Hey Dems! How's that "Trump/Russian Collusion" thing coming along?

From what I have been hearing...Mueller has been quite busy

Quite busy over what the right calls a nothing burger
Where's the evidence?

They have been quite busy gathering months and months of evidence

What I haven't seen is a declaration.......Nothing to see here, case closed
In other words, they have no evidence.
No evidence would have ended this investigation months ago

I can't wait to read the findings, can you?
From what I have been hearing...Mueller has been quite busy

Quite busy over what the right calls a nothing burger
Where's the evidence?

They have been quite busy gathering months and months of evidence

What I haven't seen is a declaration.......Nothing to see here, case closed
In other words, they have no evidence.
No evidence would have ended this investigation months ago

I can't wait to read the findings, can you?
Wrong. Why would anyone believe Mewler would end a very lucrative gig where he had to do nothing for a trivial reason like having no evidence?
From what I have been hearing...Mueller has been quite busy

Quite busy over what the right calls a nothing burger
Where's the evidence?

They have been quite busy gathering months and months of evidence

What I haven't seen is a declaration.......Nothing to see here, case closed
In other words, they have no evidence.
No evidence would have ended this investigation months ago

I can't wait to read the findings, can you?
Wrong. Why would anyone believe Mewler would end a very lucrative gig where he had to do nothing for a trivial reason like having no evidence?

Me thinks thou protests too much
Where's the evidence?

They have been quite busy gathering months and months of evidence

What I haven't seen is a declaration.......Nothing to see here, case closed
In other words, they have no evidence.
No evidence would have ended this investigation months ago

I can't wait to read the findings, can you?
Wrong. Why would anyone believe Mewler would end a very lucrative gig where he had to do nothing for a trivial reason like having no evidence?

Me thinks thou protests too much
I'm not protesting at all, moron.
Actually, I saw on the news that Facebook is getting quite a bit of unwanted attention because of their allowing Russian trolls to spread false narratives, and all that has come out because of the Mueller investigation.

These things take time. Be patient.

I have all the time in the world. But seriously, I thought the left would have come up with something substantial by now.

In time. The investigations have just begun. This will not end to your liking, I expect.
Just begun? What planet have you been cowering on?

Gonna take a year. Enjoy.
Who is the grand jury interviewing? I thought that was supposed to be secret. Of course, interviewing people who have nothing incriminating to tell is a complete waste of time, isn't it?

What they say is secret. They don't throw people into canvas bags, and secret them into the grand jury room. Who is called by the grand jury is a matter of public record. You can watch them walk in and out of the court house.
From what I have been hearing...Mueller has been quite busy

Quite busy over what the right calls a nothing burger
Where's the evidence?

They have been quite busy gathering months and months of evidence

What I haven't seen is a declaration.......Nothing to see here, case closed
In other words, they have no evidence.
No evidence would have ended this investigation months ago

I can't wait to read the findings, can you?

Tell that to Scooter Libby.....Patrick Fitzgerald, the prosecutor, knew the first day of the investigation that Richard Armitage was the leak about valerie plame.....he then went on to investigate and investigate and eventually, after questioning Scooter Libby over and over and over again, caught him in a mistaken statement......that was a perjury trap...

The Runaway Prosecutor Who Almost Lost Iraq

The truth is, Fitzgerald knew even before his investigation started who had “outed” Valerie Plame. It was Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage who leaked her identity to Novak, and the CIA’s own spokesman had confirmed that information for Novak’s column.

But Fitzgerald didn’t go after Armitage because he had someone else in his prosecutorial cross hairs. That was Vice President Dick Cheney, by 2003 the most unpopular man in Washington. Bringing down Cheney for the Plame leak, Fitzgerald figured, would make his career, especially among liberals and go a long way toward justifying a two-year-long witch hunt that was — in the words of the CIA’s own acting general counsel, John Rizzo — “a colossal waste of time and money.”

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/416681/runaway-prosecutor-who-almost-l
Yeah. The reason the entire Trump team lawyered themselves up is because they just can't stop laughing.

They lawyered up because of Scooter Libby and Martha Stewart......

The folks convicted of lying to federal authorities?

Nope.....Libby didn't lie...

And now, thanks to Miller’s book, we know the final, most devastating truth about Fitzgerald’s tainted prosecution. Miller reveals that at one point in her notes on a June 23, 2003, conversation with Libby, she had a parenthetical reference that said, “wife worked at Bureau?” Fitzgerald eagerly seized on those four words, and demanded to know, “What did Bureau mean?”

He asked Miller repeatedly, “Could it be FBI?” He knew it couldn’t.

Eventually, under Fitzgerald’s prodding, Miller came to believe that “Bureau” had to mean the CIA. On the witness stand during Fitzgerald’s direct examination, she finally said Libby had told her that.

When one count of lying about another conversation with Miller was thrown out, and the jury acquitted Libby of confirming anything about Plame’s identity in the Cooper case, Miller’s testimony on that June 23 conversation became crucial for Fitzgerald to get a conviction on the last remaining count.

It implied that Libby had indeed leaked Plame’s identity to someone, namely Miller; and it undercut Libby’s testimony that he had been “surprised” when Russert told him on July 12, 2003, that Plame was either at the CIA or instrumental in sending her husband to Niger, or both — a year later, Libby couldn’t remember which.

It was on conflicting versions of that conversation that Fitzgerald finally got his conviction, arguing in part that Libby couldn’t have been surprised if days earlier he had told Judith Miller that Plame worked for the CIA.

Read more at: The Runaway Prosecutor Who Almost Lost Iraq
Let us know when you figure out it's not against the law to do business with Russia.

Let us know when you figure out it's illegal to lie to the feds about doing business with the Russians. Failing to disclose business with the Russians on an SF-86
Look at it this way Republicans......What's the hurry?

Let's wait till the 2018 election season before we find out exactly what Team Trump has been up to

These things take time
Actually, I saw on the news that Facebook is getting quite a bit of unwanted attention because of their allowing Russian trolls to spread false narratives, and all that has come out because of the Mueller investigation.

These things take time. Be patient.

I have all the time in the world. But seriously, I thought the left would have come up with something substantial by now.
You'll have to take it up with the repugs. They're the ones running the investigations.
The folks convicted of lying to federal authorities?

Nope.....Libby didn't lie...

You own citation proves libby lied.

It was on conflicting versions of that conversation that Fitzgerald finally got his conviction, arguing in part that Libby couldn’t have been surprised if days earlier he had told Judith Miller that Plame worked for the CIA.
What are all you Republicans fussing about?

Trump will only give anyone indicted the Sherrif Joe treatment

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