Hey Lefties,...


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
For DECADES, every time the price of oil of gas at the pump went up, I've had to hear whining from Lefties about how the evil, greedy, capitalists running the oil companies were gouging the public and increasing prices for no reason other than to line their slimy pockets with the money of The POOR. They have MONOPOLY powers, we are always told. The public is POWERLESS to do anything to fight this price gouging,

Where (the fuck) are you now? How come you aren't whining now? Gas prices have dropped by about half in the past couple years, the oil companies are suffering, and...correct me it I'm wrong, but...it doesn't APPEAR that they have the power to do a fucking thing about it. If they would, they could,

It seems like the "broken" law of Supply & Demand is not altogether broken, is it? When the world's oil producers start pumping out more oil than the Market needs, guess what happens.....THE PRICE DROPS. It is not due to anyone manipulating it; it's market forces.

Please remember this time when oil prices rise, as they inevitably will. Do not fall into the trap AGAIN of assuming that prices are rising because some evil capitalist is sitting in a conference room pulling strings. Supply & Demand.

Which is not to say that the oil companies and OPEC might cut back on supplies some time in order to DECREASE supply, and thus increases prices, but if some other bastard country or company doesn't go along, they all get fucked.

The Market isn't good; it isn't evil. Just like gravity, magnetism, the tides, and global warming...it just is. Deal with it, and accept it.
Liberals will say Obama brought prices down to help us.

After he said 8 years ago HIS POLICIES would cause energy prices "to necessarily skyrocket".

So.....dirt cheap gas prices are a sign Obama FAILED.

Which is why Limbaugh said "I hope he fails" in 2008 when he was elected.

I agree. I'm glad he failed. Otherwise gas would be $8 a gallon.

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