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Hey cons: if your solution to the min wage issue is to tell those people...

..."Go to school! Learn new skills, you lazy asses!"

...then who would replace them to work in the service industry? How could those industries survive if so many of the workers make minimum wage?

Keep in mind we are including state minimum wages here - not just the federal one. Right now anyone making a state minimum wage is living in poverty. Working up to 40 hours a week Is not enough for these people to live financially stable lives.

42% of American workers make less than $15 per hour. What is your solution to helping these people out of poverty?

You people are full of bitching but you have no real solutions.

As you know, and know well the 1996 Welfare Reform Act was incredibly successful in taking people OFF the welfare rolls, away from RECEIVING taxpayer money. Those folks went ONTO the worker rolls and now being TAXPAYERS.

As you know, that was part of Newt Gingrich's Contract With America. The Welfare Reform Act was vetoed twice by then President Bill Clinton before he signed the act seeing that congress then had enough votes to overrule his third veto.

As you know too, it is Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama who intentionally CANCELLED the 1996 Welfare Reform Act with the passage of the failed, TRILLION DOLLAR STIMULUS plan and the passage of Obamacare. President Obama wants as many people as possible to be dependent on the taxpayer teat.

Hate to break it to you. Already in gear in Europe. Automation.


There should be a tax to do this called the guaranteed living wage tax. What this will do is pay everyone 1,000 to 1,500 bucks per month in order to survive. This would also end the need for food stamps, and other welfare but most importantly will make work no longer work or die.

So we kill two birds with one stone! I support automation in general as I don't believe work should be a do or die kind of thing and machines can do it far more efficiently! Just that we have to care about the humans when we're doing so.

Good Lord, now I have heard it all. The goofy runs deep in this one.
..."Go to school! Learn new skills, you lazy asses!"

...then who would replace them to work in the service industry? How could those industries survive if so many of the workers make minimum wage?

Keep in mind we are including state minimum wages here - not just the federal one. Right now anyone making a state minimum wage is living in poverty. Working up to 40 hours a week Is not enough for these people to live financially stable lives.

42% of American workers make less than $15 per hour. What is your solution to helping these people out of poverty?

You people are full of bitching but you have no real solutions.

As you know, and know well the 1996 Welfare Reform Act was incredibly successful in taking people OFF the welfare rolls, away from RECEIVING taxpayer money. Those folks went ONTO the worker rolls and now being TAXPAYERS.

As you know, that was part of Newt Gingrich's Contract With America. The Welfare Reform Act was vetoed twice by then President Bill Clinton before he signed the act seeing that congress then had enough votes to overrule his third veto.

As you know too, it is Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama who intentionally CANCELLED the 1996 Welfare Reform Act with the passage of the failed, TRILLION DOLLAR STIMULUS plan and the passage of Obamacare. President Obama wants as many people as possible to be dependent on the taxpayer teat.

Does Obama’s Plan ‘Gut Welfare Reform’?
..."Go to school! Learn new skills, you lazy asses!"

...then who would replace them to work in the service industry? How could those industries survive if so many of the workers make minimum wage?

Keep in mind we are including state minimum wages here - not just the federal one. Right now anyone making a state minimum wage is living in poverty. Working up to 40 hours a week Is not enough for these people to live financially stable lives.

42% of American workers make less than $15 per hour. What is your solution to helping these people out of poverty?

You people are full of bitching but you have no real solutions.

As you know, and know well the 1996 Welfare Reform Act was incredibly successful in taking people OFF the welfare rolls, away from RECEIVING taxpayer money. Those folks went ONTO the worker rolls and now being TAXPAYERS.

As you know, that was part of Newt Gingrich's Contract With America. The Welfare Reform Act was vetoed twice by then President Bill Clinton before he signed the act seeing that congress then had enough votes to overrule his third veto.

As you know too, it is Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama who intentionally CANCELLED the 1996 Welfare Reform Act with the passage of the failed, TRILLION DOLLAR STIMULUS plan and the passage of Obamacare. President Obama wants as many people as possible to be dependent on the taxpayer teat.

Does Obama’s Plan ‘Gut Welfare Reform’?

For someone who claims they don't need to add links for other people, you sure are adding a lot suddenly! :lol:

But I guess it's hard to add links for things that never existed. When you invent lies, there aren't likely to be links for them.
..."Go to school! Learn new skills, you lazy asses!"

...then who would replace them to work in the service industry? How could those industries survive if so many of the workers make minimum wage?

Keep in mind we are including state minimum wages here - not just the federal one. Right now anyone making a state minimum wage is living in poverty. Working up to 40 hours a week Is not enough for these people to live financially stable lives.

42% of American workers make less than $15 per hour. What is your solution to helping these people out of poverty?

