Hey "Fight for 15" idiots: You realize at $15/hr...YOU aren't getting/keeping that job anymore right

I don't think Fight for 15 morons have had their brains checked for malfunctions lately.

You work a minimum wage job FOR A REASON. What is that reason??
- You are under qualified for anything else
- You're dumb and/or lazy
- You're just too young for anything else
- You are a shitty unskilled worker

Could be more reasons. But that's why you are there.

If the pay goes from $7.25 to $15 an hour....do you realize 2 things WILL happen:
- Companies will cut staffing and demand FAR more work and productivity from those they keep
- You will get downward pressure from MORE QUALIFIED workers who NOW see fast food and minimum wage work as viable option

For example....many firemen, cops and teachers don't start off at $15 hour. Why put up with all the school and training and stress in those jobs....when they can just flip burgers and mop a floor...show up looking like shit and hungover and be paid $15 and hour?? It's easy, low skill, low responsibility labor. If you pay that labor the same as higher qualified jobs....then higher qualified people will leave the more stressful and higher accountability jobs to make the same money doing a far easier job.

So....all you Fight for 15 morons....ALL you are doing is begging for your own unemployment. Sorry. But free trade, globalization and open borders has flooded the market with unskilled uneducated labor. Your labor isn't worth much. Sorry it's true.

Your life may consist of rooming with 4 or 5 other people in a 2 or 3 bedroom apartment in the industrial area of town and living off rice and $1 frozen dinners with no internet. It's not a horrible life. But it's not luxurious or middle class. But guess what? Thats how most of the worlds 6 billion lives.

And SOME PEOPLE in America (uh hum....left wingers) have always wanted America to be more like the rest of the world rather than being the world's elite super wealthy power. Yall voted for it....Yall got it.

Dude, why in the hell is yo ass stressing over min. wages? Either two things are in play here.....you're a business owner who exploits illegals or or or you have no life and its just something whine about

Yes. I co-own a business.
Yes. I hire minimum wage workers.
No. They are not illegals.
Yes....if their minimum wage doubles...our budget would require either raising our product prices a lot (and losing customers) or firing 1/3 or more of those employees.

When choosing between losing customers or losing low skill non-essential labor.....guess what? We'll work extra hours ourselves if necessary. We aren't losing customers over jacking up prices to pay our floor mopper the same starting pay a local fireman makes.

I hire 2 people to come in a mop/clean after 7pm because I like watching football at night in the fall and working out at night. Push comes to shove....they'll be fired and I'll just watch the games here and workout later.

You don't own a business that hires minimum wage workers. You are a habitual liar.
So you own a business and paying your hirelings $30 an hour?

I own a business. I am a one man show. No employees. I pay myself well.
I don't think Fight for 15 morons have had their brains checked for malfunctions lately.

You work a minimum wage job FOR A REASON. What is that reason??
- You are under qualified for anything else
- You're dumb and/or lazy
- You're just too young for anything else
- You are a shitty unskilled worker

Could be more reasons. But that's why you are there.

If the pay goes from $7.25 to $15 an hour....do you realize 2 things WILL happen:
- Companies will cut staffing and demand FAR more work and productivity from those they keep
- You will get downward pressure from MORE QUALIFIED workers who NOW see fast food and minimum wage work as viable option

For example....many firemen, cops and teachers don't start off at $15 hour. Why put up with all the school and training and stress in those jobs....when they can just flip burgers and mop a floor...show up looking like shit and hungover and be paid $15 and hour?? It's easy, low skill, low responsibility labor. If you pay that labor the same as higher qualified jobs....then higher qualified people will leave the more stressful and higher accountability jobs to make the same money doing a far easier job.

So....all you Fight for 15 morons....ALL you are doing is begging for your own unemployment. Sorry. But free trade, globalization and open borders has flooded the market with unskilled uneducated labor. Your labor isn't worth much. Sorry it's true.

Your life may consist of rooming with 4 or 5 other people in a 2 or 3 bedroom apartment in the industrial area of town and living off rice and $1 frozen dinners with no internet. It's not a horrible life. But it's not luxurious or middle class. But guess what? Thats how most of the worlds 6 billion lives.

