Herschel Walker: ‘Why Are We Penalizing People for What Their Ancestors Did?’

PROVE I stold anything from anyone. Prove it.

well, well, you may not have but many many generations ago your relatives may have committed all sorts of offenses we consider crimes today, and you simply must pay for their misdeeds. In fact, we want to correct all the offenses in human history with a little wealth redistribution!! Sadly it must start with giving America back to the Indians. And then we have to figure out which tribes get what land based on how the 1000's of wars among Indians distributed the land unjustly.
PROVE I stold anything from anyone. Prove it.

well, well, you may not have but many many generations ago your relatives may have committed all sort of offenses we consider crimes today, and you must pay. In fact, we want to correct all the offenses in human history with a little wealth redistribution!! Sadly it must start with giving America back to the Indians. And then we have to figure out which tribes get what land based on how the 1000's of wars among Indians distributed the land unjustly.
Wasnt even that many generations ago. My mom is still alive.
PROVE I stold anything from anyone. Prove it.

well, well, you may not have but many many generations ago your relatives may have committed all sort of offenses we consider crimes today, and you must pay. In fact, we want to correct all the offenses in human history with a little wealth redistribution!! Sadly it must start with giving America back to the Indians. And then we have to figure out which tribes get what land based on how the 1000's of wars among Indians distributed the land unjustly.
Wasnt even that many generations ago. My mom is still alive.
so the silly liberal wants to correct all the wrongs of human history with reparations??
PROVE I stold anything from anyone. Prove it.

well, well, you may not have but many many generations ago your relatives may have committed all sort of offenses we consider crimes today, and you must pay. In fact, we want to correct all the offenses in human history with a little wealth redistribution!! Sadly it must start with giving America back to the Indians.
You are joking. Or being a modern Agent Provocateur. Or an idiot. Whichever the case may be. I am no more responsible for racism or slavery than YOU are, you idiot. Think twice before posting.
Herschel Walker: ‘Why Are We Penalizing People for What Their Ancestors Did?’

3 Jul 2020 ~~ By Hannah Bleau
NFL legend and Heisman Trophy winner Herschel Walker responded to the growing tensions across the country by appealing to the Bible, stressing the power of forgiveness and asking, “Why are we penalizing people for what their ancestors did?”
“I was reading the greatest book ever written, the Bible, and I read ‘But if you don’t forgive others, your Father will not forgive your offenses.’ – Matthew 6:15,” the NFL great wrote, appealing to the words of Jesus.
“Why are we penalizing people for what their ancestors did?” he asked. “Forgiveness doesn’t mean you get something in return.”

Thank you Mr. Walker. Who in the #BLM will be the first to stand up to Mr. Walker? Recently he offered air fare to the destination of a persons choice that they find better than 'existing' in this TWSH! Takers? Didn't think so.
Why is #BLM accusing the sons and daughters of immigrants that came to America in the latter part of the 19 and 20th Centuries after slavery was abolished for the actions of people long turned to dust? Is it because all the other victim cards are played out or have been ignored?
Are we to condemn Adam Schiff for his great uncle Jacob Schiff that financed Trotskii (Antony Sutton "Wall Street and The Bolshevik Revolution") who crisscrossed Russia on the personal armored train to whip up communist fighters in the Russian Civil War after the Bolshevik power grab in October 1917? More than 30 million Russian, Polish, Ukranian, Latvian, Georgian, and Siberian Christians predominantly were liquidated in the red terror between the 1917 Revolution and WW2 started. Should Sciff apologize on behalf of the family's involvment for deaths and suffering caused by Communists?
All told Communist ideology has liquidated more than 200 million people and enslaved millions more over the span of a century. Should Adam Schiff be held responsible?
Walker is caught up in the white mans altered religion given to his enslaved ancestors to keep him docile. You notice the enslavers had no problem with Black people worshipping chrisitanity but would try to beat Islam or their native religions out of them. Why? Because christianity brainwashes you into turning the other cheek and waiting until you're dead for justice. The old pie in the sky thing. If Walker were free of such nonsense he would look around at the confederate statues and the very potus in office right now and slap himself for even wondering such a stupid question.
So all black christians are losers to you


Hitler would agree with you
Depends. If they know history then they are truly losers preying on my people. If they are just ignorant of the facts then thats excusable to a point.
Actually you did say the above

I sure did. Where do you see the word "hate" in that post?
The word hate does not need ne present.

If someone says kill all christians the hate is inferred

Any more moronic responses
The word hate does need to be present if youre saying I hate christians. This is not up for debate.
LOL so if someone says I want all Christians killed, there is no hate because the word hate is not used.

Can someone be murdered if the murderer does not say I hate you first?

Go burn a target
Correct. Lots of people have actually killed with no feeling of hate. Your illiteracy on the matter is funny but startling.
Tell us about the people that you know who murder out of love

Then take the rest of your pills
I dont know anyone that has murdered out of love personally but if you check the crimes of passion section you may accidentally learn something.
Murder is hate, always.

