Zone1 Hey, everyone! Newbie here with a question to the forum vets.

Dec 20, 2023
Hey, everyone! As the title says, I'm new here with a question for the forum vets. How do I post here without getting banned?

Background: I registered last night because I was looking for a forum setting to debate politics (getting tired of what I'm seeing on FB). So I registered and then created my first thread in Politics. Shortly thereafter, my thread was deleted. So after seeing that, I thought maybe there are some sort of forum guidelines that I missed about new members creating threads, so I came here to the Introduce Yourself section and made a post inquiring about that. The responses seemed to indicate there is no rule about new members creating threads, so I wrote the deletion off to a glitch. Then I reposted my post. Shortly thereafter, I was banned.

Is there some rule or something that I need to follow in order to participate without getting banned? I come here in good faith. There was no foul language or trolling in my post that was deleted. I honestly have no idea why my post was deleted or why I was banned. I emailed the admins through the "contact us" form but received no response. I'm here again with a new account but I don't want to post anywhere but here until I understand what the rules are.
I read through the guidelines, but I still don't see where I violated any rules. This is what I said (below) in the thread I created that was deleted and got me banned. Am I breaking rules somewhere in here? The thread title was originally "Results of Bidenomics" The second time, I think it was "New member looking for engaging discussion on Bidenomics. Data inside." I was trying to go out of my way to explain that I'm looking for engaging discussion on economics.

The actual post:

GDP growth is currently at 5.2% - historically high. Unemployment (U3) is currently at 3.7% - historically low. The stock market is currently at an all time high - historically...record breaking. Pandemic-related (supply shock) inflation is now getting under control as a result of interest rate hikes from the central bank. Economists are now saying we will get a soft landing out of inflation as opposed to a recession. Here in FL where I live, there are 176 infrastructure projects queued up and backed by $8.1B in funding from Biden's historic infrastructure bill to build and repair roads, bridges, public transport, ports, airports, clean water, etc. This will ensure economic prosperity for the next several years during the building phase at the very least.

And yet if I talk to any of my republican voter friends, most tend to disregard all of the economic data mentioned above and instead declare - without any supporting facts or data - that we're actually in the worst economy in 50 years. So with that, I'm curious what republicans voters (I'm including libertarians here as well) here on this board think about the economy?

Here are the facts one more time. 5.2% GDP. 3.7% unemployment. Record high stock market. Solid growth in output. Solid stability in the labor market. Solid value in investment. And as things like the Infrastructure bill and the CHIPs Act play out, there are solid economic prospects for the future for years to come.

I'm going to add in some historical jobs numbers as well, since Joe Biden was also VP in the Obama administration. Quite literally all private sector job growth in the 21st century happened under democratic presidents. The numbers below are from BLS databases (B tables on seasonally adjusted private sector jobs).

Clinton - 2000 to 2001: 1.4M jobs created

W Bush - 2001 to 2009: 373k jobs lost

Obama - 2019 to 2017: 11.8M jobs created

Trump - 2017 to 2021: 2.1M jobs lost

Biden - 2021 to 2023: 12.8M jobs created

GDP expansion and the labor market are some of the most commonly cited data points used by economists to explain the economy, and they always seem to do quite well under democrats, but no so much under republicans. So there is the data for the 21st century.

Putting all of this together, what do republican/libertarian voters of this site make of all of this and Bidenomics? I'm interested in hearing about how you think the economy is doing today, and what data it is you're looking at that leads you to that conclusion. Also curious in what you have to say about the current state of GDP, the labor market, and the stock market. Also curious about what you think about jobs results in the 21st century.

GDP data:

Unemployment rate data: Employment Situation Summary - 2023 M11 Results

Historical jobs data: Establishment data series from the monthly B Tables : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Now I'm getting messages that state my posts are awaiting moderator approval? Is there some extra unwritten rule somewhere that I'm breaking? I'm honestly trying to operate within the rules here though it seems I'm crossing some line somewhere?
Is it that my original banned post was too wordy? Is there a word limit to posts that gets you banned? As in, anything beyond XXX words is bannable?
Hey, everyone! As the title says, I'm new here with a question for the forum vets. How do I post here without getting banned?

Background: I registered last night because I was looking for a forum setting to debate politics (getting tired of what I'm seeing on FB). So I registered and then created my first thread in Politics. Shortly thereafter, my thread was deleted. So after seeing that, I thought maybe there are some sort of forum guidelines that I missed about new members creating threads, so I came here to the Introduce Yourself section and made a post inquiring about that. The responses seemed to indicate there is no rule about new members creating threads, so I wrote the deletion off to a glitch. Then I reposted my post. Shortly thereafter, I was banned.