And SOME PEOPLE in America (uh hum....left wingers) have always wanted America to be more like the rest of the world rather than being the world's elite super wealthy power. Yall voted for it....Yall got it.
Firemen and teachers aren't going to seek a job mopping floors because it pays as well as theirs! That is absolutely, positively, not true. Try working a minimum wage job for a while -- six months, full time, and then get back to us how easy and pleasant it is. How easy it is to survive on.
Firemen run into burning buildings.... Burning building carrying 40 pounds of equipment? Mop a floor? Same pay? Where do I fill the bucket?
How easy is it to survive on? How pleasant? Dumb questions. we're talking about increasing minimum wage to a point as high or higher than some skilled, dangerous jobs.
Ernie, find me a single fireman who would switch to a janitorial job because of the hourly wage. I went into teaching and later social work after working pink collar and minimum wage jobs for most of two decades. It wasn't for the high pay (yuck yuck); it was to make a difference, help people. Regardless of the pay, it feels a lot better than spending most of your waking time doing some senseless meaningless job. Firemen and cops are frequently adrenaline junkies, too, and they aren't going to get a rush off a dirty window.
Firemen like what they do. So do teachers. Some may grumble that a high school dropout makes only a few dollars less than they do. But teachers, social workers, cops and firemen never went into it for the money, anyway.
If you're making minimum wage as an adult and you aren't a bored retired person or house wife then you're a fucking loser, period, and you lack the intelligence to understand what a $15 minimum would result in.
Spoken like a truly entitled Republican who doesn't know shit about how most of the world lives.

????? You're wrong on that. DontTazeMeBro doesn't seem like the country club Republican type.

You're gonna be sadly shocked if you get that $15 min wage and then find out it doubled the number of people in poverty and get half of you who fought for it fired....and the other half replaced by more qualified workers who all of a sudden want your job.
Actually, I'm not sure it's a good idea to double minimum wage in such a short time. However, I do understand the reasoning behind it. What I take the most exception to in this thread is the argument that low paid professionals are going to hanker to work at McDonalds or Walmart if the minimum wage goes up. That is just plain not true.
Yep. With 3 other co-owners. We have 3 min wage employees. 2 front desk. 1 janitor.

No kidding. I may have to eat my words. When did you buy in?

Officially December 2014. I worked with them a couple years before that. Finally took the plunge. It's a terrible business to get into unless you have a great local market.....or are named Golds Gym. We have the market here but it's getting flooded a bit.

That is so odd!


You are not keeping your story straight.

I am sick and tired of the Global Warming deniers

Forbes: The South is booming economically, leads US in population

Why I’ll Never Apologize for My White Male Privilege

You must think people here read your shit and forget.

HOLY shit you're obsessed with me!!??

Hey moron....guess what....the BIG company that sells gym equipment to corporate buyers???? Thats who I WORK FOR.

The little company my friends owned (the gym) is who I bought into to co-own.

GUESS WHERE I got the money to buy into it???? Yep. From the big company I WORK FOR....from saving up money they paid me to work for them. Which I STILL DO....because our gym is small and none of us makes enough off that alone to make it our only job. WHICH IS why we hired some min wage workers to help.

God damn....just when I thought you were trying to be civil....I'm reminded what a fucking retard you are.

And now I'm gonna pay property taxes on you since I officially own you.
I don't think Fight for 15 morons have had their brains checked for malfunctions lately.

You work a minimum wage job FOR A REASON. What is that reason??
- You are under qualified for anything else
- You're dumb and/or lazy
- You're just too young for anything else
- You are a shitty unskilled worker

Could be more reasons. But that's why you are there.

If the pay goes from $7.25 to $15 an hour....do you realize 2 things WILL happen:
- Companies will cut staffing and demand FAR more work and productivity from those they keep
- You will get downward pressure from MORE QUALIFIED workers who NOW see fast food and minimum wage work as viable option

For example....many firemen, cops and teachers don't start off at $15 hour. Why put up with all the school and training and stress in those jobs....when they can just flip burgers and mop a floor...show up looking like shit and hungover and be paid $15 and hour?? It's easy, low skill, low responsibility labor. If you pay that labor the same as higher qualified jobs....then higher qualified people will leave the more stressful and higher accountability jobs to make the same money doing a far easier job.

So....all you Fight for 15 morons....ALL you are doing is begging for your own unemployment. Sorry. But free trade, globalization and open borders has flooded the market with unskilled uneducated labor. Your labor isn't worth much. Sorry it's true.

Your life may consist of rooming with 4 or 5 other people in a 2 or 3 bedroom apartment in the industrial area of town and living off rice and $1 frozen dinners with no internet. It's not a horrible life. But it's not luxurious or middle class. But guess what? Thats how most of the worlds 6 billion lives.

And SOME PEOPLE in America (uh hum....left wingers) have always wanted America to be more like the rest of the world rather than being the world's elite super wealthy power. Yall voted for it....Yall got it.

Dude, why in the hell is yo ass stressing over min. wages? Either two things are in play here.....you're a business owner who exploits illegals or or or you have no life and its just something whine about

Yes. I co-own a business.
Yes. I hire minimum wage workers.
No. They are not illegals.
Yes....if their minimum wage doubles...our budget would require either raising our product prices a lot (and losing customers) or firing 1/3 or more of those employees.

