ones or the republicans. Lumping them together is ignorant. Yes the "southern democrats" AKA dixie-crats were very racist. You should be more betta informed of which you speak.

Yet the Left lumps together the Tea Party with what one or two racist people (who are probably covert Leftists operatives anyway)? And that isn't ignorant. The Democratic party is one part. It may have had different factions based on geographical locations, but they were all still one party. It is the heritage of today's Democratic party. When will Obama denounce his party's history?
Fighting the Left with their own racist identity politics:
You're the one who just brought up race. What does skin color, ethnicity, have to do with anything?

Hillary ran, McCain needed to find a woman (any woman, even one who believed she could see Russia from her porch); Barrack won, the GOP needs a black candidate (any conservative black man will do).

The issue is not race, it's all about tokenism. The GOP is overwhelmingly white in a nation becoming more diverse each year, to win it needs to change the perception that it is intolerant of Americans of color, the GLBT community, and non-Christian creeds.

Good luck, no one will believe painting a tiger with polka dots will fool anyone.

nailed it. Cain is a vessel and nothing more. As soon as anyone doesnt adhere to their brand of thinking, they get tossed under the bus. See Powell for that. Cain is going after a very select loud section of voters. The thing is they are not enough to win a national election.

Get Real, nobody throws it's own under the bus like the DNC.
Looks like Cain is already blowing it...

But this morning on Fox News Sunday, Cain showed just how limited his understanding is of the Middle East peace process. Asked by host Chris Wallace what he would be prepared to offer Palestinians as part of a deal, Cain responded, “Nothing.” Just moments later, Cain was dazed and confused when Wallace referenced the issue of “right of return” of Palestinian refugees:

WALLACE: Where do you stand on the right of return?

CAIN: The right of return? [pause] The right of return?

WALLACE: The Palestinian right of return.

CAIN: That’s something that should be negotiated. That’s something that should be negotiated.

Wallace then helpfully
(There's the good Fox host, trying to tee it up for him) offered Cain a definition of “right of return” — “Palestinian refugees, the people that were kicked out of the land in 1948, should be able to or should have any right to return to Israeli land.” Cain again showed his lack of knowledge, veering completely off his pro-Likud script. “I don’t think they have a big problem with people returning,”

GOP Contender Herman Cain Demonstrates Clueslessness On Middle East Policy, Confused By ‘Right Of Return’

The Right Of Return is a media phrase for selling out to Hamas. It assumes that Palestinians have the right to return to their homeland. They can return but they never will as long as they continue to murder fellow Palestinians when the go back.

Cain has better things to do then watch the news and learn all of their bogus phrasology.
Once again the left leaves things out to make it sound like Cain knows nothing at about Middle East Process. Seawytch dropped 2 things in order to make it sound like Herman Cain does not know anything about the Middle East.
Herman Cain said that the U.S. should do Nothing about it.In other words stay out of it. That it was up to Israel and the Palestinians. Not the U.S.
Then another thing that Seawytch left out was Cain does not think that the Palestinians are interested in peace.
That the issue should be negotiated between the two and those two only.
He said he doesn't think that Israel has a problem with Palestinians returning. But it is up to them.
This is what the left do all the time, leave things out and in this case she is trying to make Herman Cain
sound like he knows nothing about the issue.
This is just the start of it.
What he said is nowhere near what she just tried to report.
Go to her link and listen to it for yourself.
lol...you are too stupid to even follow what i am talking about. Go back to playing with playdoh ****

Racist Pig.

you dont even understand those words.

I bet you believe the racist line of shit your spew so much that if you had the chance you would be arrogant enough (or man enough) to say what you really think of Cain's appearance on the Republican stage to his face while on national TV.

Ain’t anonymity awesome, you can be a absolute racist bigot low life scum bag and apparently not even realize it.

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