Hey liberals, did Hillary break the law when she...

Mishandling classified material is a felony, whether that was your intent or not.

It requires the material be clearly marked as to its classification. Clinton's emails were "should have known" they contained classified material, and not marked as classified..
...set up a private server to conduct government business and when she transmitted classified material via said server? Did she break the law or did she not break the law?

The Republican President and the Republican Congress and the Republican Department of Justice is going to get on that any day now!
...set up a private server to conduct government business and when she transmitted classified material via said server? Did she break the law or did she not break the law?

Cue the k*nt act.
Classified info was sent TO her. It was never proven she sent out classified material.

Mike Flynn Set up a private server when he worked at the DOD. Then he became National Security Adviser. Bush had a private server.

If she broke the law, then so did Condi Rice, Colin Powell, Mike Flynn, and at least a half dozen people in the Trump Administration.

So did they ALL break the law or did thy NOT break the law. And if they did, why was she singled out? Because she's a Democrat?

Classified info was sent TO her.

That means she had classified info on her unsecured server.

If she broke the law, then so did Condi Rice, Colin Powell, Mike Flynn, and at least a half dozen people in the Trump Administration.

If they mishandled classified info, if they held classified info on an unsecured server, they should get the cell next to Hillary.
Which link did you get that a Clinton staffer deleted 30,000+ emails 'by accident' from?

First, very dishonest on your part to assign a 'by accident' quote to me, when I said "by mistake".

Second, it's in the FBI report. Your masters deliberately withheld the info from you. They like to keep your ignorant.

14 excerpts from the FBI's report on Hillary Clinton's email
Pages 18-19: According to Mills, in December 2014, Clinton decided she no longer needed access to any of her e-mails older than 60 days. […] On March 2, 2015, The New York Times (NYT) published an article titled “Hillary Clinton Used Personal Email Account at State Dept., Possibly Breaking Rules.” […] In his interviews with the FBI, REDACTED [a PRN techie] indicated that sometime between March 25-31, 2015, he realized he did not make the e-mail retention policy changes to Clinton’s clintonemail.com e-mail account that Mills had requested in December 2014. […] He believed he had an “oh shit” moment and sometime between March 25-31, 2015 deleted the Clinton archive mailbox from the PRN server and used BleachBit to delete the exported .PST files he had created on the server system containing Clinton’s e-mails.

This explains why data was removed from the PRN server after the New York Times article and after the Benghazi committee had subpoenaed Hillary’s emails. It had nothing to do with anyone around Hillary Clinton. An IT guy at PRN realized one day that he’d forgotten about the retention order and went ahead and implemented it.

The report makes clear that Cheryl Mills sent an email, which the PRN techie received, telling PRN about the preservation request from the Benghazi committee. The techie said he knew it meant he shouldn’t disturb the Clinton server but apparently got confused and didn’t realize this meant he shouldn’t touch the old archives or the backups.

and was that before using the cleaner on it?

Even though you know the truth now, you're still going to tell the same lie in the future, because that's what your cult commands. In the warped world of conservative morality, lying for TheParty is always good.
...set up a private server to conduct government business and when she transmitted classified material via said server? Did she break the law or did she not break the law?

The Republican President and the Republican Congress and the Republican Department of Justice is going to get on that any day now!

Yet when George W. Bush set up a private RNC server, and deleted 22 million emails under congressional subpoena, congress rushed to do something. NOT !!!
Classified info was sent TO her.

That means she had classified info on her unsecured server. .

Unless it was marked classified, there was no legal requirement to treat it as such. And since it was sent to her as you pointed out, the person receiving it does not violate the law.
not only was it not against the law, it wasn't even against the rules...

Actually, it violates something like 5-6 federal laws as very serious felony crimes under U.S Code Title 18. You should check your facts first. People have gone to jail for years just for a TENTH of what Hillary did.

Does that mean Jarred Kushner is going to be charged, because he used a private e-mail account for government business too.

It isn't the private account so much as THE CONTENT. Hillary had Special Access top secret stuff to the nines all through her server that we know was hacked by at least two foreign countries. US Code doesn't say you had to do this with deliberate attempt to harm, it is a federal crime to just do it, even with no intent or knowledge that you did. In some quarters, that would be considered treason or grounds to be charged with being a foreign spy. Very serious stuff as confirmed by the FBI. But then suddenly by magic, all charges and investigation into Hillary was DROPPED. No explanation.

That is total bullshit and should concern every american that people in the HIGHEST OFFICES are committing capital crimes against the nation and the government sweeps it under the rug while you get nailed for going 30 in a 25 mph zone. Those jackass players in the NFL, if they want to protest something, they ought to protest THAT.
God only knows the scandalous dirt that Hillary has on Obama. Obama made DAMN SURE that Hillary was going to skate, lest she spill the beans on his skeletons.

