Hey Pope Francis, From A Former Roman Catholic, Go F Yourself


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
Let's see if I got this right Pope’y:

- Trump was convicted of 34 felony counts, he is facing 3 more criminal trials.

- There is credible evidence that his mismanagement of the COVID pandemic cost well over 500,000 lives in America alone, and that’s not counting how much damage his conspiracy theory nonsense caused outside of the U.S.

- He was found to have committed sexual assault in a civil case with the judge going so far as to say Trump is a rapist.

- Trump had sex with a porn star while his wife was at home taking care of their newborn baby.

- He caused a riot at the capital that ended in multiple fatalities.

- He said there are good people on both sides of a Nazi hate rally.

- He mocks disabled veterans.

- He used your Bible as a prop and laughs behind the backs of Christians.

- He locked children in cages after separating them, in many cases permanently, from their parents.

- He is calling for the overthrow of democracy, you know, aka “bringing back the good old days” when people like you would have all the say over society (welcome to the new dark ages huh?).

- Trump is promising to increase the climate disaster, which will end up killing many in the not-too-distant future, including a good number of the babies you profess to care so much about.

- He supports (and has the support of) a dictator causing a humanitarian crisis in Eastern Europe by invading a sovereign nation and kidnaping, torching, and killing their citizens (including targeting maternity wards with rockets and artillery fire, that’s some support for the “unborn” right there).

It’s all very Christian of him.


Kamala is “evil” as well and you don’t know who is best to vote for huh?

Fuck you!

If you can’t figure out the correct moral path here between a rapist, conman, and want-a-be dictator and a morally upright woman candidate you call “that lady”, then maybe we shouldn’t listen to you anymore…. and look-e-there, the Catholic Church is losing members by the busload.


Let's see if I got this right Pope’y:

- Trump was convicted of 34 felony counts, he is facing 3 more criminal trials.

- There is credible evidence that his mismanagement of the COVID pandemic cost well over 500,000 lives in America alone, and that’s not counting how much damage his conspiracy theory nonsense caused outside of the U.S.

- He was found to have committed sexual assault in a civil case with the judge going so far as to say Trump is a rapist.

- Trump had sex with a porn star while his wife was at home taking care of their newborn baby.

- He caused a riot at the capital that ended in multiple fatalities.

- He said there are good people on both sides of a Nazi hate rally.

- He mocks disabled veterans.

- He used your Bible as a prop and laughs behind the backs of Christians.

- He locked children in cages after separating them, in many cases permanently, from their parents.

- He is calling for the overthrow of democracy, you know, aka “bringing back the good old days” when people like you would have all the say over society (welcome to the new dark ages huh?).

- Trump is promising to increase the climate disaster, which will end up killing many in the not-too-distant future, including a good number of the babies you profess to care so much about.

- He supports (and has the support of) a dictator causing a humanitarian crisis in Eastern Europe by invading a sovereign nation and kidnaping, torching, and killing their citizens (including targeting maternity wards with rockets and artillery fire, that’s some support for the “unborn” right there).

It’s all very Christian of him.


Kamala is “evil” as well and you don’t know who is best to vote for huh?

Fuck you!

If you can’t figure out the correct moral path here between a rapist, conman, and want-a-be dictator and a morally upright woman candidate you call “that lady”, then maybe we shouldn’t listen to you anymore…. and look-e-there, the Catholic Church is losing members by the busload.

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^^^ Triggered ^^^ :itsok:
Let's see if I got this right Pope’y:

- Trump was convicted of 34 felony counts, he is facing 3 more criminal trials.

- There is credible evidence that his mismanagement of the COVID pandemic cost well over 500,000 lives in America alone, and that’s not counting how much damage his conspiracy theory nonsense caused outside of the U.S.

- He was found to have committed sexual assault in a civil case with the judge going so far as to say Trump is a rapist.

- Trump had sex with a porn star while his wife was at home taking care of their newborn baby.

- He caused a riot at the capital that ended in multiple fatalities.

- He said there are good people on both sides of a Nazi hate rally.

- He mocks disabled veterans.

- He used your Bible as a prop and laughs behind the backs of Christians.

- He locked children in cages after separating them, in many cases permanently, from their parents.

- He is calling for the overthrow of democracy, you know, aka “bringing back the good old days” when people like you would have all the say over society (welcome to the new dark ages huh?).

- Trump is promising to increase the climate disaster, which will end up killing many in the not-too-distant future, including a good number of the babies you profess to care so much about.

- He supports (and has the support of) a dictator causing a humanitarian crisis in Eastern Europe by invading a sovereign nation and kidnaping, torching, and killing their citizens (including targeting maternity wards with rockets and artillery fire, that’s some support for the “unborn” right there).

It’s all very Christian of him.


Kamala is “evil” as well and you don’t know who is best to vote for huh?

