Hey! Look! Voter Fraud!!

By republicans of course.

and yet the Dems want to fight tooth and nail any sort of voter security measure.

Thanks for highlighting how silly the demafascist position is
You should be in a rubber room.
“Call me the white-knight hero here, talking Trump down from the more aggressive position,” Eastman told the National Review in an interview published last week. He didn’t specify what more “aggressive” positions Trump was contemplating.
Eastman is coming under more scrutiny amid the investigation into the Jan. 6 insurrection by the House select committee. As more details about various actors come to light, the violence is looking less like a spontaneous riot and far more like a premeditated coup attempt involving Trump supporters from several different echelons.

Did you watch 4 Hours At the Capitol? It's fucked up. We are dangerously close to losing our democracy because the GOP is controlled by Quanon and Proud Boys and Trump. Liars, racists and corrupt evil thieves. But you Republicans believe you are patriots. We are in bizzaro world.
And remember they found the count in AZ was off too. Biden actually won by 100 more votes than they originally thought. So why do Republicans still think the election was stolen from Trump?

Maybe they mean because during a pandemic, every registered voter was mailed an absentee ballot. I'll admit, that screwed Trump. Many people who are too lazy to stand in line mailed in their votes. And Trump was hoping the pandemic would get people to stay home and not vote. Everyone who was actually quarantining. Trump supporters were going to rallies so they had no problem standing in line during a pandemic.
And was there a spike in cases from the people standing in lines? Come to think of it, have there been spikes after the big sporting events that were supposed to be superspreaders?
Donald Kirk Hartle, a 55-year-old Republican made a public spectacle about his dead wife voting. Along with the Nevada GOP, he pushed widespread voter fraud against Trump. It was Hartle himself who voted for his dead wife. He faces two felony charges for voter fraud.

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And that fraud could not have been stopped by voter ID. Huh!
Oh really? You do understand that, at this very moment, States are changing their laws to allow votes to be thrown out, EC votes to be changed, and all the while the stooges that will agree to do that are being installed..

...right? Better wake up and smell the coffee, America.
Your Google's broken again, eh? Bummer
Vaccinated people are the super spreaders.
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I thought that financing a 3rd party candidate was legal. Doesn't George Soros do it all the time? Wouldn't you think the Miami/Dade D.A. would have his/her hands full with the murder rate increase of about 30% without worrying about a old political issue like this? They don't even prosecute misdemeanor theft cases in California anymore.
And was there a spike in cases from the people standing in lines? Come to think of it, have there been spikes after the big sporting events that were supposed to be superspreaders?
That's interesting you believe these studies but not any study that suggests attending these events is dangerous.

I certainly haven't been to a sporting event since.
That's interesting you believe these studies but not any study that suggests attending these events is dangerous.

I certainly haven't been to a sporting event since.
I was asking a question. Did you miss that?
I was asking a question. Did you miss that?
A. I posted a report that confirmed that sporting events haven't been the super spreader events we thought they would be.

B. I also read a report on why. A lot of people are vaccinated. Hard to track. They bring hand sanitizer with them. They don't share beer. They cover their mouths when they cough.
Hey! Look! MORE voter fraud!

We can safely and definitively say that Republican claims of voter fraud are real - and it's all committed by Republicans.

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