"A State Department spokeswoman says Hillary Clinton did not break any rules by relying solely on her personal email account. Federal law allows government officials to use personal email so long as relevant documents are preserved for history."

The law was amended in late 2014 to require that personal emails be transferred to government servers within 20 days. But that was after Clinton left office.

Fact Check: Hillary Clinton, Those Emails And The Law
so long as relevant documents are preserved for history."

More delusional bullshit. This article lays it out perfectly. Hillary broke the law and Obama and his goons let Hillary skate.

FBI Rewrites Federal Law to Let Hillary Off the Hook

In essence, in order to give Mrs. Clinton a pass, the FBI rewrote the statute, inserting an intent element that Congress did not require. The added intent element, moreover, makes no sense: The point of having a statute that criminalizes gross negligence is to underscore that government officials have a special obligation to safeguard national defense secrets; when they fail to carry out that obligation due to gross negligence, they are guilty of serious wrongdoing. The lack of intent to harm our country is irrelevant. People never intend the bad things that happen due to gross negligence.

Read more at: FBI Rewrites Federal Law to Let Hillary Off the Hook

Bolded is wrong - GROSS NEGLIGENCE is at the discretion that a persecutor makes. Was Hillary negligent? Comey says yes she was, but not to the degree to be criminally persecuted.

Comey persecuting this case against Hillary would be UNPRECEDENTED.

Hillary knew she wasn't supposed to transmit classified material through her private server and she said "Fuck you!" to the American people and did it anyway. Anyone else would been prosecuted but Hillary got a pass because she was the Democratic nominee.

That's not necessarily true, after all, her predecessors at Department of State used private email and there was no problem.

She conducted her business in a way that was convenient for her without rigorous auditing of her practices by the DoS at the time, which goes back to what I said previously - our government, on all levels, has not properly updated IT systems, policies and legal framework to keep up with evolving communication systems.

It wasn't until 2014 (when Hillary already left DoS) that explicit directives for personal email use were amended to Federal Records Act.

State Department report on Clinton's email practices
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"A State Department spokeswoman says Hillary Clinton did not break any rules by relying solely on her personal email account. Federal law allows government officials to use personal email so long as relevant documents are preserved for history."

The law was amended in late 2014 to require that personal emails be transferred to government servers within 20 days. But that was after Clinton left office.

Fact Check: Hillary Clinton, Those Emails And The Law
so long as relevant documents are preserved for history."

it's left to the discretion of US Secretary of State to parse their own record keeping...

unless or until dishonest hacks wish to fabricate FAKE NEWS just for political gain.

trying to remember...

how many emails did HIllary delete, AFTER she was subpoenaed to turn them over?
she was NEVER subpoenaed to turn over her personal emails or for her server, she was subpoenaed to turn over government related emails and the State dept for Benghazi related emails....NOT AND NEVER, her personal emails or server...her lawyer turned the server over to the FBI when the IG found 4 emails containing classified information that were being released on a FOIA request that Kerry's State Dept approved for release, they were not marked classified, the IG over rode the State dept and found another intel agency had declared the info top secret classified, at the same time Hillary and staff received this info from Syd Blumenthal, a long time friend who was overseas, and who often sent her information he came across, and she forwarded to her staff, and her staff would research the info, to see if it was valid or not....sometimes yes and sometimes no, it was useless info.

Where she and primarily her staff who were researching them, should have recognized it could have been classified information or rather, information they should have classified. They made this mistake, because the source was not an intel agent or other gvt source and merely a Private citizen supplying it....

And this is why these email chains were never Marked with a Classification....never 'marked classified'', they never came from a government source, they were never removed from the govt's TOP SECRET server,

And the gross negligence law that everyone keeps hyping about that she should have been charged under, speaks of being grossly negligent with top secret classified information REMOVED from it's PROPER govt SOURCE....

the documents and info in the emails were not Marked and were NEVER retrieved from the govt's proper storing place.


Liberals don't have a problem with corruption; liberals have a problem with your corruption.

You have it backwards. It's Republicans who have the problem. W had private servers inside the White House, and never turned over records. Condi Rice and Colin Powell used private email. Powell used AOL which stores emails on the Internet, and Republicans said NOTHING.

The Trump Administration is using private email for White House business and you're OK with that.

Hillary used a private server and SHE should be locked up. If you can't see the hypocrisy in that, you are too stupid to be one person.

