Hey "Fight for 15" idiots: You realize at $15/hr...YOU aren't getting/keeping that job anymore right

No kidding. I may have to eat my words. When did you buy in?

Officially December 2014. I worked with them a couple years before that. Finally took the plunge. It's a terrible business to get into unless you have a great local market.....or are named Golds Gym. We have the market here but it's getting flooded a bit.

That is so odd!


You are not keeping your story straight.

I am sick and tired of the Global Warming deniers

Forbes: The South is booming economically, leads US in population

Why I’ll Never Apologize for My White Male Privilege

You must think people here read your shit and forget.

HOLY shit you're obsessed with me!!??

Hey moron....guess what....the BIG company that sells gym equipment to corporate buyers???? Thats who I WORK FOR.

The little company my friends owned (the gym) is who I bought into to co-own.

GUESS WHERE I got the money to buy into it???? Yep. From the big company I WORK FOR....from saving up money they paid me to work for them. Which I STILL DO....because our gym is small and none of us makes enough off that alone to make it our only job. WHICH IS why we hired some min wage workers to help.

God damn....just when I thought you were trying to be civil....I'm reminded what a fucking retard you are.

And now I'm gonna pay property taxes on you since I officially own you.

Check your deed, you only seem to own 3 (at least) conflicting stories about your vocation
Officially December 2014. I worked with them a couple years before that. Finally took the plunge. It's a terrible business to get into unless you have a great local market.....or are named Golds Gym. We have the market here but it's getting flooded a bit.

That is so odd!


You are not keeping your story straight.

I am sick and tired of the Global Warming deniers

Forbes: The South is booming economically, leads US in population

Why I’ll Never Apologize for My White Male Privilege

You must think people here read your shit and forget.

HOLY shit you're obsessed with me!!??

Hey moron....guess what....the BIG company that sells gym equipment to corporate buyers???? Thats who I WORK FOR.

The little company my friends owned (the gym) is who I bought into to co-own.

GUESS WHERE I got the money to buy into it???? Yep. From the big company I WORK FOR....from saving up money they paid me to work for them. Which I STILL DO....because our gym is small and none of us makes enough off that alone to make it our only job. WHICH IS why we hired some min wage workers to help.

God damn....just when I thought you were trying to be civil....I'm reminded what a fucking retard you are.

And now I'm gonna pay property taxes on you since I officially own you.

Check your deed, you only seem to own 3 (at least) conflicting stories about your vocation

It only conflicts if you believe a person cannot work more than 1 job. I know that's a shocking idea to libs. But it's called working hard.
Some people find this difficult to believe - they evidently think that business owners just open the doors and they're rich 'n stuff - but many start their businesses on the side, bust their ass for a few years, take incredible financial risk, give up a lot and have little outside life until they can support themselves.

Let alone supporting anyone else. You know, like those employees who actually "build" the business.

Some people find this difficult to believe - business owners just open the doors and they're rich 'n stuff - but many start their businesses on the side, bust their ass for a few years, take incredible financial risk, give up a lot and have little outside life until they can support themselves.

Let alone supporting anyone else.

Look at you! Such a genius.
Officially December 2014. I worked with them a couple years before that. Finally took the plunge. It's a terrible business to get into unless you have a great local market.....or are named Golds Gym. We have the market here but it's getting flooded a bit.

That is so odd!


You are not keeping your story straight.

I am sick and tired of the Global Warming deniers

Forbes: The South is booming economically, leads US in population

Why I’ll Never Apologize for My White Male Privilege

You must think people here read your shit and forget.

HOLY shit you're obsessed with me!!??

Hey moron....guess what....the BIG company that sells gym equipment to corporate buyers???? Thats who I WORK FOR.

The little company my friends owned (the gym) is who I bought into to co-own.

GUESS WHERE I got the money to buy into it???? Yep. From the big company I WORK FOR....from saving up money they paid me to work for them. Which I STILL DO....because our gym is small and none of us makes enough off that alone to make it our only job. WHICH IS why we hired some min wage workers to help.

God damn....just when I thought you were trying to be civil....I'm reminded what a fucking retard you are.

And now I'm gonna pay property taxes on you since I officially own you.

Is there anything you'd like to clarify? You told us that you worked for the gym that you now own for a few years before buying in. Do you remember that?

