Hey Republicans

If you think that then you are AN IDIOT...........

No way that gets paid back and it is the TIP OF THE ICEBERG.................Bankers are leveraged to your URANUS............Right now the back drop of the WAR.......22 countries are dumping the dollar.

Try your games with the uninformed.

Bullshit. The constitution, which the GOP is supposed to support, grants the authority to create money to the congress. Not the Federal Reserve. That whole act was created by bankers with enough money to BUY politicians.
But it is the system we have, and changing it rapidly would destroy our economy. But getting on a path of living within our means, gutting government, cutting huge amounts of waste and fraud, would in 20 years, eliminate the debt.
Conservatives would pass a law that eliminated the interest on the money we owe the Fed.

Why TF should we be paying interest on our own money, when we have a constitutional authority to create our own, without interest?
BS. It is like any other mess, even on floor of an old factory, shop or the back bedroom/junk room. You start and keep going. It is the conservative thing to do and it works. But you don't just make a mad dash to clean up so you can move cooler full of beer, in by the door.
BS.............Voting Trump stopped a PACKED LEFTIST COURT...............We make decisions to lesson the damage by the Swamp.

You are here with the other clown trying to pull a ROSS PEROT win again.........VOTE THIRD PARTY SAVE AMERICA.........

LMAO.............Look at Canada.........6 or more parties and they manipulated it too to bring that Tyrant in office .

I don't live in FANTASY LAND.
Bullshit. The constitution, which the GOP is supposed to support, grants the authority to create money to the congress. Not the Federal Reserve. That whole act was created by bankers with enough money to BUY politicians.
But it is the system we have, and changing it rapidly would destroy our economy. But getting on a path of living within our means, gutting government, cutting huge amounts of waste and fraud, would in 20 years, eliminate the debt.
Conservatives would pass a law that eliminated the interest on the money we owe the Fed.

Why TF should we be paying interest on our own money, when we have a constitutional authority to create our own, without interest?
Tell me the next JFK THEN.................Who is that? You can't.............How long did the Silver Back last........before Johnson got rid of it..........kinda like right after he got sworn in huh.

I understand that as well...............You play the cards given.............This is NOT FANTASY ISLAND where it is so SIMPLE as you keep claiming.
Application rejected.

I am a conservative. Oh, and also by choice, I’m a Republican. The Republicans aren’t always conservative however. And some people confuse the terms conservative and libertarian.

Very few conservatives in the GOP. In fact, there's so few that they need to stop claiming they're the conservative party. At best, they're neocons. New Conservatives, who've abandoned actual conservatism.

I confess there are aspects of libertarianism which I respect and admire. However, I’m not a libertarian, either.

I support the LP platform more than the RNC's, because it's more conservative.
Very few conservatives in the GOP. In fact, there's so few that they need to stop claiming they're the conservative party. At best, they're neocons. New Conservatives, who've abandoned actual conservatism.

I support the LP platform more than the RNC's, because it's more conservative.
Tell me the one that has won then..............Where are they..........oh if I'd throw my vote away on them they'd WIN RIGHT?

Had we done that the Hildabeast would have packed the court................YOUR WELCOME.........I VOTED TRUMP.
Have you read anything in the thread? I don't think even libertarians cared much for Johnson. They especially didn't like Bill Weld.
No, this is not about any one person. It's about the GOP still trying to convince it's voters that they're conservative. When they ain't even close. Trump, McConnell and Ryan not enough proof for you?
I railed against Trump before 2016, convinced that he was the ultimate RINO. He is the World's Richest Professional Clown.

He's also the most successful President of the United States EVER...

Yeah... he didn't reduce spending, but he spent the money better than the democrooks or republicrats would have if hitlary was elected.

I would have remained an anti-Trump voter and Ted Cruz sycophant if the Orange Clown didn't not only beat hitlary, manage to build some of the wall, but he was also clearly loathed by the globalist collective elite that is trying to consume the entire earth and manage it from a despotic global government.

You might call me a "confederate", but it would have nothing to do with slavery.

BS.............Voting Trump stopped a PACKED LEFTIST COURT...............We make decisions to lesson the damage by the Swamp.

And filled it with more north eastern liberal scum, that were also labeled "conservative." When they were not actually conservative.

The leftist court? Just stop bro. Just stop. The supreme justice, John Roberts is the sole reason we still have the ACA. Not to mention the fact that when Trump had a GOP majority in his first two years, didn't repeal or replace the ACA.
In fact, they funded the damn thing.