At least if you believe in the risen Christ which you clearly do not
" Murder is hate, always. "

Only retarded people believe that. Sorry its not true.
I love my enemy and my neighbor as myself

You should try it, must really suck hating everyone

Thats some bullshit. I dont love my enemies. Youre doing the same thing the slave owners tried. You cant make me docile.
No one's trying to make you docile just trying to open your eyes, see past your bias. Can't get the white racists to do that but you're at least intelligent enough to make the attempt on.........
"Love thy enemy" is a blatant attempt to make the person that believes that clap trap docile. My intelligence tells me to defend my position against my enemies and when possible go on the offensive. Thats not changing for anyone.
In your "opinion"......... Love thy enemy doesn't mean give into thy enemy.
Not sure how that changes my point but please explain.
Oh come on, you have a brain, use it. Stop acting like the barely educated trailer trash infesting this forum.
Asking you to explain yourself has nothing to do with my education. I'm asking for clarification. Can you do that or not?
What's so difficult to understand "Love thy enemy doesn't mean give into thy enemy". Unless you're trying to overthink it. :dunno:
You cant deal properly with your enemy if you see him as a human and he sees you as cattle. No need to over think it.
Sounds to me like you're practicing in generalities. Are you? Are all whites and all Republicans racist? Or are there many who are using race for political purposes against conservatives? Is my 2/3s + European DNA automatically racist?
Why is it that every time there is a debate about something white people end up whining if I believe all whites are racist? Obviously I dont or I wouldnt be raising a white child for a friend thats white. So lets cease with the deflections and debate the points. Deal?
Racist people see all people by their color and never really see the human within

Congrats on only seeing color
This is true.

I dont only see color but nice try.
Every other word you babble is a color

And I quote " Why is it that every time there is a debate about something white people end up whining if I believe all whites are racist? Obviously I dont or I wouldnt be raising a white child for a friend thats white. So lets cease with the deflections and debate the points. Deal?"

"Every other word you babble is a color"

That tends to happen when you discuss racial issues. Any other mind blowing observations? Besides I respect the fact that there are different colors. I know its a reality and that there is no such thing as colorblindness.
All children are equal under Christ

Which christ? Who are the white people in that picture?
Christ was a white Jew from Bethlehem, just like these people at Bethlehem high school

LOL next dumb retort

Yes this is Bethlehem high school full of white Jews, now as then

Herschel Walker: ‘Why Are We Penalizing People for What Their Ancestors Did?’

3 Jul 2020 ~~ By Hannah Bleau
NFL legend and Heisman Trophy winner Herschel Walker responded to the growing tensions across the country by appealing to the Bible, stressing the power of forgiveness and asking, “Why are we penalizing people for what their ancestors did?”
“I was reading the greatest book ever written, the Bible, and I read ‘But if you don’t forgive others, your Father will not forgive your offenses.’ – Matthew 6:15,” the NFL great wrote, appealing to the words of Jesus.
“Why are we penalizing people for what their ancestors did?” he asked. “Forgiveness doesn’t mean you get something in return.”

Thank you Mr. Walker. Who in the #BLM will be the first to stand up to Mr. Walker? Recently he offered air fare to the destination of a persons choice that they find better than 'existing' in this TWSH! Takers? Didn't think so.
Why is #BLM accusing the sons and daughters of immigrants that came to America in the latter part of the 19 and 20th Centuries after slavery was abolished for the actions of people long turned to dust? Is it because all the other victim cards are played out or have been ignored?
Are we to condemn Adam Schiff for his great uncle Jacob Schiff that financed Trotskii (Antony Sutton "Wall Street and The Bolshevik Revolution") who crisscrossed Russia on the personal armored train to whip up communist fighters in the Russian Civil War after the Bolshevik power grab in October 1917? More than 30 million Russian, Polish, Ukranian, Latvian, Georgian, and Siberian Christians predominantly were liquidated in the red terror between the 1917 Revolution and WW2 started. Should Sciff apologize on behalf of the family's involvment for deaths and suffering caused by Communists?
All told Communist ideology has liquidated more than 200 million people and enslaved millions more over the span of a century. Should Adam Schiff be held responsible?
Walker is caught up in the white mans altered religion given to his enslaved ancestors to keep him docile. You notice the enslavers had no problem with Black people worshipping chrisitanity but would try to beat Islam or their native religions out of them. Why? Because christianity brainwashes you into turning the other cheek and waiting until you're dead for justice. The old pie in the sky thing. If Walker were free of such nonsense he would look around at the confederate statues and the very potus in office right now and slap himself for even wondering such a stupid question.
So all black christians are losers to you


Hitler would agree with you
Depends. If they know history then they are truly losers preying on my people. If they are just ignorant of the facts then thats excusable to a point.
Actually you did say the above

I sure did. Where do you see the word "hate" in that post?
The word hate does not need ne present.

