Shovel ready Summer of Recovery!

This has been going on for the past 5 years...hardly summer. Also what is wrong with working on infrastructure? I don't get you idiots.
As far as the RW is concerned, it doesn't matter what Obama does; it doesn't matter if he has any successes, it doesn't matter if he solves our financial problems or health care problems, etc. Nothing matters to the RW except that they hate Obama and choose to believe he does noting right; they give him absolutely no credit for anything positive
its AKA- ODS :tinfoil: Theres A LOT of it around these parts.
Shovel ready Summer of Recovery!

This has been going on for the past 5 years...hardly summer. Also what is wrong with working on infrastructure? I don't get you idiots.
Do the math behind the statement and tell me it adds up.
It adds up!

U-3 Total unemployed, as a percent of the civilian labor force (official unemployment rate)

157,065,000 divided by 8,029,000 = 5.1118963%
320 million people in the United States.
5% of that means 16 million are unemployed.
174k get a job and you call that good?

And that's people collecting unemployment so even then it's NOT the REAL number now is it?
Fuck, you are stupid, Mr. Dark Fury. You mean there are no children, no old people, no wives that do not work outside of the home in this nation?
Do the math behind the statement and tell me it adds up.
It adds up!

U-3 Total unemployed, as a percent of the civilian labor force (official unemployment rate)

157,065,000 divided by 8,029,000 = 5.1118963%
320 million people in the United States.
5% of that means 16 million are unemployed.
174k get a job and you call that good?

And that's people collecting unemployment so even then it's NOT the REAL number now is it?

Wow. You are stupid.
The U-6 rate has held firm in the double digits since June 2008. It most recently peaked at 17.1 percent in April 2010.

2005 9.3 9.3 9.1 8.9 8.9 9 8.8 8.9 9 8.7 8.7 8.6
2006 8.4 8.4 8.2 8.1 8.2 8.4 8.5 8.4 8 8.2 8.1 7.9
2007 8.4 8.2 8 8.2 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.4 8.4 8.4 8.4 8.8
2008 9.2 9 9.1 9.2 9.7 10.1 10.5 10.8 11 11.8 12.6 13.6
2009 14.2 15.2 15.8 15.9 16.5 16.5 16.4 16.7 16.7 17.1 17.1 17.1
2010 16.7 17 17.1 17.1 16.6 16.4 16.4 16.5 16.8 16.6 16.9 16.6
2011 16.2 16 15.9 16.1 15.8 16.1 15.9 16.1 16.3 15.8 15.5 15.2
2012 15.2 15 14.5 14.6 14.8 14.8 14.8 14.6 14.7 14.4 14.4 14.4
2013 14.5 14.3 13.8 14 13.8 14.2 13.8 13.6 13.6 13.7 13.1 13.1
2014 12.7 12.6 12.6 12.3 12.1 12 12.2 12 11.7 11.5 11.4 11.2
2015 11.3 11 10.9 10.8 10.8 10.5
Chart: What’s the real unemployment rate?

If you were smart enough to understand the chart you posted. you would easily recognize the unchecked climb throughout 2008 and the first few months of 2009. After Obama was in office long enough for his programs to take effect,about mid 2009, it took about a year to slow and then reverse the massive job loses caused by right wing mismanagement. There has been a steady continuous increase of jobs since then. Again, your information doesn't show what you want it to show.
I know you are well....the slow kid okay? Look at the last line alright. You see anything CLOSE to a 5.1? I don't see a thing in single digits do you? Guess he lied to the other slow kids like you.
Shovel ready Summer of Recovery!

This has been going on for the past 5 years...hardly summer. Also what is wrong with working on infrastructure? I don't get you idiots.
Do the math behind the statement and tell me it adds up.
It adds up!

U-3 Total unemployed, as a percent of the civilian labor force (official unemployment rate)

157,065,000 divided by 8,029,000 = 5.1118963%
320 million people in the United States.
5% of that means 16 million are unemployed.
174k get a job and you call that good?

