High School Cheerleaders Punished For Supporting President Trump

Perhaps when people treat them like anyone else, then there will be no need for a spotlight. We have people on this very forum that compare gay people to rapist and mass murderers.

We have the same who blame Jews for 9/11 and all the evil in the world. There is no Jew awareness day.

Yeah...it's a whole month.

Jewish American Heritage Month - Wikipedia

Not at the school. Again. We are discussing the schools. I didnt even know that month existed. LOL.
Put on your yarmulke
Here comes Hanukkah
So much funukkah
To celebrate Hanukkah
Hanukkah is
The Festival of Lights
Instead of one day of presents
We have eight crazy nights!

Thanks traitor. Don’t you have a BDS rally to attend?
No rally for me Going to my favorite Kosher delli get some derma and corned beef sandwich
A school teacher in Fort Worth was fired yesterday for saying she wanted Trump to get all the illegals out. I hope she wins big.

Find it yourself.

its located under bullshit -

nope - here it is

Teacher Fired after Tweets Asking Trump to ‘Remove the Illegals’ from Her School

So, it was not for what she said, but for multiple tweets about her own students.

Thanks for the link. You are far more honest than MikeTx
Now THAT is funny
Trump is just pointing out what should be obvious and you little pillow biters can't take it without losing your shit.

What is 'obvious' is subjective. I don't trust anything your fake *pResident says. Period. He's an RE Developer, and that's about the extent of his expertise on all affairs as far as I'm concerned, and he even sucks at that. Strings of bankruptcies, shorting subs and the list of lawsuits for non payments against him and his pops over the years tells me all I need to know about his corrupt Orange ass. He is trying to run the country like one of his failed businesses and it's pretty much going like I thought. So when you cheer lead for him, it falls on deaf ears. Your messiah is found wanting in just about every single way.

When a member of the Cult45 condemns any other politician for adultery, they are displaying hypocrisy. It covers a whole host of other manufactured outrage as well, such as lying, reneging, manipulation, cowardice, prejudice, etc. This list goes on and on. No matter how bad it is, it can be safely assumed the Orange Virus has done it all in spades, and the evidence is very easy to gather. The Cult45 chuckle fucks flat out deny reality. You can't have a rational conversation with that mentality, so fuck 'em. Once again, you can't reason with the unreasonable, and who would want to?

Then you compare it to the Hoaxes and MEDIA fabrications that are a constant these days.

Meh, I believe due process is severely lacking in this country. Partly because Republicans are playing in the mud and Democrats don't have any testicular fortitude to pull them out. Both parties are mired with incompetence, and the media eggs this shit show on. Personally I believe the Orange Virus is guilty of pretty much everything he's been convicted of and so much more. Executive Privilege is pretty much the only thing keeping him from life in prison. His time is short. Your cheer leading means fuck all.

You faggots are told when to shit, how to shit, where to shit, what color to shit and do it willingly...

Ironic, coming for you.

Problem with that is he hasn't been convicted of jack squat.
You must be one of those tools that thinks that every time some scumbag does a monologue about Trump it's the same as a conviction.
Sorry, but spouting your nasty opinions about Trump isn't a indictment much less a conviction.
and how does this address the topic at hand?

if you're unhappy with trump, pick up your shit and go. but i'm betting that doesn't work for you.
The topic at hand is we have an OP that wants to make it a felony to dislike the President, and is mad that a public, tax-payer funded school doesn't allow its students to promote political parties in their official capacity (in School's cheerleading Uniform)...so that it's not recognized as an official school position.

It's been this way for most public schools since...they were born.

What the OP suggest regarding making it a felony to dislike a President is what actually deserves scrutiny - I cannot imagine a bigger/bolder way to shout that you consider the President your Messiah, your Gawd incarnate, or a bigger way to be a ball-carrying sycophant. Pretty gross!

Actually he's suggesting it be made a felony for a public institution to violate the constitutional rights of Americans. I tend to agree.


Good thing that did not happen in this case!

