He's Imploding: Joe Biden Says ‘Poor Kids Are Just as Bright and Just as Talented as White Kids’

Lets hope he keeps it up. Last thing this country needs is to be stuck choosing between two 70 something white dudes.
Why is that?

If you have to ask, you will never understand.
Why is that? By liberal PC standards you just made a racist statement.

He's a gift that just keeps on giving!

And he is winning!
Holding the baton high in front of the parade of clueless idiots is not winning, as nobody wins when someone leads you down the wrong deadend street.

Except for those guys. America is safe as long as they keep talking and shouting. They can wander dead end streets as long as it keeps them out of the white house.
Joe Biden on campaign trail...just what the doctor ordered. Ol’Joe is gonna bring the nation back to good health again! :auiqs.jpg:
Kentucky has a higher poverty rate as a state than Baltimore does as a city. Now stfu you brain dead white supremacist loser

I’m sorry your life is such a failure that you think you need to pretend that anyone not like you is beneath you. But it’s no ones fault but your own
No,no,no, now. Remember, those poor people in Kentucky have white privilege.
Joe Biden on campaign trail...just what the doctor ordered. Ol’Joe is gonna bring the nation back to good health again! :auiqs.jpg:

Someone needs to do a comedic deepfake with Biden on Tim Conway slow old man footage. *L*
.......how MUCH more proof do you need that the MSM/left/blacks ''RACISM'' cries about Trump are bullshit/undeniably wrong?????!!!!!!!!!!?
if Trump said this, OMG ----RACIST RACIST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
more proof the MSM is crap and anti-Trump
I see Thurs in Iowa they solved Biden's hugging and sniffing issue by placing him behind a barrier table and giving him dark sun glasses that I'm guessing had a reminder written on the inside of his lenses to "not sniff their hair".

Lets hope he keeps it up. Last thing this country needs is to be stuck choosing between two 70 something white dudes.
Why is that?

If you have to ask, you will never understand.
Why is that? By liberal PC standards you just made a racist statement.

If all you were ever given to choose from was Rigatoni or Farfalle would you feel like that was a real choice after a while?

I do not give a flying fuck about liberal standards, that is the game for you partisans, I choose not to join in
“Poor Kids Are Just As Smart, & As Talented As White Kids”

“We Choose Truth Over Facts”
“Poor Kids Are Just As Smart, & As Talented As White Kids”

“We Choose Truth Over Facts”
If what he is talking about is his kids vs poor kids, I must agree. A liberal kid is pretty damn stupid, because their parents are just as stupid.


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