When choosing between losing customers or losing low skill non-essential labor.....guess what? We'll work extra hours ourselves if necessary. We aren't losing customers over jacking up prices to pay our floor mopper the same starting pay a local fireman makes.

I hire 2 people to come in a mop/clean after 7pm because I like watching football at night in the fall and working out at night. Push comes to shove....they'll be fired and I'll just watch the games here and workout later.

You don't own a business that hires minimum wage workers. You are a habitual liar.
So you own a business and paying your hirelings $30 an hour?

I own a business. I am a one man show. No employees. I pay myself well.
how much do clowns get for a kids birthday party now?
I think I remember something like 250 back when My daughter was younger, but it came with a pony too
I don't think Fight for 15 morons have had their brains checked for malfunctions lately.

You work a minimum wage job FOR A REASON. What is that reason??
- You are under qualified for anything else
- You're dumb and/or lazy
- You're just too young for anything else
- You are a shitty unskilled worker

Could be more reasons. But that's why you are there.

If the pay goes from $7.25 to $15 an hour....do you realize 2 things WILL happen:
- Companies will cut staffing and demand FAR more work and productivity from those they keep
- You will get downward pressure from MORE QUALIFIED workers who NOW see fast food and minimum wage work as viable option

For example....many firemen, cops and teachers don't start off at $15 hour. Why put up with all the school and training and stress in those jobs....when they can just flip burgers and mop a floor...show up looking like shit and hungover and be paid $15 and hour?? It's easy, low skill, low responsibility labor. If you pay that labor the same as higher qualified jobs....then higher qualified people will leave the more stressful and higher accountability jobs to make the same money doing a far easier job.

So....all you Fight for 15 morons....ALL you are doing is begging for your own unemployment. Sorry. But free trade, globalization and open borders has flooded the market with unskilled uneducated labor. Your labor isn't worth much. Sorry it's true.

Your life may consist of rooming with 4 or 5 other people in a 2 or 3 bedroom apartment in the industrial area of town and living off rice and $1 frozen dinners with no internet. It's not a horrible life. But it's not luxurious or middle class. But guess what? Thats how most of the worlds 6 billion lives.

And SOME PEOPLE in America (uh hum....left wingers) have always wanted America to be more like the rest of the world rather than being the world's elite super wealthy power. Yall voted for it....Yall got it.

Always amazed me that the dumb, passive, docile, slackjawed southern crackas love getting crapped on in the workplace, they will work for peanuts and kiss (as the call them) the "boss-mans" ass, a real plantation mentality they have "thinking" the boss has their best interests at heart , real Lower IQ "thinking"
You talk about lower IQ knowing nothing about the South.... Ironic.
No kidding. I may have to eat my words. When did you buy in?

Officially December 2014. I worked with them a couple years before that. Finally took the plunge. It's a terrible business to get into unless you have a great local market.....or are named Golds Gym. We have the market here but it's getting flooded a bit.

That is so odd!


You are not keeping your story straight.

I am sick and tired of the Global Warming deniers

Forbes: The South is booming economically, leads US in population

Why I’ll Never Apologize for My White Male Privilege

You must think people here read your shit and forget.

HOLY shit you're obsessed with me!!??

Hey moron....guess what....the BIG company that sells gym equipment to corporate buyers???? Thats who I WORK FOR.

The little company my friends owned (the gym) is who I bought into to co-own.

GUESS WHERE I got the money to buy into it???? Yep. From the big company I WORK FOR....from saving up money they paid me to work for them. Which I STILL DO....because our gym is small and none of us makes enough off that alone to make it our only job. WHICH IS why we hired some min wage workers to help.

God damn....just when I thought you were trying to be civil....I'm reminded what a fucking retard you are.

And now I'm gonna pay property taxes on you since I officially own you.

I don't think Fight for 15 morons have had their brains checked for malfunctions lately.

You work a minimum wage job FOR A REASON. What is that reason??
- You are under qualified for anything else
- You're dumb and/or lazy
- You're just too young for anything else
- You are a shitty unskilled worker

Could be more reasons. But that's why you are there.

If the pay goes from $7.25 to $15 an hour....do you realize 2 things WILL happen:
- Companies will cut staffing and demand FAR more work and productivity from those they keep
- You will get downward pressure from MORE QUALIFIED workers who NOW see fast food and minimum wage work as viable option

For example....many firemen, cops and teachers don't start off at $15 hour. Why put up with all the school and training and stress in those jobs....when they can just flip burgers and mop a floor...show up looking like shit and hungover and be paid $15 and hour?? It's easy, low skill, low responsibility labor. If you pay that labor the same as higher qualified jobs....then higher qualified people will leave the more stressful and higher accountability jobs to make the same money doing a far easier job.