And that's people collecting unemployment so even then it's NOT the REAL number now is it?
See how totally stupid the Right is, even after I posted the definition of the U-3 unemployment rate, this idiot still uses the total population, which includes infants and sucklings, instead of the CIVILIAN LABOR FORCE. :asshole:
And the Right are STUPID, not ignorant, the ignorant lack information but once they have it they learn. But as this moron has proven, even when the Right are provided the correct information they are STILL too STUPID to learn!!!

The right is stupid, but dumb furry is more stupid than most.
TIME Magazine Story on Unemployment Rate Is an Insult to Our Intelligence
September 04, 2015

RUSH: The unemployment numbers are out. TIME Magazine. This whole subject has been a source of great irritation for me. We now have, folks, 94 million Americans not working. The labor force participation rate is at an all-time low. Now, the labor force participation rate is a percentage of able-bodied people actually working, and it's 62.6%, which is really low, it's an historic low.

What it translates to real numbers is 94 million Americans not working, and yet they report the unemployment number 5.1%. It's an insult. It's an insult to everybody's intelligence, and here we have TIME Magazine, they go through all of these numbers very excitedly.

The fucking WACKO Subversives BELIEVE all the shit the MSM and DonkeycRATS spew at them... NOT A ONE thinks for themselves and CHECKS what really is happening!

TIME Magazine Story on Unemployment Rate Is an Insult to Our Intelligence - The Rush Limbaugh Show
"The US economy added 173,000 jobs in August while the unemployment rate fell to 5.1%. The total number of new nonfarm payroll jobs is about 50,000 lower than economists had expected," but that was tempered by the fact that estimates for job gains in June and July were revised up. Yay! And then comes: "Yet we are seeing no recovery in wage growth or labor force participation." Well, duh. Of course you're not seeing any recovery in wage growth or labor force participation because we are not creating any net new jobs because we do not have an economy, much less wages, growing. But the government says the unemployment rate's 5.1%. We had an unemployment rate with George W. Bush toward the end of his regime at 4.7%. That's statistically full.

I'm sorry, I just saw a picture of Biden wearing a yarmulke and I didn't know what it was. That's the kind of thing that makes me think I should turn the TV off. It's the biggest yarmulke I've ever seen is the problem. What in the world? I thought maybe it was a bandage, you know, more brain surgery. Excuse me, my friends. I was deeply distracted.

Also we have, you know, yesterday during the program we joined in progress the Trump, I guess you could call it a press conference, following his signing of the pledge. Man, you ought read about that, too. Depends on where you go in the Drive-Bys, he's either signed his death warrant, he's either signed away his legitimate chance at winning the Republican nomination. Or he has pulled one over on the Republicans. It's just, I don't know, hard to keep track.

It's a good thing I know what's right and what's wrong and it's a good thing this stuff does nothing but amuse me. But, boy, I can imagine people who don't know what they know, don't know what I know and are not as confident that what they know is right, going through the Drive-Bys could be just as confusing and depressing as anything you could do today. That's why I am here.

Anyway, 94 million Americans not working, it's all you need to know. Everything else is irrelevant. Ninety-four million Americans not working. The adult population of the country is 210, 220 million. For crying out loud, we're almost at half of the adult population not working. Sorry, folks, you're not gonna have economic growth, you're not gonna have wage growth, and you're not gonna have private sector growth because the government's taking it all, bit by bit, little by little, bite by bite.

TIME Magazine, "Yeah, yeah, we're seeing no recovery in wage growth or labor force participation." Now, if you're a neophyte and an idiot and you see the unemployment rate going down from nearly 8% to 5.1%, you would believe that we're creating jobs left and right. And if the labor force participation rate, meaning if the number of people not working goes up -- in fact, let me put it to you this way, see how you would explain it. The unemployment rate's going down, which is supposedly an improvement. Three years ago, two years ago, unemployment was at 8%. Today, it's at 5.1%. That's a huge improvement. So why are more people not working today than they were three years ago? How do you explain that?

How in the world can anybody, with economic expertise -- and I doubt... You know, how many people really know what the labor force participation rate is anyway? But here we have TIME Magazine. I mean, supposedly these are the Wizards of Smart. These are the people who've been to journalism school and they've been to college. They've been to university. Many of them have graduate degrees. They're supposed to know this stuff, and they're sitting there stymied. They believe the unemployment rate is 5.1%, down from 8%; they're perplexed.

