Hi there....I'm JoeBlam

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Some people can't wait till you're out on the regular political boards to start their attacks, JoeBlam. I'm sorry, but there's nothing one can do about such baloney on a board that values free speech above all else. You can find the rules under "FAQ" which is found at second to the bottom link at the dropdown list under "Quick Links" which is located on the large dark red menu bar near the top of most the pages at USMB. Best wishes getting through the initiation phase. We have a lot of features here and the loyal opposition likes to get the "enemy" in what football players call "off sides" at the hike. ;)
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I read the rules before I signed up and am staying inbounds although I'll dance the sidelines on occasion. The poster above made me laugh so instead of flaming him I put a zen koan on his plate.....I'm sure he took it as an insult when it's really just an old one-liner used on women in singles bars who won't dance with ya. :razz:
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Oh. I'm a teetotaler and have never frequented bars due to a bad experience with an abusive alcoholic. :redface:

I was a creature of the night for 40 years....owned a nightclub. Was convinced I was an alcoholic until I quit.....DONG! no after-effects other than my brain needed an overhaul so I played crosswords and word jumbles, slammed copious amounts of ginkgo biloba, vitamin B and ginseng, and I once again have the mind of a child.

My saving grace is I drank beer not booze and have always been a runner so cigarette smoke and toxins were sweat out each and every morning....I also never used that line on a woman who hadn't given me a fetching look and then blew me off to impress her friends.
Oh. I'm a teetotaler and have never frequented bars due to a bad experience with an abusive alcoholic. :redface:

I was a creature of the night for 40 years....owned a nightclub. Was convinced I was an alcoholic until I quit.....DONG! no after-effects other than my brain needed an overhaul so I played crosswords and word jumbles, slammed copious amounts of ginkgo biloba, vitamin B and ginseng, and I once again have the mind of a child.

My saving grace is I drank beer not booze and have always been a runner so cigarette smoke and toxins were sweat out each and every morning....I also never used that line on a woman who hadn't given me a fetching look and then blew me off to impress her friends.
My abusive alcoholic experience ranged from picking up to 100 beer bottles when I got home, having beer thrown up on my whole body when I was asleep, and protecting a toddler and an infant from a beer aficionado who didn't remember shooting off his rifle next to the child's head in my direction the following day because he was shooting at his beer cans he said... And that's why I don't care much for the high life of bars and people saying words they do not mean to each other and can't remember the next day any of it.

Alcohol is the same substance whether it is in wine, 100 proof rubbing alcohol in a bottle, beer, or whiskey. The molecular valence is the same, and it attacks some people in the part of the brain that separates reason from instinct, until you don't know what you're getting.

Best wishes at USMB. I truly hope you enjoy the boards. Congratulations on quitting one of the most difficult to kick substances known. It's a feather in your cap.
Just remembered password and new name.
Learning my way around different format and borrowed 'puter.
Just remembered password and new name.
Learning my way around different format and borrowed 'puter.

A fella can breathe here without some lunatic ex-mod screamin "RACIST!" at ya and his butt-boy bookworm issuing infractions with 8 paragraph explanations...that place is stranger than hell......anyway...


Trying to log my required number of posts so quote feature will work.

Never saw a site that had that requirement.

To answer other posts, crops are doing fine, going home to check in a week.

Have to drive as I did not book plane well enough in advance to afford it.

GF usually does all that, and I have not made a firm plan to go home.

Ought to go home, sell out, move here, but about that time I'd let the cats get loose, and get kicked out on the streets.

Too old to be homeless.
Trying to log my required number of posts so quote feature will work.

Never saw a site that had that requirement.

To answer other posts, crops are doing fine, going home to check in a week.

Have to drive as I did not book plane well enough in advance to afford it.

GF usually does all that, and I have not made a firm plan to go home.

Ought to go home, sell out, move here, but about that time I'd let the cats get loose, and get kicked out on the streets.

Too old to be homeless.

Yeah, be careful. I imported one from Atlanta via a trade show in Anaheim via Curaçao where she'd moved to Atlanta from. Half way across Texas I knew I'd made a big mistake....she lasted about a week until I put her stuff out in the driveway after she'd disappeared with another guy from a part-time banquet job she'd gotten....she arrived back at my house about 6pm drunk on her ass...stuffed her gear into her car, threw a punch at me, fell on her face, then lit out with the tires smokin.....her friend said she got back to Atlanta....no way of knowing what she had in store for me.
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Trying to log my required number of posts so quote feature will work.

Never saw a site that had that requirement.

To answer other posts, crops are doing fine, going home to check in a week.

Have to drive as I did not book plane well enough in advance to afford it.

