Hey "Fight for 15" idiots: You realize at $15/hr...YOU aren't getting/keeping that job anymore right

I don't think Fight for 15 morons have had their brains checked for malfunctions lately.

You work a minimum wage job FOR A REASON. What is that reason??
- You are under qualified for anything else
- You're dumb and/or lazy
- You're just too young for anything else
- You are a shitty unskilled worker

Could be more reasons. But that's why you are there.

If the pay goes from $7.25 to $15 an hour....do you realize 2 things WILL happen:
- Companies will cut staffing and demand FAR more work and productivity from those they keep
- You will get downward pressure from MORE QUALIFIED workers who NOW see fast food and minimum wage work as viable option

For example....many firemen, cops and teachers don't start off at $15 hour. Why put up with all the school and training and stress in those jobs....when they can just flip burgers and mop a floor...show up looking like shit and hungover and be paid $15 and hour?? It's easy, low skill, low responsibility labor. If you pay that labor the same as higher qualified jobs....then higher qualified people will leave the more stressful and higher accountability jobs to make the same money doing a far easier job.

So....all you Fight for 15 morons....ALL you are doing is begging for your own unemployment. Sorry. But free trade, globalization and open borders has flooded the market with unskilled uneducated labor. Your labor isn't worth much. Sorry it's true.

Your life may consist of rooming with 4 or 5 other people in a 2 or 3 bedroom apartment in the industrial area of town and living off rice and $1 frozen dinners with no internet. It's not a horrible life. But it's not luxurious or middle class. But guess what? Thats how most of the worlds 6 billion lives.

And SOME PEOPLE in America (uh hum....left wingers) have always wanted America to be more like the rest of the world rather than being the world's elite super wealthy power. Yall voted for it....Yall got it.

Dude, why in the hell is yo ass stressing over min. wages? Either two things are in play here.....you're a business owner who exploits illegals or or or you have no life and its just something whine about

Yes. I co-own a business.
Yes. I hire minimum wage workers.
No. They are not illegals.
Yes....if their minimum wage doubles...our budget would require either raising our product prices a lot (and losing customers) or firing 1/3 or more of those employees.

When choosing between losing customers or losing low skill non-essential labor.....guess what? We'll work extra hours ourselves if necessary. We aren't losing customers over jacking up prices to pay our floor mopper the same starting pay a local fireman makes.

I hire 2 people to come in a mop/clean after 7pm because I like watching football at night in the fall and working out at night. Push comes to shove....they'll be fired and I'll just watch the games here and workout later.

You don't own a business that hires minimum wage workers. You are a habitual liar.

Co-own. And yes I do. It's small and humble...so it's not much to brag about.
I love how an employer hires and pays extra people and they bitch about them doing that. There is just no winning here, just give up trying to appease lol
I don't think Fight for 15 morons have had their brains checked for malfunctions lately.

You work a minimum wage job FOR A REASON. What is that reason??
- You are under qualified for anything else
- You're dumb and/or lazy
- You're just too young for anything else
- You are a shitty unskilled worker

Could be more reasons. But that's why you are there.

If the pay goes from $7.25 to $15 an hour....do you realize 2 things WILL happen:
- Companies will cut staffing and demand FAR more work and productivity from those they keep
- You will get downward pressure from MORE QUALIFIED workers who NOW see fast food and minimum wage work as viable option

For example....many firemen, cops and teachers don't start off at $15 hour. Why put up with all the school and training and stress in those jobs....when they can just flip burgers and mop a floor...show up looking like shit and hungover and be paid $15 and hour?? It's easy, low skill, low responsibility labor. If you pay that labor the same as higher qualified jobs....then higher qualified people will leave the more stressful and higher accountability jobs to make the same money doing a far easier job.

So....all you Fight for 15 morons....ALL you are doing is begging for your own unemployment. Sorry. But free trade, globalization and open borders has flooded the market with unskilled uneducated labor. Your labor isn't worth much. Sorry it's true.

