Hey liberals, did Hillary break the law when she...

"A State Department spokeswoman says Hillary Clinton did not break any rules by relying solely on her personal email account. Federal law allows government officials to use personal email so long as relevant documents are preserved for history."

The law was amended in late 2014 to require that personal emails be transferred to government servers within 20 days. But that was after Clinton left office.

Fact Check: Hillary Clinton, Those Emails And The Law
so long as relevant documents are preserved for history."

More delusional bullshit. This article lays it out perfectly. Hillary broke the law and Obama and his goons let Hillary skate.

FBI Rewrites Federal Law to Let Hillary Off the Hook

In essence, in order to give Mrs. Clinton a pass, the FBI rewrote the statute, inserting an intent element that Congress did not require. The added intent element, moreover, makes no sense: The point of having a statute that criminalizes gross negligence is to underscore that government officials have a special obligation to safeguard national defense secrets; when they fail to carry out that obligation due to gross negligence, they are guilty of serious wrongdoing. The lack of intent to harm our country is irrelevant. People never intend the bad things that happen due to gross negligence.

Read more at: FBI Rewrites Federal Law to Let Hillary Off the Hook

Bolded is wrong - GROSS NEGLIGENCE is at the discretion that a persecutor makes. Was Hillary negligent? Comey says yes she was, but not to the degree to be criminally persecuted.

Comey persecuting this case against Hillary would be UNPRECEDENTED.

"A State Department spokeswoman says Hillary Clinton did not break any rules by relying solely on her personal email account. Federal law allows government officials to use personal email so long as relevant documents are preserved for history."

The law was amended in late 2014 to require that personal emails be transferred to government servers within 20 days. But that was after Clinton left office.

Fact Check: Hillary Clinton, Those Emails And The Law
so long as relevant documents are preserved for history."

it's left to the discretion of US Secretary of State to parse their own record keeping...

unless or until dishonest hacks wish to fabricate FAKE NEWS just for political gain.

trying to remember...

how many emails did HIllary delete, AFTER she was subpoenaed to turn them over?
who cares if its legal. Investigate the Trump cartel just like Clinton was investigated. Tit for tat.

"A State Department spokeswoman says Hillary Clinton did not break any rules by relying solely on her personal email account. Federal law allows government officials to use personal email so long as relevant documents are preserved for history."

The law was amended in late 2014 to require that personal emails be transferred to government servers within 20 days. But that was after Clinton left office.

Fact Check: Hillary Clinton, Those Emails And The Law
so long as relevant documents are preserved for history."

More delusional bullshit. This article lays it out perfectly. Hillary broke the law and Obama and his goons let Hillary skate.

FBI Rewrites Federal Law to Let Hillary Off the Hook

In essence, in order to give Mrs. Clinton a pass, the FBI rewrote the statute, inserting an intent element that Congress did not require. The added intent element, moreover, makes no sense: The point of having a statute that criminalizes gross negligence is to underscore that government officials have a special obligation to safeguard national defense secrets; when they fail to carry out that obligation due to gross negligence, they are guilty of serious wrongdoing. The lack of intent to harm our country is irrelevant. People never intend the bad things that happen due to gross negligence.

Read more at: FBI Rewrites Federal Law to Let Hillary Off the Hook

Bolded is wrong - GROSS NEGLIGENCE is at the discretion that a persecutor makes. Was Hillary negligent? Comey says yes she was, but not to the degree to be criminally persecuted.

Comey persecuting this case against Hillary would be UNPRECEDENTED.

Hillary knew she wasn't supposed to transmit classified material through her private server and she said "Fuck you!" to the American people and did it anyway. Anyone else would been prosecuted but Hillary got a pass because she was the Democratic nominee.
who cares if its legal. Investigate the Trump cartel just like Clinton was investigated. Tit for tat.

Yea, and if anyone is found to have committed crimes, they should skate too, just like Hillary did, right k*nt?
...set up a private server to conduct government business


and when she transmitted classified material via said server?

She didn't do that. So why do almost all Trumpflakes lie about that?

Did she break the law or did she not break the law?

She did not break the law.

See how liberals act? Note the example. Direct honest answers, instead of weeping and deflecting like a Trumpflake. You should try it sometime. You might find being honest to be a habit that grows on you.

Cue the k*nt act.

Remember, the fact that so many white men are weepy sexist beta losers had nothing to do with Trump winning. After all, those losers say so.

So, snowflake, got any other deflections for us today?
...set up a private server to conduct government business and when she transmitted classified material via said server? Did she break the law or did she not break the law?

Cue the k*nt act.

It wasn't because she had no intent to misuse classified material, negligence was her fault but it did not raise to criminal level.

For everyone else it would have been criminal, but since it was Hillary, she skated.

Don't cry about corruption among Republicans. You guys are hypocrites.

Bullshit, give me an example of FBI persecuting anyone else for classified email mishandling.

Many people, including Hillary's predecessors Powell and Rice at Department of State used personal emails to conduct business - never any investigations into the distinct possibility of them passing through something classified.

Did they transmit top-secret material through their personal email accounts?

Cue the k*nt act.

Did they transmit top-secret material through their personal email accounts?


We will never know because they did not have a name Clinton and were never investigated.
Here's another question.