It is also strange that you sit outside the gym that you own for 45 minutes having a pre-workout drink. Isn't it? Do your co-owners appreciate that shit? I wouldn't. Unless the gym you work out at is not the one you co-own. That would be weird indeed.

God damn you're just begging for it. Ok...if we must.

1. I work for a company that sells equipment and other gym services....and that means clients.
2. How did I meet these folks I befriended and went into business with??? Oh yeah....and client of the large company.
3. Saved money. Bought in to their gym.
4. Preworkout shake in the car??? You obviously don't workout much. But if you must know....early morning trying to wakeup and drinking preworkout....I'd rather sit in truck and listen to SIRIUS XM than go inside and be asked a million fucking questions. Not to mention....former cop....nowhere is as great of a comfort zone than in an idling car alone. Alone key word.

Any other life details you need to know to fulfill your obsession with me?

HOLY shit you're obsessed with me!!??

Hey moron....guess what....the BIG company that sells gym equipment to corporate buyers???? Thats who I WORK FOR.

The little company my friends owned (the gym) is who I bought into to co-own.

GUESS WHERE I got the money to buy into it???? Yep. From the big company I WORK FOR....from saving up money they paid me to work for them. Which I STILL DO....because our gym is small and none of us makes enough off that alone to make it our only job. WHICH IS why we hired some min wage workers to help.

God damn....just when I thought you were trying to be civil....I'm reminded what a fucking retard you are.

And now I'm gonna pay property taxes on you since I officially own you.

Check your deed, you only seem to own 3 (at least) conflicting stories about your vocation

It only conflicts if you believe a person cannot work more than 1 job. I know that's a shocking idea to libs. But it's called working hard.

No. It conflicts because you have been lying. It is obvious.

Have you ever mentioned that you are a part owner of a gym on these pages before today?
Officially December 2014. I worked with them a couple years before that. Finally took the plunge. It's a terrible business to get into unless you have a great local market.....or are named Golds Gym. We have the market here but it's getting flooded a bit.

That is so odd!


You are not keeping your story straight.

I am sick and tired of the Global Warming deniers

Forbes: The South is booming economically, leads US in population

Why I’ll Never Apologize for My White Male Privilege

You must think people here read your shit and forget.

HOLY shit you're obsessed with me!!??

Hey moron....guess what....the BIG company that sells gym equipment to corporate buyers???? Thats who I WORK FOR.

The little company my friends owned (the gym) is who I bought into to co-own.

GUESS WHERE I got the money to buy into it???? Yep. From the big company I WORK FOR....from saving up money they paid me to work for them. Which I STILL DO....because our gym is small and none of us makes enough off that alone to make it our only job. WHICH IS why we hired some min wage workers to help.

God damn....just when I thought you were trying to be civil....I'm reminded what a fucking retard you are.

And now I'm gonna pay property taxes on you since I officially own you.

Is there anything you'd like to clarify? You told us that you worked for the gym that you now own for a few years before buying in. Do you remember that?

It is also strange that you sit outside the gym that you own for 45 minutes having a pre-workout drink. Isn't it? Do your co-owners appreciate that shit? I wouldn't. Unless the gym you work out at is not the one you co-own. That would be weird indeed.

I'd appreciate it if he never showed his multiple faces.

HOLY shit you're obsessed with me!!??

Hey moron....guess what....the BIG company that sells gym equipment to corporate buyers???? Thats who I WORK FOR.

The little company my friends owned (the gym) is who I bought into to co-own.

GUESS WHERE I got the money to buy into it???? Yep. From the big company I WORK FOR....from saving up money they paid me to work for them. Which I STILL DO....because our gym is small and none of us makes enough off that alone to make it our only job. WHICH IS why we hired some min wage workers to help.

God damn....just when I thought you were trying to be civil....I'm reminded what a fucking retard you are.

And now I'm gonna pay property taxes on you since I officially own you.

Is there anything you'd like to clarify? You told us that you worked for the gym that you now own for a few years before buying in. Do you remember that?

It is also strange that you sit outside the gym that you own for 45 minutes having a pre-workout drink. Isn't it? Do your co-owners appreciate that shit? I wouldn't. Unless the gym you work out at is not the one you co-own. That would be weird indeed.