If someone says kill all christians the hate is inferred

Any more moronic responses
The word hate does need to be present if youre saying I hate christians. This is not up for debate.
LOL so if someone says I want all Christians killed, there is no hate because the word hate is not used.

Can someone be murdered if the murderer does not say I hate you first?

Go burn a target
Correct. Lots of people have actually killed with no feeling of hate. Your illiteracy on the matter is funny but startling.
Tell us about the people that you know who murder out of love

Then take the rest of your pills
I dont know anyone that has murdered out of love personally but if you check the crimes of passion section you may accidentally learn something.
Murder is hate, always.

At least if you believe in the risen Christ which you clearly do not
" Murder is hate, always. "

Only retarded people believe that. Sorry its not true.
I love my enemy and my neighbor as myself

You should try it, must really suck hating everyone

Thats some bullshit. I dont love my enemies. Youre doing the same thing the slave owners tried. You cant make me docile.
No one's trying to make you docile just trying to open your eyes, see past your bias. Can't get the white racists to do that but you're at least intelligent enough to make the attempt on.........
"Love thy enemy" is a blatant attempt to make the person that believes that clap trap docile. My intelligence tells me to defend my position against my enemies and when possible go on the offensive. Thats not changing for anyone.
In your "opinion"......... Love thy enemy doesn't mean give into thy enemy.
Not sure how that changes my point but please explain.
Oh come on, you have a brain, use it. Stop acting like the barely educated trailer trash infesting this forum.
Asking you to explain yourself has nothing to do with my education. I'm asking for clarification. Can you do that or not?
What's so difficult to understand "Love thy enemy doesn't mean give into thy enemy". Unless you're trying to overthink it. :dunno:
You cant deal properly with your enemy if you see him as a human and he sees you as cattle. No need to over think it.
Sounds to me like you're practicing in generalities. Are you? Are all whites and all Republicans racist? Or are there many who are using race for political purposes against conservatives? Is my 2/3s + European DNA automatically racist?
Why is it that every time there is a debate about something white people end up whining if I believe all whites are racist? Obviously I dont or I wouldnt be raising a white child for a friend thats white. So lets cease with the deflections and debate the points. Deal?
Dude, it's HOW you come across on the forum, or so it SEEMS, (there's that word again...). It was a honest question not an attempted deflection. Hell I don't really know you, how could I? That's why I asked if you were Muslim, it provides at least some point of reference. Stopping the deflections and debating the actual points would be wonderful if EVERYONE would do so....... And the points weren't contrived "talking points"........ :eusa_whistle:
That's what makes it nearly impossible for a real discussion within the realm of religion, politics and race, the bias of tribalism and othering always gets in the way.

"Dude, it's HOW you come across on the forum,"

No thats your perception formed by whatever experiences that have happened in your life. If your perception was correct everyone else would think the same thing. Debate the point. Not how you feel about my perspective.
Yes, it's perception and you should know perception is more powerful than truth. I asked a valid question which you perceived to be a deflection base on your experiences with others on this forum. We've both done it so don't pat yourself on your own back thinking you're above being human........
As it is I have better things to do than debate perceptions and biases all afternoon. Declare I'm running away if you chose, it would mean you're like every other average poster here. No skin off of my nose.
BTW, 30 years ago I would have never told a lot of people I was of mixed race, now nobody cares.
I like how you back loaded your comment. :lol:
Are there any racist black people in the USA?
PROVE I stold anything from anyone. Prove it.

well, well, you may not have but many many generations ago your relatives may have committed all sort of offenses we consider crimes today, and you must pay. In fact, we want to correct all the offenses in human history with a little wealth redistribution!! Sadly it must start with giving America back to the Indians.
You are joking. Or being a modern Agent Provocateur. Or an idiot. Whichever the case may be. I am no more responsible for racism or slavery than YOU are, you idiot. Think twice before posting.
How are you responsible for slavery?

Be specific
Herschel Walker: ‘Why Are We Penalizing People for What Their Ancestors Did?’

3 Jul 2020 ~~ By Hannah Bleau
NFL legend and Heisman Trophy winner Herschel Walker responded to the growing tensions across the country by appealing to the Bible, stressing the power of forgiveness and asking, “Why are we penalizing people for what their ancestors did?”
“I was reading the greatest book ever written, the Bible, and I read ‘But if you don’t forgive others, your Father will not forgive your offenses.’ – Matthew 6:15,” the NFL great wrote, appealing to the words of Jesus.
“Why are we penalizing people for what their ancestors did?” he asked. “Forgiveness doesn’t mean you get something in return.”