You people are full of bitching but you have no real solutions.

As you know, and know well the 1996 Welfare Reform Act was incredibly successful in taking people OFF the welfare rolls, away from RECEIVING taxpayer money. Those folks went ONTO the worker rolls and now being TAXPAYERS.

As you know, that was part of Newt Gingrich's Contract With America. The Welfare Reform Act was vetoed twice by then President Bill Clinton before he signed the act seeing that congress then had enough votes to overrule his third veto.

As you know too, it is Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama who intentionally CANCELLED the 1996 Welfare Reform Act with the passage of the failed, TRILLION DOLLAR STIMULUS plan and the passage of Obamacare. President Obama wants as many people as possible to be dependent on the taxpayer teat.

Does Obama’s Plan ‘Gut Welfare Reform’?

An Overview of Obama’s End Run on Welfare Reform

Ending Work for Welfare: An Overview

Obama's End Run on Welfare Reform, Part Two: Dismantling Workfare
..."Go to school! Learn new skills, you lazy asses!"

...then who
w could those industries survive if so many of the workers make minimum wage?

Keep in mind we are including state minimum wages here - not just the federal one. Right now anyone making a state minimum wage is living in poverty. Working up to 40 hours a week Is not enough for these people to live financially stable lives.

42% of American workers make less than $15 per hour. What is your solution to helping these people out of poverty?

You people are full of bitching but you have no real solutions.

Who would replace them to work in the service industry?

Unemployed teenagers. ....

How about you actually make an attempt at learning facts? 42% of American workers make less 15 per hour. 20 million alone make less 10.

PLEASE help us all by sharing with us the percentage of households where one worker, earning the minimum wage, is the sole wage earner in that household. It really is easy to learn and I believe it would be helpful to you.
The republican solution is to end the minimum wage which will allow corporate America to pay pennies to our workers as they do in africa or asia.

Who in the United States is going to work for pennies?

When there's no minimum wage corporations like Apple or a meat packers plant will pay as little as they can get away with. Look at Africa, south Asia and even china to see what corporations do when they get away from our regulations and minimum wage laws. History backs this up too and is why we have such laws.

Comparing Apple with a meat packing plant is comparing apples and artichokes.
The republican solution is to end the minimum wage which will allow corporate America to pay pennies to our workers as they do in africa or asia.

Who in the United States is going to work for pennies?

Matthew thinks the Unemployment rate is 85% I guess...


The unemployment is very low. It is not a employment problem so much as a wage problem. Hell, we have a wage problem even with the current laws on the books,,,wtf, do you think will happen when they can pay as little as they damn well wish?

4% of working American wages went up 100
The much bigger question is, well libs consider the consequences of an increased minimum wage when unemployment spikes for the young and inexperienced?

Same question is asked every time its raised - which isn't nearly often enough.

Not much happens, except that the economy gets stronger.

If Trumpery is elected, he will do whatever the R congress tells him to do. That will mean an end to minimum wage, end to SS, end to Medicare and Medicaid. The country will go into a very deep depression and destabilize. The rest of the world will destabilize as well. And we will have endless wars.

History has proven that everything you just said was wrong. I don't blame you though - you don't known any better. You're just a parroting the ignorant libtard talking points of your masters.

But here is your opportunity to learn something. Hard-core liberal UCLA did a study and found that FDR's policies prolonged the Great Depression by 7 years. Enjoy....


Further, the Repubs will end the middle class with higher and higher taxes to pay for their unending wars. They will buy more and more tanks an planes to go with the unused hundreds we already have. They will never be used but that's not the point. The point is to enrich the 1%.

Anyone who still believes that Drumpf is not in the ass pocket of big business and big banks hasn't been paying attention. And he is NOT self funded.

Why are you so against high paying Union middle class jobs?


Simple, I vehemently opposed to the destructive UNIONS.
..."Go to school! Learn new skills, you lazy asses!"

...then who would replace them to work in the service industry? How could those industries survive if so many of the workers make minimum wage?

Keep in mind we are including state minimum wages here - not just the federal one. Right now anyone making a state minimum wage is living in poverty. Working up to 40 hours a week Is not enough for these people to live financially stable lives.

42% of American workers make less than $15 per hour. What is your solution to helping these people out of poverty?

You people are full of bitching but you have no real solutions.

When you live in a fantasy world what do you expect?

Minimum wages are set up to protect the employee, it's not a guarantee for a living wage. If you're in your 20's working at WalMart and think it's Sam's responsibility to provide for you it is just stupid...

The really sad part is you're too stupid to figure this out...
I don't understand how you people aren't getting this. Low wage jobs greatly outnumber higher wage jobs. That means millions of people have NO CHOICE but to accept shitty paying jobs.