God damn you're just begging for it. Ok...if we must.

1. I work for a company that sells equipment and other gym services....and that means clients.
2. How did I meet these folks I befriended and went into business with??? Oh yeah....and client of the large company.
3. Saved money. Bought in to their gym.
4. Preworkout shake in the car??? You obviously don't workout much. But if you must know....early morning trying to wakeup and drinking preworkout....I'd rather sit in truck and listen to SIRIUS XM than go inside and be asked a million fucking questions. Not to mention....former cop....nowhere is as great of a comfort zone than in an idling car alone. Alone key word.

Any other life details you need to know to fulfill your obsession with me?

Dude....if you owned the gym....you would go inside and have your drink. It is insulting that you'd think anyone would believe that you sit outside your own gym for nearly an hour while you have customers and the other owners inside. Who does that?

Earlier, you said that you like to work out at night. Did you forget that?
Some people find this difficult to believe - they evidently think that business owners just open the doors and they're rich 'n stuff - but many start their businesses on the side, bust their ass for a few years, take incredible financial risk, give up a lot and have little outside life until they can support themselves.

Let alone supporting anyone else. You know, like those employees who actually "build" the business.


Yep. These libs are just SHOCKED that a person could work in an industry....then maybe try to start their own far smaller business on the side in that same industry which they've learned about while working in it.

Best quote the guys said was "owning a gym is like owning a bar; better hope people show up and better not quit your day job". VERY good advice!
So.....let's say you are a minimum wage worker at McDonalds. $7.25 and hour. There's 2 of you who cook on evening shift. The boss says the budget covers 2. But min wage just went up to $15 an hour.

He says "I can't keep you both....but whoever I keep....you're gonna have twice the work and it's gonna be critical that you can keep up."

THEN.....in walks a young woman in a business suit with a resume. She graduated from culinary school. Has worked for a few higher end restaurants and managed very busy kitchens at them. And....she is tired of the stress of those and wants something simpler with lower demands.

Before....she wouldn't consider fast food. Not at $7 an hour.

But $15??? Yeah. She'll take it. Plus it gives her a chance to work up to management and more money.

Sorry Fight for 15.....she's taking both your jobs.
Given your posting history, you’re in no position to refer to others as ‘idiots.’
Some people find this difficult to believe - they evidently think that business owners just open the doors and they're rich 'n stuff - but many start their businesses on the side, bust their ass for a few years, take incredible financial risk, give up a lot and have little outside life until they can support themselves.

Let alone supporting anyone else. You know, like those employees who actually "build" the business.


Yep. These libs are just SHOCKED that a person could work in an industry....then maybe try to start their own far smaller business on the side in that same industry which they've learned about while working in it.

Best quote the guys said was "owning a gym is like owning a bar; better hope people show up and better not quit your day job". VERY good advice!

Why would I be shocked at that. It is exactly what I did. Difference between you an me......I really did it.

HOLY shit you're obsessed with me!!??

Hey moron....guess what....the BIG company that sells gym equipment to corporate buyers???? Thats who I WORK FOR.

The little company my friends owned (the gym) is who I bought into to co-own.

GUESS WHERE I got the money to buy into it???? Yep. From the big company I WORK FOR....from saving up money they paid me to work for them. Which I STILL DO....because our gym is small and none of us makes enough off that alone to make it our only job. WHICH IS why we hired some min wage workers to help.

God damn....just when I thought you were trying to be civil....I'm reminded what a fucking retard you are.

And now I'm gonna pay property taxes on you since I officially own you.

Is there anything you'd like to clarify? You told us that you worked for the gym that you now own for a few years before buying in. Do you remember that?

It is also strange that you sit outside the gym that you own for 45 minutes having a pre-workout drink. Isn't it? Do your co-owners appreciate that shit? I wouldn't. Unless the gym you work out at is not the one you co-own. That would be weird indeed.

God damn you're just begging for it. Ok...if we must.

1. I work for a company that sells equipment and other gym services....and that means clients.
2. How did I meet these folks I befriended and went into business with??? Oh yeah....and client of the large company.
3. Saved money. Bought in to their gym.
4. Preworkout shake in the car??? You obviously don't workout much. But if you must know....early morning trying to wakeup and drinking preworkout....I'd rather sit in truck and listen to SIRIUS XM than go inside and be asked a million fucking questions. Not to mention....former cop....nowhere is as great of a comfort zone than in an idling car alone. Alone key word.