"How come the labor force participation rate isn't any better? How come more people aren't working? 'Cause the unemployment rate says that's exactly what happened." No, it doesn't. For about the umpteenth time, the unemployment rate that is reported, which is categorized as U-3, does not count people who have been out of work for four years or more and have given up looking for a job. Yet they're still out of work, and they're still not working.

They've given up. Their unemployment benefits may have expired. They're still out of work, but they're not counted as being out of work, and people at TIME Magazine don't know that? It wouldn't be hard to get this story right, is the point. Now, I know there's a predisposition not to rain on Obama's parade. Obama says there's an economic recovery going on, an economic boom, and, of course, the Drive-Bys have to be in support of that.

I just saw a graphic: 5% of the gas stations in the country are selling gasoline at under two bucks a gallon. I think it was 5% of the stations. It might have been 5% of the... I think it was 5% of the stations. It was 5% of something. Anyway, that's great news for consumers there, but that does not indicate a growing economy, either. It's a little bit of a dichotomous situation.
Must be nice to be so brain dead that you have to get your opinions from an obese junkie.
Shovel ready Summer of Recovery!

This has been going on for the past 5 years...hardly summer. Also what is wrong with working on infrastructure? I don't get you idiots.
Do the math behind the statement and tell me it adds up.
It adds up!

U-3 Total unemployed, as a percent of the civilian labor force (official unemployment rate)

157,065,000 divided by 8,029,000 = 5.1118963%
320 million people in the United States.
5% of that means 16 million are unemployed.
174k get a job and you call that good?

And that's people collecting unemployment so even then it's NOT the REAL number now is it?
Fuck, you are stupid, Mr. Dark Fury. You mean there are no children, no old people, no wives that do not work outside of the home in this nation?
The numbers quoted are FAKE and proven as such.
TIME Magazine Story on Unemployment Rate Is an Insult to Our Intelligence
September 04, 2015

Your MessiahRushie, and the idiots stupid enough to believe the liar, have no intelligence to insult!

But, EdTheIdiot...YOU are so fucking easy to show just how DUMB a left wing mother fucker can be, especially on unemployment!
You are proving my point that DittoTards are even stupider than their MessiahRushie!

For example, why are you too stupid to know that what your MessiahRushie told you was the "only thing you need to know" is the most irrelevant of all economic indicators?!!! It is an indicator that can be distorted by demographics, as it is today, rendering it almost completely useless as an economic indicator because it is not adjusted for the demographic effects. But as a DittoTard, you probably didn't understand a single thing I said. :rofl::lmao:

RUSH: Anyway, 94 million Americans not working, it's all you need to know. Everything else is irrelevant. Ninety-four million Americans not working.
Are 94 MILLION Americans NOT WORKING, FUCKTARD?.....This to YOU is insignificant...Socialist swine!
There were 80 million Americans not in the labor force when the Bush Regime ended, setting new records each and every year, and he didn't have Boomers retiring skewing the demographic during his reign.
TIME Magazine Story on Unemployment Rate Is an Insult to Our Intelligence
September 04, 2015

RUSH: The unemployment numbers are out. TIME Magazine. This whole subject has been a source of great irritation for me. We now have, folks, 94 million Americans not working. The labor force participation rate is at an all-time low. Now, the labor force participation rate is a percentage of able-bodied people actually working, and it's 62.6%, which is really low, it's an historic low.

What it translates to real numbers is 94 million Americans not working, and yet they report the unemployment number 5.1%. It's an insult. It's an insult to everybody's intelligence, and here we have TIME Magazine, they go through all of these numbers very excitedly.

The fucking WACKO Subversives BELIEVE all the shit the MSM and DonkeycRATS spew at them... NOT A ONE thinks for themselves and CHECKS what really is happening!