Your life may consist of rooming with 4 or 5 other people in a 2 or 3 bedroom apartment in the industrial area of town and living off rice and $1 frozen dinners with no internet. It's not a horrible life. But it's not luxurious or middle class. But guess what? Thats how most of the worlds 6 billion lives.

And SOME PEOPLE in America (uh hum....left wingers) have always wanted America to be more like the rest of the world rather than being the world's elite super wealthy power. Yall voted for it....Yall got it.

Dude, why in the hell is yo ass stressing over min. wages? Either two things are in play here.....you're a business owner who exploits illegals or or or you have no life and its just something whine about

Yes. I co-own a business.
Yes. I hire minimum wage workers.
No. They are not illegals.
Yes....if their minimum wage doubles...our budget would require either raising our product prices a lot (and losing customers) or firing 1/3 or more of those employees.

When choosing between losing customers or losing low skill non-essential labor.....guess what? We'll work extra hours ourselves if necessary. We aren't losing customers over jacking up prices to pay our floor mopper the same starting pay a local fireman makes.

I hire 2 people to come in a mop/clean after 7pm because I like watching football at night in the fall and working out at night. Push comes to shove....they'll be fired and I'll just watch the games here and workout later.

You don't own a business that hires minimum wage workers. You are a habitual liar.

Co-own. And yes I do. It's small and humble...so it's not much to brag about.

No way in hell.
I don't think Fight for 15 morons have had their brains checked for malfunctions lately.

You work a minimum wage job FOR A REASON. What is that reason??
- You are under qualified for anything else
- You're dumb and/or lazy
- You're just too young for anything else
- You are a shitty unskilled worker

Could be more reasons. But that's why you are there.

If the pay goes from $7.25 to $15 an hour....do you realize 2 things WILL happen:
- Companies will cut staffing and demand FAR more work and productivity from those they keep
- You will get downward pressure from MORE QUALIFIED workers who NOW see fast food and minimum wage work as viable option

For example....many firemen, cops and teachers don't start off at $15 hour. Why put up with all the school and training and stress in those jobs....when they can just flip burgers and mop a floor...show up looking like shit and hungover and be paid $15 and hour?? It's easy, low skill, low responsibility labor. If you pay that labor the same as higher qualified jobs....then higher qualified people will leave the more stressful and higher accountability jobs to make the same money doing a far easier job.

So....all you Fight for 15 morons....ALL you are doing is begging for your own unemployment. Sorry. But free trade, globalization and open borders has flooded the market with unskilled uneducated labor. Your labor isn't worth much. Sorry it's true.

Your life may consist of rooming with 4 or 5 other people in a 2 or 3 bedroom apartment in the industrial area of town and living off rice and $1 frozen dinners with no internet. It's not a horrible life. But it's not luxurious or middle class. But guess what? Thats how most of the worlds 6 billion lives.

And SOME PEOPLE in America (uh hum....left wingers) have always wanted America to be more like the rest of the world rather than being the world's elite super wealthy power. Yall voted for it....Yall got it.

Dude, why in the hell is yo ass stressing over min. wages? Either two things are in play here.....you're a business owner who exploits illegals or or or you have no life and its just something whine about

I got thru college and beginning of post graduate studies on MINIMUM WAGE
jobs (they lessened my need for loans) One of my brothers is a recipient
of the president's national freedom award (for his scholarship) -----he got thru
school partly flipping burgers in one of the very early Mc Donald's. In fact 3 of my 4 brothers did it on BURGER FLIPPING------minimum wage job. $15 minimum
will put more CARS on the road-----more 15 year old kids ON THEIR OWN in cocaine ville and RAISE THE PRICES OF EVERYTHING. It will result in
KILLER inflation. Prices as they are now will make a minimum wage earner----
I don't think Fight for 15 morons have had their brains checked for malfunctions lately.