So....all you Fight for 15 morons....ALL you are doing is begging for your own unemployment. Sorry. But free trade, globalization and open borders has flooded the market with unskilled uneducated labor. Your labor isn't worth much. Sorry it's true.

Your life may consist of rooming with 4 or 5 other people in a 2 or 3 bedroom apartment in the industrial area of town and living off rice and $1 frozen dinners with no internet. It's not a horrible life. But it's not luxurious or middle class. But guess what? Thats how most of the worlds 6 billion lives.

And SOME PEOPLE in America (uh hum....left wingers) have always wanted America to be more like the rest of the world rather than being the world's elite super wealthy power. Yall voted for it....Yall got it.

Dude, why in the hell is yo ass stressing over min. wages? Either two things are in play here.....you're a business owner who exploits illegals or or or you have no life and its just something whine about

Yes. I co-own a business.
Yes. I hire minimum wage workers.
No. They are not illegals.
Yes....if their minimum wage doubles...our budget would require either raising our product prices a lot (and losing customers) or firing 1/3 or more of those employees.

When choosing between losing customers or losing low skill non-essential labor.....guess what? We'll work extra hours ourselves if necessary. We aren't losing customers over jacking up prices to pay our floor mopper the same starting pay a local fireman makes.

I hire 2 people to come in a mop/clean after 7pm because I like watching football at night in the fall and working out at night. Push comes to shove....they'll be fired and I'll just watch the games here and workout later.

You don't own a business that hires minimum wage workers. You are a habitual liar.
So you own a business and paying your hirelings $30 an hour?

I own a business. I am a one man show. No employees. I pay myself well.
Dude, why in the hell is yo ass stressing over min. wages? Either two things are in play here.....you're a business owner who exploits illegals or or or you have no life and its just something whine about

Yes. I co-own a business.
Yes. I hire minimum wage workers.
No. They are not illegals.
Yes....if their minimum wage doubles...our budget would require either raising our product prices a lot (and losing customers) or firing 1/3 or more of those employees.

When choosing between losing customers or losing low skill non-essential labor.....guess what? We'll work extra hours ourselves if necessary. We aren't losing customers over jacking up prices to pay our floor mopper the same starting pay a local fireman makes.

I hire 2 people to come in a mop/clean after 7pm because I like watching football at night in the fall and working out at night. Push comes to shove....they'll be fired and I'll just watch the games here and workout later.

You don't own a business that hires minimum wage workers. You are a habitual liar.
So you own a business and paying your hirelings $30 an hour?

I own a business. I am a one man show. No employees. I pay myself well.
how much do clowns get for a kids birthday party now?
I think I remember something like 250 back when My daughter was younger, but it came with a pony too
you can buy a shetland pony for 50 bucks. better yet, the buyer should pay you to take it off their hands they're so worthless.
Dude, why in the hell is yo ass stressing over min. wages? Either two things are in play here.....you're a business owner who exploits illegals or or or you have no life and its just something whine about

Yes. I co-own a business.
Yes. I hire minimum wage workers.
No. They are not illegals.
Yes....if their minimum wage doubles...our budget would require either raising our product prices a lot (and losing customers) or firing 1/3 or more of those employees.

When choosing between losing customers or losing low skill non-essential labor.....guess what? We'll work extra hours ourselves if necessary. We aren't losing customers over jacking up prices to pay our floor mopper the same starting pay a local fireman makes.

I hire 2 people to come in a mop/clean after 7pm because I like watching football at night in the fall and working out at night. Push comes to shove....they'll be fired and I'll just watch the games here and workout later.

You don't own a business that hires minimum wage workers. You are a habitual liar.
So you own a business and paying your hirelings $30 an hour?

I own a business. I am a one man show. No employees. I pay myself well.
Yes. I co-own a business.
Yes. I hire minimum wage workers.
No. They are not illegals.
Yes....if their minimum wage doubles...our budget would require either raising our product prices a lot (and losing customers) or firing 1/3 or more of those employees.

When choosing between losing customers or losing low skill non-essential labor.....guess what? We'll work extra hours ourselves if necessary. We aren't losing customers over jacking up prices to pay our floor mopper the same starting pay a local fireman makes.

I hire 2 people to come in a mop/clean after 7pm because I like watching football at night in the fall and working out at night. Push comes to shove....they'll be fired and I'll just watch the games here and workout later.

You don't own a business that hires minimum wage workers. You are a habitual liar.
So you own a business and paying your hirelings $30 an hour?

I own a business. I am a one man show. No employees. I pay myself well.
how much do clowns get for a kids birthday party now?
I think I remember something like 250 back when My daughter was younger, but it came with a pony too
you can buy a shetland pony for 50 bucks. better yet, the buyer should pay you to take it off their hands they're so worthless.
What if you were a midget with an unfounded fear of heights? would it be worthless then?
I don't think Fight for 15 morons have had their brains checked for malfunctions lately.