Any other life details you need to know to fulfill your obsession with me?

Dude....if you owned the gym....you would go inside and have your drink. It is insulting that you'd think anyone would believe that you sit outside your own gym for nearly an hour while you have customers and the other owners inside. Who does that?

Earlier, you said that you like to work out at night. Did you forget that?

You don't workout much do you? Drive through a gym parking lot it's not uncommon. Workout time is MY TIME not anyone elses. AND....it's bad etiquette to go sit on equipment to sip a drink for 45 minutes.

Yes. I usually always workout at night. After 7pm.

But some days I do it early...5am...6am. WHY??? BECAUSE that day I'm on the road all day....going to clients...for my DAY JOB....so it's either 530am or I don't train that day at all.

Are you truly a retard??
Some people find this difficult to believe - they evidently think that business owners just open the doors and they're rich 'n stuff - but many start their businesses on the side, bust their ass for a few years, take incredible financial risk, give up a lot and have little outside life until they can support themselves.

Let alone supporting anyone else. You know, like those employees who actually "build" the business.


Yep. These libs are just SHOCKED that a person could work in an industry....then maybe try to start their own far smaller business on the side in that same industry which they've learned about while working in it.

Best quote the guys said was "owning a gym is like owning a bar; better hope people show up and better not quit your day job". VERY good advice!
There will always be people who question and belittle your effort and success, because it goes against the narrative they've adopted. "You didn't build that, someone else made that happen."

Just wait until you get this up and running. They'll think you're evil personified, that you just fell into it.

HOLY shit you're obsessed with me!!??

Hey moron....guess what....the BIG company that sells gym equipment to corporate buyers???? Thats who I WORK FOR.

The little company my friends owned (the gym) is who I bought into to co-own.

GUESS WHERE I got the money to buy into it???? Yep. From the big company I WORK FOR....from saving up money they paid me to work for them. Which I STILL DO....because our gym is small and none of us makes enough off that alone to make it our only job. WHICH IS why we hired some min wage workers to help.

God damn....just when I thought you were trying to be civil....I'm reminded what a fucking retard you are.

And now I'm gonna pay property taxes on you since I officially own you.

Is there anything you'd like to clarify? You told us that you worked for the gym that you now own for a few years before buying in. Do you remember that?

It is also strange that you sit outside the gym that you own for 45 minutes having a pre-workout drink. Isn't it? Do your co-owners appreciate that shit? I wouldn't. Unless the gym you work out at is not the one you co-own. That would be weird indeed.

God damn you're just begging for it. Ok...if we must.

1. I work for a company that sells equipment and other gym services....and that means clients.
2. How did I meet these folks I befriended and went into business with??? Oh yeah....and client of the large company.
3. Saved money. Bought in to their gym.
4. Preworkout shake in the car??? You obviously don't workout much. But if you must know....early morning trying to wakeup and drinking preworkout....I'd rather sit in truck and listen to SIRIUS XM than go inside and be asked a million fucking questions. Not to mention....former cop....nowhere is as great of a comfort zone than in an idling car alone. Alone key word.

Any other life details you need to know to fulfill your obsession with me?

Dude....if you owned the gym....you would go inside and have your drink. It is insulting that you'd think anyone would believe that you sit outside your own gym for nearly an hour while you have customers and the other owners inside. Who does that?

Earlier, you said that you like to work out at night. Did you forget that?

You don't workout much do you? Drive through a gym parking lot it's not uncommon. Workout time is MY TIME not anyone elses.

Yes. I usually always workout at night. After 7pm.

But some days I do it early...5am...6am. WHY??? BECAUSE that day I'm on the road all day....going to clients...for my DAY JOB.

Are you truly a retard??

I workout in my house and on baseball fields.

If you own the gym...you don't sit outside in your car having a shake. It is very simple.
Some people find this difficult to believe - they evidently think that business owners just open the doors and they're rich 'n stuff - but many start their businesses on the side, bust their ass for a few years, take incredible financial risk, give up a lot and have little outside life until they can support themselves.

Let alone supporting anyone else. You know, like those employees who actually "build" the business.


