Herschel Walker: I'll put my resume up against Obama's any time"

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Nobody on the forum is more fixated on talking about gay people and their sexual acts than EMH.

Really does make one wonder about them.

Faggots love to be talked about, as long as it's a load of lying bullshit, like the stuff you spread around. In fact they have a whole media campaign all about promoting their mental illness, and have been spouting it incessantly since the 1980's.

They certainly have you by the balls, and enjoying it, apparently.

^^^Another Party shill who doesn't want Chicago politics discussed. Like Michelle's ridiculous 'job' she got out of college paying $200K+, no real qualifications needed, just 'connected family'. i.e. Daddy's Friends.
Yea because Democrats don't want black folks to own businesses, is that why the majority of black businesses vote for Democrats.
do you have proof that the majority of black business executives vote for dems?

are you going to apologize for saying Walker owns a business with only 8 employees? why do you like lying about black men?
Is the why companies are making the highest profits they have made in 70urs.
yep…cause of record inflation…and that’s why the majority of the CEOs are planning massive layoffs in the next 6 months.

hopefully after election day things turn around
^^^Another Party shill who doesn't want Chicago politics discussed. Like Michelle's ridiculous 'job' she got out of college paying $200K+, no real qualifications needed, just 'connected family'. i.e. Daddy's Friends.

Lets see…

Michelle Obama‘s father worked in a water plant and suffered from MS. Her mother was a Secretary
Some “Connections”

Michelle Obama graduated at the top of her class at Princeton and Harvard Law

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