You work a minimum wage job FOR A REASON. What is that reason??
- You are under qualified for anything else
- You're dumb and/or lazy
- You're just too young for anything else
- You are a shitty unskilled worker

Could be more reasons. But that's why you are there.

If the pay goes from $7.25 to $15 an hour....do you realize 2 things WILL happen:
- Companies will cut staffing and demand FAR more work and productivity from those they keep
- You will get downward pressure from MORE QUALIFIED workers who NOW see fast food and minimum wage work as viable option

For example....many firemen, cops and teachers don't start off at $15 hour. Why put up with all the school and training and stress in those jobs....when they can just flip burgers and mop a floor...show up looking like shit and hungover and be paid $15 and hour?? It's easy, low skill, low responsibility labor. If you pay that labor the same as higher qualified jobs....then higher qualified people will leave the more stressful and higher accountability jobs to make the same money doing a far easier job.

So....all you Fight for 15 morons....ALL you are doing is begging for your own unemployment. Sorry. But free trade, globalization and open borders has flooded the market with unskilled uneducated labor. Your labor isn't worth much. Sorry it's true.

Your life may consist of rooming with 4 or 5 other people in a 2 or 3 bedroom apartment in the industrial area of town and living off rice and $1 frozen dinners with no internet. It's not a horrible life. But it's not luxurious or middle class. But guess what? Thats how most of the worlds 6 billion lives.

And SOME PEOPLE in America (uh hum....left wingers) have always wanted America to be more like the rest of the world rather than being the world's elite super wealthy power. Yall voted for it....Yall got it.

Dude, why in the hell is yo ass stressing over min. wages? Either two things are in play here.....you're a business owner who exploits illegals or or or you have no life and its just something whine about

Yes. I co-own a business.
Yes. I hire minimum wage workers.
No. They are not illegals.
Yes....if their minimum wage doubles...our budget would require either raising our product prices a lot (and losing customers) or firing 1/3 or more of those employees.

When choosing between losing customers or losing low skill non-essential labor.....guess what? We'll work extra hours ourselves if necessary. We aren't losing customers over jacking up prices to pay our floor mopper the same starting pay a local fireman makes.

I hire 2 people to come in a mop/clean after 7pm because I like watching football at night in the fall and working out at night. Push comes to shove....they'll be fired and I'll just watch the games here and workout later.

You don't own a business that hires minimum wage workers. You are a habitual liar.

Co-own. And yes I do. It's small and humble...so it's not much to brag about.

No way in hell.

Ok. Think what you want. I sure ain't asking you to invest so I don't give a crap.
Dude, why in the hell is yo ass stressing over min. wages? Either two things are in play here.....you're a business owner who exploits illegals or or or you have no life and its just something whine about

Yes. I co-own a business.
Yes. I hire minimum wage workers.
No. They are not illegals.
Yes....if their minimum wage doubles...our budget would require either raising our product prices a lot (and losing customers) or firing 1/3 or more of those employees.

When choosing between losing customers or losing low skill non-essential labor.....guess what? We'll work extra hours ourselves if necessary. We aren't losing customers over jacking up prices to pay our floor mopper the same starting pay a local fireman makes.

I hire 2 people to come in a mop/clean after 7pm because I like watching football at night in the fall and working out at night. Push comes to shove....they'll be fired and I'll just watch the games here and workout later.

You don't own a business that hires minimum wage workers. You are a habitual liar.

Co-own. And yes I do. It's small and humble...so it's not much to brag about.

No way in hell.

Ok. Think what you want. I sure ain't asking you to invest so I don't give a crap.

What type of business is it?
I don't think Fight for 15 morons have had their brains checked for malfunctions lately.

You work a minimum wage job FOR A REASON. What is that reason??
- You are under qualified for anything else
- You're dumb and/or lazy
- You're just too young for anything else
- You are a shitty unskilled worker

Could be more reasons. But that's why you are there.

