Hey right wingers, where are the tapes?

United States v. Nixon - Wikipedia

United States v. Nixon, 418 U.S. 683 (1974), was a landmark United States Supreme Court decision which resulted in a unanimous 8–0 ruling against President Richard Nixon, ordering him to deliver presidential tape recordings and other subpoenaed materials to the District Court. Issued on July 24, 1974, the ruling was important to the late stages of the Watergate scandal, when there was an ongoing impeachment process against Richard Nixon. United States v. Nixon is considered a crucial precedent limiting the power of any U.S. president to claim executive privilege.
there was a crime.

There are crimes now.
United States v. Nixon - Wikipedia

United States v. Nixon, 418 U.S. 683 (1974), was a landmark United States Supreme Court decision which resulted in a unanimous 8–0 ruling against President Richard Nixon, ordering him to deliver presidential tape recordings and other subpoenaed materials to the District Court. Issued on July 24, 1974, the ruling was important to the late stages of the Watergate scandal, when there was an ongoing impeachment process against Richard Nixon. United States v. Nixon is considered a crucial precedent limiting the power of any U.S. president to claim executive privilege.
there was a crime.

There are crimes now.
this is simple......:link:
The tapes are in the same place we keep the $2500 that Obama said we would have because of Obamacare.

Major malfunction on the part of the loons. Trump never said he had tapes

Did Trump not say you had better hope there are no tapes? So your claim of what he didn't say doesn't make any difference.

Yes. Why would the truth make a difference to a liar?

The spin on this thread is hilarious

What spin? The only spin going on here is how you guys want t keep asking people to show you where Trump said he had tapes like that changes anything.

Look if you wackos can make all these claims about Hillary Clinton and Obama with no statements stop asking for us to show you where Trump said he had tapes.

You guys are just getting your right wing asses handed to you. :badgrin:

We will eventually. You apparently don't understand the legal process. Right now those memos are part of evidence being used to possibly bring criminal charges against Trump. We will not get any information that Mueller has until the investigation and all associated events are over.
Moon Bats get confused very easy.

For instance, they are not capable of determining the difference between these two statements.

"Better hope there are no tapes"

"There are tapes".
Oh....according to right wing morons, NOW its democrats who FIRST claimed there were tapes????.......REALLY????

(and fellow right wing morons cheer......LOL)

Maybe YOU can show us an exact quote by Trump saying he had tapes? If not sit your dumb ass down

Well since Trump did say that Comey had better hope there were no tapes, he was saying that there was a possibility that he had taped the conversations and was responsible for either producing the tapes or admit there were none, All this show me a quote, well go look for the quote yourself.

Because you wackos were sitting around waiting for the tapes.

Wait. We are the ones waiting around for the tapes? We never believed they existed. You're the one starting the thread demanding to know where the tapes are.

Talk about dishonest.

No I did not start this thread to demand where the tapes are, I asked the question to get you right wingers to looking like the fools you are by trying to defend Trump and his lies. Notice the thread title, "Hey right wingers, where are the tapes?"

Lol you're spinning like a top, you didn't realize Trump never said he had tapes

I realize that Trump said Comey better hope there are no tapes. That's what I do know.
Maybe YOU can show us an exact quote by Trump saying he had tapes? If not sit your dumb ass down

Well since Trump did say that Comey had better hope there were no tapes, he was saying that there was a possibility that he had taped the conversations and was responsible for either producing the tapes or admit there were none, All this show me a quote, well go look for the quote yourself.

Because you wackos were sitting around waiting for the tapes.

Wait. We are the ones waiting around for the tapes? We never believed they existed. You're the one starting the thread demanding to know where the tapes are.

Talk about dishonest.

No I did not start this thread to demand where the tapes are, I asked the question to get you right wingers to looking like the fools you are by trying to defend Trump and his lies. Notice the thread title, "Hey right wingers, where are the tapes?"

Lol you're spinning like a top, you didn't realize Trump never said he had tapes

I realize that Trump said Comey better hope there are no tapes. That's what I do know.

Thank you. He never said he had tapes

Did Trump not say you had better hope there are no tapes? So your claim of what he didn't say doesn't make any difference.

Yes. Why would the truth make a difference to a liar?

The spin on this thread is hilarious

What spin? The only spin going on here is how you guys want t keep asking people to show you where Trump said he had tapes like that changes anything.

Look if you wackos can make all these claims about Hillary Clinton and Obama with no statements stop asking for us to show you where Trump said he had tapes.

You guys are just getting your right wing asses handed to you. :badgrin:

We will eventually. You apparently don't understand the legal process. Right now those memos are part of evidence being used to possibly bring criminal charges against Trump. We will not get any information that Mueller has until the investigation and all associated events are over.