Actually it did, neither the school or athletic conference paid for the cheer uniforms. The photo was taken prior to any sanctioned event, so those kids were representing no one but themselves. They were told exercising their constitutional rights was a bad act and punished for it.


Who paid for them is totally irrelevant. The uniforms represent both the school and the NCHSAA. I have shirts with my employers name on them for when I do public events, I paid for them myself. If I were to wear the shirt and do something totally unrelated to work while wearing one of those shirts that my employer found to be against their rules, they would have every right to fire me and I would fully expect them to.

Stop trying to equivocate public institutions with private ones. Both the school and athletic association are publicly funded. The school, directly through taxes and the association through a tax exempt status.

Trump is just pointing out what should be obvious and you little pillow biters can't take it without losing your shit.

What is 'obvious' is subjective. I don't trust anything your fake *pResident says. Period. He's an RE Developer, and that's about the extent of his expertise on all affairs as far as I'm concerned, and he even sucks at that. Strings of bankruptcies, shorting subs and the list of lawsuits for non payments against him and his pops over the years tells me all I need to know about his corrupt Orange ass. He is trying to run the country like one of his failed businesses and it's pretty much going like I thought. So when you cheer lead for him, it falls on deaf ears. Your messiah is found wanting in just about every single way.

When a member of the Cult45 condemns any other politician for adultery, they are displaying hypocrisy. It covers a whole host of other manufactured outrage as well, such as lying, reneging, manipulation, cowardice, prejudice, etc. This list goes on and on. No matter how bad it is, it can be safely assumed the Orange Virus has done it all in spades, and the evidence is very easy to gather. The Cult45 chuckle fucks flat out deny reality. You can't have a rational conversation with that mentality, so fuck 'em. Once again, you can't reason with the unreasonable, and who would want to?

Then you compare it to the Hoaxes and MEDIA fabrications that are a constant these days.

Meh, I believe due process is severely lacking in this country. Partly because Republicans are playing in the mud and Democrats don't have any testicular fortitude to pull them out. Both parties are mired with incompetence, and the media eggs this shit show on. Personally I believe the Orange Virus is guilty of pretty much everything he's been convicted of and so much more. Executive Privilege is pretty much the only thing keeping him from life in prison. His time is short. Your cheer leading means fuck all.

You faggots are told when to shit, how to shit, where to shit, what color to shit and do it willingly...

Ironic, coming for you.

Problem with that is he hasn't been convicted of jack squat.
Wait till he loses in 2020 The shit coming at him will bury him
The topic at hand is we have an OP that wants to make it a felony to dislike the President, and is mad that a public, tax-payer funded school doesn't allow its students to promote political parties in their official capacity (in School's cheerleading Uniform)...so that it's not recognized as an official school position.

It's been this way for most public schools since...they were born.

What the OP suggest regarding making it a felony to dislike a President is what actually deserves scrutiny - I cannot imagine a bigger/bolder way to shout that you consider the President your Messiah, your Gawd incarnate, or a bigger way to be a ball-carrying sycophant. Pretty gross!

Actually he's suggesting it be made a felony for a public institution to violate the constitutional rights of Americans. I tend to agree.


Good thing that did not happen in this case!

Actually it did, neither the school or athletic conference paid for the cheer uniforms. The photo was taken prior to any sanctioned event, so those kids were representing no one but themselves. They were told exercising their constitutional rights was a bad act and punished for it.


Who paid for them is totally irrelevant. The uniforms represent both the school and the NCHSAA. I have shirts with my employers name on them for when I do public events, I paid for them myself. If I were to wear the shirt and do something totally unrelated to work while wearing one of those shirts that my employer found to be against their rules, they would have every right to fire me and I would fully expect them to.

Stop trying to equivocate public institutions with private ones. Both the school and athletic association are publicly funded. The school, directly through taxes and the association through a tax exempt status.


Well...the same rules applied for my uniform I wore in the Marine Corps, which is a public institution. I know someone personally that got in trouble for wearing is uniform while home on leave to a march in his own hometown. His picture made the paper and someone forwarded it to the local reserve unit that then sent it to our command. He went from LCpl to PFC over the action.

