Hey Left,Quit Pretending You Care About Religious Tolerance...

I think the term "False Christian" is just a cop-out for Leftists. It's a way for them to excuse or justify their intolerance & hate for Christians. Hey,they only hate those "False Christians" so it's ok. Sounds like a scam to me.
I think the term "False Christian" is just a cop-out for Leftists. It's a way for them to excuse or justify their intolerance & hate for Christians. Hey,they only hate those "False Christians" so it's ok. Sounds like a scam to me.

Well, you'd know, not being a Christian yourself.
Who's claiming the left cares about religious tolerance? I really don't care what kind of idols you worship as long as you don't try to inflict your religion on me. I'm intolerant of your religious views on my freedom of choice to plan a family and for my gay friends to have a family and your forcing my children to learn your mythology in a public school. You call that intolerent of your religion, you are correct.

What we care about is the constitution.

Hey right, stop trying to destroy the constitution with your bigotry and hate and ignorance!
I look at the Mosque issue as a private property issue, might not see their wisdom in doing it but as long as they own the property, don't violate zoning ordinances etc. then I defend their right to build, that sends the right message to the world;imho; that we won't be compromising ourselves Constitutionally because of the actions of a few and before I get called a "leftie", I support the guy holding them paddles in your avatar.:eusa_angel:

We already did that starting with the Patriot Act.

Yep. And anyone who spends time at an airport knows how the terrorists have stolen some of our freedoms. Pre 9/11, baby formula and toothpaste were not considered weapons of mass destruction.
You think Muslims are tolerant of your atheism? LOL that's stupid.

I'm friends with quite a few Muslims.

None of them have ever tried to kill me because I'm an atheist.

No, you THINK you are friends with quite a few Muslims. They either

A) Aren't real Muslims - And quite a few American Muslims aren't "real Muslims" and that's why ME Muslims hate them every bit as much as they hate infidels.


B) They are lying about being your friend.

It IS that simple.

I don't think my eyes could possibly roll harder at this post.
Left Wingers are the most hateful & intolerant S.O.B.'s in this country when it comes to religious freedom & expression. Most are virulently Anti-Christian and express their hate quite often. Now they actually think they can preach to the rest of us about religious tolerance & freedom? Not gonna happen. They have absolutely no credibility on this issue. Time to knock them all off their high horses. So once again,i think i speak for Millions of Americans when i tell Leftists to shut up and quit pretending you care about religious freedom & tolerance. No one with any common sense is buying it.

Good Lord you are a moron.
Lady Gaga is like me?

That is about as far from accurate as saying GWB is a communist.

You really need to get away from that binary absolutist thought process.

Using you own thought process you are conservative just like Ted Haggard?

He's nothing like Haggard. Only one has made the public confession of sucking another guy's dick.

Whizzed right over your head huh?

No suprise.

Actually, read my response again because it flew over your head.
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Religious respect & tolerance from the Left? Still LMFAO over that one. You guys must think everyone is as dumb as you guys are. So quit pretending and get back to hating and insulting Christians. You know you wanna. ;)

You're bashing Gaga and since she comes from a Christian Conservative home it is you that is bashing Christians. Why don't you like people raised in a Christian home?
I asked a question in the flame, no one seems to want to answer. I'll ask here.

Why ddi yall on the left scream like banshees when tea partiers allegedly used their first amendment right to scream racial epithets at certain law makers that they shouldn't be talking like that, but now that Muslims allegedly have a first amendment right to build this mosque and that NO ONE should be saying differently?

I will self ban for 30 days if anyone can post a legitimate explanation that does not reek of hypocrisy.

Y'all? :cuckoo:

Who is making the claim they don't have the right to say anything about the mosque? Or that people don't have the right to say nasty things to Congressmen in passing? I haven't seen that from the board's mainstream libs.

I know I support their right to disagree or talk shit.
Who's claiming the left cares about religious tolerance? I really don't care what kind of idols you worship as long as you don't try to inflict your religion on me. I'm intolerant of your religious views on my freedom of choice to plan a family and for my gay friends to have a family and your forcing my children to learn your mythology in a public school. You call that intolerent of your religion, you are correct.

What we care about is the constitution.

Hey right, stop trying to destroy the constitution with your bigotry and hate and ignorance!

Christianity doesn't teach intolerance. However Islam does.....which makes it hard to understand why the left supports Islam.

This isn't a constitutional issue by the way. And if you want to find out about bigotry and ignorance try talking to a radical Muslim. You would be surprised....if they didn't end up cutting your head off first. They hang Gays in Iran just for fun.
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Saw a report showing Lady Ga Ga desicrating a Crucifix and bashing Christians while her Leftist minions went wild with adoration. Leftists are anything but tolerant & respectful of religious expression...When it comes to Christians anyway.

Yes, Lady Gaga is a known liberal leader and speaks for all leftists.