Thank you Mr. Walker. Who in the #BLM will be the first to stand up to Mr. Walker? Recently he offered air fare to the destination of a persons choice that they find better than 'existing' in this TWSH! Takers? Didn't think so.
Why is #BLM accusing the sons and daughters of immigrants that came to America in the latter part of the 19 and 20th Centuries after slavery was abolished for the actions of people long turned to dust? Is it because all the other victim cards are played out or have been ignored?
Are we to condemn Adam Schiff for his great uncle Jacob Schiff that financed Trotskii (Antony Sutton "Wall Street and The Bolshevik Revolution") who crisscrossed Russia on the personal armored train to whip up communist fighters in the Russian Civil War after the Bolshevik power grab in October 1917? More than 30 million Russian, Polish, Ukranian, Latvian, Georgian, and Siberian Christians predominantly were liquidated in the red terror between the 1917 Revolution and WW2 started. Should Sciff apologize on behalf of the family's involvment for deaths and suffering caused by Communists?
All told Communist ideology has liquidated more than 200 million people and enslaved millions more over the span of a century. Should Adam Schiff be held responsible?
Walker is caught up in the white mans altered religion given to his enslaved ancestors to keep him docile. You notice the enslavers had no problem with Black people worshipping chrisitanity but would try to beat Islam or their native religions out of them. Why? Because christianity brainwashes you into turning the other cheek and waiting until you're dead for justice. The old pie in the sky thing. If Walker were free of such nonsense he would look around at the confederate statues and the very potus in office right now and slap himself for even wondering such a stupid question.
So all black christians are losers to you


Hitler would agree with you
Depends. If they know history then they are truly losers preying on my people. If they are just ignorant of the facts then thats excusable to a point.
Actually you did say the above

I sure did. Where do you see the word "hate" in that post?
The word hate does not need ne present.

If someone says kill all christians the hate is inferred

Any more moronic responses
The word hate does need to be present if youre saying I hate christians. This is not up for debate.
LOL so if someone says I want all Christians killed, there is no hate because the word hate is not used.

Can someone be murdered if the murderer does not say I hate you first?

Go burn a target
Correct. Lots of people have actually killed with no feeling of hate. Your illiteracy on the matter is funny but startling.
Tell us about the people that you know who murder out of love

Then take the rest of your pills
I dont know anyone that has murdered out of love personally but if you check the crimes of passion section you may accidentally learn something.
Murder is hate, always.

At least if you believe in the risen Christ which you clearly do not
" Murder is hate, always. "

Only retarded people believe that. Sorry its not true.
I love my enemy and my neighbor as myself

You should try it, must really suck hating everyone

Thats some bullshit. I dont love my enemies. Youre doing the same thing the slave owners tried. You cant make me docile.
No one's trying to make you docile just trying to open your eyes, see past your bias. Can't get the white racists to do that but you're at least intelligent enough to make the attempt on.........
"Love thy enemy" is a blatant attempt to make the person that believes that clap trap docile. My intelligence tells me to defend my position against my enemies and when possible go on the offensive. Thats not changing for anyone.
In your "opinion"......... Love thy enemy doesn't mean give into thy enemy.
Not sure how that changes my point but please explain.
Oh come on, you have a brain, use it. Stop acting like the barely educated trailer trash infesting this forum.
Asking you to explain yourself has nothing to do with my education. I'm asking for clarification. Can you do that or not?
What's so difficult to understand "Love thy enemy doesn't mean give into thy enemy". Unless you're trying to overthink it. :dunno:
You cant deal properly with your enemy if you see him as a human and he sees you as cattle. No need to over think it.
Sounds to me like you're practicing in generalities. Are you? Are all whites and all Republicans racist? Or are there many who are using race for political purposes against conservatives? Is my 2/3s + European DNA automatically racist?
Why is it that every time there is a debate about something white people end up whining if I believe all whites are racist? Obviously I dont or I wouldnt be raising a white child for a friend thats white. So lets cease with the deflections and debate the points. Deal?
Dude, it's HOW you come across on the forum, or so it SEEMS, (there's that word again...). It was a honest question not an attempted deflection. Hell I don't really know you, how could I? That's why I asked if you were Muslim, it provides at least some point of reference. Stopping the deflections and debating the actual points would be wonderful if EVERYONE would do so....... And the points weren't contrived "talking points"........ :eusa_whistle:
That's what makes it nearly impossible for a real discussion within the realm of religion, politics and race, the bias of tribalism and othering always gets in the way.

"Dude, it's HOW you come across on the forum,"

No thats your perception formed by whatever experiences that have happened in your life. If your perception was correct everyone else would think the same thing. Debate the point. Not how you feel about my perspective.
Yes, it's perception and you should know perception is more powerful than truth. I asked a valid question which you perceived to be a deflection base on your experiences with others on this forum. We've both done it so don't pat yourself on your own back thinking you're above being human........
As it is I have better things to do than debate perceptions and biases all afternoon. Declare I'm running away if you chose, it would mean you're like every other average poster here. No skin off of my nose.
BTW, 30 years ago I would have never told a lot of people I was of mixed race, now nobody cares.
I like how you back loaded your comment. :lol:
It was a point of emphasis........ It means things are nearly as bad as they used to be within the race question.
Herschel Walker: ‘Why Are We Penalizing People for What Their Ancestors Did?’