Low-wage earners have HUGE choices. That they are too lazy and not motivated is the fault of Progressives whose solution to EVERYTHING is to throw MORE MONEY!

The republican solution is to end the minimum wage which will allow corporate America to pay pennies to our workers as they do in africa or asia.

Who in the United States is going to work for pennies?

How about hundreds of pennies per hour, does that sound better? Because it's factual and unlivable.

In other words, nobody will be working for a dollar a day like in Africa or Asia, right?

We're not going to experience a holocaust in this country either, there are still no excuses for the klan.

There are no excuses for Black Lives Matter either, but they exist in all their hate-filled fury.
But why are there so few decent paying jobs and why is this an employer's market that can pay someone less than what it takes to live? What caused this? Come on, homeboy....lay some leftard wisdom on me because I know how, why and when it all started......let's see you try and "school" me in the ways of leftardism.......I need a good laugh.
I don't see how this is complicated for you. The minimum wage caused it. Few people have skills to get a better paying job. That means they turn to entry level which always pays shit.

I mean Christ, if I'm wrong as you believe I am, it's not like you have an alternative explanation you doofus.

Answer the fucking question....I know why people are having to take shitty paying jobs...I am ASKING you why that is and what you think should be done about it. Raising wages to 15 bucks an hour isn't going to fix shit....it's just kicking the can down the road.
I just fucking answered the question. How hard is this? I think raising the federal wage to 15 is too big of a leap. We should have started the process years ago. It can however be raised to $12. Will jobs be lost in the process? Yes. However, the increase in consumer spendinf would create jobs. The rise in prices wouldn't nearly be enough to offset the extra few hundred bucks a month a person would be making.

You miss one very important nuance of wages, Billy. You can't raise the bottom level without having a corresponding ripple effect on wages above that level. If you pay your busboy $15 an hour then your waiter who has more experience than the newly hired busboy is going to demand to make $20 an hour. Your floor manager who now makes $20 an hour is going to want to make $30 an hour. So what you end up doing is raising everyone's wages...which of course raises everyone's labor costs...which of course leads to increased prices for goods and services to pay for that additional cost. So YEAH, you now make $15 an hour but your cost of living went up substantially to pay for it so you're right back where you started from!
Lol since when has it worked for workers to say "hey that guy almost makes as much as me. Pay me more!"

Employers can't be trusted on paying a wage that is econmically fair. They pay shit to maximize their own profits. The only way to make a business pay more is through legislation.

So, Joy, when will it be, when you're again unsatisfied with $15 bucks an hour minimum wage? What next? $25? $50? $100? Is this about a "living wage" or is this about pure, unfettered greed?

So, Joy, when will it be, when you're again unsatisfied with $15 bucks an hour minimum wage? What next? $25? $50? $100? Is this about a "living wage" or is this about pure, unfettered greed?

Unfettered greed is why we need a minimum wage and regulations.

The laugh is these guys are the ones that say lets make America Great Again... Wasn't everyone who worked 40 hours a week got a wage that meant they didn't live in poverty great?

What the heck does this mean?
Wasn't everyone who worked 40 hours a week got a wage that meant they didn't live in poverty great?
..."Go to school! Learn new skills, you lazy asses!"

...then who would replace them to work in the service industry? How could those industries survive if so many of the workers make minimum wage?

Keep in mind we are including state minimum wages here - not just the federal one. Right now anyone making a state minimum wage is living in poverty. Working up to 40 hours a week Is not enough for these people to live financially stable lives.

42% of American workers make less than $15 per hour. What is your solution to helping these people out of poverty?

You people are full of bitching but you have no real solutions.

$15 an hour is $31K a year, well beyond poverty unless you are having kids and such that you can't afford.

So my suggestion is , don't have kids you can't afford. Don't spend money on cigarettes, lottery tickets, beer, weed, etc etc. if you can't afford it.

I actually find it strange that another adult would need to be told such things.
Unfettered greed is why we need a minimum wage and regulations.

So, why do we keep raising it? I highly doubt it's about inflation. People want a full $7 raise. That wasn't prompted by inflation, but greed. Regulations mean nothing if you don't enforce them.

What is the definition of "minimum"? Is the definition "just what you want it to be"?

So, why do we keep raising it? I highly doubt it's about inflation. People want a full $7 raise. That wasn't prompted by inflation, but greed. Regulations mean nothing if you don't enforce them.

What is the definition of "minimum"? Is the definition "just what you want it to be"?

My guess is you haven't priced anything lately.

Do away with the Federal minimum wage altogether. If the states wish to have one, that's their business, as per the Constitution.
Unfettered greed is why we need a minimum wage and regulations.

So, why do we keep raising it? I highly doubt it's about inflation. People want a full $7 raise. That wasn't prompted by inflation, but greed. Regulations mean nothing if you don't enforce them.

