Hermin Cain Announces!!!!!!!!!

I'd love to see a Cain/Rubio ticket with a commitment to make Alan West Secretary of State. That mofo do know how to negotiate.

What is Rubio's record, that he deserves a VP slot? Because he's Hispanic?

Damn - you guys are overcompensating yourself into a tizzy!

Plus, Rubio has no executive experience, which is a requirement of Republicans.

Or is that just for Democrats?
gop just got their black friend...sad

You're the one who just brought up race. What does skin color, ethnicity, have to do with anything?

Hillary ran, McCain needed to find a woman (any woman, even one who believed she could see Russia from her porch); Barrack won, the GOP needs a black candidate (any conservative black man will do).

The issue is not race, it's all about tokenism. The GOP is overwhelmingly white in a nation becoming more diverse each year, to win it needs to change the perception that it is intolerant of Americans of color, the GLBT community, and non-Christian creeds.

Good luck, no one will believe painting a tiger with polka dots will fool anyone.

This is why they have a hard-on for Rubio.
Looks like Cain is already blowing it...

But this morning on Fox News Sunday, Cain showed just how limited his understanding is of the Middle East peace process. Asked by host Chris Wallace what he would be prepared to offer Palestinians as part of a deal, Cain responded, “Nothing.” Just moments later, Cain was dazed and confused when Wallace referenced the issue of “right of return” of Palestinian refugees:

WALLACE: Where do you stand on the right of return?

CAIN: The right of return? [pause] The right of return?

WALLACE: The Palestinian right of return.

CAIN: That’s something that should be negotiated. That’s something that should be negotiated.

Wallace then helpfully
(There's the good Fox host, trying to tee it up for him) offered Cain a definition of “right of return” — “Palestinian refugees, the people that were kicked out of the land in 1948, should be able to or should have any right to return to Israeli land.” Cain again showed his lack of knowledge, veering completely off his pro-Likud script. “I don’t think they have a big problem with people returning,”

GOP Contender Herman Cain Demonstrates Clueslessness On Middle East Policy, Confused By ‘Right Of Return’

Right of return is a joke. It's like reparations....not gonna happen.

Cain is a joke. It's like Palin...not gonna happen.
looks like cain is already blowing it...

but this morning on fox news sunday, cain showed just how limited his understanding is of the middle east peace process. Asked by host chris wallace what he would be prepared to offer palestinians as part of a deal, cain responded, “nothing.” just moments later, cain was dazed and confused when wallace referenced the issue of “right of return” of palestinian refugees:

wallace: Where do you stand on the right of return?

cain: The right of return? [pause] the right of return?

wallace: The palestinian right of return.

cain: That’s something that should be negotiated. That’s something that should be negotiated.

Wallace then helpfully
(there's the good fox host, trying to tee it up for him) offered cain a definition of “right of return” — “palestinian refugees, the people that were kicked out of the land in 1948, should be able to or should have any right to return to israeli land.” cain again showed his lack of knowledge, veering completely off his pro-likud script. “i don’t think they have a big problem with people returning,”

gop contender herman cain demonstrates clueslessness on middle east policy, confused by ‘right of return’

right of return is a joke. It's like reparations....not gonna happen.

cain is a joke. It's like palin...not gonna happen.

to "black" for you ?
Astounding? Well, all the nitwit hyenas (aka credible economists) I've been reading are pretty well agreed on a couple of things I think you might not be considering.

Here's one point of view that is pretty well agreed among all:

The daily numbers don't ever tell the whole story. With interest rates at effectively zero, and real estate losing ground every month, the market is the only place investors have to go. Much of the boom is driven by high oil prices and as those have slowly been coming down, the market has been following. We'll know soon enough how much of the 'rally' has been on oil speculators.

In short, any Obama policies that have affected the market have been largely artificial and short term.


The stimulus and the bailout saved the country from another Great Depression. When an economy is in a deflationary spiral, the government has to be the demand of last resort. Congress and the President realized this and did the right thing.

Likewise, the rescue of GM turned it into a profitable company again.

Obama has done a very good job, and Bush did not.

It helps to have a smart president, my friends.

Bush gave the TARP bailout to Obama so it is obvious that you consider Bush a smart President.

Obama got almost a trillion dollar stimulus fund, promising that unemployment would be below 8%. How is that working out for you?

That's now a classic rightwing myth. You need to turn off your radio.
Probably the smartest man among the current gop field.

Newt is the smartest.

Just check out his education.

I think he's the only candidate with a PHD.

When it came to Obama, the wingnuts said that education didn't matter.

