Hey - Let's have an abortion party.

Dear kooks: A woman's body does not belong to you, your church or your precious authoritarian state.

Get over it. And for glub's sake, stop blubbering. Unless your goal is to lose more votes by getting everyone laughing at what sad specimens you are.

Yes but your right to choose health care and how to pay for it yourself
is regulated and penalized by govt.

Can you explain how that is pro-choice and NOT authoritarian, please?
it's not an kid until it IS born.
Maybe not, but as long as it has a heart beat and can breathe, it is still considered another life and that woman is doing nothing but glorifying the taking of one. :mad: :mad: :mad:

God bless you always!!!

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Dear kooks: A woman's body does not belong to you, your church or your precious authoritarian state.

Get over it. And for glub's sake, stop blubbering. Unless your goal is to lose more votes by getting everyone laughing at what sad specimens you are.

Dear Moron,

The body inside a woman's body is not her body.
I hope the abortion rendered her sterile, that bitch couldn't love anyone but herself. Liberals are worse than cockroaches.

Uh, you really need to educate yourself.

Abortion does not cause sterility.


1. It can if it is botched. Not sure the rates of risk with abortion vs childbirth,
but sterility is always possible.
2. And if that child is the only pregnancy a woman ends up having in life,
then it can leave her childless. There are many testimonies to that.

Not that I believe it does any good to argue like this:
This is not unlike posting arguments or stats about the effects of ACA
when people are opposed to ACA "ON PRINCIPLE."

No amount of arguing back and forth changes minds,
where it's the PRINCIPLE that violates people's beliefs.
So the argument for pro-abortion people is "it's my body". Right?

How the hell can anyone not see abortion as murder? I will never understand it.

Yes, that's right. Its her body. Not yours.

You don't need to understand anything more than that.


So you are the resident dick of the board I see? :eek:

You have to understand that leftist loons believe that ending the life of an unborn human being is fine, stfu and butt OUT! but that poor, poor monster (who shot then buried alive a 19 year old) whose execution went awry suffered needlessly, the poor murderer.

Dear kooks: A woman's body does not belong to you, your church or your precious authoritarian state.

Get over it. And for glub's sake, stop blubbering. Unless your goal is to lose more votes by getting everyone laughing at what sad specimens you are.

Dear Moron,

The body inside a woman's body is not her body.

But due process is a Constitutional right.
And laws cannot be based on religious or faith-based arguments.
If people AGREED to a poliicy, then it could be made law,
but not one religious belief imposed on other people who don't agree.

The proper way to get rid of abortion would be to address
causes and prevention of unwanted pregnancy, and to offer better options
and access to women -- NOT try to criminalize "after the fact" on a state level which unfairly targets and burdens women more than men who are equally responsible for sex,
if not more responsible in cases of rape, incest, or abuse that is clearly not consensual.

It is more fair to hold BOTH partners EQUALLY responsible for avoiding sex and pregnancy.
But since the govt does NOT have jurisdiction to police people's personal decisions
about sex, people must accept personal and private responsibility for preventing
sexual abuse or relationship abuse.

We might have to enact a separate level of codes for "health and safety"
to prevent abuse that leads to unwanted pregnancy or abortion;
but the people would have to consent to such policies since it is on such a personal level.

On that level of personal responsibility, both partners can be treated equally instead of onesided laws that are going to affect women more than men and cause added conflicts.
Yes, that's right. Its her body. Not yours.

You don't need to understand anything more than that.


So you are the resident dick of the board I see? :eek:

You have to understand that leftist loons believe that ending the life of an unborn human being is fine, stfu and butt OUT! but that poor, poor monster (who shot then buried alive a 19 year old) whose execution went awry suffered needlessly, the poor murderer.


No, it's not fine at all, but the laws have to be focused and written where they do not target women more than men for responsibility for unwanted pregnancy,
and do not impose a religious bias that is unconstitutional.

Roe V Wade was more about due process, and how a woman could not defend herself with mitigating circumstances without the govt imposing on her privacy.

If we could find a way to decriminalize, but still make it unlawful to commit abuse in various forms,
we could prevent abortion by preventing sexual abuse and relationships abuse at the level where BOTH partners can be held equally responsible for their decisions and actions.
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The democrat war on children hits a new low.

Prison Planet.com » Woman Celebrates Her ?Cool? Abortion on YouTube

May 6, 2014
A counselor at a New Jersey abortion clinic celebrated her own abortion by posting it on YouTube in order to treasure her “special memory”.