I'm starting to feel like Divecon here but there really is nothing else better to call you than a complete and total fucking moron.
Who's claiming the left cares about religious tolerance? I really don't care what kind of idols you worship as long as you don't try to inflict your religion on me. I'm intolerant of your religious views on my freedom of choice to plan a family and for my gay friends to have a family and your forcing my children to learn your mythology in a public school. You call that intolerent of your religion, you are correct.

What we care about is the constitution.

Hey right, stop trying to destroy the constitution with your bigotry and hate and ignorance!

Christianity doesn't teach intolerance. However Islam does.....which makes it hard to understand why the left supports Islam.

This isn't a constitutional issue by the way. And if you want to find out about bigotry and ignorance try talking to a radical Muslim. You would be surprised....if they didn't end up cutting your head off first. Someone you would probably end up in an orange jumper on video post haste.

Is it hard to grasp the fact that supporting tolerance (of Islam) is not the same thing as "supporting Islam?"

It seems like a weak retort man, to be disengenuous in order to support your points, and obfuscate the opposition's points to make theirs seem "worse."
Who's claiming the left cares about religious tolerance? I really don't care what kind of idols you worship as long as you don't try to inflict your religion on me. I'm intolerant of your religious views on my freedom of choice to plan a family and for my gay friends to have a family and your forcing my children to learn your mythology in a public school. You call that intolerent of your religion, you are correct.

What we care about is the constitution.

Hey right, stop trying to destroy the constitution with your bigotry and hate and ignorance!

Christianity doesn't teach intolerance. However Islam does.....which makes it hard to understand why the left supports Islam.

This isn't a constitutional issue by the way. And if you want to find out about bigotry and ignorance try talking to a radical Muslim. You would be surprised....if they didn't end up cutting your head off first. Someone you would probably end up in an orange jumper on video post haste.

Is it hard to grasp the fact that supporting tolerance (of Islam) is not the same thing as "supporting Islam?"

It seems like a weak retort man, to be disengenuous in order to support your points, and obfuscate the opposition's points to make theirs seem "worse."

Why should we "tolerate" Islam? They chop off hands, marry off or sell little girls, treat women like dirt, stone women to death, whip folks for trivial matters... I'm not even going to pretend to tolerate any of that shit. The rest of you can kiss their ass if you want, but see where that gets you.
Lady Gaga is a Negro and suffers from the same ailment that turned Michael Jackson into a white person. She can't help it.
Christianity doesn't teach intolerance. However Islam does.....which makes it hard to understand why the left supports Islam.

This isn't a constitutional issue by the way. And if you want to find out about bigotry and ignorance try talking to a radical Muslim. You would be surprised....if they didn't end up cutting your head off first. Someone you would probably end up in an orange jumper on video post haste.

Is it hard to grasp the fact that supporting tolerance (of Islam) is not the same thing as "supporting Islam?"

It seems like a weak retort man, to be disengenuous in order to support your points, and obfuscate the opposition's points to make theirs seem "worse."

Why should we "tolerate" Islam? They chop off hands, marry off or sell little girls, treat women like dirt, stone women to death, whip folks for trivial matters... I'm not even going to pretend to tolerate any of that shit. The rest of you can kiss their ass if you want, but see where that gets you.

We have laws against American Muslims doing those things, and we also have Freedom of Religion rights, and so that's why. To tolerate is not to kiss ass, that's more being disengenuous.
Who's claiming the left cares about religious tolerance? I really don't care what kind of idols you worship as long as you don't try to inflict your religion on me. I'm intolerant of your religious views on my freedom of choice to plan a family and for my gay friends to have a family and your forcing my children to learn your mythology in a public school. You call that intolerent of your religion, you are correct.

What we care about is the constitution.

Hey right, stop trying to destroy the constitution with your bigotry and hate and ignorance!

Christianity doesn't teach intolerance. However Islam does.....which makes it hard to understand why the left supports Islam.

This isn't a constitutional issue by the way. And if you want to find out about bigotry and ignorance try talking to a radical Muslim. You would be surprised....if they didn't end up cutting your head off first. They hang Gays in Iran just for fun.

So you guys are picking it up somewhere else?
Christianity doesn't teach intolerance. However Islam does.....which makes it hard to understand why the left supports Islam.

This isn't a constitutional issue by the way. And if you want to find out about bigotry and ignorance try talking to a radical Muslim. You would be surprised....if they didn't end up cutting your head off first. Someone you would probably end up in an orange jumper on video post haste.

Is it hard to grasp the fact that supporting tolerance (of Islam) is not the same thing as "supporting Islam?"

It seems like a weak retort man, to be disengenuous in order to support your points, and obfuscate the opposition's points to make theirs seem "worse."

Why should we "tolerate" Islam? They chop off hands, marry off or sell little girls, treat women like dirt, stone women to death, whip folks for trivial matters... I'm not even going to pretend to tolerate any of that shit. The rest of you can kiss their ass if you want, but see where that gets you.

Is there any possible angle to approaching rabid dishonesty and ignorance? It's amazing how many Americans became expert Islamic scholars on 9/12/01.

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