Is there some rule or something that I need to follow in order to participate without getting banned? I come here in good faith. There was no foul language or trolling in my post that was deleted. I honestly have no idea why my post was deleted or why I was banned. I emailed the admins through the "contact us" form but received no response. I'm here again with a new account but I don't want to post anywhere but here until I understand what the rules are.
hi i'm sloop....i'm the moderator of humor here..since we lack it here, all new members must sign a pledge to be humorous.....
I read through the guidelines, but I still don't see where I violated any rules. This is what I said (below) in the thread I created that was deleted and got me banned. Am I breaking rules somewhere in here? The thread title was originally "Results of Bidenomics" The second time, I think it was "New member looking for engaging discussion on Bidenomics. Data inside." I was trying to go out of my way to explain that I'm looking for engaging discussion on economics.

The actual post:

GDP growth is currently at 5.2% - historically high. Unemployment (U3) is currently at 3.7% - historically low. The stock market is currently at an all time high - historically...record breaking. Pandemic-related (supply shock) inflation is now getting under control as a result of interest rate hikes from the central bank. Economists are now saying we will get a soft landing out of inflation as opposed to a recession. Here in FL where I live, there are 176 infrastructure projects queued up and backed by $8.1B in funding from Biden's historic infrastructure bill to build and repair roads, bridges, public transport, ports, airports, clean water, etc. This will ensure economic prosperity for the next several years during the building phase at the very least.

And yet if I talk to any of my republican voter friends, most tend to disregard all of the economic data mentioned above and instead declare - without any supporting facts or data - that we're actually in the worst economy in 50 years. So with that, I'm curious what republicans voters (I'm including libertarians here as well) here on this board think about the economy?

Here are the facts one more time. 5.2% GDP. 3.7% unemployment. Record high stock market. Solid growth in output. Solid stability in the labor market. Solid value in investment. And as things like the Infrastructure bill and the CHIPs Act play out, there are solid economic prospects for the future for years to come.

I'm going to add in some historical jobs numbers as well, since Joe Biden was also VP in the Obama administration. Quite literally all private sector job growth in the 21st century happened under democratic presidents. The numbers below are from BLS databases (B tables on seasonally adjusted private sector jobs).

Clinton - 2000 to 2001: 1.4M jobs created

W Bush - 2001 to 2009: 373k jobs lost

Obama - 2019 to 2017: 11.8M jobs created

Trump - 2017 to 2021: 2.1M jobs lost

Biden - 2021 to 2023: 12.8M jobs created

GDP expansion and the labor market are some of the most commonly cited data points used by economists to explain the economy, and they always seem to do quite well under democrats, but no so much under republicans. So there is the data for the 21st century.

Putting all of this together, what do republican/libertarian voters of this site make of all of this and Bidenomics? I'm interested in hearing about how you think the economy is doing today, and what data it is you're looking at that leads you to that conclusion. Also curious in what you have to say about the current state of GDP, the labor market, and the stock market. Also curious about what you think about jobs results in the 21st century.

GDP data:

Unemployment rate data: Employment Situation Summary - 2023 M11 Results

Historical jobs data: Establishment data series from the monthly B Tables : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
I find it very humorous that Bidumb, created 12.8 million jobs but those jobs were just people going back to work from the Blue State Covid lockdowns.
I read through the guidelines, but I still don't see where I violated any rules. This is what I said (below) in the thread I created that was deleted and got me banned. Am I breaking rules somewhere in here? The thread title was originally "Results of Bidenomics" The second time, I think it was "New member looking for engaging discussion on Bidenomics. Data inside." I was trying to go out of my way to explain that I'm looking for engaging discussion on economics.

The actual post:

GDP growth is currently at 5.2% - historically high. Unemployment (U3) is currently at 3.7% - historically low. The stock market is currently at an all time high - historically...record breaking. Pandemic-related (supply shock) inflation is now getting under control as a result of interest rate hikes from the central bank. Economists are now saying we will get a soft landing out of inflation as opposed to a recession. Here in FL where I live, there are 176 infrastructure projects queued up and backed by $8.1B in funding from Biden's historic infrastructure bill to build and repair roads, bridges, public transport, ports, airports, clean water, etc. This will ensure economic prosperity for the next several years during the building phase at the very least.

And yet if I talk to any of my republican voter friends, most tend to disregard all of the economic data mentioned above and instead declare - without any supporting facts or data - that we're actually in the worst economy in 50 years. So with that, I'm curious what republicans voters (I'm including libertarians here as well) here on this board think about the economy?

Here are the facts one more time. 5.2% GDP. 3.7% unemployment. Record high stock market. Solid growth in output. Solid stability in the labor market. Solid value in investment. And as things like the Infrastructure bill and the CHIPs Act play out, there are solid economic prospects for the future for years to come.