You work a minimum wage job FOR A REASON. What is that reason??
- You are under qualified for anything else
- You're dumb and/or lazy
- You're just too young for anything else
- You are a shitty unskilled worker

Could be more reasons. But that's why you are there.

If the pay goes from $7.25 to $15 an hour....do you realize 2 things WILL happen:
- Companies will cut staffing and demand FAR more work and productivity from those they keep
- You will get downward pressure from MORE QUALIFIED workers who NOW see fast food and minimum wage work as viable option

For example....many firemen, cops and teachers don't start off at $15 hour. Why put up with all the school and training and stress in those jobs....when they can just flip burgers and mop a floor...show up looking like shit and hungover and be paid $15 and hour?? It's easy, low skill, low responsibility labor. If you pay that labor the same as higher qualified jobs....then higher qualified people will leave the more stressful and higher accountability jobs to make the same money doing a far easier job.

So....all you Fight for 15 morons....ALL you are doing is begging for your own unemployment. Sorry. But free trade, globalization and open borders has flooded the market with unskilled uneducated labor. Your labor isn't worth much. Sorry it's true.

Your life may consist of rooming with 4 or 5 other people in a 2 or 3 bedroom apartment in the industrial area of town and living off rice and $1 frozen dinners with no internet. It's not a horrible life. But it's not luxurious or middle class. But guess what? Thats how most of the worlds 6 billion lives.

And SOME PEOPLE in America (uh hum....left wingers) have always wanted America to be more like the rest of the world rather than being the world's elite super wealthy power. Yall voted for it....Yall got it.
Firemen and teachers aren't going to seek a job mopping floors because it pays as well as theirs! That is absolutely, positively, not true. Try working a minimum wage job for a while -- six months, full time, and then get back to us how easy and pleasant it is. How easy it is to survive on.
Firemen run into burning buildings.... Burning building carrying 40 pounds of equipment? Mop a floor? Same pay? Where do I fill the bucket?
How easy is it to survive on? How pleasant? Dumb questions. we're talking about increasing minimum wage to a point as high or higher than some skilled, dangerous jobs.
Ernie, find me a single fireman who would switch to a janitorial job because of the hourly wage. I went into teaching and later social work after working pink collar and minimum wage jobs for most of two decades. It wasn't for the high pay (yuck yuck); it was to make a difference, help people. Regardless of the pay, it feels a lot better than spending most of your waking time doing some senseless meaningless job. Firemen and cops are frequently adrenaline junkies, too, and they aren't going to get a rush off a dirty window.
Firemen like what they do. So do teachers. Some may grumble that a high school dropout makes only a few dollars less than they do. But teachers, social workers, cops and firemen never went into it for the money, anyway.
Look! I've run into burning buildings so I know the appeal, but I also know the danger. Many firemen would rather make as much or more at a job that doesn't require self contained breathing apparatus and fireproof clothing. They'd rather work in an air conditioned store stocking shelves than in a burning building where you're in constant danger of heat stroke at the best and getting burned to death at worst.
Officially December 2014. I worked with them a couple years before that. Finally took the plunge. It's a terrible business to get into unless you have a great local market.....or are named Golds Gym. We have the market here but it's getting flooded a bit.

That is so odd!


You are not keeping your story straight.

I am sick and tired of the Global Warming deniers

Forbes: The South is booming economically, leads US in population

Why I’ll Never Apologize for My White Male Privilege

You must think people here read your shit and forget.

HOLY shit you're obsessed with me!!??

Hey moron....guess what....the BIG company that sells gym equipment to corporate buyers???? Thats who I WORK FOR.

The little company my friends owned (the gym) is who I bought into to co-own.

GUESS WHERE I got the money to buy into it???? Yep. From the big company I WORK FOR....from saving up money they paid me to work for them. Which I STILL DO....because our gym is small and none of us makes enough off that alone to make it our only job. WHICH IS why we hired some min wage workers to help.

God damn....just when I thought you were trying to be civil....I'm reminded what a fucking retard you are.

And now I'm gonna pay property taxes on you since I officially own you.


Awe....LoneLaugher is mad now. See LL....it's called hard work.

We all work "for someone" most of our lives. Then we say maybe we want to own something and have others work for us. I did.

But...it's expensive. And many times....you have to keep working for someone while you try to build your own little thing because it's too small to be your only gig.

You say "bullshit" and I get it. You're a liberal. You can't fathom that someone would work that hard. But some do. We're called conservatives.
I don't think Fight for 15 morons have had their brains checked for malfunctions lately.

You work a minimum wage job FOR A REASON. What is that reason??
- You are under qualified for anything else
- You're dumb and/or lazy
- You're just too young for anything else
- You are a shitty unskilled worker

Could be more reasons. But that's why you are there.