If the pay goes from $7.25 to $15 an hour....do you realize 2 things WILL happen:
- Companies will cut staffing and demand FAR more work and productivity from those they keep
- You will get downward pressure from MORE QUALIFIED workers who NOW see fast food and minimum wage work as viable option

For example....many firemen, cops and teachers don't start off at $15 hour. Why put up with all the school and training and stress in those jobs....when they can just flip burgers and mop a floor...show up looking like shit and hungover and be paid $15 and hour?? It's easy, low skill, low responsibility labor. If you pay that labor the same as higher qualified jobs....then higher qualified people will leave the more stressful and higher accountability jobs to make the same money doing a far easier job.

So....all you Fight for 15 morons....ALL you are doing is begging for your own unemployment. Sorry. But free trade, globalization and open borders has flooded the market with unskilled uneducated labor. Your labor isn't worth much. Sorry it's true.

Your life may consist of rooming with 4 or 5 other people in a 2 or 3 bedroom apartment in the industrial area of town and living off rice and $1 frozen dinners with no internet. It's not a horrible life. But it's not luxurious or middle class. But guess what? Thats how most of the worlds 6 billion lives.

And SOME PEOPLE in America (uh hum....left wingers) have always wanted America to be more like the rest of the world rather than being the world's elite super wealthy power. Yall voted for it....Yall got it.

Always amazed me that the dumb, passive, docile, slackjawed southern crackas love getting crapped on in the workplace, they will work for peanuts and kiss (as the call them) the "boss-mans" ass, a real plantation mentality they have "thinking" the boss has their best interests at heart , real Lower IQ "thinking"
Yes. I co-own a business.
Yes. I hire minimum wage workers.
No. They are not illegals.
Yes....if their minimum wage doubles...our budget would require either raising our product prices a lot (and losing customers) or firing 1/3 or more of those employees.

When choosing between losing customers or losing low skill non-essential labor.....guess what? We'll work extra hours ourselves if necessary. We aren't losing customers over jacking up prices to pay our floor mopper the same starting pay a local fireman makes.

I hire 2 people to come in a mop/clean after 7pm because I like watching football at night in the fall and working out at night. Push comes to shove....they'll be fired and I'll just watch the games here and workout later.

You don't own a business that hires minimum wage workers. You are a habitual liar.

Co-own. And yes I do. It's small and humble...so it's not much to brag about.

No way in hell.

Ok. Think what you want. I sure ain't asking you to invest so I don't give a crap.

What type of business is it?

Commercial fitness. I bought in, didn't start it. Group of 4 of us.

Why....you interested???
You don't own a business that hires minimum wage workers. You are a habitual liar.

Co-own. And yes I do. It's small and humble...so it's not much to brag about.

No way in hell.

Ok. Think what you want. I sure ain't asking you to invest so I don't give a crap.

What type of business is it?

Commercial fitness. I bought in, didn't start it. Group of 4 of us.

Why....you interested???

Commercial fitness? You have a brick and mortar gym? How many minimum wage employees do you have?
12 bucks an hour is what most long term laborer's are getting these days anyway. Its next door to poverty. 15 bucks is just right and we all know these fuckin companies just pass any fuckin cost onto customers. They're so fuckin greedy, remember when gas was around 4 bucks? Call a plumber, call anyone to come to you home for a service, including garbage pick up service and guess who tacked on a few extra fuckin dollars? THEY DID.

YES TIGERRED59 now you're getting it!!!

Tell me this. Show me the light.

Let's use my company. Say our budget is 500,000 a year.
250,000 is used in rent, insurance and utilities, taxes, etc.
100,000 is used in supplies and maintenance.
150,000 is for labor. We have 6 employees. 3 are minimum wage.
Me and my co-owner keep anything over 500,000 for our pay....which we average about 45k-60k ea year depending on how business goes.

SO.....where am I going to get the money to pay $15 an hour instead of $7.25????

Inform me.
Not an usual situation, and there are only so many moving parts.