You are here with the other clown trying to pull a ROSS PEROT win again.........VOTE THIRD PARTY SAVE AMERICA.........

LMAO.............Look at Canada.........6 or more parties and they manipulated it too to bring that Tyrant in office .

I don't live in FANTASY LAND.

No, you live in a fantasy land of voting for the lesser of two evils, and still complain when you get evil.
Evil as in Trump pushing the vaccines after only 9 months of research. Pushing the first lock downs. Pushing the first mandates. Giving big pharma $8 billion for it. Funding gender studies in Pakistan and Planned Parenthood. Wanting to take Americans land for a wall, instead of taking Mexicans land for the wall. And lying about who was going to pay for it.

And even with lawsuit after lawsuit against Trump.............he hammered home and we had the most oil production in the history of our country in 2019. Increases to the export of Russia.

Only NEGATIVE OIL and destruction of small business can stop him from the Globalist.........WEF...........you will own nothing and be happy clowns........

Why they hated Trump so much...
You people have to stop using the word "conservative" when labeling people like Trump or even yourselves. There's a huge difference between republicans and conservatives. You know what those difference are. "Conservative" is off limits to you people. You can't have it.
The only time yall even act conservative is when a democrat is the potus or the dems have the majority.
When there's a republican in the white house, all yall do is grow the size of government and spend spend spend. Totally opposite of what conservatives stand for.
Fact: Trumps first two years in office, with a GOP majority in the House and Senate, yall funded not only planned parenthood. But also gender studies in Pakistan.

Here's a help. These two people are conservative. And were both pushed out of the GOP for actually trying to do things in a conservative way.
Example: Justin Amash was kicked off the congressional budget committee for trying to cut spending, by the GOP committee chairman, John Boehner.

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You don’t get to decide for anyone but yourself….
Tell me the one that has won then..............Where are they..........oh if I'd throw my vote away on them they'd WIN RIGHT?

Had we done that the Hildabeast would have packed the court................YOUR WELCOME.........I VOTED TRUMP.

As I've said, the GOP has outlawed true conservatism. They were not allowed to win. Reagan, the first CINO put the GOP on course to squelch conservatism. And by the time W was elected, there were only about 3 actual conservative left in DC. Now there's maybe one. Thomas Massie.
Rand still has some conservative values. But those are lessening every year, it seems.

Ok, so you voted for Trump. A CINO. Congratulation. You voted for a man who supports FISA 702. (Warrantless spying on Americans)
Throw a fucking party and celebrate it, while the government spies on you.
And filled it with more north eastern liberal scum, that were also labeled "conservative." When they were not actually conservative.
LOL. Your skirt and your agenda are showing.............You are NO CONSERVATIVE..........You are DBlack.........Gator..............and Mac.

Who would have HILLARY PUT IN........the same guy who is Attorney General who sent the FBI to Virginia to investigate parents including a dad who called out the school board after his DAUGHTER WAS RAPED.

You are not WHAT YOU CLAIM TO BE...........Anther Fraud.

The leftist court? Just stop bro. Just stop. The supreme justice, John Roberts is the sole reason we still have the ACA. Not to mention the fact that when Trump had a GOP majority in his first two years, didn't repeal or replace the ACA.
In fact, they funded the damn thing.
And again............what is your real agenda.............bitching about SCOTUS that had I listned to you we'd have Hillary picks.............


No, you live in a fantasy land of voting for the lesser of two evils, and still complain when you get evil.
Evil as in Trump pushing the vaccines after only 9 months of research. Pushing the first lock downs. Pushing the first mandates. Giving big pharma $8 billion for it. Funding gender studies in Pakistan and Planned Parenthood. Wanting to take Americans land for a wall, instead of taking Mexicans land for the wall. And lying about who was going to pay for it.
kEEP GOING............SHALL i go to the Democrap underground for your next talking points.................LMAO
Ok, so you voted for Trump. A CINO. Congratulation. You voted for a man who supports FISA 702. (Warrantless spying on Americans)
Throw a fucking party and celebrate it, while the government spies on you.

The republicans installed the EPA, for a good reason. Back then, corporations and people were destroying a lot of our rivers and air. (A look at the LA sky for more proof) Since then, the EPA has been in the pockets of corporations like the oil companies. Sounds weird, I know, but hear me out.