GF usually does all that, and I have not made a firm plan to go home.

Ought to go home, sell out, move here, but about that time I'd let the cats get loose, and get kicked out on the streets.

Too old to be homeless.

Yeah, be careful. I imported one from Atlanta via a trade show in Anaheim via Curaçao where she'd moved to Atlanta from. Half way across Texas I knew I'd made a big mistake....she lasted about a week until I put her stuff out in the driveway after she'd disappeared with another guy from a part-time banquet job she'd gotten....she arrived back at my house about 6pm drunk on her ass...stuffed her gear into her car, threw a punch at me, fell on her face, then lit out with the tires smokin.....her friend said she got back to Atlanta....no way of knowing what she had in store for me.

Thinking of moving to the ancestral home, Macon.

Lots of old CSA kinfolks buried there, and it knocks 625 miles off trip to GF's, and lets me reserve my right to a mancave.

I love the GF and her cooking, BUT, I got a lot of stuff, and no room here.

If I piss in the backyard I risk arrest, and no way I can shoot assault rifles off the porch.

Just too damned liberal around here for me.

Big life change coming, BUT, can't give up the country life no matter how great the lovin' and the cookin'.

Life is good here, as long as I behave.

You know I can't do THAT forever.
Trying to log my required number of posts so quote feature will work.

Never saw a site that had that requirement.

To answer other posts, crops are doing fine, going home to check in a week.

Have to drive as I did not book plane well enough in advance to afford it.

GF usually does all that, and I have not made a firm plan to go home.

Ought to go home, sell out, move here, but about that time I'd let the cats get loose, and get kicked out on the streets.

Too old to be homeless.

Yeah, be careful. I imported one from Atlanta via a trade show in Anaheim via Curaçao where she'd moved to Atlanta from. Half way across Texas I knew I'd made a big mistake....she lasted about a week until I put her stuff out in the driveway after she'd disappeared with another guy from a part-time banquet job she'd gotten....she arrived back at my house about 6pm drunk on her ass...stuffed her gear into her car, threw a punch at me, fell on her face, then lit out with the tires smokin.....her friend said she got back to Atlanta....no way of knowing what she had in store for me.

Thinking of moving to the ancestral home, Macon.

Lots of old CSA kinfolks buried there, and it knocks 625 miles off trip to GF's, and lets me reserve my right to a mancave.

I love the GF and her cooking, BUT, I got a lot of stuff, and no room here.

If I piss in the backyard I risk arrest, and no way I can shoot assault rifles off the porch.

Just too damned liberal around here for me.

Big life change coming, BUT, can't give up the country life no matter how great the lovin' and the cookin'.

Life is good here, as long as I behave.

You know I can't do THAT forever.

Just don't get pushed off a cliff or swallow arsenic on your honeymoon eh? I hate being off my graze....I wouldn't chase one unless she had $3M and lived in Pompano Beach....uh, scratch that. Hey, this little bugger is so cool.....pretty accurate too:

20 GA. Adapter for 38 Special, .357 CAL
You were a well schooled Uke.....we never strike at the eyes unless confronted with a knife or tool or are seriously injured and must stop the incoming immediately and then only to rake the eyes, not stab at them.

I took some karate. I'm a small woman, and I was taught that if a man attacks me to hurt him as bad as I can as fast as I can, because if he gets ahold of me...I'm history.

Oh, and by the way...WELCOME!!!! : )
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You were a well schooled Uke.....we never strike at the eyes unless confronted with a knife or tool or are seriously injured and must stop the incoming immediately and then only to rake the eyes, not stab at them.

I took some karate. I'm a small woman, and I was taught that if a man attacks me to hurt him as bad as I can as fast as I can, because if he gets ahold of me...I'm history.

Oh, and by the way...WELCOME!!!! : )


Yes, I was talking to another guy in that reply.....I've taught maybe a hundred women in classic GoJu and only one I remember could actually fight a man. What you're saying is "iffy" because it's hard for a small woman to execute proper technique with power in kumite. It's all in the hip-snap like every other sport. So depending on the ferocity of your attacker you have to balance what you're willing to do to him vs. what happens if you injure him enough to make him crazy pissed. The old "kick him in the balls" isn't easy from the front; easier from behind him. Eyes are also "iffy" because blinding somebody is almost worse than killing them. If you learned to execute the ridge-hand "shuto", I'd suggest skipping it off his upper-chest into his air-pipe. The larynx swells when struck with even a timid strike....hit it hard and he's a goner. You're right....if it's truly a serious attack you must fight like a badger....and don't pause to admire a telling blow....finish it as viciously as you must and then run like a antelope.
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