Yep. These libs are just SHOCKED that a person could work in an industry....then maybe try to start their own far smaller business on the side in that same industry which they've learned about while working in it.

Best quote the guys said was "owning a gym is like owning a bar; better hope people show up and better not quit your day job". VERY good advice!
There will always be people who question and belittle your effort and success, because it goes against the narrative they've adopted. "You didn't build that, someone else made that happen."

Just wait until you get this up and running. They'll think you're evil personified, that you just fell into it.

I built my business. I didn't build the roads that deliver shit to me and then to my customers, though. Idiot.
HOLY shit you're obsessed with me!!??

Hey moron....guess what....the BIG company that sells gym equipment to corporate buyers???? Thats who I WORK FOR.

The little company my friends owned (the gym) is who I bought into to co-own.

GUESS WHERE I got the money to buy into it???? Yep. From the big company I WORK FOR....from saving up money they paid me to work for them. Which I STILL DO....because our gym is small and none of us makes enough off that alone to make it our only job. WHICH IS why we hired some min wage workers to help.

God damn....just when I thought you were trying to be civil....I'm reminded what a fucking retard you are.

And now I'm gonna pay property taxes on you since I officially own you.

Is there anything you'd like to clarify? You told us that you worked for the gym that you now own for a few years before buying in. Do you remember that?

It is also strange that you sit outside the gym that you own for 45 minutes having a pre-workout drink. Isn't it? Do your co-owners appreciate that shit? I wouldn't. Unless the gym you work out at is not the one you co-own. That would be weird indeed.

God damn you're just begging for it. Ok...if we must.

1. I work for a company that sells equipment and other gym services....and that means clients.
2. How did I meet these folks I befriended and went into business with??? Oh yeah....and client of the large company.
3. Saved money. Bought in to their gym.
4. Preworkout shake in the car??? You obviously don't workout much. But if you must know....early morning trying to wakeup and drinking preworkout....I'd rather sit in truck and listen to SIRIUS XM than go inside and be asked a million fucking questions. Not to mention....former cop....nowhere is as great of a comfort zone than in an idling car alone. Alone key word.

Any other life details you need to know to fulfill your obsession with me?

Dude....if you owned the gym....you would go inside and have your drink. It is insulting that you'd think anyone would believe that you sit outside your own gym for nearly an hour while you have customers and the other owners inside. Who does that?

Earlier, you said that you like to work out at night. Did you forget that?

You don't workout much do you? Drive through a gym parking lot it's not uncommon. Workout time is MY TIME not anyone elses.

Yes. I usually always workout at night. After 7pm.

But some days I do it early...5am...6am. WHY??? BECAUSE that day I'm on the road all day....going to clients...for my DAY JOB.

Are you truly a retard??

I workout in my house and on baseball fields.

If you own the gym...you don't sit outside in your car having a shake. It is very simple.

You do if everyone wants to fucking small talk you inside.

You have no idea what you're talking about. You mix these preworkouts at home. See....heat can damage the chemical makeups of them and make them less effective so you don't leave them in the car. And you don't leave them in the gym....because then you go in and have to wait 30-45 minutes for it to kick in and someone wants to talk shop......and....people are thieves.

SOOOO.....wakeup 5am. Make drink. Drive 20 minutes. Sip on it during drive. Arrive. Listen to Octane on SIRIUS XM for a few minutes while you finish it and it kicks in. Then....go deadlift. Heavy.

Yeah......totally unbelievable for you right?
Is there anything you'd like to clarify? You told us that you worked for the gym that you now own for a few years before buying in. Do you remember that?

It is also strange that you sit outside the gym that you own for 45 minutes having a pre-workout drink. Isn't it? Do your co-owners appreciate that shit? I wouldn't. Unless the gym you work out at is not the one you co-own. That would be weird indeed.

God damn you're just begging for it. Ok...if we must.

1. I work for a company that sells equipment and other gym services....and that means clients.
2. How did I meet these folks I befriended and went into business with??? Oh yeah....and client of the large company.
3. Saved money. Bought in to their gym.
4. Preworkout shake in the car??? You obviously don't workout much. But if you must know....early morning trying to wakeup and drinking preworkout....I'd rather sit in truck and listen to SIRIUS XM than go inside and be asked a million fucking questions. Not to mention....former cop....nowhere is as great of a comfort zone than in an idling car alone. Alone key word.