With all the regulations that are in the oil/gas business, only the top oil companies can afford to do business with them in place. Which squelches any chance of smaller oil companies bringing in any real competition to the oil/gas industry.
It's the same way with the FDA. I used to haul Corrosive 8 and Flammable 3 into soft drink companies like Pepsi & Coke. And also into food manufacturers like Driers (ice cream), Wrigley's (candy). Somehow, they (lobbyist) paid off enough politicians to allow this crap into our food and drinks.

My point: Corporate lobbyist get what they want, through some government agency, because we have liberals and CINO's running the show.

Conservatism doesn't allow for this type of government influence. We rely on the actual free markets with just enough public safety. Safety from things that would actually harm the public and the environment. But not so much that it squelches actual free market capitalism.
Because the more small business grows, the better the economy is for everyone. Not to mention, the amount of better jobs that are available.
As for the food industry, keeping chemicals like I described above from getting into the mouths of the public, means fewer deaths, fewer cancer victims, fewer birth defects and all the other crap those chemical can do.

Over 600,000 new cases of cancer are discovered every year, now a days. Why? The bottom line is, and has always been money. Money from lobbyist. Conservatives reject lobbyist.

It was the clean air act of 1970 and the Clean water act of 1972 that cleaned up the air and water NOT the EPA.
And even with lawsuit after lawsuit against Trump.............he hammered home and we had the most oil production in the history of our country in 2019. Increases to the export of Russia.

LMAO.. Oh yeah, Trump increased oil production, not the oil companies. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiight.
You don't understand oil/gas booms and busts, do you?

Only NEGATIVE OIL and destruction of small business can stop him from the Globalist.........WEF...........you will own nothing and be happy clowns........

Why they hated Trump so much...

Biden, Trump or any other president doesn't have the power to turn down the oil spigots. Inflation and gas price hikes would've happened regardless of how the last election turned out. Why? Because it was time for the oil companies to reduce their overhead,, increase their prices and get paid.
Its the same reason why OPEC cuts production. Saudi Arabia (their government/king) owns all the oil. They own their pipelines. They own their refineries. And they control their spigot. And ever so often, for the same reason, they turn their spigots down, manipulate the oil markets and increase their ppb. Then they sit back and make a lot more money because their overhead has been laid off.
Biden didn't turn down US oil spigots. In fact, when he cut off Russian oil, the gas prices were already high. None of the things Biden did, like shutting down the oil leases slowed production, because none of those oil leases were producing yet. Most of the fields didn't even have geologist reports on specific locations yet. Meaning they didn't even have drilling rigs on those specific locations.
Lefties have been in a hissy fit for a year over which pronoun to use for transfreakazoids and now they lecture us about labels. Sometimes you gotta laugh instead of taking them seriously.
Thanks for bringing that up. I'm not very educated on Taft. But you got me looking that way. And in doing so, I found this.

America Needs a Robert A. Taft

skipped to relevant part:

“Many of the New Dealers,” Taft charged, “have no concern whatever for individual freedom. They are collectivists like Marx and Lenin and Mussolini” and believe “that the Government should regulate every detail of industrial and commercial and agricultural life.” Taft urged Republicans to oppose all measures inimical to “preserving, maintaining, and increasing the liberty of the people of our country.”

LMAO.. Oh yeah, Trump increased oil production, not the oil companies. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiight.
You don't understand oil/gas booms and busts, do you?

Biden, Trump or any other president doesn't have the power to turn down the oil spigots. Inflation and gas price hikes would've happened regardless of how the last election turned out. Why? Because it was time for the oil companies to reduce their overhead,, increase their prices and get paid.
Its the same reason why OPEC cuts production. Saudi Arabia (their government/king) owns all the oil. They own their pipelines. They own their refineries. And they control their spigot. And ever so often, for the same reason, they turn their spigots down, manipulate the oil markets and increase their ppb. Then they sit back and make a lot more money because their overhead has been laid off.
Biden didn't turn down US oil spigots. In fact, when he cut off Russian oil, the gas prices were already high. None of the things Biden did, like shutting down the oil leases slowed production, because none of those oil leases were producing yet. Most of the fields didn't even have geologist reports on specific locations yet. Meaning they didn't even have drilling rigs on those specific locations.
You lifted your skirt up LEFTIST..........You are walking down their bullet points right here on this thread...........

You ARE NO CONSERVATIVE............Good Thread ........to figure your ass ............fitting symbol of the DNC...........out.

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