Hey right wingers, where are the tapes?

Oh....according to right wing morons, NOW its democrats who FIRST claimed there were tapes????.......REALLY????

(and fellow right wing morons cheer......LOL)

Maybe YOU can show us an exact quote by Trump saying he had tapes? If not sit your dumb ass down

Well since Trump did say that Comey had better hope there were no tapes, he was saying that there was a possibility that he had taped the conversations and was responsible for either producing the tapes or admit there were none, All this show me a quote, well go look for the quote yourself.

Because you wackos were sitting around waiting for the tapes.

Wait. We are the ones waiting around for the tapes? We never believed they existed. You're the one starting the thread demanding to know where the tapes are.

Talk about dishonest.

No I did not start this thread to demand where the tapes are, I asked the question to get you right wingers to looking like the fools you are by trying to defend Trump and his lies. Notice the thread title, "Hey right wingers, where are the tapes?"

THE BOTTOM LINE for me is I want to be on the opposite side of morons AH's who support the POS con man drumph
Learn the difference between implying and stating as fact, moron

True, true......among you right wing idiots what the orange clown tweets and states cannot ever be believed by normal folks....it depends on the day of the week that the charlatan states something......LOL
Please quote where President Trump said he had any tapes

Thank you in advance

Donald J. Trump


James Comey better hope that there are no "tapes" of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!

5:26 AM - 12 May 2017

Can the left read?
Probably not.
Anybody who thinks it wasn't a strong implication needs more Ed. But then Don the con did say his sheep were uneducated

Why is it the uneducated sheep can clearly read what he actually said and the so called intelligent people can't understand it?

This is a simple understanding of what happened for you right wingers.

Trump had a conversation with a employee. the employee documented the conversation The employee was fired by Trump after Trump asked him to ease off on a particular individual who was under investigation and he did not. The employee then went to the supervisors pleading his case, Trump decided before he got to the supervisors that he would threaten him with you better hope there are no tapes meaning that f there are tapes, then I Trump can prove his side of the story. This means he must show proof of having tapes. If he cannot then we must question the motives for him threatening the man with that claim. Now whether or not he said he had tapes is irrelevant to this matter.

If what happened to Comey happened to any of us on a job, number one we could go to our supervisors and claim retaliation. Then the boss must provide documentation for why you were fired. If the boss said I think I have tapes, then he must produce the tapes or say he does not have any. I think I have tapes isn't saying you have tapes either but since you suggested the possibility of their existence you must provide the tapes.. Now if the boss says they have no tapes then they are not going to beheld responsible for showing tapes. Trump did not do that and no matter how hard you guys try spinning this ,he could not show tapes because he never had any. Therefore he should not have ever opened his mouth to mention the possibility that the comments had been taped. If he had done that, then you guys could be making all the same old dumb comments you always make about liberals in another thread.
Is there an adult in your life, IM2? Someone who can explain why so many people think you're an idiot?

4-5 people on the internet are not all that many in a world of billions and a nation of 300 plus million.

Maybe you can find an adult in your life to make you understand that.
Juvenile? His bluff was quite shrewd. While I doubt comey believed it it nonetheless raised a question that their could be tapes forcing comey to be honest, for the most part on what happened.

Considering it lead to comey once again confirming that trump was being honest about what happened and demonstrated beyond a shadow of a doubt that he never tried to stop the investigation, it was a good bluff.

Nothing juvenile about it.

Shrewd and brilliant move

Yes, I would say that what Comey did was a shrewd and brilliant move. He got the special counsel appointed that the republicans in congress never would have gotten to investigate the case for possible criminal wrongdoing by Trump and his administration.
If by Shrewd and Brilliant you mean ratting on Lynch, admitting there was NO COLLUSION, and then painting yourself in to a corner about an alleged memo you leaked which was privileged intel, that no one can produce, which means, not only did you Leak classified or privileged information, you perjured yourself, implicated The Obama Regime in Obstruction of Justice, and then committed an additional crime when you refused to report Loretta Lynch for ordering you to squash a criminal investigation against Clinton is a shrewd and brilliant move, then you must have the intelligence of slug drowning in a bowl of beer.


You live in conspiracy world.

All of the above happened. You must live under a rock

Of course it did lassie. Exactly the way the tree stump stupid idiot said. Show ya right.
Oh....according to right wing morons, NOW its democrats who FIRST claimed there were tapes????.......REALLY????

(and fellow right wing morons cheer......LOL)

Maybe YOU can show us an exact quote by Trump saying he had tapes? If not sit your dumb ass down

Well since Trump did say that Comey had better hope there were no tapes, he was saying that there was a possibility that he had taped the conversations and was responsible for either producing the tapes or admit there were none, All this show me a quote, well go look for the quote yourself.

