Hey liberals, just a simple question how are you going to impeach Trump when....

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
....after 7 years the republicans can't even repeal Obamacare care? LMFAO so in your world you think you're going to get republicans to agree on anything?

Much less impeach Trump?

Yeah it looked really bad for the Democrats, but then the Republicans nominated Trump.
Thank you GOP.
If LWNJ's can bottle this cowbell enthusiasm, it will be a easy to impeach...look at this kid! He's got a lot of cowbell!!


Yeah, what we need is

Nixon's party thought the same thing at the very beginning of the Watergate affair.

Point of fact, tricky Dick was not impeached.

No, he wasn't. He ran at the last minute. There was no doubt that he would have been though.

True, he was going down for the cover up, which we have learned is usually worse than the crime. Ask slick Willie, who was impeached.

For a blow job
Nixon's party thought the same thing at the very beginning of the Watergate affair.

I see history is not your strong suit , ya do know who controlled Congress when Nixion was president, Right?


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