Hermin Cain Announces!!!!!!!!!

The collapse of the economy as Obama took office drove the NYSE from 14,000 to just over 6,000. It has gained back 6,500 pts. I call that an amazing recovery in that a lot of the 14,000 pts was bubble. Denying this fact is willful ignorance. The value of the NYSE has nearly doubled in two years in the rebound of the worst financial shock this country has ever seen....you don't think that is astounding? I do. The truth is..that the recovery of the NYSE has been historic...unprecedented..

Sorry I can't joint your pack of nitwit hyenas...

Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) History

Astounding? Well, all the nitwit hyenas (aka credible economists) I've been reading are pretty well agreed on a couple of things I think you might not be considering.

Here's one point of view that is pretty well agreed among all:

Unprecedented monetary and fiscal policies have created an economic recovery that is artificial to an indeterminate degree. Similarly, the massive rally in the stock market of the past two years has been built to an uncomfortably large extent on the shaky ground of extraordinary government intervention in the form of $1.5 trillion annual fiscal deficits and over $2 trillion of Federal Reserve asset purchase programs. Aside from job creation, which has been consistently disappointing, U.S. economic data have generally surprised on the upside over the past several months, but how the economy performs once stimulus begins to be withdrawn after the second quarter is an open question.
Geopolitical Upheaval, End of QE2 Increase Stock Market Correction Risk - Seeking Alpha

The daily numbers don't ever tell the whole story. With interest rates at effectively zero, and real estate losing ground every month, the market is the only place investors have to go. Much of the boom is driven by high oil prices and as those have slowly been coming down, the market has been following. We'll know soon enough how much of the 'rally' has been on oil speculators.

In short, any Obama policies that have affected the market have been largely artificial and short term.


The stimulus and the bailout saved the country from another Great Depression. When an economy is in a deflationary spiral, the government has to be the demand of last resort. Congress and the President realized this and did the right thing.

Likewise, the rescue of GM turned it into a profitable company again.

Obama has done a very good job, and Bush did not.

It helps to have a smart president, my friends.

Bush gave the TARP bailout to Obama so it is obvious that you consider Bush a smart President.

Obama got almost a trillion dollar stimulus fund, promising that unemployment would be below 8%. How is that working out for you?
Obama got almost a trillion dollar stimulus fund, promising that unemployment would be below 8%. How is that working out for you?

The stimulus fund went to Democrat pet projects, not to industries with higher unemployment. I mean, what's the unemployment rate of green energy researchers? They could probably get another job from someone with less education. It's just a bad policy in the hands of bad policy makers.
How many conservatives want to see Cain's birth certificate?

I don't, but I assure you he wouldn't take over 2 years to produce it.

Who'd it take that long to produce theirs? If you're reffering to the President.. well, you're wrong. He produced it a long time ago, it just wasn't enough for dumbazz birfers. And now, apparently, the long-form isn't either.. to the after-birfers. :cuckoo:

Just exactly what was it that Obama took over two years to come up with if it wasn't a birth certificate? And, he had to be shamed into doing it.
Exactly "you" the common people, hence common sense. The will of the people: the majority of the people. (Sure, I have some vies that are not majority views, but I don't expect them to be the answers for the country unless the culture changes.)

ah its the will of the people right up until you disagree, and then its tyranny. Yeah not buying this.

Of course, Cain is a "feel good story". It feels good getting this country back, he offers real hope and real change. He does make me feel good. I don't hate Obama, I think he never got a chance to develop leadership skills because the Left had to be racist and only see the color of his skin. They couldn't evaluate him.

Lol, he offers catered Ideals that you and your kind will eat up everyday. That people like Palin and Trump capitalize on and make loads of money off of. Which i consider them very smart for taking advantage of suckers.

If you think that of Obama and the left, then you are a 100% moron.

The Left could never say the GOP is full of racist and be accurate. They still say it anyway and will always. Being a racer is too addictive, and it will be (already is) the downfall of many people on the Left. It's a shame they have to bring down minorities with them.

And the right can never say the left are racists and it be accurate. The right ( as we have gone over this before) has demonstrated over and over again they have racists among their party. rare these days you ever see a Lefty being a racist. The only thing that comes close is this idea that the right started using to claim reverse racism. You are the kid that broke the glass with a rock, and blame the landlord for goading him.