Chronologically, you'll have to look at increasing prices. If you don't think you can accomplish that and maintain volume, you'll have to look at cutting costs. Fixed costs are fixed costs, so the first place you look is supplies/maintenance. I don't know how much you spend on marketing/advertising, but you'd have to look there, knowing that cutting there could have an adverse effect on revenue in the long run.

That thought process might take ten minutes. If you still can't make ends meet, you cut staff by one and see if you can make that work.

Those who believe that "you didn't build that" don't understand any of this, but they don't care. You're rich and greedy, you have the money somewhere. Probably a few million squirreled away in offshore accounts 'n stuff.
Co-own. And yes I do. It's small and humble...so it's not much to brag about.

No way in hell.

Ok. Think what you want. I sure ain't asking you to invest so I don't give a crap.

What type of business is it?

Commercial fitness. I bought in, didn't start it. Group of 4 of us.

Why....you interested???

Commercial fitness? You have a brick and mortar gym? How many minimum wage employees do you have?

Yep. With 3 other co-owners. We have 3 min wage employees. 2 front desk. 1 janitor.
12 bucks an hour is what most long term laborer's are getting these days anyway. Its next door to poverty. 15 bucks is just right and we all know these fuckin companies just pass any fuckin cost onto customers. They're so fuckin greedy, remember when gas was around 4 bucks? Call a plumber, call anyone to come to you home for a service, including garbage pick up service and guess who tacked on a few extra fuckin dollars? THEY DID.

YES TIGERRED59 now you're getting it!!!

Tell me this. Show me the light.

Let's use my company. Say our budget is 500,000 a year.
250,000 is used in rent, insurance and utilities, taxes, etc.
100,000 is used in supplies and maintenance.
150,000 is for labor. We have 6 employees. 3 are minimum wage.
Me and my co-owner keep anything over 500,000 for our pay....which we average about 45k-60k ea year depending on how business goes.

SO.....where am I going to get the money to pay $15 an hour instead of $7.25????

Inform me.
Not an usual situation, and there are only so many moving parts.

Chronologically, you'll have to look at increasing prices. If you don't think you can accomplish that and maintain volume, you'll have to look at cutting costs. Fixed costs are fixed costs, so the first place you look is supplies/maintenance. I don't know how much you spend on marketing/advertising, but you'd have to look there, knowing that cutting there could have an adverse effect on revenue in the long run.

That thought process might take ten minutes. If you still can't make ends meet, you cut staff by one and see if you can make that work.

Those who believe that "you didn't build that" don't understand any of this, but they don't care. You're rich and greedy, you have the money somewhere. Probably a few million squirreled away in offshore accounts 'n stuff.

That's right. I joined as a co owner with 3 others. Luckily 2 of them are far more experienced in this stuff and I'm learning this shit as it goes.

Day to day it feels like trying to fill 10 gallons with 9 gallons of water.
No way in hell.

Ok. Think what you want. I sure ain't asking you to invest so I don't give a crap.

What type of business is it?

Commercial fitness. I bought in, didn't start it. Group of 4 of us.

Why....you interested???

Commercial fitness? You have a brick and mortar gym? How many minimum wage employees do you have?

Yep. With 3 other co-owners. We have 3 min wage employees. 2 front desk. 1 janitor.

No kidding. I may have to eat my words. When did you buy in?
I don't think Fight for 15 morons have had their brains checked for malfunctions lately.

You work a minimum wage job FOR A REASON. What is that reason??
- You are under qualified for anything else
- You're dumb and/or lazy
- You're just too young for anything else
- You are a shitty unskilled worker

Could be more reasons. But that's why you are there.