You are a poor liar.
No one has seen The DNC Server Hacking Evidence
Or any Evidence of Russian Collusion
Or Hillary Clinton's 33,000 Emails
Or Donald Trump's Tapes

AND The President is not under Investigation by Comey's Own Admission.

Comey released his "alleged" MEMO to a Newspaper which means THEY ARE OF THE PUBLIC DOMAIN.

So the GOVERNMENT has to produce them for THE PUBLIC.

But if they don't exist, they cannot produce them.



THE PRESIDENT is not under investigation now, so if these MEMOS do exist, why isn't the GOVERNMENT allowing The American Public to see them?


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Maybe YOU can show us an exact quote by Trump saying he had tapes? If not sit your dumb ass down

Trump said about tapes, he would let us know:

During a press conference alongside Romanian President Klaus Iohannis earlier this month, Trump said on three occasions that the media would soon know about whether tapes existed.

"Well, I'll tell you about that maybe sometime in the very near future," he said, later adding that he was "not hinting anything" about whether there were any tape-recorded conversations.

"I will tell you about it over a fairly short period of time," he said. "You're going to be very disappointed when you hear the answer."

Trump admits he doesn't have 'tapes' of his conversations with James Comey
Apparently he was right. you appear to be very disappointed that there are no tapes.

Everyone except his brainless followers are rolling their eyes at this juvenile behavior.
I can't wait until Mueller skins him alive. Mueller is going to subpoena Trump's tax returns and it will be BUH-BYE, DONNIE.

Juvenile? His bluff was quite shrewd. While I doubt comey believed it it nonetheless raised a question that their could be tapes forcing comey to be honest, for the most part on what happened.

Considering it lead to comey once again confirming that trump was being honest about what happened and demonstrated beyond a shadow of a doubt that he never tried to stop the investigation, it was a good bluff.

Nothing juvenile about it.
Moon Bats get confused very easy.

For instance, they are not capable of determining the difference between these two statements.

"Better hope there are no tapes"

"There are tapes".

The difference is understood very well. What right wingers don't seem to understand is that If Trump knew he had no tapes why threaten Comey with that statement?
The tapes are in the same place we keep the $2500 that Obama said we would have because of Obamacare.
Right next to the irump bullshitters tax returns>>
The tapes are in the same place we keep the $2500 that Obama said we would have because of Obamacare.
Yeah right next to the lying pos's tax returns and his birther evidence
Maybe YOU can show us an exact quote by Trump saying he had tapes? If not sit your dumb ass down

Trump said about tapes, he would let us know:

During a press conference alongside Romanian President Klaus Iohannis earlier this month, Trump said on three occasions that the media would soon know about whether tapes existed.

"Well, I'll tell you about that maybe sometime in the very near future," he said, later adding that he was "not hinting anything" about whether there were any tape-recorded conversations.

"I will tell you about it over a fairly short period of time," he said. "You're going to be very disappointed when you hear the answer."

Trump admits he doesn't have 'tapes' of his conversations with James Comey
Apparently he was right. you appear to be very disappointed that there are no tapes.

Everyone except his brainless followers are rolling their eyes at this juvenile behavior.
I can't wait until Mueller skins him alive. Mueller is going to subpoena Trump's tax returns and it will be BUH-BYE, DONNIE.

Juvenile? His bluff was quite shrewd. While I doubt comey believed it it nonetheless raised a question that their could be tapes forcing comey to be honest, for the most part on what happened.

Considering it lead to comey once again confirming that trump was being honest about what happened and demonstrated beyond a shadow of a doubt that he never tried to stop the investigation, it was a good bluff.

Nothing juvenile about it.

Shrewd and brilliant move
Maybe YOU can show us an exact quote by Trump saying he had tapes? If not sit your dumb ass down

Trump said about tapes, he would let us know:

During a press conference alongside Romanian President Klaus Iohannis earlier this month, Trump said on three occasions that the media would soon know about whether tapes existed.

"Well, I'll tell you about that maybe sometime in the very near future," he said, later adding that he was "not hinting anything" about whether there were any tape-recorded conversations.

"I will tell you about it over a fairly short period of time," he said. "You're going to be very disappointed when you hear the answer."

Trump admits he doesn't have 'tapes' of his conversations with James Comey
Apparently he was right. you appear to be very disappointed that there are no tapes.

Everyone except his brainless followers are rolling their eyes at this juvenile behavior.
I can't wait until Mueller skins him alive. Mueller is going to subpoena Trump's tax returns and it will be BUH-BYE, DONNIE.

Juvenile? His bluff was quite shrewd. While I doubt comey believed it it nonetheless raised a question that their could be tapes forcing comey to be honest, for the most part on what happened.

Considering it lead to comey once again confirming that trump was being honest about what happened and demonstrated beyond a shadow of a doubt that he never tried to stop the investigation, it was a good bluff.

Nothing juvenile about it.

This is no bluff. Trump fired off a tweet in a fit of rage.

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