TIME Magazine Story on Unemployment Rate Is an Insult to Our Intelligence - The Rush Limbaugh Show
"The US economy added 173,000 jobs in August while the unemployment rate fell to 5.1%. The total number of new nonfarm payroll jobs is about 50,000 lower than economists had expected," but that was tempered by the fact that estimates for job gains in June and July were revised up. Yay! And then comes: "Yet we are seeing no recovery in wage growth or labor force participation." Well, duh. Of course you're not seeing any recovery in wage growth or labor force participation because we are not creating any net new jobs because we do not have an economy, much less wages, growing. But the government says the unemployment rate's 5.1%. We had an unemployment rate with George W. Bush toward the end of his regime at 4.7%. That's statistically full.

I'm sorry, I just saw a picture of Biden wearing a yarmulke and I didn't know what it was. That's the kind of thing that makes me think I should turn the TV off. It's the biggest yarmulke I've ever seen is the problem. What in the world? I thought maybe it was a bandage, you know, more brain surgery. Excuse me, my friends. I was deeply distracted.

Also we have, you know, yesterday during the program we joined in progress the Trump, I guess you could call it a press conference, following his signing of the pledge. Man, you ought read about that, too. Depends on where you go in the Drive-Bys, he's either signed his death warrant, he's either signed away his legitimate chance at winning the Republican nomination. Or he has pulled one over on the Republicans. It's just, I don't know, hard to keep track.

It's a good thing I know what's right and what's wrong and it's a good thing this stuff does nothing but amuse me. But, boy, I can imagine people who don't know what they know, don't know what I know and are not as confident that what they know is right, going through the Drive-Bys could be just as confusing and depressing as anything you could do today. That's why I am here.

Anyway, 94 million Americans not working, it's all you need to know. Everything else is irrelevant. Ninety-four million Americans not working. The adult population of the country is 210, 220 million. For crying out loud, we're almost at half of the adult population not working. Sorry, folks, you're not gonna have economic growth, you're not gonna have wage growth, and you're not gonna have private sector growth because the government's taking it all, bit by bit, little by little, bite by bite.

TIME Magazine, "Yeah, yeah, we're seeing no recovery in wage growth or labor force participation." Now, if you're a neophyte and an idiot and you see the unemployment rate going down from nearly 8% to 5.1%, you would believe that we're creating jobs left and right. And if the labor force participation rate, meaning if the number of people not working goes up -- in fact, let me put it to you this way, see how you would explain it. The unemployment rate's going down, which is supposedly an improvement. Three years ago, two years ago, unemployment was at 8%. Today, it's at 5.1%. That's a huge improvement. So why are more people not working today than they were three years ago? How do you explain that?

How in the world can anybody, with economic expertise -- and I doubt... You know, how many people really know what the labor force participation rate is anyway? But here we have TIME Magazine. I mean, supposedly these are the Wizards of Smart. These are the people who've been to journalism school and they've been to college. They've been to university. Many of them have graduate degrees. They're supposed to know this stuff, and they're sitting there stymied. They believe the unemployment rate is 5.1%, down from 8%; they're perplexed.

"How come the labor force participation rate isn't any better? How come more people aren't working? 'Cause the unemployment rate says that's exactly what happened." No, it doesn't. For about the umpteenth time, the unemployment rate that is reported, which is categorized as U-3, does not count people who have been out of work for four years or more and have given up looking for a job. Yet they're still out of work, and they're still not working.

They've given up. Their unemployment benefits may have expired. They're still out of work, but they're not counted as being out of work, and people at TIME Magazine don't know that? It wouldn't be hard to get this story right, is the point. Now, I know there's a predisposition not to rain on Obama's parade. Obama says there's an economic recovery going on, an economic boom, and, of course, the Drive-Bys have to be in support of that.

I just saw a graphic: 5% of the gas stations in the country are selling gasoline at under two bucks a gallon. I think it was 5% of the stations. It might have been 5% of the... I think it was 5% of the stations. It was 5% of something. Anyway, that's great news for consumers there, but that does not indicate a growing economy, either. It's a little bit of a dichotomous situation.
Must be nice to be so brain dead that you have to get your opinions from an obese junkie.