Fuck you!

If you can’t figure out the correct moral path here between a rapist, conman, and want-a-be dictator and a morally upright woman candidate you call “that lady”, then maybe we shouldn’t listen to you anymore…. and look-e-there, the Catholic Church is losing members by the busload.

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Lol a leftist whining about morals? Really?
So see now folks how Christianity threatens to break down into smaller pieces, on account of not being able to find agreement on the various contested beliefs?

This discussion, as per the title, is already ongoing in the religion section.
Let's see if I got this right Pope’y:

- Trump was convicted of 34 felony counts, he is facing 3 more criminal trials.

- There is credible evidence that his mismanagement of the COVID pandemic cost well over 500,000 lives in America alone, and that’s not counting how much damage his conspiracy theory nonsense caused outside of the U.S.

- He was found to have committed sexual assault in a civil case with the judge going so far as to say Trump is a rapist.

- Trump had sex with a porn star while his wife was at home taking care of their newborn baby.

- He caused a riot at the capital that ended in multiple fatalities.

- He said there are good people on both sides of a Nazi hate rally.

- He mocks disabled veterans.

- He used your Bible as a prop and laughs behind the backs of Christians.

- He locked children in cages after separating them, in many cases permanently, from their parents.

- He is calling for the overthrow of democracy, you know, aka “bringing back the good old days” when people like you would have all the say over society (welcome to the new dark ages huh?).

- Trump is promising to increase the climate disaster, which will end up killing many in the not-too-distant future, including a good number of the babies you profess to care so much about.

- He supports (and has the support of) a dictator causing a humanitarian crisis in Eastern Europe by invading a sovereign nation and kidnaping, torching, and killing their citizens (including targeting maternity wards with rockets and artillery fire, that’s some support for the “unborn” right there).

It’s all very Christian of him.


Kamala is “evil” as well and you don’t know who is best to vote for huh?

Fuck you!

If you can’t figure out the correct moral path here between a rapist, conman, and want-a-be dictator and a morally upright woman candidate you call “that lady”, then maybe we shouldn’t listen to you anymore…. and look-e-there, the Catholic Church is losing members by the busload.

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The pope just wants to avoid a nuclear war. He's been given his marching orders. I think this generation is too damn stupid to understand what nuclesr war wuld mean. Does anyone care? China now has 500 nukes.and it will be 1000 by 2030. For what purpose? G-d help us all.
Let's see if I got this right Pope’y:

- Trump was convicted of 34 felony counts, he is facing 3 more criminal trials.

- There is credible evidence that his mismanagement of the COVID pandemic cost well over 500,000 lives in America alone, and that’s not counting how much damage his conspiracy theory nonsense caused outside of the U.S.

- He was found to have committed sexual assault in a civil case with the judge going so far as to say Trump is a rapist.

- Trump had sex with a porn star while his wife was at home taking care of their newborn baby.

- He caused a riot at the capital that ended in multiple fatalities.

- He said there are good people on both sides of a Nazi hate rally.

- He mocks disabled veterans.

- He used your Bible as a prop and laughs behind the backs of Christians.

- He locked children in cages after separating them, in many cases permanently, from their parents.

- He is calling for the overthrow of democracy, you know, aka “bringing back the good old days” when people like you would have all the say over society (welcome to the new dark ages huh?).

- Trump is promising to increase the climate disaster, which will end up killing many in the not-too-distant future, including a good number of the babies you profess to care so much about.

- He supports (and has the support of) a dictator causing a humanitarian crisis in Eastern Europe by invading a sovereign nation and kidnaping, torching, and killing their citizens (including targeting maternity wards with rockets and artillery fire, that’s some support for the “unborn” right there).

It’s all very Christian of him.


Kamala is “evil” as well and you don’t know who is best to vote for huh?

Fuck you!

If you can’t figure out the correct moral path here between a rapist, conman, and want-a-be dictator and a morally upright woman candidate you call “that lady”, then maybe we shouldn’t listen to you anymore…. and look-e-there, the Catholic Church is losing members by the busload.

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Francis exhibits his ignorance of American politics and law.

To oppose abortion bans and defend a woman’s right to privacy is not to be ‘pro-abortion.’

Indeed, it’s perfectly appropriate and consistent to oppose abortion bans and defend a woman’s right to privacy while opposing abortion and seeking to end the practice.

In fact, banning abortion is an ineffective way of stopping abortions – tantamount to doing nothing.
The pope just wants to avoid a nuclear war. He's been given his marching orders. I think this generation is too damn stupid to understand what nuclesr war wuld mean. Does anyone care? China now has 500 nukes.and it will be 1000 by 2030. For what purpose? G-d help us all.
China will build to 1000 or greater as their nuclear deterrent. China and Russia are less likely to turn to nuclear war now, because they have the greatest and most effective conventional weapons force in the world.

