He's Done! Whistleblowers Line Up To Accuse Mueller Of Lying To The Senate, Surveilling Trump

In a twist, there is an emerging story of Mueller's investigation targeting individuals with the intent of making it more difficult for Trump to function. This had quite a few tentacles following along with the assertion that there needed to be some insurance against the functioning of a Trump government.
Mueller is about to be exposed more than he had been this past week. This has to be done in order to preserve Trumps duly elected presidency in order to make America great again.

Whistleblowers Line Up To Accuse Mueller Of Lying To The Senate, Surveilling Trump - Big League Politics

Robert Mueller was appointed by President George W. Bush to his ten-year term as head of the FBI.....................Damn that GWB, can't trust any of these republicans....

(give it a rest, Stevie........)
Mueller is about to be exposed more than he had been this past week. This has to be done in order to preserve Trumps duly elected presidency in order to make America great again.

Whistleblowers Line Up To Accuse Mueller Of Lying To The Senate, Surveilling Trump - Big League Politics
"Lining up to accuse".

Whistleblowers Line Up To Accuse Mueller Of Lying To The Senate, Surveilling Trump - Big League Politics[/QUOTE]

Robert Mueller was appointed by President George W. Bush to his ten-year term as head of the FBI.....................Damn that GWB, can't trust any of these republicans....

(give it a rest, Stevie........)[/QUOTE]

This, too, was an enormously complex case. But here are some facts: Despite the jihadist slogans accompanying the mailed anthrax, it had nothing to do with Saddam Hussein or any foreign element; the FBI ignored a 2002 tip from a scientific colleague of the actual anthrax killer, who turned out to be a Fort Detrick scientist named Bruce Edwards Ivins; the reason is that they had quickly obsessed on an innocent man named Steven Hatfill; the bureau was bullied into focusing on the government scientist by Democratic Sen. Patrick Leahy (whose office, along with that of Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, was targeted by an anthrax-laced letter) and was duped into focusing on Hatfill by two sources — a conspiracy-minded college professor with a political agenda who’d never met Hatfill and by Nicholas Kristof, who put her conspiracy theories in the paper while mocking the FBI for not arresting Hatfill.
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Mueller is about to be exposed more than he had been this past week. This has to be done in order to preserve Trumps duly elected presidency in order to make America great again.

Whistleblowers Line Up To Accuse Mueller Of Lying To The Senate, Surveilling Trump - Big League Politics

Robert Mueller was appointed by President George W. Bush to his ten-year term as head of the FBI.....................Damn that GWB, can't trust any of these republicans....

(give it a rest, Stevie........)
Totally irrelevant. People can fall from grace and become corrupted, as in Mueller's case.
Mueller is about to be exposed more than he had been this past week. This has to be done in order to preserve Trumps duly elected presidency in order to make America great again.

Whistleblowers Line Up To Accuse Mueller Of Lying To The Senate, Surveilling Trump - Big League Politics

Robert Mueller was appointed by President George W. Bush to his ten-year term as head of the FBI.....................Damn that GWB, can't trust any of these republicans....

(give it a rest, Stevie........)

It is a Christmas miracle! Nat finally gets it. You can't trust Republicans. You can not trust Democrats. While we play their party game, they are all moving on together to the NWO agenda. They are all brothers with the same mother, the UN. Soros is their daddy.
How the Bush family really feels about the sovereignty of the United States of America:
Mueller is about to be exposed more than he had been this past week. This has to be done in order to preserve Trumps duly elected presidency in order to make America great again.

Whistleblowers Line Up To Accuse Mueller Of Lying To The Senate, Surveilling Trump - Big League Politics
Mueller is about to be exposed more than he had been this past week. This has to be done in order to preserve Trumps duly elected presidency in order to make America great again.

Whistleblowers Line Up To Accuse Mueller Of Lying To The Senate, Surveilling Trump - Big League Politics
I only have one question.

Will these "whistleblowers" finally reveal the secret location where the FBI is hiding the alien flying saucer?
If Mueller had a fucking thing about Putin and Trump rigging the election, it would have been leaked already.

Mueller’s team doesn’t have shit.

Hell, we have the TRUMP hating texts between the lead investigator and his mistress, but not one shred of evidence that Trump and Putin rigged the election.
In a twist, there is an emerging story of Mueller's investigation targeting individuals with the intent of making it more difficult for Trump to function. This had quite a few tentacles following along with the assertion that there needed to be some insurance against the functioning of a Trump government.

Literally Fake News.
Mueller is about to be exposed more than he had been this past week. This has to be done in order to preserve Trumps duly elected presidency in order to make America great again.

Whistleblowers Line Up To Accuse Mueller Of Lying To The Senate, Surveilling Trump - Big League Politics

Robert Mueller was appointed by President George W. Bush to his ten-year term as head of the FBI.....................Damn that GWB, can't trust any of these republicans....

(give it a rest, Stevie........)
Totally irrelevant. People can fall from grace and become corrupted, as in Mueller's case.

So the Republic Administration with a Republican Deputy AG who picked a Republican former head of the FBI who was appointed by a Republican President is somehow a conspiracy against....Republicans.

Do I have your angle correct? I just need to know before I finish laughing.
I mean I get it. If I was totally innocent of the accusations against me, I would definitely want to make sure the person leading that investigation was discredited and his investigation shut down as fast as possible. I wouldn't want any chance of how innocent I am being leaked to everyone.
I mean I get it. If I was totally innocent of the accusations against me, I would definitely want to make sure the person leading that investigation was discredited and his investigation shut down as fast as possible. I wouldn't want any chance of how innocent I am being leaked to everyone.

Well, my friend, Trump is shitting orange bricks over what the investigation will yield in a final result before congress and televised.

Actually, Trump is too dumb to have been a part of any collusion, but his entourage of morons is in trouble.....

Trump OWN screw up is his attempt to obstruct the investigation.....and firing Mueller would be a last nail in THAT coffin.

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