Hey Democrats want proof? Here ya go

One last thing:

But, sweetness, isn't cheating...............um......cheating???

It's a Republican district. So you think the Republicans were cheating, do ya?

That's the most hilarious part of today's topics about rigging in Texas and Virginia. In every case posted, they were in districts controlled by REPUBLICANS!!!


Well hun, I am not a Republican. So you are laughing at nothing when it comes to me. Cheating is cheating. Enjoy.
Odium thought he had himself some hard evidence of Democratic cheating in this election. What he provided as evidence was a faulty machine controlled by Republicans. From 2014.

That's worthy of a good hearty belly laugh.

And he is already back in line to be lied to again. I guarantee it.

Are you so naive as to think we ALL aren't lied to? Come on....
Yes, we are ALL lied to. Of course we are. The whole point is that some of us are smart enough to catch on. Others, like Odium, never learn.

We agree on the first part. Second part I really do not know Odium, so can't say.

NAHHH! its all bullshit! Here's your proof like you give a shit.Everyone PLEASE share this!

Click watch on facebook. It won't let me embed it.

FYI- that VIDEO is from 2014, and the Democrat LOST the election.

2014 congressional election
See also: United States House of Representatives elections in Virginia, 2014 § District 2
Patrick ran for Congress in Virginia's 2nd congressional district, challenging incumbent Republican Congressman Scott Rigell. Patrick criticized Rigell for voting for defense cuts as part of the sequester.[3] The Hill reported that she planned to frame herself as a "centrist Democrat."[2]
Computers can't even get a simple task like voting right, and we want them driving our cars!

You get the blue screen of death in your Toyota, and it will be literal.

I have frequently had the experience of tapping a letter on my touchscreen keyboard on my phone and it types the letter next to it, no matter how careful I am.

We need to keep using paper ballots until the tech catches up.
LOL Sure can tell people are not reading this thread. It has long been established that the video is from 2014......which IMO makes no difference whatsoever. Cheating is cheating.

I am now seeing that's half the problem here. People are so busy want to get their post in, they are not reading. :lol:
People ARE reading this thread, starting from the beginning and when they research the op's contention and facebook video, it shows that the election that was LIED ABOUT, by saying it was THIS ELECTION and in another state,

sets off red flags....


why couldn't this person, simply tell the truth and say, look what happened in Virginia back in 2014....here is video.... BTW, the Republican candidate WON, so I ask, is it possible there WAS NO CHEATING and this video WAS of a machine not being calibrated? Why go thru all the steps it would take to reprogram a voting machine to vote for a Democrat, only for the Democrat to lose?

INSTEAD they have to CLAIM this is what is happening now?

All of these Right Wing LIES, and the ease in which they LIE, just deflects from something that truly may need addressing still...
It happened in Virginia in 2014 with one machine that was miscalibrated. The impact was that the glitch was reported and that machine was taken out of service

It does not correlate to widespread voter fraud

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