If the pay goes from $7.25 to $15 an hour....do you realize 2 things WILL happen:
- Companies will cut staffing and demand FAR more work and productivity from those they keep
- You will get downward pressure from MORE QUALIFIED workers who NOW see fast food and minimum wage work as viable option

For example....many firemen, cops and teachers don't start off at $15 hour. Why put up with all the school and training and stress in those jobs....when they can just flip burgers and mop a floor...show up looking like shit and hungover and be paid $15 and hour?? It's easy, low skill, low responsibility labor. If you pay that labor the same as higher qualified jobs....then higher qualified people will leave the more stressful and higher accountability jobs to make the same money doing a far easier job.

So....all you Fight for 15 morons....ALL you are doing is begging for your own unemployment. Sorry. But free trade, globalization and open borders has flooded the market with unskilled uneducated labor. Your labor isn't worth much. Sorry it's true.

Your life may consist of rooming with 4 or 5 other people in a 2 or 3 bedroom apartment in the industrial area of town and living off rice and $1 frozen dinners with no internet. It's not a horrible life. But it's not luxurious or middle class. But guess what? Thats how most of the worlds 6 billion lives.

And SOME PEOPLE in America (uh hum....left wingers) have always wanted America to be more like the rest of the world rather than being the world's elite super wealthy power. Yall voted for it....Yall got it.
Firemen and teachers aren't going to seek a job mopping floors because it pays as well as theirs! That is absolutely, positively, not true. Try working a minimum wage job for a while -- six months, full time, and then get back to us how easy and pleasant it is. How easy it is to survive on.
Firemen run into burning buildings.... Burning building carrying 40 pounds of equipment? Mop a floor? Same pay? Where do I fill the bucket?
How easy is it to survive on? How pleasant? Dumb questions. we're talking about increasing minimum wage to a point as high or higher than some skilled, dangerous jobs.
Ernie, find me a single fireman who would switch to a janitorial job because of the hourly wage. I went into teaching and later social work after working pink collar and minimum wage jobs for most of two decades. It wasn't for the high pay (yuck yuck); it was to make a difference, help people. Regardless of the pay, it feels a lot better than spending most of your waking time doing some senseless meaningless job. Firemen and cops are frequently adrenaline junkies, too, and they aren't going to get a rush off a dirty window.
Firemen like what they do. So do teachers. Some may grumble that a high school dropout makes only a few dollars less than they do. But teachers, social workers, cops and firemen never went into it for the money, anyway.
Look! I've run into burning buildings so I know the appeal, but I also know the danger. Many firemen would rather make as much or more at a job that doesn't require self contained breathing apparatus and fireproof clothing. They'd rather work in an air conditioned store stocking shelves than in a burning building where you're in constant danger of heat stroke at the best and getting burned to death at worst.

EXACTLY right. Firemen and cops would say the same thing mostly. Fun job. But offer any cop who is between 8-15 years on the job the same pay to go drop groceries in a bag or work the register at putt putt course....and they'll turn that gun and badge in before the ink on the application is dry.
I don't think Fight for 15 morons have had their brains checked for malfunctions lately.

You work a minimum wage job FOR A REASON. What is that reason??
- You are under qualified for anything else
- You're dumb and/or lazy
- You're just too young for anything else
- You are a shitty unskilled worker

Could be more reasons. But that's why you are there.

If the pay goes from $7.25 to $15 an hour....do you realize 2 things WILL happen:
- Companies will cut staffing and demand FAR more work and productivity from those they keep
- You will get downward pressure from MORE QUALIFIED workers who NOW see fast food and minimum wage work as viable option

For example....many firemen, cops and teachers don't start off at $15 hour. Why put up with all the school and training and stress in those jobs....when they can just flip burgers and mop a floor...show up looking like shit and hungover and be paid $15 and hour?? It's easy, low skill, low responsibility labor. If you pay that labor the same as higher qualified jobs....then higher qualified people will leave the more stressful and higher accountability jobs to make the same money doing a far easier job.

So....all you Fight for 15 morons....ALL you are doing is begging for your own unemployment. Sorry. But free trade, globalization and open borders has flooded the market with unskilled uneducated labor. Your labor isn't worth much. Sorry it's true.

Your life may consist of rooming with 4 or 5 other people in a 2 or 3 bedroom apartment in the industrial area of town and living off rice and $1 frozen dinners with no internet. It's not a horrible life. But it's not luxurious or middle class. But guess what? Thats how most of the worlds 6 billion lives.