Emily Letts recorded the lead up to the procedure and some of the abortion itself as part of an effort to inspire women who may feel guilty or scared about terminating their pregnancies.

As the abortion procedure began, Letts wore a beaming smile and even let out a giggle as she stated, “I’m a lucky girl”. In her article she writes of how she was “feeling the love from everyone in the room” during the abortion, which she described as, “like I was giving birth”.

Letts can he heard humming during the abortion. When the procedure is over she remarks, “Cool. I feel good.”
Letts says the whole experience, “will always be a special memory for me,” adding that she kept the sonogram of the baby as a memento.

Pretty disgusting....but wouldn't want that woman to be a mother either.
it's not an kid until it IS born. it's just a parasitic body within HER body.

Mothers day must be so special at your house. Do you celebrate with your mother that she let you live as opposed to killing you off as a parasite? Thanks mom! Love you! That's so loving and heart warming. You were nothing more than a parasite for the next 18 years at least of your life, did she have the right to end your life at any point during those years as well? Is father's day for you a he didn't kick your mom in the stomach and remove the parasite day? Thanks dad! Love you too!

And if you have a wife or girlfriend that did get an abortion how do you celebrate those days? You buy her flowers and take her to brunch for the killing off of a parasite celebration?
it's not an kid until it IS born. it's just a parasitic body within HER body.

Mothers day must be so special at your house. Do you celebrate with your mother that she let you live as opposed to killing you off as a parasite? Thanks mom! Love you! That's so loving and heart warming. You were nothing more than a parasite for the next 18 years at least of your life, did she have the right to end your life at any point during those years as well? Is father's day for you a he didn't kick your mom in the stomach and remove the parasite day? Thanks dad! Love you too!

And if you have a wife or girlfriend that did get an abortion how do you celebrate those days? You buy her flowers and take her to brunch for the killing off of a parasite celebration?

Just a question for you...do people celebrate Mother's day if they've had nothing but miscarriages?
Dear kooks: A woman's body does not belong to you, your church or your precious authoritarian state.

Get over it. And for glub's sake, stop blubbering. Unless your goal is to lose more votes by getting everyone laughing at what sad specimens you are.

Dear asswipe, tell me again you are not pro abortion.
So the argument for pro-abortion people is "it's my body". Right?

How the hell can anyone not see abortion as murder? I will never understand it.

Yes, that's right. Its her body. Not yours.

You don't need to understand anything more than that.


Except she made it everyone's business by making a video and posting it on YouTube.
Dear kooks: A woman's body does not belong to you, your church or your precious authoritarian state.

Get over it. And for glub's sake, stop blubbering. Unless your goal is to lose more votes by getting everyone laughing at what sad specimens you are.

So she can kill a man's baby with impunity as long as she doesn't tell him. Democrat feminists are mega sexist bigots.
The democrat war on children hits a new low.

Prison Planet.com » Woman Celebrates Her ?Cool? Abortion on YouTube

May 6, 2014
A counselor at a New Jersey abortion clinic celebrated her own abortion by posting it on YouTube in order to treasure her “special memory”.

Emily Letts recorded the lead up to the procedure and some of the abortion itself as part of an effort to inspire women who may feel guilty or scared about terminating their pregnancies.

As the abortion procedure began, Letts wore a beaming smile and even let out a giggle as she stated, “I’m a lucky girl”. In her article she writes of how she was “feeling the love from everyone in the room” during the abortion, which she described as, “like I was giving birth”.

Letts can he heard humming during the abortion. When the procedure is over she remarks, “Cool. I feel good.”
Letts says the whole experience, “will always be a special memory for me,” adding that she kept the sonogram of the baby as a memento.

Reproductive rights should be celebrated. Filming an abortion and smiling about it is different. This woman is messed up.
So the argument for pro-abortion people is "it's my body". Right?

How the hell can anyone not see abortion as murder? I will never understand it.

Yes, that's right. Its her body. Not yours.

You don't need to understand anything more than that.


Bullshit, individuals and individual "rights" don't exist out of a societal context to protect that individual agency and sovereignty. Thus actions by individuals that threaten social cohesion and the continuation of the society, in this case promoting murder, selfishness and moral nihilism, must be prohibited.
Using abortions as birth control is pretty messed up. I think taking responsibility for your actions (getting preggo due to sex) should come in to play here. If you don't want a baby don't have sex. If you decide to have sex and get preggo then tuff ish raise our kid. JMO

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