A NC cheerleader squad was suspended from school for committing the ultimate sin.....supporting Donald Trump. All they did was take a picture standing around a Trump for president 2020 sign. This should be against the law and serious fines and jail sentences should be enforced for this oppressive conduct by anyone who thinks they can get away with bigotry and fascism.

Hatred and the divisiveness has spread all over America. This is the future Obama hoped for when he talked of transforming America. He wanted a country filled with bigots who hated whites or anyone who votes for Republicans. Women aren't women anymore if they support the president. Blacks aren't blacks anymore if they support the president. Gays aren't really gay if they support the president. Democrats can get away with murder, but if you're a Trump supporter your enemies will destroy you by any means possible, and this destruction will be cheered by the masses. Mob-rule in a nutshell.


Pious politicians preach to us about the rule of law while at the same instant they're squashing Trump supporter's due process. Who you are matters more than what you did. This isn't America. This is a fascist state ruled by a bunch of maniacal jerks with TDS. The elite in academia and in Hollywood screaming for the names of Trump supporters in their ranks. They want to punish anyone who dares to have an open mind. They want Trump supporters identified and shunned....forced out of the business......and this conduct was encouraged by communists in the Democrat Party no less. At first it seemed harmless, but now it's become deadly.


In the past....when someone said something that was obviously a lie about me or anyone else who knows the difference between right and wrong...I used to laugh about it...or simply ignore it.....but now it's impossible to ignore. The lies are becoming so insane and so ridiculous.....the crap these people say so obviously flies in the face of known facts....the deception....the fabrications....the malicious nature of what they say.....I actually just want to backhand them in the face. This is not right. Why can't we just get along and be allowed to hold our own opinions without being attacked. I can't watch the news for more than a few minutes without changing to a DVD of Modern Family or Big Bang Theory, something funny. The news has become unwatchable. It's no small wonder that people are literally losing their minds and their sense of decency. Peace in America is an impossibility under these conditions. That's why I feel strongly that anyone who spreads this kind of hatred should be indicted and charged with a felony.


If this country is so oppressive to you, you are free to pack your shit and go.
Nope. I have spent a lifetime fighting Godless communism.
If this country is so oppressive to you, you are free to pack your shit and go.

So Mudwhistle points out a CLEAR violation of the First Amendment and the Left's absolute intolerance, and you tell him he can leave the country if he doesn't like it?

There is nothing that could have solidified his point better than you just did.
Mudwhistle PROMOTED the violation of the 1st, and the School is not violating the 1st because, while in uniform, the kids are representing the school and it's a tax-payer funded school. There's outlier cases, but tax-payer funded schools do not use the school's capacity to promote politicians. That's completely ridiculous to pretend not to understand. This is what politics does to you weirdos.
I bet in 2008 and 2012 if we went to the various Martin Luther King high schools across America, we would see pro Sotoro (aka Obama) propaganda.
Weren’t the fools using that “dying breed” bullshit 40 years ago?

Yep, and there are far fewer of your type around these days.

Donald Trump, on his fuck wetbacks platform never could have been elected if that were true..There’s a revolution going down right before eyes and fools refuse to see it happening.

Keep telling yourself that, I am sure it helps you get to sleep at night
I agree

We have never had a President with as much hatred as Trump
Actually the hatred is manufactured and directed at him.....not vice-versa.
not entirely...he came in attacking Dems, Obama, the media and anyone who criticized him.
You don't seem to understand the difference between campaigning and simply making shit up and calling it news.
Oh...I do. I have seen enough of Trumps fake news from crowd sizes to non exhistent phone calls.
Only in Moon Bat Land is it considered hate to speak out against illegal immigration. Unless of course you are Obama, then you get a pass.
Classic example of the a government institution punishing an American for exercising their constitutional rights. There should be penalties, the school board should be dissolved and the members prosecuted.


Nobody has a right to a job, if you do things that your employer does not like, they have every right to fire you. This teacher made her students and their parents feel unsafe and uncomfortable.

According to this link, she also called a group of her students "little Mexico".