And SOME PEOPLE in America (uh hum....left wingers) have always wanted America to be more like the rest of the world rather than being the world's elite super wealthy power. Yall voted for it....Yall got it.
Firemen and teachers aren't going to seek a job mopping floors because it pays as well as theirs! That is absolutely, positively, not true. Try working a minimum wage job for a while -- six months, full time, and then get back to us how easy and pleasant it is. How easy it is to survive on.
Firemen run into burning buildings.... Burning building carrying 40 pounds of equipment? Mop a floor? Same pay? Where do I fill the bucket?
How easy is it to survive on? How pleasant? Dumb questions. we're talking about increasing minimum wage to a point as high or higher than some skilled, dangerous jobs.
Ernie, find me a single fireman who would switch to a janitorial job because of the hourly wage. I went into teaching and later social work after working pink collar and minimum wage jobs for most of two decades. It wasn't for the high pay (yuck yuck); it was to make a difference, help people. Regardless of the pay, it feels a lot better than spending most of your waking time doing some senseless meaningless job. Firemen and cops are frequently adrenaline junkies, too, and they aren't going to get a rush off a dirty window.
Firemen like what they do. So do teachers. Some may grumble that a high school dropout makes only a few dollars less than they do. But teachers, social workers, cops and firemen never went into it for the money, anyway.
Look! I've run into burning buildings so I know the appeal, but I also know the danger. Many firemen would rather make as much or more at a job that doesn't require self contained breathing apparatus and fireproof clothing. They'd rather work in an air conditioned store stocking shelves than in a burning building where you're in constant danger of heat stroke at the best and getting burned to death at worst.

EXACTLY right. Firemen and cops would say the same thing mostly. Fun job. But offer any cop who is between 8-15 years on the job the same pay to go drop groceries in a bag or work the register at putt putt course....and they'll turn that gun and badge in before the ink on the application is dry.
Im not so sure that they would all turn in their guns and badges over the money.
I was a network engineer for most of my working career. Two years ago I quit a job that paid just over 100k a year, I went back to school and completed a psych degree and am now working at a facility for the mentally ill (mostly liberals) and chemically addicted. my current rate of pay is 13 an hour because Im new at it and the facility I work for is non profit.
Firemen and teachers aren't going to seek a job mopping floors because it pays as well as theirs! That is absolutely, positively, not true. Try working a minimum wage job for a while -- six months, full time, and then get back to us how easy and pleasant it is. How easy it is to survive on.
Firemen run into burning buildings.... Burning building carrying 40 pounds of equipment? Mop a floor? Same pay? Where do I fill the bucket?
How easy is it to survive on? How pleasant? Dumb questions. we're talking about increasing minimum wage to a point as high or higher than some skilled, dangerous jobs.
Ernie, find me a single fireman who would switch to a janitorial job because of the hourly wage. I went into teaching and later social work after working pink collar and minimum wage jobs for most of two decades. It wasn't for the high pay (yuck yuck); it was to make a difference, help people. Regardless of the pay, it feels a lot better than spending most of your waking time doing some senseless meaningless job. Firemen and cops are frequently adrenaline junkies, too, and they aren't going to get a rush off a dirty window.
Firemen like what they do. So do teachers. Some may grumble that a high school dropout makes only a few dollars less than they do. But teachers, social workers, cops and firemen never went into it for the money, anyway.
Look! I've run into burning buildings so I know the appeal, but I also know the danger. Many firemen would rather make as much or more at a job that doesn't require self contained breathing apparatus and fireproof clothing. They'd rather work in an air conditioned store stocking shelves than in a burning building where you're in constant danger of heat stroke at the best and getting burned to death at worst.

EXACTLY right. Firemen and cops would say the same thing mostly. Fun job. But offer any cop who is between 8-15 years on the job the same pay to go drop groceries in a bag or work the register at putt putt course....and they'll turn that gun and badge in before the ink on the application is dry.
Im not so sure that they would all turn in their guns and badges over the money.
I was a network engineer for most of my working career. Two years ago I quit a job that paid just over 100k a year, I went back to school and completed a psych degree and am now working at a facility for the mentally ill (mostly liberals) and chemically addicted. my current rate of pay is 13 an hour because Im new at it and the facility I work for is non profit.

Of course not all. Some would.

God Bless you for taking on that new job. Mental health is a need our nation neglects so much.

**PS: And good luck dealing with all those liberals
I don't think Fight for 15 morons have had their brains checked for malfunctions lately.

You work a minimum wage job FOR A REASON. What is that reason??
- You are under qualified for anything else
- You're dumb and/or lazy
- You're just too young for anything else
- You are a shitty unskilled worker

Could be more reasons. But that's why you are there.