If the pay goes from $7.25 to $15 an hour....do you realize 2 things WILL happen:
- Companies will cut staffing and demand FAR more work and productivity from those they keep
- You will get downward pressure from MORE QUALIFIED workers who NOW see fast food and minimum wage work as viable option

For example....many firemen, cops and teachers don't start off at $15 hour. Why put up with all the school and training and stress in those jobs....when they can just flip burgers and mop a floor...show up looking like shit and hungover and be paid $15 and hour?? It's easy, low skill, low responsibility labor. If you pay that labor the same as higher qualified jobs....then higher qualified people will leave the more stressful and higher accountability jobs to make the same money doing a far easier job.

So....all you Fight for 15 morons....ALL you are doing is begging for your own unemployment. Sorry. But free trade, globalization and open borders has flooded the market with unskilled uneducated labor. Your labor isn't worth much. Sorry it's true.

Your life may consist of rooming with 4 or 5 other people in a 2 or 3 bedroom apartment in the industrial area of town and living off rice and $1 frozen dinners with no internet. It's not a horrible life. But it's not luxurious or middle class. But guess what? Thats how most of the worlds 6 billion lives.

And SOME PEOPLE in America (uh hum....left wingers) have always wanted America to be more like the rest of the world rather than being the world's elite super wealthy power. Yall voted for it....Yall got it.

Dude, why in the hell is yo ass stressing over min. wages? Either two things are in play here.....you're a business owner who exploits illegals or or or you have no life and its just something whine about

Yes. I co-own a business.
Yes. I hire minimum wage workers.
No. They are not illegals.
Yes....if their minimum wage doubles...our budget would require either raising our product prices a lot (and losing customers) or firing 1/3 or more of those employees.

When choosing between losing customers or losing low skill non-essential labor.....guess what? We'll work extra hours ourselves if necessary. We aren't losing customers over jacking up prices to pay our floor mopper the same starting pay a local fireman makes.

I hire 2 people to come in a mop/clean after 7pm because I like watching football at night in the fall and working out at night. Push comes to shove....they'll be fired and I'll just watch the games here and workout later.

You don't own a business that hires minimum wage workers. You are a habitual liar.
So you own a business and paying your hirelings $30 an hour?
Ok. Think what you want. I sure ain't asking you to invest so I don't give a crap.

What type of business is it?

Commercial fitness. I bought in, didn't start it. Group of 4 of us.

Why....you interested???

Commercial fitness? You have a brick and mortar gym? How many minimum wage employees do you have?

Yep. With 3 other co-owners. We have 3 min wage employees. 2 front desk. 1 janitor.

No kidding. I may have to eat my words. When did you buy in?

Officially December 2014. I worked with them a couple years before that. Finally took the plunge. It's a terrible business to get into unless you have a great local market.....or are named Golds Gym. We have the market here but it's getting flooded a bit.
What type of business is it?

Commercial fitness. I bought in, didn't start it. Group of 4 of us.

Why....you interested???

Commercial fitness? You have a brick and mortar gym? How many minimum wage employees do you have?

Yep. With 3 other co-owners. We have 3 min wage employees. 2 front desk. 1 janitor.

No kidding. I may have to eat my words. When did you buy in?

Officially December 2014. I worked with them a couple years before that. Finally took the plunge. It's a terrible business to get into unless you have a great local market.....or are named Golds Gym. We have the market here but it's getting flooded a bit.

That is so odd!
Commercial fitness. I bought in, didn't start it. Group of 4 of us.

Why....you interested???

Commercial fitness? You have a brick and mortar gym? How many minimum wage employees do you have?

Yep. With 3 other co-owners. We have 3 min wage employees. 2 front desk. 1 janitor.

No kidding. I may have to eat my words. When did you buy in?

Officially December 2014. I worked with them a couple years before that. Finally took the plunge. It's a terrible business to get into unless you have a great local market.....or are named Golds Gym. We have the market here but it's getting flooded a bit.

That is so odd!

Dude, why in the hell is yo ass stressing over min. wages? Either two things are in play here.....you're a business owner who exploits illegals or or or you have no life and its just something whine about

Yes. I co-own a business.
Yes. I hire minimum wage workers.
No. They are not illegals.
Yes....if their minimum wage doubles...our budget would require either raising our product prices a lot (and losing customers) or firing 1/3 or more of those employees.