Well, I could do like you scumbags do and get my info from a terrorist muslim, half white, idiot that has put us over $18 TRILLION in debt, and is bringing us much closer to this, you moron!

TIME Magazine Story on Unemployment Rate Is an Insult to Our Intelligence
September 04, 2015

Your MessiahRushie, and the idiots stupid enough to believe the liar, have no intelligence to insult!

But, EdTheIdiot...YOU are so fucking easy to show just how DUMB a left wing mother fucker can be, especially on unemployment!
You are proving my point that DittoTards are even stupider than their MessiahRushie!

For example, why are you too stupid to know that what your MessiahRushie told you was the "only thing you need to know" is the most irrelevant of all economic indicators?!!! It is an indicator that can be distorted by demographics, as it is today, rendering it almost completely useless as an economic indicator because it is not adjusted for the demographic effects. But as a DittoTard, you probably didn't understand a single thing I said. :rofl::lmao:

RUSH: Anyway, 94 million Americans not working, it's all you need to know. Everything else is irrelevant. Ninety-four million Americans not working.
Are 94 MILLION Americans NOT WORKING, FUCKTARD?.....This to YOU is insignificant...Socialist swine!
There were 80 million Americans not in the labor force when the Bush Regime ended, setting new records each and every year, and he didn't have Boomers retiring skewing the demographic during his reign.
So YOUR argument is Obama only INCREASED unemployment by 14 million? Interesting indeed.
It adds up!

U-3 Total unemployed, as a percent of the civilian labor force (official unemployment rate)

157,065,000 divided by 8,029,000 = 5.1118963%
320 million people in the United States.
5% of that means 16 million are unemployed.
174k get a job and you call that good?

And that's people collecting unemployment so even then it's NOT the REAL number now is it?

Wow. You are stupid.
The U-6 rate has held firm in the double digits since June 2008. It most recently peaked at 17.1 percent in April 2010.

2005 9.3 9.3 9.1 8.9 8.9 9 8.8 8.9 9 8.7 8.7 8.6
2006 8.4 8.4 8.2 8.1 8.2 8.4 8.5 8.4 8 8.2 8.1 7.9
2007 8.4 8.2 8 8.2 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.4 8.4 8.4 8.4 8.8
2008 9.2 9 9.1 9.2 9.7 10.1 10.5 10.8 11 11.8 12.6 13.6
2009 14.2 15.2 15.8 15.9 16.5 16.5 16.4 16.7 16.7 17.1 17.1 17.1
2010 16.7 17 17.1 17.1 16.6 16.4 16.4 16.5 16.8 16.6 16.9 16.6
2011 16.2 16 15.9 16.1 15.8 16.1 15.9 16.1 16.3 15.8 15.5 15.2
2012 15.2 15 14.5 14.6 14.8 14.8 14.8 14.6 14.7 14.4 14.4 14.4
2013 14.5 14.3 13.8 14 13.8 14.2 13.8 13.6 13.6 13.7 13.1 13.1
2014 12.7 12.6 12.6 12.3 12.1 12 12.2 12 11.7 11.5 11.4 11.2
2015 11.3 11 10.9 10.8 10.8 10.5
Chart: What’s the real unemployment rate?

If you were smart enough to understand the chart you posted. you would easily recognize the unchecked climb throughout 2008 and the first few months of 2009. After Obama was in office long enough for his programs to take effect,about mid 2009, it took about a year to slow and then reverse the massive job loses caused by right wing mismanagement. There has been a steady continuous increase of jobs since then. Again, your information doesn't show what you want it to show.
I know you are well....the slow kid okay? Look at the last line alright. You see anything CLOSE to a 5.1? I don't see a thing in single digits do you? Guess he lied to the other slow kids like you.

No dumbass. The OP referenced U-3, your chart is U-6.
TIME Magazine Story on Unemployment Rate Is an Insult to Our Intelligence
September 04, 2015

Your MessiahRushie, and the idiots stupid enough to believe the liar, have no intelligence to insult!

But, EdTheIdiot...YOU are so fucking easy to show just how DUMB a left wing mother fucker can be, especially on unemployment!
You are proving my point that DittoTards are even stupider than their MessiahRushie!