3 Jul 2020 ~~ By Hannah Bleau
NFL legend and Heisman Trophy winner Herschel Walker responded to the growing tensions across the country by appealing to the Bible, stressing the power of forgiveness and asking, “Why are we penalizing people for what their ancestors did?”
“I was reading the greatest book ever written, the Bible, and I read ‘But if you don’t forgive others, your Father will not forgive your offenses.’ – Matthew 6:15,” the NFL great wrote, appealing to the words of Jesus.
“Why are we penalizing people for what their ancestors did?” he asked. “Forgiveness doesn’t mean you get something in return.”

Thank you Mr. Walker. Who in the #BLM will be the first to stand up to Mr. Walker? Recently he offered air fare to the destination of a persons choice that they find better than 'existing' in this TWSH! Takers? Didn't think so.
Why is #BLM accusing the sons and daughters of immigrants that came to America in the latter part of the 19 and 20th Centuries after slavery was abolished for the actions of people long turned to dust? Is it because all the other victim cards are played out or have been ignored?
Are we to condemn Adam Schiff for his great uncle Jacob Schiff that financed Trotskii (Antony Sutton "Wall Street and The Bolshevik Revolution") who crisscrossed Russia on the personal armored train to whip up communist fighters in the Russian Civil War after the Bolshevik power grab in October 1917? More than 30 million Russian, Polish, Ukranian, Latvian, Georgian, and Siberian Christians predominantly were liquidated in the red terror between the 1917 Revolution and WW2 started. Should Sciff apologize on behalf of the family's involvment for deaths and suffering caused by Communists?
All told Communist ideology has liquidated more than 200 million people and enslaved millions more over the span of a century. Should Adam Schiff be held responsible?
Walker is caught up in the white mans altered religion given to his enslaved ancestors to keep him docile. You notice the enslavers had no problem with Black people worshipping chrisitanity but would try to beat Islam or their native religions out of them. Why? Because christianity brainwashes you into turning the other cheek and waiting until you're dead for justice. The old pie in the sky thing. If Walker were free of such nonsense he would look around at the confederate statues and the very potus in office right now and slap himself for even wondering such a stupid question.
So all black christians are losers to you


Hitler would agree with you
Depends. If they know history then they are truly losers preying on my people. If they are just ignorant of the facts then thats excusable to a point.
Actually you did say the above

I sure did. Where do you see the word "hate" in that post?
The word hate does not need ne present.

If someone says kill all christians the hate is inferred

Any more moronic responses
The word hate does need to be present if youre saying I hate christians. This is not up for debate.
LOL so if someone says I want all Christians killed, there is no hate because the word hate is not used.

Can someone be murdered if the murderer does not say I hate you first?

Go burn a target
Correct. Lots of people have actually killed with no feeling of hate. Your illiteracy on the matter is funny but startling.
Tell us about the people that you know who murder out of love

Then take the rest of your pills
I dont know anyone that has murdered out of love personally but if you check the crimes of passion section you may accidentally learn something.
Murder is hate, always.

At least if you believe in the risen Christ which you clearly do not
" Murder is hate, always. "

Only retarded people believe that. Sorry its not true.
I love my enemy and my neighbor as myself

You should try it, must really suck hating everyone

Thats some bullshit. I dont love my enemies. Youre doing the same thing the slave owners tried. You cant make me docile.
No one's trying to make you docile just trying to open your eyes, see past your bias. Can't get the white racists to do that but you're at least intelligent enough to make the attempt on.........
"Love thy enemy" is a blatant attempt to make the person that believes that clap trap docile. My intelligence tells me to defend my position against my enemies and when possible go on the offensive. Thats not changing for anyone.
In your "opinion"......... Love thy enemy doesn't mean give into thy enemy.
Not sure how that changes my point but please explain.
Oh come on, you have a brain, use it. Stop acting like the barely educated trailer trash infesting this forum.
Asking you to explain yourself has nothing to do with my education. I'm asking for clarification. Can you do that or not?
What's so difficult to understand "Love thy enemy doesn't mean give into thy enemy". Unless you're trying to overthink it. :dunno:
You cant deal properly with your enemy if you see him as a human and he sees you as cattle. No need to over think it.
Sounds to me like you're practicing in generalities. Are you? Are all whites and all Republicans racist? Or are there many who are using race for political purposes against conservatives? Is my 2/3s + European DNA automatically racist?
Why is it that every time there is a debate about something white people end up whining if I believe all whites are racist? Obviously I dont or I wouldnt be raising a white child for a friend thats white. So lets cease with the deflections and debate the points. Deal?
Racist people see all people by their color and never really see the human within

Congrats on only seeing color
This is true.

