Hey right wingers, where are the tapes?

Perhaps if you had any kind of education, you could read that tweet and know the difference between implication and fact.
we tried that. Like when Trump said that Obama was wiretaping the phone in trump tower.
So? Now where is this quote he said he had tapes

Trump hinted that he had tapes. He would neither confirm or deny their existance. He wants to "keep you in suspense" like the next to last episode of the apprentice.

Talk about showboating.
no, he said Comey should hope that there were no tapes.

Talk about a bunch of rubes to think that means he has them. Stupid, ignorant, criminal mentalities.
So? Now where is this quote he said he had tapes

Trump hinted that he had tapes. He would neither confirm or deny their existance. He wants to "keep you in suspense" like the next to last episode of the apprentice.

Talk about showboating.

Not showboating you ignorant twit, he pwned the shit out of Comey and the left.
There is No Investigation of The President.
And again, why aren't we allowed to see these MEMOS?

The answer is, there is now.
And you'll get to see the memos when the case is concluded.
They don't disclose all thier evidence during active investigations.

Major malfunction on the part of the loons. Trump never said he had tapes

I get it.

Its like saying "You could be the biggest slut in Vegas"

Well you don't get it but you don't get much, you're a fucking stupid left loon

Trump never claimed he had tapes, but you idiots THOUGHT he did and the result is you look like dumb asses....again

No one thought he had tapes but you guys. We liberals knew he was lying from the start. Because if he had tapes, he would have produced them from the start. This is what your stupid right wing ass can't understand. Your ass is here being played and you think you are the player.

We liberals know he is lying about everything he is talking about relative to the investigation into his affairs with Russia. Only you fools are here trying to make claims of how no evidence exists all while nightly we see more and more evidence piling up. .You loons are so infatuate with the lying sack of shit, that you don't understand that there are several investigations going on at the same time and because of legal matters much of the facts cannot be discussed publically. Because of that and your faith in Hannity, you actually think there is no evidence.

So keep on winning Charlie Sheen.

You thought there were tapes or you wouldn't be asking about it?

I know logic is hard, but you dim bulbs have got to something to boost your wattage,
So? Now where is this quote he said he had tapes

Trump hinted that he had tapes. He would neither confirm or deny their existance. He wants to "keep you in suspense" like the next to last episode of the apprentice.

Talk about showboating.

Finally we're getting somewhere, he hinted, never claimed. He played Comey
He played Comey, the propagandists, and all these retards who are not only intellectually stunted, but apparently schizophrenic as well, if they think that "you'd better hope that you weren't taped" is the same as "I taped you".

What a buncha rubes.
Hey moron, did he say he would release them by today? Just how stupid are you exactly?

Actually the USSC said so in the 8-0 US v Nixon ruling. Trump has the 23rd as a subpoena deadline to turn over tapes if they exist. After that, Trump would be obstructing justice.
So? Now where is this quote he said he had tapes

Trump hinted that he had tapes. He would neither confirm or deny their existance. He wants to "keep you in suspense" like the next to last episode of the apprentice.

Talk about showboating.

Finally we're getting somewhere, he hinted, never claimed. He played Comey
He played Comey, the propagandists, and all these retards who are not only intellectually stunted, but apparently schizophrenic as well, if they think that "you'd better hope that you weren't taped" is the same as "I taped you".

What a buncha rubes.

This thread is a gem, exposes the dimwits as dimwits
He played Comey, the propagandists, and all these retards who are not only intellectually stunted, but apparently schizophrenic as well, if they think that "you'd better hope that you weren't taped" is the same as "I taped you".

What a buncha rubes.

Yeah... it's like telling a mugger with a knife, that you have a gun. When you don't have a gun, and he calls your bluff. This is going to get messy for Trump if he doesn't have anything to counter Comey's memos.
Says the congressiona subpoena.

Even Nixon didn't violate a congressional subpoena for tapes, because the USSC ruled a president has to hand them over. If they exist.
sorry bubba that isn't true.

Violation of a subpeona for the tapes is obstruction of justice. The USSC already ruled on it.

The subpoena is from Congress. It means nothing as has been proven many times throughout history and you cannot give what does not exist.
What lie? Trump bluffed Comey into telling the truth when he testified by the THREAT of there being tapes! It was artfully done.

Sure,....and that TRUTH was so damn "helpful" to the orange clown, correct??? LOL

Comey admitting that Trump was encouraging him to investigate the Russian collusion thing essentially blew that liberal talking point to smithereens, Nat! Would Comey have admitted that if he knew there weren't tapes? I don't know. I do know he admitted it under oath that day. What choice did he have if Trump DID have tapes?
when is trump going to testify under oath? the bible he puts his hand on will burn

It didn't burn when he was inaugurated
IM2 got trolled by Trump. :laugh:

This thread isn't working like he planned

Yes it is. You guys have been dong the same shit since Bill Clinton and these forums first started started. So why would I expect anything different now?

Now tell me sassyirishlass, just exactly what have you been winning?
maybe drumph came to her house and well...........................lol gave her a medal

Get on topic Edward, the thread is about the tapes you loons claim Trump said he had. Get there and stop trying to be funny, you're not, you're weak
those tapes are gone never to be seen again maybe the orange anus remembered nixon and his tapes

They weren't seen to begin with. They never existed. It was obvious to anyone with more than half a brain
The subpoena is from Congress. It means nothing as has been proven many times throughout history and you cannot give what does not exist.

It means Trump has to go on record as either having the tapes or not having them. If he claims they dont' exist, and they do, that's just like when Bill Clinton said he didn't have sex with that woman. You can't lie about legal proceedings.
United States v. Nixon - Wikipedia

United States v. Nixon, 418 U.S. 683 (1974), was a landmark United States Supreme Court decision which resulted in a unanimous 8–0 ruling against President Richard Nixon, ordering him to deliver presidential tape recordings and other subpoenaed materials to the District Court. Issued on July 24, 1974, the ruling was important to the late stages of the Watergate scandal, when there was an ongoing impeachment process against Richard Nixon. United States v. Nixon is considered a crucial precedent limiting the power of any U.S. president to claim executive privilege.

See the difference? It is in the red text.

No court has subpoenaed anything.

If failing to reply to a Congressional subpoena was a crime punishable by jail, Eric Holder would be doing a life sentence, with Obama Bin Lying as his cellmate!
You righties are the biggest bunch of losers I've ever seen. Enjoy yourselves, because he really doesn't give a shit about you, either.
I find it comical you progressives are having such a fit about nothing… LOL
The subpoena is from Congress. It means nothing as has been proven many times throughout history and you cannot give what does not exist.

It means Trump has to go on record as either having the tapes or not having them. If he claims they dont' exist, and they do, that's just like when Bill Clinton said he didn't have sex with that woman. You can't lie about legal proceedings.

What legal proceedings?

Bubba Clinton was standing in front of television cameras when he lied and he was never charged with lying about that instance.

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