When choosing between losing customers or losing low skill non-essential labor.....guess what? We'll work extra hours ourselves if necessary. We aren't losing customers over jacking up prices to pay our floor mopper the same starting pay a local fireman makes.

I hire 2 people to come in a mop/clean after 7pm because I like watching football at night in the fall and working out at night. Push comes to shove....they'll be fired and I'll just watch the games here and workout later.

You don't own a business that hires minimum wage workers. You are a habitual liar.

Co-own. And yes I do. It's small and humble...so it's not much to brag about.

No way in hell.

Ok. Think what you want. I sure ain't asking you to invest so I don't give a crap.
One of my favorite Star Trek episodes, "Where No Man Has Gone Before.
Commercial fitness? You have a brick and mortar gym? How many minimum wage employees do you have?

Yep. With 3 other co-owners. We have 3 min wage employees. 2 front desk. 1 janitor.

No kidding. I may have to eat my words. When did you buy in?

Officially December 2014. I worked with them a couple years before that. Finally took the plunge. It's a terrible business to get into unless you have a great local market.....or are named Golds Gym. We have the market here but it's getting flooded a bit.

That is so odd!

One of my favorite Star Trek episodes, Where No Man has Gone Before.
Commercial fitness? You have a brick and mortar gym? How many minimum wage employees do you have?

Yep. With 3 other co-owners. We have 3 min wage employees. 2 front desk. 1 janitor.

No kidding. I may have to eat my words. When did you buy in?

Officially December 2014. I worked with them a couple years before that. Finally took the plunge. It's a terrible business to get into unless you have a great local market.....or are named Golds Gym. We have the market here but it's getting flooded a bit.

That is so odd!


You are not keeping your story straight.

I am sick and tired of the Global Warming deniers

Forbes: The South is booming economically, leads US in population

Why I’ll Never Apologize for My White Male Privilege

You must think people here read your shit and forget.
12 bucks an hour is what most long term laborer's are getting these days anyway. Its next door to poverty. 15 bucks is just right and we all know these fuckin companies just pass any fuckin cost onto customers. They're so fuckin greedy, remember when gas was around 4 bucks? Call a plumber, call anyone to come to you home for a service, including garbage pick up service and guess who tacked on a few extra fuckin dollars? THEY DID.

YES TIGERRED59 now you're getting it!!!

Tell me this. Show me the light.

Let's use my company. Say our budget is 500,000 a year.
250,000 is used in rent, insurance and utilities, taxes, etc.
100,000 is used in supplies and maintenance.
150,000 is for labor. We have 6 employees. 3 are minimum wage.
Me and my co-owner keep anything over 500,000 for our pay....which we average about 45k-60k ea year depending on how business goes.

SO.....where am I going to get the money to pay $15 an hour instead of $7.25????

Inform me.
Not an usual situation, and there are only so many moving parts.

Chronologically, you'll have to look at increasing prices. If you don't think you can accomplish that and maintain volume, you'll have to look at cutting costs. Fixed costs are fixed costs, so the first place you look is supplies/maintenance. I don't know how much you spend on marketing/advertising, but you'd have to look there, knowing that cutting there could have an adverse effect on revenue in the long run.

That thought process might take ten minutes. If you still can't make ends meet, you cut staff by one and see if you can make that work.

Those who believe that "you didn't build that" don't understand any of this, but they don't care. You're rich and greedy, you have the money somewhere. Probably a few million squirreled away in offshore accounts 'n stuff.

That's right. I joined as a co owner with 3 others. Luckily 2 of them are far more experienced in this stuff and I'm learning this shit as it goes.

Day to day it feels like trying to fill 10 gallons with 9 gallons of water.
Yep. Just stay on top of the numbers at all times, make sure your marketing is efficient and cost-effective, and by all means, COMMUNICATE with your partners.

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