Hermin Cain Announces!!!!!!!!!

I hope he provides a birth certificate......otherwise Trump will be mad at him

I bet he has it locked and loaded and ready to show anybody who wants to see it. I bet ALL the candidates, from ALL parties, have their birth certificates ready to go.

Since NOW its an issue. Never before but for some reason, now its a thing. Once again, this is the first time something happens under this administration...

Funny huh.

I have serious doubts about Cain and I just can't take his word for it. I will assume he was not born here until he proves otherwise
I bet he has it locked and loaded and ready to show anybody who wants to see it. I bet ALL the candidates, from ALL parties, have their birth certificates ready to go.

Since NOW its an issue. Never before but for some reason, now its a thing. Once again, this is the first time something happens under this administration...

Funny huh.

I have serious doubts about Cain and I just can't take his word for it. I will assume he was not born here until he proves otherwise


Keep watching Maher: I'm sure your material will get better.
Since NOW its an issue. Never before but for some reason, now its a thing. Once again, this is the first time something happens under this administration...

Funny huh.

I have serious doubts about Cain and I just can't take his word for it. I will assume he was not born here until he proves otherwise


Keep watching Maher: I'm sure your material will get better.

It is crucial that "Real" Americans are sure that their president was, in fact, born in this country

Time for Cain to stop ducking and produce his long form

Your thoughts?

Pretty much the same as yours:

If you liked the "gift" we gave you on Nov 2, 2010, just wait for the "gift" we give you on election day next year.

Then you have an odd way of thinking what a gift is.
my son is a gift. My health is a gift. Nov 2010 was just another day watching you tards fight it out.mark my words it will flip again and the left will be saying exactly what you just did. Oh wait they did in 08. They said they had a mandate and spoke for the people just like you are...


I have serious doubts about Cain and I just can't take his word for it. I will assume he was not born here until he proves otherwise


Keep watching Maher: I'm sure your material will get better.

It is crucial that "Real" Americans are sure that their president was, in fact, born in this country

Time for Cain to stop ducking and produce his long form


Repeating it doesn't make it any less lame.
nailed it. Cain is a vessel and nothing more. As soon as anyone doesnt adhere to their brand of thinking, they get tossed under the bus. See Powell for that. Cain is going after a very select loud section of voters. The thing is they are not enough to win a national election.

Cain has the right common sense answers to the problems we are facing, and the right approach of following the will of the people. He is being himself, and that is what resonates so well with common sense Americans.

And I thought Obama was the one who is the "black puppet" or "black Mascot". At least according to some Leftist Black leaders.

So if you replace like so, you might be onto something:
"Obama is a vessel and nothing more. As soon as anyone doesnt adhere to their brand of thinking, they get tossed under the bus."
How many conservatives want to see Cain's birth certificate?

I don't, but I assure you he wouldn't take over 2 years to produce it.

Who'd it take that long to produce theirs? If you're reffering to the President.. well, you're wrong. He produced it a long time ago, it just wasn't enough for dumbazz birfers. And now, apparently, the long-form isn't either.. to the after-birfers. :cuckoo:
At this point, gut level, I fear that Romney is going to be the nominee by default as the vote is split among everybody else. That is how McCain got in. And I think the electorate will be just as unenthused about voting for Romney as they were Mc Cain.

At least Herman Cain at this point does not generate those kinds of feelings for me. One of the points he made was that everybody else we've elected lately has had political experience. And how is that working out for us?

Unless something comes up that I don't see now, I wouldn't have to hold my nose to vote for Cain.

I met and supported Herman Cain when he ran his unsuccessful race for the Senate. I have given him my support and a few bucks in his hopefully successful run for the Presidency.
I will ask it again. Do you really think the racist Tea Baggers can vote for a black man?
You think the racist Tea Baggers can vote for a black man?

It would be interesting to see how blacks would vote given 2 black candidates.

I'm a TEA party supporter I have no problem voting for a black, a Hispanic, an oriental or an Arab, as long as his values are reasonably close to mine. I do have a problem voting for a lying sack of shit socialist, no matter what color his skin.

Why do you insist on calling people tea baggers? Are you homophobic? Or just a faggot?

My apologies to the rational gays and lesbians here.

Nope, not a racist bone in your body! This is Archie Bunker, right?
Cain doesnt have common sense answers. He is saying what you already agree with.

Exactly "you" the common people, hence common sense. The will of the people: the majority of the people. (Sure, I have some vies that are not majority views, but I don't expect them to be the answers for the country unless the culture changes.)

Black puppet? Cain isnt a black puppet and neither is Obama. You want to bring up more meaningless points and not actually address the issue that Cain is nothing more than a feel good story. He makes you feel good. He takes the heat off your Obama hate. Now The left cant say the GOP is full of racists. You will just point to Cain.

Of course, Cain is a "feel good story". It feels good getting this country back, he offers real hope and real change. He does make me feel good. I don't hate Obama, I think he never got a chance to develop leadership skills because the Left had to be racist and only see the color of his skin. They couldn't evaluate him.

The Left could never say the GOP is full of racist and be accurate. They still say it anyway and will always. Being a racer is too addictive, and it will be (already is) the downfall of many people on the Left. It's a shame they have to bring down minorities with them.

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