I dont only see color but nice try.
Every other word you babble is a color

And I quote " Why is it that every time there is a debate about something white people end up whining if I believe all whites are racist? Obviously I dont or I wouldnt be raising a white child for a friend thats white. So lets cease with the deflections and debate the points. Deal?"

"Every other word you babble is a color"

That tends to happen when you discuss racial issues. Any other mind blowing observations? Besides I respect the fact that there are different colors. I know its a reality and that there is no such thing as colorblindness.
All children are equal under Christ

Which christ? Who are the white people in that picture?
Christ was a white Jew from Bethlehem, just like these people at Bethlehem high school

LOL next dumb retort

Yes this is Bethlehem high school full of white Jews, now as then

Ashenazis not real Jews.
Herschel Walker: ‘Why Are We Penalizing People for What Their Ancestors Did?’

3 Jul 2020 ~~ By Hannah Bleau
NFL legend and Heisman Trophy winner Herschel Walker responded to the growing tensions across the country by appealing to the Bible, stressing the power of forgiveness and asking, “Why are we penalizing people for what their ancestors did?”
“I was reading the greatest book ever written, the Bible, and I read ‘But if you don’t forgive others, your Father will not forgive your offenses.’ – Matthew 6:15,” the NFL great wrote, appealing to the words of Jesus.
“Why are we penalizing people for what their ancestors did?” he asked. “Forgiveness doesn’t mean you get something in return.”

Thank you Mr. Walker. Who in the #BLM will be the first to stand up to Mr. Walker? Recently he offered air fare to the destination of a persons choice that they find better than 'existing' in this TWSH! Takers? Didn't think so.
Why is #BLM accusing the sons and daughters of immigrants that came to America in the latter part of the 19 and 20th Centuries after slavery was abolished for the actions of people long turned to dust? Is it because all the other victim cards are played out or have been ignored?
Are we to condemn Adam Schiff for his great uncle Jacob Schiff that financed Trotskii (Antony Sutton "Wall Street and The Bolshevik Revolution") who crisscrossed Russia on the personal armored train to whip up communist fighters in the Russian Civil War after the Bolshevik power grab in October 1917? More than 30 million Russian, Polish, Ukranian, Latvian, Georgian, and Siberian Christians predominantly were liquidated in the red terror between the 1917 Revolution and WW2 started. Should Sciff apologize on behalf of the family's involvment for deaths and suffering caused by Communists?
All told Communist ideology has liquidated more than 200 million people and enslaved millions more over the span of a century. Should Adam Schiff be held responsible? I don't think so and neither do Americans of all color be responsible for those who came before them.

why do conservatives ALWAYS default to the fact that democrats were slave owners 150 years ago?
It was a point of emphasis........ It means things are nearly as bad as they used to be within the race question.

I think its worse. Obviously this is being manipulated. If you check Drumpfs speech yesterday it was full of dog whistles.
Correct Black people dont.

so are the black slave traders in Africa stepping up to compensate those they sold into slavery??
Thats a white boy fable. However I know officially Ghana is offering land. Unofficially they tell us not to believe white boy fables.
Sorry kid you are clearly in denial now.

PROVE I stold anything from anyone. Prove it.

well, well, you may not have but many many generations ago your relatives may have committed all sort of offenses we consider crimes today, and you must pay. In fact, we want to correct all the offenses in human history with a little wealth redistribution!! Sadly it must start with giving America back to the Indians. And then we have to figure out which tribes get what land based on how the 1000's of wars among Indians distributed the land unjustly.
Wasnt even that many generations ago. My mom is still alive.
so the silly liberal wants to correct all the wrongs of human history with reparations??
Since Adam and Eve... WHO gets the reparations for slavery, lets see... here slavery goes way back. Greeks the Turks? Muslims are doing it NOW , they and their African lackeys are enslaving blacks right now as we speak... By all means get outraged at that lets sue Islam for this egregious abuse of humanity...ask them for reparations since that's happening NOW. You do that, I stand with you.
Herschel Walker: ‘Why Are We Penalizing People for What Their Ancestors Did?’

3 Jul 2020 ~~ By Hannah Bleau
NFL legend and Heisman Trophy winner Herschel Walker responded to the growing tensions across the country by appealing to the Bible, stressing the power of forgiveness and asking, “Why are we penalizing people for what their ancestors did?”
“I was reading the greatest book ever written, the Bible, and I read ‘But if you don’t forgive others, your Father will not forgive your offenses.’ – Matthew 6:15,” the NFL great wrote, appealing to the words of Jesus.
“Why are we penalizing people for what their ancestors did?” he asked. “Forgiveness doesn’t mean you get something in return.”