You're all in panic mode! It's fucking hilarious to watch.

mudwhistle is citing Newt's degree? Would that be the same mudwhistle who said this?

I don't see what college has to do with success.

Well, by golly, yes it is!!


USMB's phoniest dumbest fuck comes through again!!!:lol::lol::lol:

The stimulus and the bailout saved the country from another Great Depression. When an economy is in a deflationary spiral, the government has to be the demand of last resort. Congress and the President realized this and did the right thing.

Likewise, the rescue of GM turned it into a profitable company again.

Obama has done a very good job, and Bush did not.

It helps to have a smart president, my friends.

Bush gave the TARP bailout to Obama so it is obvious that you consider Bush a smart President.

Obama got almost a trillion dollar stimulus fund, promising that unemployment would be below 8%. How is that working out for you?

That's now a classic rightwing myth. You need to turn off your radio.

This is the problem with idealogues.
Barack Obama's Stimulus Plan: Failing by Its Own Measure - TIME

Well lookie here...a Harvard professor says Obama stimulus failed. My my.
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Newt is the smartest.

Just check out his education.

I think he's the only candidate with a PHD.

When it came to Obama, the wingnuts said that education didn't matter.

You're all in panic mode! It's fucking hilarious to watch.

mudwhistle is citing Newt's degree? Would that be the same mudwhistle who said this?

I don't see what college has to do with success.

Well, by golly, yes it is!!


USMB's phoniest dumbest fuck comes through again!!!:lol::lol::lol:

Bush gave the TARP bailout to Obama so it is obvious that you consider Bush a smart President.

Obama got almost a trillion dollar stimulus fund, promising that unemployment would be below 8%. How is that working out for you?

That's now a classic rightwing myth. You need to turn off your radio.

This is the problem with idealogues.
Barack Obama's Stimulus Plan: Failing by Its Own Measure - TIME

Well lookie here...a Harvard professor says Obama stimulus failed. My my.
Harvard economist says stimulus was designed to reward Democrat constituencies « Wintery Knight


Stimulating Hypocrisy: 114 Lawmakers Block Recovery While Taking Credit For Its Success

House Of Representatives

House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-OH) Said Stimulus Funds Would Create “Much Needed Jobs.” Minority Leader Boehner: “The stated intent of the so-called stimulus package was to create jobs, and certainly a $57 million slush-fund studying projects did nothing to achieve that goal. With Ohio’s unemployment rate the highest it’s been in 25 years, I’m pleased that federal officials stepped in to order Ohio to use all of its construction dollars for shovel-ready projects that will create much-needed jobs.” [Boehner Statement, 6/15/09]
-Congressman Boehner Voted Against The Recovery Package Twice [Roll Call Vote #46; Roll Call Vote #70]
-Congressman Boehner Regularly Blasts The Stimulus And Instructed His Caucus To Oppose It. [Huffington Post, 1/27/09]
Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-VA) Held A Job Fair Where Nearly Half The 30 Organizations Received Stimulus Funds; Cantor Also Supported Using Stimulus Funds To Build A Washington To Richmond Rail. Washington Post: “For months, Democrats have dubbed U.S. Rep. Eric Cantor of Virginia a hypocrite for strongly opposing the federal stimulus package only to promote aspects of it later. Here’s the latest example: Nearly half of the 30 organizations participating in a job fair Cantor is holding Monday in Culpeper were recipients of the stimulus…In the summer, Cantor came under fire after he talked about his support of using stimulus money to build a rail project from Washington to Richmond.” [Washington Post Virginia Blog, 11/18/09]
- Congressman Eric Cantor Voted Against The Recovery Package Twice [Roll Call Vote #46; Roll Call Vote #70]
Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) Took Credit For $35 Million In Stimulus Highway Funds. According to ThinkProgress, McMorris Rodgers released a statement taking credit for $35 million dollars in stimulus highway money. The House GOP website featured the McMorris Rodgers release on the one year anniversary of the stimulus. [TP, 2/18/10]
- Congresswoman McMorris Rodgers Voted Against The Recovery Package Twice [Roll Call Vote #46; Roll Call Vote #70]
Rep. Jack Kingston (R-GA) Issued Pres Releases Bragging About Bringing Stimulus Jobs To His District. On July 28th, Kingston’s press office fired off two releases bragging about a $106,901 grant for the Alma Police Department and a $138,286 grant for the Jesup Police Department in Georgia. These grants, distributed by the Department of Justice for the “hiring of new police officers, to combat violence against women, and to fight Internet crimes against children,” were fully-funded by President Obama’s Recovery Act. [Think Progress, 8/4/09]
- Congressman Kingston Voted Against The Recovery Package Twice [Roll Call Vote #46; Roll Call Vote #70]
Rep. Elton Gallegly (R-CA) Claimed Credit For Stimulus Grants In His District. According to the Ventura County Star, “another $8 million in federal money could be flowing into Ventura County through the new federal stimulus package and a separate spending bill that cleared the House this week. Rep. Elton Gallegly, R-Simi Valley, announced Thursday that Thousand Oaks will get $182,881 in community development block grants through the stimulus package and that Camarillo will receive $96,075.” [Ventura County Star, 2/27/09]
- Congressman Gallegly Voted Against The Recovery Package Twice [Roll Call Vote #46; Roll Call Vote #70]
Rep. Steve King (R-IA) Claimed Credit For Highway Stimulus Funds He Voted Against. The Iowa blog Bleeding Heartland reported: “King’s office issued an upbeat statement about $570,000 included in the economic stimulus bill that will go toward widening U.S. Highway 20 in a rural area of northwest Iowa. Of course, the statement did not mention that King voted against the stimulus. Nor did the brief news item in the Sioux City Journal.” [Bleeding Heartland, 3/14/09]
- Congressman King Voted Against The Recovery Package Twice [Roll Call Vote #46; Roll Call Vote #70]