What is the definition of "minimum"? Is the definition "just what you want it to be"?

So, why do we keep raising it? I highly doubt it's about inflation. People want a full $7 raise. That wasn't prompted by inflation, but greed. Regulations mean nothing if you don't enforce them.

What is the definition of "minimum"? Is the definition "just what you want it to be"?

My guess is you haven't priced anything lately.

Do away with the Federal minimum wage altogether. If the states wish to have one, that's their business, as per the Constitution.
Too late. The precedent for the federal minimum wage has stood the test for more than 70 years.
Yep, be specific please.

Read the article. Specificity lies therein.
Then you should have no problem explaining it.

If you're such an expert on the positive economic impacts of a higher minimum wage, then you should have no problem disseminating it.

Good day.

Study sees positive impact of raising New York’s minimum wage to $15 an hour

I hope you enjoy the fruits of your activism.

A $15-hour minimum wage could harm America’s poorest workers

Which is the goal of Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama.

Unfettered greed is why we need a minimum wage and regulations.

So, why do we keep raising it? I highly doubt it's about inflation. People want a full $7 raise. That wasn't prompted by inflation, but greed. Regulations mean nothing if you don't enforce them.

What is the definition of "minimum"? Is the definition "just what you want it to be"?

So, why do we keep raising it? I highly doubt it's about inflation. People want a full $7 raise. That wasn't prompted by inflation, but greed. Regulations mean nothing if you don't enforce them.

What is the definition of "minimum"? Is the definition "just what you want it to be"?

My guess is you haven't priced anything lately.

Do away with the Federal minimum wage altogether. If the states wish to have one, that's their business, as per the Constitution.
Too late. The precedent for the federal minimum wage has stood the test for more than 70 years.

Your point being?
I don't see how this is complicated for you. The minimum wage caused it. Few people have skills to get a better paying job. That means they turn to entry level which always pays shit.

I mean Christ, if I'm wrong as you believe I am, it's not like you have an alternative explanation you doofus.

Answer the fucking question....I know why people are having to take shitty paying jobs...I am ASKING you why that is and what you think should be done about it. Raising wages to 15 bucks an hour isn't going to fix shit....it's just kicking the can down the road.
I just fucking answered the question. How hard is this? I think raising the federal wage to 15 is too big of a leap. We should have started the process years ago. It can however be raised to $12. Will jobs be lost in the process? Yes. However, the increase in consumer spendinf would create jobs. The rise in prices wouldn't nearly be enough to offset the extra few hundred bucks a month a person would be making.

You miss one very important nuance of wages, Billy. You can't raise the bottom level without having a corresponding ripple effect on wages above that level. If you pay your busboy $15 an hour then your waiter who has more experience than the newly hired busboy is going to demand to make $20 an hour. Your floor manager who now makes $20 an hour is going to want to make $30 an hour. So what you end up doing is raising everyone's wages...which of course raises everyone's labor costs...which of course leads to increased prices for goods and services to pay for that additional cost. So YEAH, you now make $15 an hour but your cost of living went up substantially to pay for it so you're right back where you started from!
Lol since when has it worked for workers to say "hey that guy almost makes as much as me. Pay me more!"

Employers can't be trusted on paying a wage that is econmically fair. They pay shit to maximize their own profits. The only way to make a business pay more is through legislation.


Billy ain't too bright.
..."Go to school! Learn new skills, you lazy asses!"

...then who would replace them to work in the service industry? How could those industries survive if so many of the workers make minimum wage?

Keep in mind we are including state minimum wages here - not just the federal one. Right now anyone making a state minimum wage is living in poverty. Working up to 40 hours a week Is not enough for these people to live financially stable lives.

42% of American workers make less than $15 per hour. What is your solution to helping these people out of poverty?

You people are full of bitching but you have no real solutions.
Republicans don't believe in school Their solution to low wages is to cut food stamps and healthcare.
Unfettered greed is why we need a minimum wage and regulations.

So, why do we keep raising it? I highly doubt it's about inflation. People want a full $7 raise. That wasn't prompted by inflation, but greed. Regulations mean nothing if you don't enforce them.

What is the definition of "minimum"? Is the definition "just what you want it to be"?

So, why do we keep raising it? I highly doubt it's about inflation. People want a full $7 raise. That wasn't prompted by inflation, but greed. Regulations mean nothing if you don't enforce them.

What is the definition of "minimum"? Is the defionition "just what you want it to be"?

My guess is you haven't priced anything lately.

Do away with the Federal minimum wage altogether. If the states wish to have one, that's their business, as per the Constitution.
Too late. The precedent for the federal minimum wage has stood the test for more than 70 years.

Your point being?
My point is your wishes are irrelevant.

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