Thank you Mr. Walker. Who in the #BLM will be the first to stand up to Mr. Walker? Recently he offered air fare to the destination of a persons choice that they find better than 'existing' in this TWSH! Takers? Didn't think so.
Why is #BLM accusing the sons and daughters of immigrants that came to America in the latter part of the 19 and 20th Centuries after slavery was abolished for the actions of people long turned to dust? Is it because all the other victim cards are played out or have been ignored?
Are we to condemn Adam Schiff for his great uncle Jacob Schiff that financed Trotskii (Antony Sutton "Wall Street and The Bolshevik Revolution") who crisscrossed Russia on the personal armored train to whip up communist fighters in the Russian Civil War after the Bolshevik power grab in October 1917? More than 30 million Russian, Polish, Ukranian, Latvian, Georgian, and Siberian Christians predominantly were liquidated in the red terror between the 1917 Revolution and WW2 started. Should Sciff apologize on behalf of the family's involvment for deaths and suffering caused by Communists?
All told Communist ideology has liquidated more than 200 million people and enslaved millions more over the span of a century. Should Adam Schiff be held responsible? I don't think so and neither do Americans of all color be responsible for those who came before them.

why do conservatives ALWAYS default to the fact that democrats were slave owners 150 years ago?
Democrats are slave owners now only now instead of a whip they use welfare
Herschel Walker: ‘Why Are We Penalizing People for What Their Ancestors Did?’

3 Jul 2020 ~~ By Hannah Bleau
NFL legend and Heisman Trophy winner Herschel Walker responded to the growing tensions across the country by appealing to the Bible, stressing the power of forgiveness and asking, “Why are we penalizing people for what their ancestors did?”
“I was reading the greatest book ever written, the Bible, and I read ‘But if you don’t forgive others, your Father will not forgive your offenses.’ – Matthew 6:15,” the NFL great wrote, appealing to the words of Jesus.
“Why are we penalizing people for what their ancestors did?” he asked. “Forgiveness doesn’t mean you get something in return.”

Thank you Mr. Walker. Who in the #BLM will be the first to stand up to Mr. Walker? Recently he offered air fare to the destination of a persons choice that they find better than 'existing' in this TWSH! Takers? Didn't think so.
Why is #BLM accusing the sons and daughters of immigrants that came to America in the latter part of the 19 and 20th Centuries after slavery was abolished for the actions of people long turned to dust? Is it because all the other victim cards are played out or have been ignored?
Are we to condemn Adam Schiff for his great uncle Jacob Schiff that financed Trotskii (Antony Sutton "Wall Street and The Bolshevik Revolution") who crisscrossed Russia on the personal armored train to whip up communist fighters in the Russian Civil War after the Bolshevik power grab in October 1917? More than 30 million Russian, Polish, Ukranian, Latvian, Georgian, and Siberian Christians predominantly were liquidated in the red terror between the 1917 Revolution and WW2 started. Should Sciff apologize on behalf of the family's involvment for deaths and suffering caused by Communists?
All told Communist ideology has liquidated more than 200 million people and enslaved millions more over the span of a century. Should Adam Schiff be held responsible? I don't think so and neither do Americans of all color be responsible for those who came before them.

why do conservatives ALWAYS default to the fact that democrats were slave owners 150 years ago?
Probably because they dont want you to notice all the white supremacists voting for conservatives.
PROVE I stold anything from anyone. Prove it.

well, well, you may not have but many many generations ago your relatives may have committed all sort of offenses we consider crimes today, and you must pay. In fact, we want to correct all the offenses in human history with a little wealth redistribution!! Sadly it must start with giving America back to the Indians. And then we have to figure out which tribes get what land based on how the 1000's of wars among Indians distributed the land unjustly.
Wasnt even that many generations ago. My mom is still alive.
so the silly liberal wants to correct all the wrongs of human history with reparations??
Since Adam and Eve... WHO gets the reparations for slavery, lets see... here slavery goes way back. Greeks the Turks? Muslims are doing it NOW , they and their African lackeys are enslaving blacks right now as we speak... By all means get outraged at that lets sue Islam for this egregious abuse of humanity...ask them for reparations since that's happening NOW. You do that, I stand with you.
Americans can only fix what happened in america. Lets focus.
Herschel Walker: ‘Why Are We Penalizing People for What Their Ancestors Did?’

3 Jul 2020 ~~ By Hannah Bleau
NFL legend and Heisman Trophy winner Herschel Walker responded to the growing tensions across the country by appealing to the Bible, stressing the power of forgiveness and asking, “Why are we penalizing people for what their ancestors did?”
“I was reading the greatest book ever written, the Bible, and I read ‘But if you don’t forgive others, your Father will not forgive your offenses.’ – Matthew 6:15,” the NFL great wrote, appealing to the words of Jesus.
“Why are we penalizing people for what their ancestors did?” he asked. “Forgiveness doesn’t mean you get something in return.”