Fort Worth school board upholds teacher's firing after anti-immigrant tweets

Free speech and petitioning your government for a redress of grievances are guaranteed rights under the Constitution. The independent examiner said she was exercising her rights and I've heard teachers call their students much worse.


A NC cheerleader squad was suspended from school for committing the ultimate sin.....supporting Donald Trump. All they did was take a picture standing around a Trump for president 2020 sign. This should be against the law and serious fines and jail sentences should be enforced for this oppressive conduct by anyone who thinks they can get away with bigotry and fascism.

Hatred and the divisiveness has spread all over America. This is the future Obama hoped for when he talked of transforming America. He wanted a country filled with bigots who hated whites or anyone who votes for Republicans. Women aren't women anymore if they support the president. Blacks aren't blacks anymore if they support the president. Gays aren't really gay if they support the president. Democrats can get away with murder, but if you're a Trump supporter your enemies will destroy you by any means possible, and this destruction will be cheered by the masses. Mob-rule in a nutshell.


Pious politicians preach to us about the rule of law while at the same instant they're squashing Trump supporter's due process. Who you are matters more than what you did. This isn't America. This is a fascist state ruled by a bunch of maniacal jerks with TDS. The elite in academia and in Hollywood screaming for the names of Trump supporters in their ranks. They want to punish anyone who dares to have an open mind. They want Trump supporters identified and shunned....forced out of the business......and this conduct was encouraged by communists in the Democrat Party no less. At first it seemed harmless, but now it's become deadly.


In the past....when someone said something that was obviously a lie about me or anyone else who knows the difference between right and wrong...I used to laugh about it...or simply ignore it.....but now it's impossible to ignore. The lies are becoming so insane and so ridiculous.....the crap these people say so obviously flies in the face of known facts....the deception....the fabrications....the malicious nature of what they say.....I actually just want to backhand them in the face. This is not right. Why can't we just get along and be allowed to hold our own opinions without being attacked. I can't watch the news for more than a few minutes without changing to a DVD of Modern Family or Big Bang Theory, something funny. The news has become unwatchable. It's no small wonder that people are literally losing their minds and their sense of decency. Peace in America is an impossibility under these conditions. That's why I feel strongly that anyone who spreads this kind of hatred should be indicted and charged with a felony.


If this country is so oppressive to you, you are free to pack your shit and go.
I thought you were already in Canada after free and fair election in 2016?
Weren’t the fools using that “dying breed” bullshit 40 years ago?

Yep, and there are far fewer of your type around these days.

Donald Trump, on his fuck wetbacks platform never could have been elected if that were true..There’s a revolution going down right before eyes and fools refuse to see it happening.

Keep telling yourself that, I am sure it helps you get to sleep at night

Trust me bud, it’s happening...and until you can prove that a darker America a better America the revolution will gain support...Can you prove we’re better with beaners?
Suspension for support of the president of the United States? Wow, that’s fucked up. I’ll bet no one would care if they smoked a joint, and mooned the crowd at a football game though. Liberal scum. How soon can I vote again? I don’t even get mad. I just feel like I’m watching a movie, when viewing the world these days. I hope Donnie has the military ready after the 2020 election though. People are going to loose their shit hard this time.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Problem with that is he hasn't been convicted of jack squat.

Semantics. He's convicted in the media, polls and court of public opinion every day, just not a court of law (yet). Democrats today seem content in constantly snatching victory from the jaws of defeat. What are ya gonna do?

You must be one of those tools that thinks that every time some scumbag does a monologue about Trump it's the same as a conviction.

Well, I don't watch very much TV, but I certainly believe your *pResident sucks out loud, for sure.

Sorry, but spouting your nasty opinions about Trump isn't a indictment much less a conviction.

Opinions. They're like assholes. Everyone has them.
The topic at hand is we have an OP that wants to make it a felony to dislike the President, and is mad that a public, tax-payer funded school doesn't allow its students to promote political parties in their official capacity (in School's cheerleading Uniform)...so that it's not recognized as an official school position.

It's been this way for most public schools since...they were born.