For example, why are you too stupid to know that what your MessiahRushie told you was the "only thing you need to know" is the most irrelevant of all economic indicators?!!! It is an indicator that can be distorted by demographics, as it is today, rendering it almost completely useless as an economic indicator because it is not adjusted for the demographic effects. But as a DittoTard, you probably didn't understand a single thing I said. :rofl::lmao:

RUSH: Anyway, 94 million Americans not working, it's all you need to know. Everything else is irrelevant. Ninety-four million Americans not working.
Are 94 MILLION Americans NOT WORKING, FUCKTARD?.....This to YOU is insignificant...Socialist swine!
There were 80 million Americans not in the labor force when the Bush Regime ended, setting new records each and every year, and he didn't have Boomers retiring skewing the demographic during his reign.

AND he didn't have 700,000 illegals immigrants coming in here each year to TAKE our fucking jobs! You UNAMERICAN scumbag!

Numbers of illegal aliens in the U.S. by Fred Elbel - THE ...
How many illegal aliens ... resided in the United States and 700,000 new illegals enter and stay each year. ... illegal aliens each year enter into the ...
Your MessiahRushie, and the idiots stupid enough to believe the liar, have no intelligence to insult!

But, EdTheIdiot...YOU are so fucking easy to show just how DUMB a left wing mother fucker can be, especially on unemployment!
You are proving my point that DittoTards are even stupider than their MessiahRushie!

For example, why are you too stupid to know that what your MessiahRushie told you was the "only thing you need to know" is the most irrelevant of all economic indicators?!!! It is an indicator that can be distorted by demographics, as it is today, rendering it almost completely useless as an economic indicator because it is not adjusted for the demographic effects. But as a DittoTard, you probably didn't understand a single thing I said. :rofl::lmao:

RUSH: Anyway, 94 million Americans not working, it's all you need to know. Everything else is irrelevant. Ninety-four million Americans not working.
Are 94 MILLION Americans NOT WORKING, FUCKTARD?.....This to YOU is insignificant...Socialist swine!
There were 80 million Americans not in the labor force when the Bush Regime ended, setting new records each and every year, and he didn't have Boomers retiring skewing the demographic during his reign.

AND he didn't have 700,000 illegals immigrants coming in here each year to TAKE our fucking jobs! You UNAMERICAN scumbag!

Numbers of illegal aliens in the U.S. by Fred Elbel - THE ...
How many illegal aliens ... resided in the United States and 700,000 new illegals enter and stay each year. ... illegal aliens each year enter into the ...

Your link is nearly a decade old

From your link
Analysis and explanation
This section first developed and posted in August, 2004 and was
was updated in February 2005, July, 2005 and February, 2007. The
detailed analysis in this section was completed in September, 2004
by Fred Elbel and was published in the Fall, 2005

Here is something a little more current

1The number of Mexican immigrants living in the U.S. illegally has declined. In 2012, 5.9 million unauthorized immigrants from Mexico lived in the U.S., down about 1 million from 2007. Despite the drop, Mexicans still make up a slight majority (52% in 2012) of unauthorized immigrants. At the same time, unauthorized immigration overall has leveled off in recent years. As a result, net migration from Mexico likely reached zeroin 2010, and since then more Mexicans have left the U.S. than have arrived.

You unAmerican Scumbag.
The Cons, and Repukes, Tea Maggots are all too stupid to realize roughly 5% unemployed is pretty solid considering a country of this size, considering those sewer rats in congress have been fighting him every step of the way..

Cons would rather have Drunk Bush back, they miss the 2008 economic disaster, also when America was whacked on 9-11, fuel at 4.20 in 2008, massive unemployment when the dumbshit FINALLY left in 2009, and 2 lost wars put on the credit card, HECK OF A DAMN GREAT JOB, YOU INBRED POS HALF RETARDED REDNECK..

Now what do we do about wages that have been stagnating since around the early 1980's:bang3:

Ahh the Cons and Tea Maggots have more important things to worry about like Hillary's e-mails.
Frequently Requested Statistics on Immigrants and Immigration in the United States

How many immigrants have entered the United States since 2000?

