Hey! Look! Voter Fraud!!

Maybe they mean because during a pandemic, every registered voter was mailed an absentee ballot.
Noper, poster 'sealy'.....nowhere near every one was. Far from it.

Last figures I saw was about 44 million ballots were sent to registered voters who did not individually request them (An important note to that "44 million".....is that much of that was in 5 states who had been doing exactly that for years without incidences of notable fraud--(CO_HA_OR-UT-WA).

Other states mailed out ballots....but you had to:
1. Specifically request it; and,
2. Be a registered voter.

In 5 minutes, you managed to collect more evidence of voter fraud than all of the Trump cultists put together have collected in a year!

A hat tip, to poster FFI.
He put that issue in fine focus.
In very near 13 months the "stolen-election" cohort has come up empty handed time and time again. States and jurisdictions have done audits, reviews, hand re-counts, yadda, yadda, yadda........and it seems those typically result in MORE votes going to Biden, and votes being taken away from Trump.

But damn!! It sure does gin up the sturm & drang.
".... the voter fraud that happened in AZ, GA, MI, PA, and WI."
Interesting how you do not share with the forum your efforts to either back up your claims of a stolen election, or, to try to correct it.

You've been queried on your attempts to write your Congressional Representatives, or your State's Secretrary of State, or even your local FBI office. You seemingly are unable to even do that.

Instead, good poster Partiv..... ALL.....you ever do, seemingly, is to complain and whine and bitch about "fraud", "stolen votes", and so on.

Why do that?
Why not, instead, show your avatar to be one of gravitas, one with a can-do git-er-done resolve,

Poster Partiv, trust me on this, but you are missing an opportunity to be taken seriously, as a serious man. Someone that the forum can listen to, and consider to be a thoughtful contributor.

Instead, your whining and complaining makes your poor avatar look weak and indecisive.

A poppinjay.
I regret to say.
Noper, poster 'sealy'.....nowhere near every one was. Far from it.

Last figures I saw was about 44 million ballots were sent to registered voters who did not individually request them (An important note to that "44 million".....is that much of that was in 5 states who had been doing exactly that for years without incidences of notable fraud--(CO_HA_OR-UT-WA).

Other states mailed out ballots....but you had to:
1. Specifically request it; and,
2. Be a registered voter.

A hat tip, to poster FFI.
He put that issue in fine focus.
In very near 13 months the "stolen-election" cohort has come up empty handed time and time again. States and jurisdictions have done audits, reviews, hand re-counts, yadda, yadda, yadda........and it seems those typically result in MORE votes going to Biden, and votes being taken away from Trump.

But damn!! It sure does gin up the sturm & drang.
I don't understand you. In Michigan, Whitmer mailed all registered voters absentee ballots, several times. I threw mine out and went in and voted. Trump's beef with that was that they weren't requested. Whitmer's argument was it was during a pandemic no one should have had to go in and stand in line. We should have all mailed in our votes. I agree with her.

Trump didn't like it because people who are too lazy to vote were not too lazy to send in their vote. And he knew most people like that tend to vote Democratic. They aren't rush fox loving republicans who love to vote. If it were easier they would. And mailing them absentee ballots made it easy for those people. I like it. I think more people should vote. Then you get the real winner. Then the leader is truly serving the majority of us. I hate it that Trump got less votes than Hillary but still won.

Proof it worked in our favor is Biden and Trump both got more votes than Obama. A lot of people voted.
In Michigan, Whitmer mailed all registered voters absentee ballots, several times. I threw mine out and went in and voted. Trump's beef with that was that they weren't requested.

Ah, poster.
You are mildly....... in error.

What the Secretary of State, Benson --not Whitmer - did, was send an application to Michigan's registered voters, maybe several (?) to request a ballot.

Folks who did not get an application.....or a ballot....or, get to vote at all.......simply weren't registered.

If you completed the application .... you got a valid ballot.

So I've read.
Speaking of voter fraud.....and the wages of sin.

Well, not really. Nobody was talkin' about sin.
But these two lawyer-types are gonna pay the piper, anyway.
From this afternoon's Washington Post:

"Judge orders two lawyers who filed suit challenging 2020 election to pay hefty fees: ‘They need to take responsibility’

A federal judge has ordered two Colorado lawyers who filed a lawsuit late last year challenging the 2020 election results to pay nearly $187,000 to defray the legal fees of groups they sued, arguing that the hefty penalty was proper to deter others from using frivolous suits to undermine the democratic system.

“As officers of the Court, these attorneys have a higher duty and calling that requires meaningful investigation before prematurely repeating in court pleadings unverified and uninvestigated defamatory rumors that strike at the heart of our democratic system and were used by others to foment a violent insurrection that threatened our system of government,” wrote Magistrate Judge N. Reid Neureiter.
“They are experienced lawyers who should have known better. They need to take responsibility for their misconduct,” he wrote.

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