Because you wackos were sitting around waiting for the tapes.

Wait. We are the ones waiting around for the tapes? We never believed they existed. You're the one starting the thread demanding to know where the tapes are.

Talk about dishonest.

No I did not start this thread to demand where the tapes are, I asked the question to get you right wingers to looking like the fools you are by trying to defend Trump and his lies. Notice the thread title, "Hey right wingers, where are the tapes?"


A person with no brain calling me a retard. Jealousy does you no good.
After SIX weeks since Trump stated ".Comey better hope there are no tapes...."

TODAY, one day before the deadline imposed by the House committee, the orange clown BLINKED and openly admitted, "......what tapes? I never said I had tapes, wink, wink....."

Trump is a WASTE......His cute "lie' is one (of many) reasons why now HE is also under investigation......Nice going, moron.
After SIX weeks since Trump stated ".Comey better hope there are no tapes...."

TODAY, one day before the deadline imposed by the House committee, the orange clown BLINKED and openly admitted, "......what tapes? I never said I had tapes, wink, wink....."

Trump is a WASTE......His cute "lie' is one (of many) reasons why now HE is also under investigation......Nice going, moron.
They ,the dump repubs ,forget that Comey said I hope there ARE TAPES
Maybe YOU can show us an exact quote by Trump saying he had tapes? If not sit your dumb ass down

Well since Trump did say that Comey had better hope there were no tapes, he was saying that there was a possibility that he had taped the conversations and was responsible for either producing the tapes or admit there were none, All this show me a quote, well go look for the quote yourself.

Because you wackos were sitting around waiting for the tapes.

Wait. We are the ones waiting around for the tapes? We never believed they existed. You're the one starting the thread demanding to know where the tapes are.

Talk about dishonest.

No I did not start this thread to demand where the tapes are, I asked the question to get you right wingers to looking like the fools you are by trying to defend Trump and his lies. Notice the thread title, "Hey right wingers, where are the tapes?"

THE BOTTOM LINE for me is I want to be on the opposite side of morons AH's who support the POS con man drumph
You'll be welcomed. They're always looking for good losers like you. :)
Please quote where President Trump said he had any tapes

Thank you in advance

Donald J. Trump


James Comey better hope that there are no "tapes" of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!

5:26 AM - 12 May 2017

Can the left read?
Probably not.
Anybody who thinks it wasn't a strong implication needs more Ed. But then Don the con did say his sheep were uneducated

Why is it the uneducated sheep can clearly read what he actually said and the so called intelligent people can't understand it?

This is a simple understanding of what happened for you right wingers.

Trump had a conversation with a employee. the employee documented the conversation The employee was fired by Trump after Trump asked him to ease off on a particular individual who was under investigation and he did not. The employee then went to the supervisors pleading his case, Trump decided before he got to the supervisors that he would threaten him with you better hope there are no tapes meaning that f there are tapes, then I Trump can prove his side of the story. This means he must show proof of having tapes. If he cannot then we must question the motives for him threatening the man with that claim. Now whether or not he said he had tapes is irrelevant to this matter.

If what happened to Comey happened to any of us on a job, number one we could go to our supervisors and claim retaliation. Then the boss must provide documentation for why you were fired. If the boss said I think I have tapes, then he must produce the tapes or say he does not have any. I think I have tapes isn't saying you have tapes either but since you suggested the possibility of their existence you must provide the tapes.. Now if the boss says they have no tapes then they are not going to beheld responsible for showing tapes. Trump did not do that and no matter how hard you guys try spinning this ,he could not show tapes because he never had any. Therefore he should not have ever opened his mouth to mention the possibility that the comments had been taped. If he had done that, then you guys could be making all the same old dumb comments you always make about liberals in another thread.
The president can order investigations stopped or started. That didn't happen. Comey was fired for being more of a politician that a FBI director. One who made up the intent angle to get Hillary off. Where was the outcry then? What you think Trump should have done isn't relevant. No law was broken. Sorry.
After SIX weeks since Trump stated ".Comey better hope there are no tapes...."

TODAY, one day before the deadline imposed by the House committee, the orange clown BLINKED and openly admitted, "......what tapes? I never said I had tapes, wink, wink....."

Trump is a WASTE......His cute "lie' is one (of many) reasons why now HE is also under investigation......Nice going, moron.
When wasn't he "under investigation"? The Russian angle didn't work since there's nothing there. Fact is he outplayed the lefties again.
After SIX weeks since Trump stated ".Comey better hope there are no tapes...."