The rest of the list is at the link.

Now sit down and shut the fuck up.
Bush gave the TARP bailout to Obama so it is obvious that you consider Bush a smart President.

Obama got almost a trillion dollar stimulus fund, promising that unemployment would be below 8%. How is that working out for you?

That's now a classic rightwing myth. You need to turn off your radio.

This is the problem with idealogues.
Barack Obama's Stimulus Plan: Failing by Its Own Measure - TIME

Well lookie here...a Harvard professor says Obama stimulus failed. My my.
Harvard economist says stimulus was designed to reward Democrat constituencies « Wintery Knight

There was never a promise by Obama or anyone else in the administration that the stimulus would produce 8% UE. This has been debunked many a time.
That's now a classic rightwing myth. You need to turn off your radio.

This is the problem with idealogues.
Barack Obama's Stimulus Plan: Failing by Its Own Measure - TIME

Well lookie here...a Harvard professor says Obama stimulus failed. My my.
Harvard economist says stimulus was designed to reward Democrat constituencies « Wintery Knight

There was never a promise by Obama or anyone else in the administration that the stimulus would produce 8% UE. This has been debunked many a time.

Indeed: It has been the promise of Obama that no matter how high UE ever got, he would take credit for it not being higher.

What a Guy!!!:razz:

There was never a promise by Obama or anyone else in the administration that the stimulus would produce 8% UE. This has been debunked many a time.

Indeed: It has been the promise of Obama that no matter how high UE ever got, he would take credit for it not being higher.

What a Guy!!!:razz:

But of course, ain't NOTHING the fault of the boyking. all them trillions he put in dept for was just for fun and games. NOT SHOVEL READY JOBS..
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There was never a promise by Obama or anyone else in the administration that the stimulus would produce 8% UE. This has been debunked many a time.

Indeed: It has been the promise of Obama that no matter how high UE ever got, he would take credit for it not being higher.

What a Guy!!!:razz:

But of course, ain't NOTHING the fault of the boyking. all them trillions he put in dept for was just for fun and games. NOT SHOVEL READY JOBS..

Indeed: It has been the promise of Obama that no matter how high UE ever got, he would take credit for it not being higher.

What a Guy!!!:razz:

But of course, ain't NOTHING the fault of the boyking. all them trillions he put in dept for was just for fun and games. NOT SHOVEL READY JOBS..


AH, so now you are a moderator too? tough shit little one. :lol:
A successful Businessman who leans Conservative? I like him. If he wins the GOP Nomination i'll vote for him. Can't be any worse than what we have now.
A successful Businessman who leans Conservative? I like him. If he wins the GOP Nomination i'll vote for him. Can't be any worse than what we have now.

What, are you fucking SENILE??? You've already said that twice!

Ran his own Business,Conservative beliefs? Sounds pretty good to me. Probably exactly what this country needs right now. I'll have to study up on him some more though.

I'm ok with voting for a successful Businessman with Conservative beliefs. Cain has real life-experience in running Businesses,unlike most who are running the country right now. If he wins the GOP Nomination,i'll vote for him.

You're obviously only good for one thought per thread. :lol:
Herman Cain & Gingrich, or Gingrich & Herman Cain is definitely OK w/me.

America needs them ......... desperately.

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