Any other life details you need to know to fulfill your obsession with me?

Dude....if you owned the gym....you would go inside and have your drink. It is insulting that you'd think anyone would believe that you sit outside your own gym for nearly an hour while you have customers and the other owners inside. Who does that?

Earlier, you said that you like to work out at night. Did you forget that?

You don't workout much do you? Drive through a gym parking lot it's not uncommon. Workout time is MY TIME not anyone elses.

Yes. I usually always workout at night. After 7pm.

But some days I do it early...5am...6am. WHY??? BECAUSE that day I'm on the road all day....going to clients...for my DAY JOB.

Are you truly a retard??

I workout in my house and on baseball fields.

If you own the gym...you don't sit outside in your car having a shake. It is very simple.

You do if everyone wants to fucking small talk you inside.

You have no idea what you're talking about. You mix these preworkouts at home. See....heat can damage the chemical makeups of them and make them less effective so you don't leave them in the car. And you don't leave them in the gym....because then you go in and have to wait 30-45 minutes for it to kick in and someone wants to talk shop......and....people are thieves.

SOOOO.....wakeup 5am. Make drink. Drive 20 minutes. Sip on it. Listen to Octane on SIRIUS XM for a few minutes while you finish it and it kicks in. Then....go deadlift. Heavy.

Yeah......totally unbelievable for you right?

If you owned the gym, you'd know that owning a business is a 24 hour gig. You would welcome a chance to small talk your paying customers. You'd feel obliged to be there as much as possible to do your part.

Your customers will steal your shake? What a bunch of thugs!

And....why don't you have a shake and smoothie station inside the gym?
Bucky.......have you ever mentioned that you are a part owner of a gym on these pages before today?
God damn you're just begging for it. Ok...if we must.

1. I work for a company that sells equipment and other gym services....and that means clients.
2. How did I meet these folks I befriended and went into business with??? Oh yeah....and client of the large company.
3. Saved money. Bought in to their gym.
4. Preworkout shake in the car??? You obviously don't workout much. But if you must know....early morning trying to wakeup and drinking preworkout....I'd rather sit in truck and listen to SIRIUS XM than go inside and be asked a million fucking questions. Not to mention....former cop....nowhere is as great of a comfort zone than in an idling car alone. Alone key word.

Any other life details you need to know to fulfill your obsession with me?

Dude....if you owned the gym....you would go inside and have your drink. It is insulting that you'd think anyone would believe that you sit outside your own gym for nearly an hour while you have customers and the other owners inside. Who does that?

Earlier, you said that you like to work out at night. Did you forget that?

You don't workout much do you? Drive through a gym parking lot it's not uncommon. Workout time is MY TIME not anyone elses.

Yes. I usually always workout at night. After 7pm.

But some days I do it early...5am...6am. WHY??? BECAUSE that day I'm on the road all day....going to clients...for my DAY JOB.

Are you truly a retard??

I workout in my house and on baseball fields.

If you own the gym...you don't sit outside in your car having a shake. It is very simple.

You do if everyone wants to fucking small talk you inside.

You have no idea what you're talking about. You mix these preworkouts at home. See....heat can damage the chemical makeups of them and make them less effective so you don't leave them in the car. And you don't leave them in the gym....because then you go in and have to wait 30-45 minutes for it to kick in and someone wants to talk shop......and....people are thieves.

SOOOO.....wakeup 5am. Make drink. Drive 20 minutes. Sip on it. Listen to Octane on SIRIUS XM for a few minutes while you finish it and it kicks in. Then....go deadlift. Heavy.

Yeah......totally unbelievable for you right?

If you owned the gym, you'd know that owning a business is a 24 hour gig. You would welcome a chance to small talk your paying customers. You'd feel obliged to be there as much as possible to do your part.

Your customers will steal your shake? What a bunch of thugs!

And....why don't you have a shake and smoothie station inside the gym?

You obviously don't workout. Not hard anyway. My workouts are a foreign world to you. You don't small talk before.

There's no smoothie bar because we are a smallish niche gym. And by the way....it's not a "smoothie" preworkout. Again...you wouldn't get that.

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