What the OP suggest regarding making it a felony to dislike a President is what actually deserves scrutiny - I cannot imagine a bigger/bolder way to shout that you consider the President your Messiah, your Gawd incarnate, or a bigger way to be a ball-carrying sycophant. Pretty gross!

Actually he's suggesting it be made a felony for a public institution to violate the constitutional rights of Americans. I tend to agree.


Good thing that did not happen in this case!

Actually it did, neither the school or athletic conference paid for the cheer uniforms. The photo was taken prior to any sanctioned event, so those kids were representing no one but themselves. They were told exercising their constitutional rights was a bad act and punished for it.


Who paid for them is totally irrelevant. The uniforms represent both the school and the NCHSAA. I have shirts with my employers name on them for when I do public events, I paid for them myself. If I were to wear the shirt and do something totally unrelated to work while wearing one of those shirts that my employer found to be against their rules, they would have every right to fire me and I would fully expect them to.

Stop trying to equivocate public institutions with private ones. Both the school and athletic association are publicly funded. The school, directly through taxes and the association through a tax exempt status.

It doesnt make any difference. Public institutions especially should not be seen as endorsing political candidates. If they had been endorsing a Dem at taxpayer expense... would have hada cow. When they are wearing a uniform they represent the ibstitution.

A NC cheerleader squad was suspended from school for committing the ultimate sin.....supporting Donald Trump. All they did was take a picture standing around a Trump for president 2020 sign. This should be against the law and serious fines and jail sentences should be enforced for this oppressive conduct by anyone who thinks they can get away with bigotry and fascism.

Hatred and the divisiveness has spread all over America. This is the future Obama hoped for when he talked of transforming America. He wanted a country filled with bigots who hated whites or anyone who votes for Republicans. Women aren't women anymore if they support the president. Blacks aren't blacks anymore if they support the president. Gays aren't really gay if they support the president. Democrats can get away with murder, but if you're a Trump supporter your enemies will destroy you by any means possible, and this destruction will be cheered by the masses. Mob-rule in a nutshell.


Pious politicians preach to us about the rule of law while at the same instant they're squashing Trump supporter's due process. Who you are matters more than what you did. This isn't America. This is a fascist state ruled by a bunch of maniacal jerks with TDS. The elite in academia and in Hollywood screaming for the names of Trump supporters in their ranks. They want to punish anyone who dares to have an open mind. They want Trump supporters identified and shunned....forced out of the business......and this conduct was encouraged by communists in the Democrat Party no less. At first it seemed harmless, but now it's become deadly.


In the past....when someone said something that was obviously a lie about me or anyone else who knows the difference between right and wrong...I used to laugh about it...or simply ignore it.....but now it's impossible to ignore. The lies are becoming so insane and so ridiculous.....the crap these people say so obviously flies in the face of known facts....the deception....the fabrications....the malicious nature of what they say.....I actually just want to backhand them in the face. This is not right. Why can't we just get along and be allowed to hold our own opinions without being attacked. I can't watch the news for more than a few minutes without changing to a DVD of Modern Family or Big Bang Theory, something funny. The news has become unwatchable. It's no small wonder that people are literally losing their minds and their sense of decency. Peace in America is an impossibility under these conditions. That's why I feel strongly that anyone who spreads this kind of hatred should be indicted and charged with a felony.


If this country is so oppressive to you, you are free to pack your shit and go.
and how does this address the topic at hand?

if you're unhappy with trump, pick up your shit and go. but i'm betting that doesn't work for you.
The topic at hand is we have an OP that wants to make it a felony to dislike the President, and is mad that a public, tax-payer funded school doesn't allow its students to promote political parties in their official capacity (in School's cheerleading Uniform)...so that it's not recognized as an official school position.

It's been this way for most public schools since...they were born.

What the OP suggest regarding making it a felony to dislike a President is what actually deserves scrutiny - I cannot imagine a bigger/bolder way to shout that you consider the President your Messiah, your Gawd incarnate, or a bigger way to be a ball-carrying sycophant. Pretty gross!

Why get mad, or make anything a felony. Just vote Republican. Who cares?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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