Thank you Mr. Walker. Who in the #BLM will be the first to stand up to Mr. Walker? Recently he offered air fare to the destination of a persons choice that they find better than 'existing' in this TWSH! Takers? Didn't think so.
Why is #BLM accusing the sons and daughters of immigrants that came to America in the latter part of the 19 and 20th Centuries after slavery was abolished for the actions of people long turned to dust? Is it because all the other victim cards are played out or have been ignored?
Are we to condemn Adam Schiff for his great uncle Jacob Schiff that financed Trotskii (Antony Sutton "Wall Street and The Bolshevik Revolution") who crisscrossed Russia on the personal armored train to whip up communist fighters in the Russian Civil War after the Bolshevik power grab in October 1917? More than 30 million Russian, Polish, Ukranian, Latvian, Georgian, and Siberian Christians predominantly were liquidated in the red terror between the 1917 Revolution and WW2 started. Should Sciff apologize on behalf of the family's involvment for deaths and suffering caused by Communists?
All told Communist ideology has liquidated more than 200 million people and enslaved millions more over the span of a century. Should Adam Schiff be held responsible?
Walker is caught up in the white mans altered religion given to his enslaved ancestors to keep him docile. You notice the enslavers had no problem with Black people worshipping chrisitanity but would try to beat Islam or their native religions out of them. Why? Because christianity brainwashes you into turning the other cheek and waiting until you're dead for justice. The old pie in the sky thing. If Walker were free of such nonsense he would look around at the confederate statues and the very potus in office right now and slap himself for even wondering such a stupid question.
So all black christians are losers to you


Hitler would agree with you
Depends. If they know history then they are truly losers preying on my people. If they are just ignorant of the facts then thats excusable to a point.
Actually you did say the above

I sure did. Where do you see the word "hate" in that post?
The word hate does not need ne present.

If someone says kill all christians the hate is inferred

Any more moronic responses
The word hate does need to be present if youre saying I hate christians. This is not up for debate.
LOL so if someone says I want all Christians killed, there is no hate because the word hate is not used.

Can someone be murdered if the murderer does not say I hate you first?

Go burn a target
Correct. Lots of people have actually killed with no feeling of hate. Your illiteracy on the matter is funny but startling.
Tell us about the people that you know who murder out of love

Then take the rest of your pills
I dont know anyone that has murdered out of love personally but if you check the crimes of passion section you may accidentally learn something.
Murder is hate, always.

At least if you believe in the risen Christ which you clearly do not
" Murder is hate, always. "

Only retarded people believe that. Sorry its not true.
I love my enemy and my neighbor as myself

You should try it, must really suck hating everyone

Thats some bullshit. I dont love my enemies. Youre doing the same thing the slave owners tried. You cant make me docile.
No one's trying to make you docile just trying to open your eyes, see past your bias. Can't get the white racists to do that but you're at least intelligent enough to make the attempt on.........
"Love thy enemy" is a blatant attempt to make the person that believes that clap trap docile. My intelligence tells me to defend my position against my enemies and when possible go on the offensive. Thats not changing for anyone.
In your "opinion"......... Love thy enemy doesn't mean give into thy enemy.
Not sure how that changes my point but please explain.
Oh come on, you have a brain, use it. Stop acting like the barely educated trailer trash infesting this forum.
Asking you to explain yourself has nothing to do with my education. I'm asking for clarification. Can you do that or not?
What's so difficult to understand "Love thy enemy doesn't mean give into thy enemy". Unless you're trying to overthink it. :dunno:
You cant deal properly with your enemy if you see him as a human and he sees you as cattle. No need to over think it.
Sounds to me like you're practicing in generalities. Are you? Are all whites and all Republicans racist? Or are there many who are using race for political purposes against conservatives? Is my 2/3s + European DNA automatically racist?
Why is it that every time there is a debate about something white people end up whining if I believe all whites are racist? Obviously I dont or I wouldnt be raising a white child for a friend thats white. So lets cease with the deflections and debate the points. Deal?
Racist people see all people by their color and never really see the human within

Congrats on only seeing color
This is true.

I dont only see color but nice try.
Every other word you babble is a color

And I quote " Why is it that every time there is a debate about something white people end up whining if I believe all whites are racist? Obviously I dont or I wouldnt be raising a white child for a friend thats white. So lets cease with the deflections and debate the points. Deal?"

"Every other word you babble is a color"

That tends to happen when you discuss racial issues. Any other mind blowing observations? Besides I respect the fact that there are different colors. I know its a reality and that there is no such thing as colorblindness.
All children are equal under Christ

Which christ? Who are the white people in that picture?
Christ was a white Jew from Bethlehem, just like these people at Bethlehem high school

LOL next dumb retort

Yes this is Bethlehem high school full of white Jews, now as then

Ashenazis not real Jews.
So real Jews come from Kenya


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