If the pay goes from $7.25 to $15 an hour....do you realize 2 things WILL happen:
- Companies will cut staffing and demand FAR more work and productivity from those they keep
- You will get downward pressure from MORE QUALIFIED workers who NOW see fast food and minimum wage work as viable option

For example....many firemen, cops and teachers don't start off at $15 hour. Why put up with all the school and training and stress in those jobs....when they can just flip burgers and mop a floor...show up looking like shit and hungover and be paid $15 and hour?? It's easy, low skill, low responsibility labor. If you pay that labor the same as higher qualified jobs....then higher qualified people will leave the more stressful and higher accountability jobs to make the same money doing a far easier job.

So....all you Fight for 15 morons....ALL you are doing is begging for your own unemployment. Sorry. But free trade, globalization and open borders has flooded the market with unskilled uneducated labor. Your labor isn't worth much. Sorry it's true.

Your life may consist of rooming with 4 or 5 other people in a 2 or 3 bedroom apartment in the industrial area of town and living off rice and $1 frozen dinners with no internet. It's not a horrible life. But it's not luxurious or middle class. But guess what? Thats how most of the worlds 6 billion lives.

And SOME PEOPLE in America (uh hum....left wingers) have always wanted America to be more like the rest of the world rather than being the world's elite super wealthy power. Yall voted for it....Yall got it.
Firemen and teachers aren't going to seek a job mopping floors because it pays as well as theirs! That is absolutely, positively, not true. Try working a minimum wage job for a while -- six months, full time, and then get back to us how easy and pleasant it is. How easy it is to survive on.

I worked for 2.10 and hour at my first job....it was for my high school and it wasn't minimum wage at the time......I worked it and then I moved on...which is what minimum wage was supposed to be...but again, the left wing regressives throw out what sounds like a good idea...a minimum wage, which they then turn to poison by making it a wage expected to provide for a family of 10.....and then the borg drones who support the left wing regressives wonder why their lives keep getting worse....
Speaking of non-profits....the left wing regressives didn't think this through...non-profits....who don't make a lot of money....are also going to have to pay 15 dollars an hour, and many of them won't be able to stay open.......

left wing regressives...always destructive, never sorry.
Speaking of non-profits....the left wing regressives didn't think this through...non-profits....who don't make a lot of money....are also going to have to pay 15 dollars an hour, and many of them won't be able to stay open.......

left wing regressives...always destructive, never sorry.
they wont close, the left wing regressives will just tax the rich more to keep them open.
Yep. With 3 other co-owners. We have 3 min wage employees. 2 front desk. 1 janitor.

No kidding. I may have to eat my words. When did you buy in?

Officially December 2014. I worked with them a couple years before that. Finally took the plunge. It's a terrible business to get into unless you have a great local market.....or are named Golds Gym. We have the market here but it's getting flooded a bit.

That is so odd!


You are not keeping your story straight.

I am sick and tired of the Global Warming deniers

Forbes: The South is booming economically, leads US in population

Why I’ll Never Apologize for My White Male Privilege

You must think people here read your shit and forget.

No kidding. I may have to eat my words. When did you buy in?

Officially December 2014. I worked with them a couple years before that. Finally took the plunge. It's a terrible business to get into unless you have a great local market.....or are named Golds Gym. We have the market here but it's getting flooded a bit.

That is so odd!


You are not keeping your story straight.

I am sick and tired of the Global Warming deniers

Forbes: The South is booming economically, leads US in population

Why I’ll Never Apologize for My White Male Privilege

You must think people here read your shit and forget.

HOLY shit you're obsessed with me!!??

Hey moron....guess what....the BIG company that sells gym equipment to corporate buyers???? Thats who I WORK FOR.

The little company my friends owned (the gym) is who I bought into to co-own.

GUESS WHERE I got the money to buy into it???? Yep. From the big company I WORK FOR....from saving up money they paid me to work for them. Which I STILL DO....because our gym is small and none of us makes enough off that alone to make it our only job. WHICH IS why we hired some min wage workers to help.

God damn....just when I thought you were trying to be civil....I'm reminded what a fucking retard you are.

And now I'm gonna pay property taxes on you since I officially own you.

Is there anything you'd like to clarify? You told us that you worked for the gym that you now own for a few years before buying in. Do you remember that?

It is also strange that you sit outside the gym that you own for 45 minutes having a pre-workout drink. Isn't it? Do your co-owners appreciate that shit? I wouldn't. Unless the gym you work out at is not the one you co-own. That would be weird indeed.
No kidding. I may have to eat my words. When did you buy in?

Officially December 2014. I worked with them a couple years before that. Finally took the plunge. It's a terrible business to get into unless you have a great local market.....or are named Golds Gym. We have the market here but it's getting flooded a bit.

That is so odd!


You are not keeping your story straight.

I am sick and tired of the Global Warming deniers

Forbes: The South is booming economically, leads US in population

Why I’ll Never Apologize for My White Male Privilege

You must think people here read your shit and forget.


Glad you enjoyed it. I've yet to sew up, though.

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