Twenty-nine percent of the 41.3 million foreign born in the United States in 2013 entered between 2000 and 2009, 10 percent have entered since 2010, and the majority (61 percent) entered before 2000.

So, 29% of the immigrants in the US entered during Bush's terms. And 10% entered in the first five years of Obama's terms. So, overall, less immigrants came to this nation each year during President Obama's first five years than during each year of President Bush's terms. You are just so full shit, Mr. Vigilante.
The Cons, and Repukes, Tea Maggots are all too stupid to realize roughly 5% unemployed is pretty solid considering a country of this size, considering those sewer rats in congress have been fighting him every step of the way..

Cons would rather have Drunk Bush back, they miss the 2008 economic disaster, also when America was whacked on 9-11, fuel at 4.20 in 2008, massive unemployment when the dumbshit FINALLY left in 2009, and 2 lost wars put on the credit card, HECK OF A DAMN GREAT JOB, YOU INBRED POS HALF RETARDED REDNECK..

Now what do we do about wages that have been stagnating since around the early 1980's:bang3:

Ahh the Cons and Tea Maggots have more important things to worry about like Hillary's e-mails.

Protect our industries and incentivize corporations to invest in their labor force.
The Cons, and Repukes, Tea Maggots are all too stupid to realize roughly 5% unemployed is pretty solid considering a country of this size, considering those sewer rats in congress have been fighting him every step of the way..

Cons would rather have Drunk Bush back, they miss the 2008 economic disaster, also when America was whacked on 9-11, fuel at 4.20 in 2008, massive unemployment when the dumbshit FINALLY left in 2009, and 2 lost wars put on the credit card, HECK OF A DAMN GREAT JOB, YOU INBRED POS HALF RETARDED REDNECK..

Now what do we do about wages that have been stagnating since around the early 1980's:bang3:

Ahh the Cons and Tea Maggots have more important things to worry about like Hillary's e-mails.

Are you 15 years old?
And from 2013...

About 11.7 million immigrants are living in the United States illegally, a population that has not varied much over the last three years but may recently be increasing again, according to new estimates published Monday by the Pew Research Center Hispanic Trends Project.

As lawmakers in Washington debate an immigration overhaul that could include a pathway to legal status or citizenship for millions of unauthorized immigrants, the figures from the nonpartisan Pew Center are regarded by many demographers as the most reliable estimates of the number of people who might be eligible for those programs.

Fuck you Bull shiter, you Unamerican scumbag! That was 2 years ago and the Manchurian muslim has been adding additional children to them, and NOT anchor babies!

Obama to kids of illegal immigrants: You can stay | HLNtv.com
Jun 15, 2012 · ... the Department of Homeland Security announced Friday that it will stop deporting the children of illegal immigrants. ... let me finish." Laura ... has ...
Frequently Requested Statistics on Immigrants and Immigration in the United States

How many immigrants have entered the United States since 2000?

Twenty-nine percent of the 41.3 million foreign born in the United States in 2013 entered between 2000 and 2009, 10 percent have entered since 2010, and the majority (61 percent) entered before 2000.

So, 29% of the immigrants in the US entered during Bush's terms. And 10% entered in the first five years of Obama's terms. So, overall, less immigrants came to this nation each year during President Obama's first five years than during each year of President Bush's terms. You are just so full shit, Mr. Vigilante.

Frequently Requested Statistics on Immigrants and Immigration in the United States

How many immigrants have entered the United States since 2000?

Twenty-nine percent of the 41.3 million foreign born in the United States in 2013 entered between 2000 and 2009, 10 percent have entered since 2010, and the majority (61 percent) entered before 2000.

So, 29% of the immigrants in the US entered during Bush's terms. And 10% entered in the first five years of Obama's terms. So, overall, less immigrants came to this nation each year during President Obama's first five years than during each year of President Bush's terms. You are just so full shit, Mr. Vigilante.

LEGAL immigrants FUCKTARD, NOT The Manchurian muslims ILLEGALS!!!!

You LIE just like all the other scumbag Commie bastards!

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