But then again i see you are trying your hardest to channel ( talk radio style debating that has taken over as of late).

You have no actual proof. You have talking points that have been hand fed to you, and you eat it up like candy.

What a load of babbling blithering bullshit.

When you can substantiate that any politico, "The right has demonstrated over and over again they have racists among their party" (BTW, "THE RIGHT" is not a party, moron) has been as racist as George McGovern or Robert Byrd during the past three decades, then you may be relevant...

until then

...You'd do much better stretching your obviously limited intellectual ability dropping the c-bomb on female members.
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the Devil is in the details. How so?

Ran his own Business,Conservative beliefs? Sounds pretty good to me. Probably exactly what this country needs right now. I'll have to study up on him some more though.

I know a guy in town that runs a successful septic tank business, and he's a conservative.

I guess you would vote for him, too!

I'm ok with voting for a successful Businessman with Conservative beliefs. Cain has real life-experience in running Businesses,unlike most who are running the country right now. If he wins the GOP Nomination,i'll vote for him.

Yeah, you said that already.

How many more times?
Herman Cain is a real American conservative capitalist. Don't you all know that means he's a racist. Uh, ah, wait a minute..........hold on.......Um......never mind.

Donald Trump is a real American conservative who's gonna kick Obama's . . . he what?!?

Haley Barbour is a real American conservative who's gonna kick Obama's . . . him too?!?

Mike Huckabee is a real American conservative who's gonna kick Obama's . . . oh, fer fuck's sake!!!

Mitch Daniels is a real American conservative who's gonna kick Obama's . . . really? His wife?!?

ran his own business,conservative beliefs? Sounds pretty good to me. probably exactly what this country needs right now. I'll have to study up on him some more though.

i know a guy in town that runs a successful septic tank business, and he's a conservative.

I guess you would vote for him, too!

i'm ok with voting for a successful businessman with conservative beliefs. cain has real life-experience in running businesses,unlike most who are running the country right now. If he wins the gop nomination,i'll vote for him.

yeah, you said that already.

How many more times?

a septic tank business sounds like perfect training for washington whats this fellows name ? Is he running ?
Paul/Cain 2012! or Cain/Paul 2012! Either ticket is fine with me.

I'm done with the Republican Party. If they nominate Romney or Perry I'm just gonna' write in someone else.
Why? He endorsed Obama.

So what?

I'm a republican and I voted for Obama. It's not my fault the idiot powers that be in the GOP put a nitwit on the ticket a heatbeat from the white house. I had no other choice. I saw Palin as a clear and present danger and was not going to do anything to improve her chances.

The president is a leader. He doesn't create legislation...he can't really do anything about many things people believe he is responsible for. I am not naive like that. What the president DOES do is from time to time act on his own judgment with the military. I would trust Powell to make the right calls.

You saw Sara Palin as a nitwit so you voted for a ticket that included Joe Biden. Why, exactly do you consider Palin a nitwit?

Holy shit! :lol:
Yes, but in his defense, Hannity is the one that dropped Rubio and Ryan. He just said that they aren't even in the running.

I like what I know of Ryan to a large degree, but he isn't running, so I'm not paying too much attention to him right now beyond his budget proposal.

I actually like Bachmann. I think she risks getting skewered more than Palin, however, so in my opinion, she has no chance.

Probably surprising to some is that I like Romney. I think he has a strong business background, and his attempt at addressing health insurance/care in his state doesn't offend my sensibilities. The state level is where those issues SHOULD be addressed, not at the federal level.

I personally wouldn't put Cain at the top of the ticket. I think he would do better to serve as VP and go from there, imo.

I agree, but not that Mitt has any chance at on the President level.

I might be misunderstanding your post. You think that Romney can't win the nomination? He seems like he is starting to get his campaign going right now in a pretty remarkable manner.

America doesn't vote for cultists as president.
I agree, but not that Mitt has any chance at on the President level.

I might be misunderstanding your post. You think that Romney can't win the nomination? He seems like he is starting to get his campaign going right now in a pretty remarkable manner.

America doesn't vote for cultists as president.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VPsz5GnrFo8]YouTube - ‪Skull & Bones: Bush and Kerry‬‏[/ame]

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