TODAY, one day before the deadline imposed by the House committee, the orange clown BLINKED and openly admitted, "......what tapes? I never said I had tapes, wink, wink....."

Trump is a WASTE......His cute "lie' is one (of many) reasons why now HE is also under investigation......Nice going, moron.

But yet Trump never lied

Hahaha he played them all
Shrewd and brilliant move

Yes, I would say that what Comey did was a shrewd and brilliant move. He got the special counsel appointed that the republicans in congress never would have gotten to investigate the case for possible criminal wrongdoing by Trump and his administration.
If by Shrewd and Brilliant you mean ratting on Lynch, admitting there was NO COLLUSION, and then painting yourself in to a corner about an alleged memo you leaked which was privileged intel, that no one can produce, which means, not only did you Leak classified or privileged information, you perjured yourself, implicated The Obama Regime in Obstruction of Justice, and then committed an additional crime when you refused to report Loretta Lynch for ordering you to squash a criminal investigation against Clinton is a shrewd and brilliant move, then you must have the intelligence of slug drowning in a bowl of beer.


You live in conspiracy world.

All of the above happened. You must live under a rock

Of course it did lassie. Exactly the way the tree stump stupid idiot said. Show ya right.

You still haven't figured out Trump never lied, you'll never grasp that
Trump knows he can lie and his base of fools will believe anything he says..

Trump Doesn’t Have Recordings of Conversations With Comey, Source Says

President Donald Trump doesn’t have recordings of his conversations with then-FBI Director James Comey, according to a person familiar with the matter, capping weeks of speculation about whether such tapes exist.

Trump Doesn’t Have Recordings of Conversations With Comey, Source Says

Trump tweeted this also.
29.9511 90.0715

He put them there. Go fetch. CNN will want to talk to you.
After SIX weeks since Trump stated ".Comey better hope there are no tapes...."

TODAY, one day before the deadline imposed by the House committee, the orange clown BLINKED and openly admitted, "......what tapes? I never said I had tapes, wink, wink....."

Trump is a WASTE......His cute "lie' is one (of many) reasons why now HE is also under investigation......Nice going, moron.

But yet Trump never lied

Hahaha he played them all
That's something they tell themselves after realizing they were wrong. For them, it's easier than admitting they fucked up.
Donald J. Trump


James Comey better hope that there are no "tapes" of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!

5:26 AM - 12 May 2017

Can the left read?
Probably not.
Anybody who thinks it wasn't a strong implication needs more Ed. But then Don the con did say his sheep were uneducated

Why is it the uneducated sheep can clearly read what he actually said and the so called intelligent people can't understand it?

This is a simple understanding of what happened for you right wingers.

Trump had a conversation with a employee. the employee documented the conversation The employee was fired by Trump after Trump asked him to ease off on a particular individual who was under investigation and he did not. The employee then went to the supervisors pleading his case, Trump decided before he got to the supervisors that he would threaten him with you better hope there are no tapes meaning that f there are tapes, then I Trump can prove his side of the story. This means he must show proof of having tapes. If he cannot then we must question the motives for him threatening the man with that claim. Now whether or not he said he had tapes is irrelevant to this matter.

If what happened to Comey happened to any of us on a job, number one we could go to our supervisors and claim retaliation. Then the boss must provide documentation for why you were fired. If the boss said I think I have tapes, then he must produce the tapes or say he does not have any. I think I have tapes isn't saying you have tapes either but since you suggested the possibility of their existence you must provide the tapes.. Now if the boss says they have no tapes then they are not going to beheld responsible for showing tapes. Trump did not do that and no matter how hard you guys try spinning this ,he could not show tapes because he never had any. Therefore he should not have ever opened his mouth to mention the possibility that the comments had been taped. If he had done that, then you guys could be making all the same old dumb comments you always make about liberals in another thread.
The president can order investigations stopped or started. That didn't happen. Comey was fired for being more of a politician that a FBI director. One who made up the intent angle to get Hillary off. Where was the outcry then? What you think Trump should have done isn't relevant. No law was broken. Sorry.
Are you a complete moron ?? Comey was fired because he was investigating the AH you support
After SIX weeks since Trump stated ".Comey better hope there are no tapes...."

TODAY, one day before the deadline imposed by the House committee, the orange clown BLINKED and openly admitted, "......what tapes? I never said I had tapes, wink, wink....."

Trump is a WASTE......His cute "lie' is one (of many) reasons why now HE is also under investigation......Nice going, moron.

But yet Trump never lied

Hahaha he played them all
That's something they tell themselves after realizing they were wrong. For them, it's easier than admitting they fucked up.

This thread is precious

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