he's shaking in his boots! Mueller testimony delayed 1 week!

Everyone get your floaties out. The river of liberal tears is going to be plentiful
Who's boots? Even democrat sources say that the Mueller hearings are nothing but a political food fight. Why doesn't the democrat majority in congress tackle real issues instead of spending time in endless McCarthy like hearings?
Who's boots? Even democrat sources say that the Mueller hearings are nothing but a political food fight. Why doesn't the democrat majority in congress tackle real issues instead of spending time in endless McCarthy like hearings?

I agree. All he will do is quote the report they already have.

Just shows how inept the Dem lead House is. They are beating a dead horse and showing voters just how cement headed they are.

Go Dems.
our intel agencies have proven Russia hacking the election was no hoax.

Mueller isnt, and wont be the end if Trump stays in office after 2020.
The delay has nothing to do with Mueller.
It's the members of the two committees. Under the current setup, only select members will be able to ask questions.

Long-standing House rules indicate that EACH committee member will be allowed 5 minutes to question a wittness. With 41 members on one, that means the session would last almost 4 hours and it's only scheduled for 2. A bunch of loonies won't get to grandstand.
Can the Trump Russia hoax finally end.

No at least not until after the election and Trump wins again. Maybe then but it won't matter because many of democratic nitwits will be gone anyway. Then with majorities in both houses we can get to the bottom of all this nonsense and get rid of the rest of em.
The delay has nothing to do with Mueller.
It's the members of the two committees. Under the current setup, only select members will be able to ask questions.

Long-standing House rules indicate that EACH committee member will be allowed 5 minutes to question a wittness. With 41 members on one, that means the session would last almost 4 hours and it's only scheduled for 2. A bunch of loonies won't get to grandstand.
The rehearsals weren't going well, mueller doesn't have his lines down yet and the "suspension of disbelief" is on shaky ground, the stage crew can't get the curtain to go back up since it slammed down so hard with the mueller report and then there is that dang heckler trump to deal with...oh well, impeachment theater will have to wait at least another week.
Mueller hid the fact HE KNEW Russian Collusion was a hoax and that Hillary Clinton and Obama plotted to take down Trump.

He is in real legal jeopardy, so he does not want to testify.

Mueller was also part of the plot to defraud the United States out of 20% of it's strategic Uranium which was sold to Russia through Bribes and Extortion and then who sold it to Iran.''

He was also involved in railroading innocent men to jail in the Enron and Anthrax cases.

He's a Criminal who belongs in jail himself.
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I suspect Nadler is desperately figuring out how to rig the questioning so that the GOP members do not ask the obvious questions as to why Mueller's team never investigated:
- hiLIARy's server to see if Russians actually hacked it
- The source of the Dossier
- The process by which the FISA warrants were approved
- The unmasking of U.S. citizens conducted by the Obabble Admin

For starters...
OP link says Mueller testimony has not been delayed but sources say discussions might be underway. So, as is routine, the thread title is a lie.
OP link says Mueller testimony has not been delayed but sources say discussions might be underway. So, as is routine, the thread title is a lie.

Mueller is consulting with his lawyers, James Comey, McCabe and Obama and Clinton Lawyers on exactly what to do.

My opinion is that he is going to clam up and say very little or not even show up at all.

Mueller was part of The Insurance Policy COUP.

He was The Insurance Policy, but he didn't pay out.

Mueller was also part of the plot to defraud the United States out of 20% of it's strategic Uranium which was sold to Russia through Bribes and Extortion and then who sold it to Iran.''

He was also involved in railroading innocent men to jail in the Enron and Anthrax cases.

He was also involved in The Fast and Furious gun running scam.

He's a Criminal who belongs in jail himself.

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