Hey liberals, did Hillary break the law when she...

Powell and Rice used their private emails at DoS to conduct business, some of which, no doubt, would be considered classified.

You just pulled that one out of your ass.
Trump’s national security adviser shared secrets without permission, files show

Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn reportedly had 'forbidden' internet connection at the Pentagon

State Department: Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice staffers received classified info via personal email - CNNPolitics

Colin Powell’s e-mail tips: Use private phone line, personal AOL account... and keep mouth shut

At Least 6 White House Advisers Used Private Email Accounts

My favorite:

Fact Check: Did George W. Bush use a private server, too?

The Clinton administration put in place an Automated Records Management System (ARMS) that “automatically captured, preserved and categorized all email sent through the White House email system” in accordance with the Federal Records Act and the Presidential Records Act. The lawsuit alleged, however, that ARMS was deactivated in 2002 under the Bush administration, which ultimately led to millions of emails being lost,
Later, it was revealed that as many as 22 million emails were missing from the official record. The emails were lost, in part, because administration officials used a private server supplied by the Republican National Committee and no archiving system was in place, it was reported at the time.

It's only a problem when Democrats do it. Republicans are clearly above the law.
USMB Republicans literally hate posts like this, filled with links and facts. I love the fact it was the Clinton Administration put in place an Automated Records Management System (ARMS) that “automatically captured, preserved and categorized all email sent through the White House email system” in accordance with the Federal Records Act and the Presidential Records Act. The lawsuit alleged, however, that ARMS was deactivated in 2002.

Don't cha just love it?

The difference between you and me is that, if they have a "D" by their name, you support them getting away with ANYTHING. If a Republican breaks the law then they should be prosecuted whether it be Powell, Rice, Bush, Trump, Manafort, etc. I'm not a partisan hack like you.
...set up a private server to conduct government business and when she transmitted classified material via said server? Did she break the law or did she not break the law?

Cue the k*nt act.

It wasn't because she had no intent to misuse classified material, negligence was her problem but it did not raise to criminal level.

Maybe you can go ahead and listen to a Republican named Comey who ran the investigation instead of spreading your bullshit.
When I was in the military and airman didn't mark a classified message but passed it on to those who were to receive it anyway, and the airmen went to Fort Leavenworth. He spent 5 years there with no intent to misuse but was negligent in his duties.

Thank you liberals for making the 2 teir system of justice, where liberal political hacks get off for doing crimes, some murder , while the rest of US get punished to the maximum.

You're telling me he didn't mark a message by mistake and they gave him 5 years? That is CLEARLY a wrongful sentence, don't try to pin that on Hillary.
I created this thread so that we could watch all the ignorant, lying, dishonest liberals try and spin this. All of them are dishonest. There isn't one honest liberal on this forum. Every single one of them is a fucking liar.

you created this thread because youre an idiot showcasing your hypocrisy.

Investigate Trump's goons. NO QUESTIONS ASKED.

There's the **** act. You don't like talking about Hillary's crimes so you deflect to talk about Trump. The difference between you and I is that I'm honest.

I'm glad Sessions recused himself and that Mueller was appointed. If and when he finds criminal acts from Trump, Manafort, etc., I hope they are PROSECUTED. Do you hear me, ****? You see, I'm not a partisan hack like you, ****. My loyalty is to this nation and the American people, not some fucking politician, unlike you.

YOURE A TROLL - and a blithering idiot. Yammering about Clintons crimes/guilt so your ass licking pals can hump your leg while you rub one off. If you were honest you would accept what the rest of the world knows and has proven and STFU ABOUT IT.
I provided a YouTube video of Comey REFUTING your previous claim

No, you're just weeping and running now. So were you castrated at a young age, or was that done during your initiation into the Trump cult?

Notice how everyone just laughs at you now? That's because you're only capable of crying at people. You've made yourself into a joke, so we treat you as one. If you want to change your current status as board-beta, regrow a pair and honestly address the points people raise.
Powell and Rice used their private emails at DoS to conduct business, some of which, no doubt, would be considered classified.

You just pulled that one out of your ass.

They used their private email for work and admit as much. Much of their work is classified. It stands to reason that there is almost a certainty that some info in their emails, that resided on private email servers was classified.

Why were they or anyone else(pretty much everyone) who uses private email not investigated? Because they aren't Clinton,running for office, that's why.

Here is the REAL problem
- there is a new age of communications that our government is not properly dealing with on any level - be it administrative, legislative or enforcement.
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not only was it not against the law, it wasn't even against the rules...

Actually, it violates something like 5-6 federal laws as very serious felony crimes under U.S Code Title 18. You should check your facts first. People have gone to jail for years just for a TENTH of what Hillary did.
Lol libtards. Thanks for the laughs. You certainly didn't disappoint!
trying to remember...

how many emails did HIllary delete, AFTER she was subpoenaed to turn them over?

None. Why was that so tough to remember?

Did someone feed you some crazy lie that said otherwise? Why were you stupid enough to believe such an insane thing when all the evidence said the opposite? Is your partisan brainwashing and corruption really that extensive?
trying to remember...

how many emails did HIllary delete, AFTER she was subpoenaed to turn them over?

None. Why was that so tough to remember?

Did someone feed you some crazy lie that said otherwise? Why were you stupid enough to believe such an insane thing when all the evidence said the opposite? Is your partisan brainwashing and corruption really that extensive?
None. Why was that so tough to remember?

pick whichever link you like best.

hillary deleted emails - Yahoo Search Results
pick whichever link you like best.

So in other words, you're pretending that a Clinton staffer deleting emails by mistake, as that staffer testified under oath, was Clinton doing it or ordering it

That is, you told a big lie about Clinton. Maye you were doing it out of ignorance before, but now you should know better.
not only was it not against the law, it wasn't even against the rules...

Actually, it violates something like 5-6 federal laws as very serious felony crimes under U.S Code Title 18. You should check your facts first. People have gone to jail for years just for a TENTH of what Hillary did.

Does that mean Jarred Kushner is going to be charged, because he used a private e-mail account for government business too.
pick whichever link you like best.

So in other words, you're pretending that a Clinton staffer deleting emails by mistake, as that staffer testified under oath, was Clinton doing it or ordering it

That is, you told a big lie about Clinton. Maye you were doing it out of ignorance before, but now you should know better.

Which link did you get that a Clinton staffer deleted 30,000+ emails 'by accident' from?

and was that before using the cleaner on it?


nowhere, to my knowledge, did Comey say he found Hillary 'innocent'

Comey said that no reasonable prosecutor would charge Clinton for her actions. They were reckless but didn't rise to the level of a criminal offense.
...set up a private server to conduct government business and when she transmitted classified material via said server? Did she break the law or did she not break the law?

Cue the k*nt act.

It wasn't because she had no intent to misuse classified material, negligence was her problem but it did not raise to criminal level.

Maybe you can go ahead and listen to a Republican named Comey who ran the investigation instead of spreading your bullshit.

It wasn't because she had no intent to misuse classified material, negligence was her problem but it did not raise to criminal level.

Mishandling classified material is a felony, whether that was your intent or not.
Powell and Rice used their private emails at DoS to conduct business, some of which, no doubt, would be considered classified.

You just pulled that one out of your ass.

NOPE, it's true, and it was Colin Powell, and a staffer of Condi Rice, and has been said here many times about messages to the secretary of state, they're all considered "classified" OOPS.

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