I'm going to add in some historical jobs numbers as well, since Joe Biden was also VP in the Obama administration. Quite literally all private sector job growth in the 21st century happened under democratic presidents. The numbers below are from BLS databases (B tables on seasonally adjusted private sector jobs).

Clinton - 2000 to 2001: 1.4M jobs created

W Bush - 2001 to 2009: 373k jobs lost

Obama - 2019 to 2017: 11.8M jobs created

Trump - 2017 to 2021: 2.1M jobs lost

Biden - 2021 to 2023: 12.8M jobs created

GDP expansion and the labor market are some of the most commonly cited data points used by economists to explain the economy, and they always seem to do quite well under democrats, but no so much under republicans. So there is the data for the 21st century.

Putting all of this together, what do republican/libertarian voters of this site make of all of this and Bidenomics? I'm interested in hearing about how you think the economy is doing today, and what data it is you're looking at that leads you to that conclusion. Also curious in what you have to say about the current state of GDP, the labor market, and the stock market. Also curious about what you think about jobs results in the 21st century.

GDP data:

Unemployment rate data: Employment Situation Summary - 2023 M11 Results

Historical jobs data: Establishment data series from the monthly B Tables : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
C/C debt is at its all time high, spending is out of control, there is an invasion at our southern border. Everything under the sun costs more
than it did 3 year years ago through high inflation. Housing costs are taking the opportunity away from the middle class. Have you even looked at the mortgage
rates lately? We are weaker as a nation on the world stage. What's really to like? :dunno:

Biden's employment numbers are mostly made up of people going back to work
after the pandemic. Not like they were new jobs created.

Oh, welcome to the board
C/C debt is at its all time high, spending is out of control, there is an invasion at our southern border. Everything under the sun costs more
than it did 3 year years ago through high inflation. Housing costs are taking the opportunity away from the middle class. Have you even looked at the mortgage
rates lately? We are weaker as a nation on the world stage. What's really to like? :dunno:

Biden's employment numbers are mostly made up of people going back to work
after the pandemic. Not like they were new jobs created.

Oh, welcome to the board

Much of the inflation derives from years of artificially low rates. Money should be free, right?

You know this but it simply doesn't fit your politics? Does Biden deserve a portion of the blame? Absolutely, a portion. All those who supported all the free money does.
Is it that my original banned post was too wordy? Is there a word limit to posts that gets you banned? As in, anything beyond XXX words is bannable?
I suggest you first look at the regulations and guidelines for the board. It may save you from getting

Much of the inflation derives from years of artificially low rates. Money should be free, right?

You know this but it simply doesn't fit your politics? Does Biden deserve a portion of the blame? Absolutely, a portion. All those who supported all the free money does.
I've always said the spending is from both parties, but the last three administrations have taken it to a new unacceptable level.
I suggest you first look at the regulations and guidelines for the board. It may save you from getting

I did that though! I even posted the thing above that got me banned? I'm swear I'm not trolling here. Can you tell me the part of the post that got me banned? My only goal here is to figure out why I was banned so that I can go back to Politics and make my post (edited so it isn't bannable) to start a discussion.
Hey, everyone! As the title says, I'm new here with a question for the forum vets. How do I post here without getting banned?

Background: I registered last night because I was looking for a forum setting to debate politics (getting tired of what I'm seeing on FB). So I registered and then created my first thread in Politics. Shortly thereafter, my thread was deleted. So after seeing that, I thought maybe there are some sort of forum guidelines that I missed about new members creating threads, so I came here to the Introduce Yourself section and made a post inquiring about that. The responses seemed to indicate there is no rule about new members creating threads, so I wrote the deletion off to a glitch. Then I reposted my post. Shortly thereafter, I was banned.

Is there some rule or something that I need to follow in order to participate without getting banned? I come here in good faith. There was no foul language or trolling in my post that was deleted. I honestly have no idea why my post was deleted or why I was banned. I emailed the admins through the "contact us" form but received no response. I'm here again with a new account but I don't want to post anywhere but here until I understand what the rules are.
Try reading the TOS Terms of Service...
I've always said the spending is from both parties, but the last three administrations have taken it to a new unacceptable level.

Absolutely. No argument there. Much of the irrational spending derived from trying to deflect the harm from the previous 4 administrations before them also. IMO.
Much of the inflation derives from years of artificially low rates. Money should be free, right?

You know this but it simply doesn't fit your politics? Does Biden deserve a portion of the blame? Absolutely, a portion. All those who supported all the free money does.
Post-pandemic inflation was due to supply shocks, not fed policy. But is this really the place for this discussion? I'd like to create my thread over in Politics, but doing so last night got me banned.

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