That is only disputed on Russia's and China's powers individually. But their modern weapons technology is being widely accepted as being superior to America's or the West's. The proxy war in the Ukraine has demonstrated the proof.

And fwiw, Iran has had it's weapons technology upgraded too!

Trump as president, dealing with Russia, can be America's facesaver! It might be just in time?
Francis exhibits his ignorance of American politics and law.

To oppose abortion bans and defend a woman’s right to privacy is not to be ‘pro-abortion.’

Indeed, it’s perfectly appropriate and consistent to oppose abortion bans and defend a woman’s right to privacy while opposing abortion and seeking to end the practice.

In fact, banning abortion is an ineffective way of stopping abortions – tantamount to doing nothing.

Abortions aren't done in privacy.

And an innocent life is taken.
Let's see if I got this right Pope’y:

- Trump was convicted of 34 felony counts, he is facing 3 more criminal trials.

- There is credible evidence that his mismanagement of the COVID pandemic cost well over 500,000 lives in America alone, and that’s not counting how much damage his conspiracy theory nonsense caused outside of the U.S.

- He was found to have committed sexual assault in a civil case with the judge going so far as to say Trump is a rapist.

- Trump had sex with a porn star while his wife was at home taking care of their newborn baby.

- He caused a riot at the capital that ended in multiple fatalities.

- He said there are good people on both sides of a Nazi hate rally.

- He mocks disabled veterans.

- He used your Bible as a prop and laughs behind the backs of Christians.

- He locked children in cages after separating them, in many cases permanently, from their parents.

- He is calling for the overthrow of democracy, you know, aka “bringing back the good old days” when people like you would have all the say over society (welcome to the new dark ages huh?).

- Trump is promising to increase the climate disaster, which will end up killing many in the not-too-distant future, including a good number of the babies you profess to care so much about.

- He supports (and has the support of) a dictator causing a humanitarian crisis in Eastern Europe by invading a sovereign nation and kidnaping, torching, and killing their citizens (including targeting maternity wards with rockets and artillery fire, that’s some support for the “unborn” right there).

It’s all very Christian of him.


Kamala is “evil” as well and you don’t know who is best to vote for huh?

Fuck you!

If you can’t figure out the correct moral path here between a rapist, conman, and want-a-be dictator and a morally upright woman candidate you call “that lady”, then maybe we shouldn’t listen to you anymore…. and look-e-there, the Catholic Church is losing members by the busload.

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How many men did Kamala have sex with out of wedlock?
How many men did Kamala have sex with out of wedlock?
Beautiful women have more sex and a greater variety of sexual activities.

We can talk about it! It's not a 'dirty' topic for discussion anymore. The Catholic church has even partially lost their hold on women to some extent.

That church still rejects the use of condoms as being Satanic.

While the modern world continues to prove that the rejection of the use of condoms is in the Catholic church doing Satan's work for him.

That is, depending if the church can pin their own blame on an imaginary Satan?
Beautiful women have more sex and a greater variety of sexual activities.

We can talk about it! It's not a 'dirty' topic for discussion anymore. The Catholic church has even partially lost their hold on women to some extent.

That church still rejects the use of condoms as being Satanic.

While the modern world continues to prove that the rejection of the use of condoms is in the Catholic church doing Satan's work for him.

That is, depending if the church can pin their own blame on an imaginary Satan?

What the actual fook?
It basically means that the wife of a devout Catholic can suck her husband off with a clear conscience. As she can too fk all day and night using a condom if one is needed.

You're fckn nuts. Seriously are you drunk?

What the fck is the matter with you!
You're fckn nuts. Seriously are you drunk?

What the fck is the matter with you!
The Catholic church might have gotten drunk, and then lost their hold on women's minds.

What woman in good mental health and good physical fitness doesn't like to fk all night with a clear conscience?

What reason would she not, except other than having feelings of guilt and sinfulness, imposed by the church?
You're fckn nuts. Seriously are you drunk?

What the fck is the matter with you!
Probably the same as what is wrong with all men. We can't quite keep up to women's sex drive, when we're both young and healthy. I think that Irish women especially, haven't been able to bread the church's hold on their minds concening recreational sex. Is it true?
The Catholic church might have gotten drunk, and then lost their hold on women's minds.

What woman in good mental health and good physical fitness doesn't like to fk all night with a clear conscience?

What reason would she not, except other than having feelings of guilt and sinfulness, imposed by the church?
Shut up, how's that?

Probably the same as what is wrong with all men. We can't quite keep up to women's sex drive, when we're both young and healthy. I think that Irish women especially, haven't been able to bread the church's hold on their minds concening recreational sex. Is it true?

Shush, Satan's spawn
Doneold had sex, which is always OK, no matter the companion. Kamala had sex. Can there be anything more immoral and unamerican than that?

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