Why didn't Hillary preserve the server and turn it over to the State Department for safekeeping in order to preserve the information on them? Instead, she had it wiped clean. Since you folks are too partisan and dishonest to give a truthful answer, I'll tell you why. Hillary didn't want congressional committees to discover what was on that server. She needed to cover her corrupt tracks.
Yes - DID THEY? We will never know because they did have a name Clinton and were never investigated.

Well, we should assume they did and that would justify giving Hillary and every person that does the same as Hillary in the future a pass, right?
and when she transmitted classified material via said server?

She didn't do that. So why do almost all Trumpflakes lie about that?

James Comey said she DID transmit classified information through her private server. Here it is. Just watch the first 15 seconds. What do you say now?

...set up a private server to conduct government business and when she transmitted classified material via said server? Did she break the law or did she not break the law?

Cue the k*nt act.

It wasn't because she had no intent to misuse classified material, negligence was her problem but it did not raise to criminal level.

Maybe you can go ahead and listen to a Republican named Comey who ran the investigation instead of spreading your bullshit.
When I was in the military and airman didn't mark a classified message but passed it on to those who were to receive it anyway, and the airmen went to Fort Leavenworth. He spent 5 years there with no intent to misuse but was negligent in his duties.

Thank you liberals for making the 2 teir system of justice, where liberal political hacks get off for doing crimes, some murder , while the rest of US get punished to the maximum.
...set up a private server to conduct government business


and when she transmitted classified material via said server?

She didn't do that. So why do almost all Trumpflakes lie about that?

Did she break the law or did she not break the law?

She did not break the law.

See how liberals act? Note the example. Direct honest answers, instead of weeping and deflecting like a Trumpflake. You should try it sometime. You might find being honest to be a habit that grows on you.

Cue the k*nt act.

Remember, the fact that so many white men are weepy sexist beta losers had nothing to do with Trump winning. After all, those losers say so.

So, snowflake, got any other deflections for us today?

"and when she transmitted classified material via said server?
Click to expand...
She didn't do that. So why do almost all Trumpflakes lie about that?"

You must have missed Comeys comments about the hundred or so pieces of Classified material found one her server.
...set up a private server to conduct government business and when she transmitted classified material via said server? Did she break the law or did she not break the law?

Cue the k*nt act.
Classified info was sent TO her. It was never proven she sent out classified material.

Mike Flynn Set up a private server when he worked at the DOD. Then he became National Security Adviser. Bush had a private server.

If she broke the law, then so did Condi Rice, Colin Powell, Mike Flynn, and at least a half dozen people in the Trump Administration.

So did they ALL break the law or did thy NOT break the law. And if they did, why was she singled out? Because she's a Democrat?
I created this thread so that we could watch all the ignorant, lying, dishonest liberals try and spin this. All of them are dishonest. There isn't one honest liberal on this forum. Every single one of them is a fucking liar.
...set up a private server to conduct government business and when she transmitted classified material via said server? Did she break the law or did she not break the law?

Cue the k*nt act.
Classified info was sent TO her. It was never proven she sent out classified material.

Mike Flynn Set up a private server when he worked at the DOD. Then he became National Security Adviser. Bush had a private server.

If she broke the law, then so did Condi Rice, Colin Powell, Mike Flynn, and at least a half dozen people in the Trump Administration.

So did they ALL break the law or did thy NOT break the law. And if they did, why was she singled out? Because she's a Democrat?
Want to explain how Anthony(Carlos Danger) Weiner got that classified info on HIS computer?
I created this thread so that we could watch all the ignorant, lying, dishonest liberals try and spin this. All of them are dishonest. There isn't one honest liberal on this forum. Every single one of them is a fucking liar.

you created this thread because youre an idiot showcasing your hypocrisy.

Investigate Trump's goons. NO QUESTIONS ASKED.
I'm still waiting for one honest liberal, just ONE, to acknowledge that Hillary broke the law. Is there any such thing as an honest liberal? I don't think so.
I created this thread so that we could watch all the ignorant, lying, dishonest liberals try and spin this. All of them are dishonest. There isn't one honest liberal on this forum. Every single one of them is a fucking liar.
honest liberal
that is a oxymoron. That is like Intelligent Liberal another oxymoron.

oxymorons (plural noun)
  1. a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction (e.g., faith unfaithful kept him falsely true).

"A State Department spokeswoman says Hillary Clinton did not break any rules by relying solely on her personal email account. Federal law allows government officials to use personal email so long as relevant documents are preserved for history."

The law was amended in late 2014 to require that personal emails be transferred to government servers within 20 days. But that was after Clinton left office.

Fact Check: Hillary Clinton, Those Emails And The Law
The State Department Rep was right... sort of. Hillary did NOT break the law by using a private server. Condi Rice used a personal server and did not break the law.

Where Hillary broke the law was:

- Storing classified on an unsecured, un-encrypted server as per the law

- Illegal handling, storage, and destruction of classified information, as per the law

- Granting individuals who had no security clearance or who did not have the proper security clearance to handle, transport, store, service, and have access to her classified information

- Illegal non-compliance with the FOIA and the Federal Records Act - over 15,000 criminal counts of illegal non-compliance...per law, for a grand estimate of over 30,000 potential / deserved criminal counts

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