So you SUPPORT government employees using private emails in order to avoid government oversight and transmitting classified information through private servers and emails.

It's said we get the government we deserve and that's what we're getting.

Let's not hold any government officials accountable for, well, anything. They can fuck us, screw us every which way and we're going to take it and keep our fucking mouths shut about it.

The issue I take is why is Hillary, and only Hillary, the one who is to be held accountable? Where is the hue and cry over W and Cheney deleting 500,000 documents from their private server without handing them over? Where are the calls to "Lock them up!"?

How about Trump's private server? What about that? Why did both W and Trump not use federal government servers for all White House communications? Why is this only an issue when Hillary does it and not when Republicans do it? It's the hypocrisy, stupid!

Last but not least, is something I have pointed out time and time again: email is not a secure form of communication. No one ever sends truly sensitive material over email. The "classified" documents on Hillary's server were sent to her, not by her. And they weren't matters of national security, nor did they endanger American lives. They were pretty innocuous stuff because email is not and has never been a secure form of communication.

So stop pretending that Hillary is some super criminal who should be jailed for her private server. It comes under the heading of partisan witch hunt No. 17.
It isn't the private account so much as THE CONTENT. Hillary had Special Access top secret stuff to the nines all through her server that we know was hacked by at least two foreign countries.

Bullshit. There has been no evidence of anyone getting to her emails.
...set up a private server to conduct government business and when she transmitted classified material via said server? Did she break the law or did she not break the law?

You've made an allegation which has not been proved. Don't you think ... (oops, pardon my use of the word "think") of course you don't.

Since you make the claim you must have the evidence. Do so, or be proved to be a dishonest member of the echo chamber.
It isn't the private account so much as THE CONTENT. Hillary had Special Access top secret stuff to the nines all through her server that we know was hacked by at least two foreign countries.

Bullshit. There has been no evidence of anyone getting to her emails.

Top intelligence experts, current and retired but still close to Washington affairs stated unequivocally in TV interviews several times back at that time that at least two major adversaries had hacked her computer, which was about as wide open as a gmail account. Then it turned out that even Huma Aberdeen had much of the same stuff on HER unsecure computer that her perv now-convicted felon husband freely used! Another time, Hillary left top secret documents laying right out in the open on the front seat of her car. That woman was the most bumbling, inept, lying screw up buffoon in the history of US intelligence! Any adversarial nation not hacking her server to steal sensitive data would have to be stupid beyond compare. Comey himself touches upon the matter here:

especially at around 4:00 and 12:00 minutes. As a PRIME TARGET for stealing intelligence using unsecured devices ESPECIALLY in foreign countries, it HAD to happen.

99% certain, 5 countries. Bullshit?

And again about 2:30 in.

And this is with just 5 minutes looking.
Mishandling classified material is a felony, whether that was your intent or not.

It requires the material be clearly marked as to its classification. Clinton's emails were "should have known" they contained classified material, and not marked as classified..

Clinton's emails were "should have known" they contained classified material,

She had classified material on her unsecured server.
Classified material on her server was mishandled.
Her claim she didn't know the "C" meant classified doesn't lessen her felony.

Her emails were subpoenaed and she had her lawyers delete 33,000 instead
of turning them over. Did she unintentionally tell them to delete subpoenaed material?
It isn't the private account so much as THE CONTENT. Hillary had Special Access top secret stuff to the nines all through her server that we know was hacked by at least two foreign countries.

Bullshit. There has been no evidence of anyone getting to her emails.

Top intelligence experts, current and retired but still close to Washington affairs stated unequivocally in TV interviews several times back at that time that at least two major adversaries had hacked her computer, which was about as wide open as a gmail account. Then it turned out that even Huma Aberdeen had much of the same stuff on HER unsecure computer that her perv now-convicted felon husband freely used! Another time, Hillary left top secret documents laying right out in the open on the front seat of her car. That woman was the most bumbling, inept, lying screw up buffoon in the history of US intelligence! Any adversarial nation not hacking her server to steal sensitive data would have to be stupid beyond compare. Comey himself touches upon the matter here:

especially at around 4:00 and 12:00 minutes. As a PRIME TARGET for stealing intelligence using unsecured devices ESPECIALLY in foreign countries, it HAD to happen.

99% certain, 5 countries. Bullshit?

And again about 2:30 in.

And this is with just 5 minutes looking.

99% certain? Sounds 100% bullshit by partisan hacks.

You either know someone to have breached server security or you dont.

No agency claimed any such findings and Comey would have CERTAINLY mentioned something like that in his reports to the Congress re this case.

Further, not a single email from that server was leaked and we know for sure it's not for lack of trying on part of Russian hackers.
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