High School Cheerleaders Punished For Supporting President Trump

Trump is just pointing out what should be obvious and you little pillow biters can't take it without losing your shit.

What is 'obvious' is subjective. I don't trust anything your fake *pResident says. Period. He's an RE Developer, and that's about the extent of his expertise on all affairs as far as I'm concerned, and he even sucks at that. Strings of bankruptcies, shorting subs and the list of lawsuits for non payments against him and his pops over the years tells me all I need to know about his corrupt Orange ass. He is trying to run the country like one of his failed businesses and it's pretty much going like I thought. So when you cheer lead for him, it falls on deaf ears. Your messiah is found wanting in just about every single way.

When a member of the Cult45 condemns any other politician for adultery, they are displaying hypocrisy. It covers a whole host of other manufactured outrage as well, such as lying, reneging, manipulation, cowardice, prejudice, etc. This list goes on and on. No matter how bad it is, it can be safely assumed the Orange Virus has done it all in spades, and the evidence is very easy to gather. The Cult45 chuckle fucks flat out deny reality. You can't have a rational conversation with that mentality, so fuck 'em. Once again, you can't reason with the unreasonable, and who would want to?

Then you compare it to the Hoaxes and MEDIA fabrications that are a constant these days.

Meh, I believe due process is severely lacking in this country. Partly because Republicans are playing in the mud and Democrats don't have any testicular fortitude to pull them out. Both parties are mired with incompetence, and the media eggs this shit show on. Personally I believe the Orange Virus is guilty of pretty much everything he's been convicted of and so much more. Executive Privilege is pretty much the only thing keeping him from life in prison. His time is short. Your cheer leading means fuck all.

You faggots are told when to shit, how to shit, where to shit, what color to shit and do it willingly...

Ironic, coming for you.
If this country is so oppressive to you, you are free to pack your shit and go.

So Mudwhistle points out a CLEAR violation of the First Amendment and the Left's absolute intolerance, and you tell him he can leave the country if he doesn't like it?

There is nothing that could have solidified his point better than you just did.
Mudwhistle PROMOTED the violation of the 1st, and the School is not violating the 1st because, while in uniform, the kids are representing the school and it's a tax-payer funded school. There's outlier cases, but tax-payer funded schools do not use the school's capacity to promote politicians. That's completely ridiculous to pretend not to understand. This is what politics does to you weirdos.

Damn, did you choke on that lie. Schools are being used for political indoctrination from day one. Teacher unions have insured it.

I am not a Republican but I dont think they should be throwing LGTBQ shit at 11-13 yr olds.

What do you mean by "throwing LGTBQ shit"? If you mean teaching children who are just entering puberty that being LGTBQ isn't a crime and that people are who they are, this is EXACTLY the age when they need to learn about this stuff. Teen suicide statistics show that a disproportionate number of teens committing suicide are struggling with their sexual identity. Fact based information to eases fears, rather than reinforcing sexual stereotypes, could reduce that suicide rate.

#1) Moment of silence for LGTBQ.

#2) LGTBQ awareness day

Odd. Just treat them as anyone else. No need for a spotlight. There is no Jewish awareness day. There are fewer Jews in the US than LGTBQ.

Perhaps when people treat them like anyone else, then there will be no need for a spotlight. We have people on this very forum that compare gay people to rapist and mass murderers.

We have the same who blame Jews for 9/11 and all the evil in the world. There is no Jew awareness day.

There are lots of them. Passover, Yom Kippur, Rosh Shoshana.

Not at the school. None are observed or mentioned.
I am not a Republican but I dont think they should be throwing LGTBQ shit at 11-13 yr olds.

What do you mean by "throwing LGTBQ shit"? If you mean teaching children who are just entering puberty that being LGTBQ isn't a crime and that people are who they are, this is EXACTLY the age when they need to learn about this stuff. Teen suicide statistics show that a disproportionate number of teens committing suicide are struggling with their sexual identity. Fact based information to eases fears, rather than reinforcing sexual stereotypes, could reduce that suicide rate.

#1) Moment of silence for LGTBQ.

#2) LGTBQ awareness day

Odd. Just treat them as anyone else. No need for a spotlight. There is no Jewish awareness day. There are fewer Jews in the US than LGTBQ.

Perhaps when people treat them like anyone else, then there will be no need for a spotlight. We have people on this very forum that compare gay people to rapist and mass murderers.

We have the same who blame Jews for 9/11 and all the evil in the world. There is no Jew awareness day.

Dallas Holocaust And Human Rights Museum Dedicated: 'It's So Stunning, So Meaningful To So Many Of Us'

We are talking about the school right? Not some obscure event in Dallas. There are Gay Pride marches all the time.
I am not a Republican but I dont think they should be throwing LGTBQ shit at 11-13 yr olds.

What do you mean by "throwing LGTBQ shit"? If you mean teaching children who are just entering puberty that being LGTBQ isn't a crime and that people are who they are, this is EXACTLY the age when they need to learn about this stuff. Teen suicide statistics show that a disproportionate number of teens committing suicide are struggling with their sexual identity. Fact based information to eases fears, rather than reinforcing sexual stereotypes, could reduce that suicide rate.

#1) Moment of silence for LGTBQ.

#2) LGTBQ awareness day

Odd. Just treat them as anyone else. No need for a spotlight. There is no Jewish awareness day. There are fewer Jews in the US than LGTBQ.

Perhaps when people treat them like anyone else, then there will be no need for a spotlight. We have people on this very forum that compare gay people to rapist and mass murderers.

We have the same who blame Jews for 9/11 and all the evil in the world. There is no Jew awareness day.

Yeah...it's a whole month.

Jewish American Heritage Month - Wikipedia

Not at the school. Again. We are discussing the schools. I didnt even know that month existed. LOL.
What do you mean by "throwing LGTBQ shit"? If you mean teaching children who are just entering puberty that being LGTBQ isn't a crime and that people are who they are, this is EXACTLY the age when they need to learn about this stuff. Teen suicide statistics show that a disproportionate number of teens committing suicide are struggling with their sexual identity. Fact based information to eases fears, rather than reinforcing sexual stereotypes, could reduce that suicide rate.

#1) Moment of silence for LGTBQ.

#2) LGTBQ awareness day

Odd. Just treat them as anyone else. No need for a spotlight. There is no Jewish awareness day. There are fewer Jews in the US than LGTBQ.

Perhaps when people treat them like anyone else, then there will be no need for a spotlight. We have people on this very forum that compare gay people to rapist and mass murderers.

We have the same who blame Jews for 9/11 and all the evil in the world. There is no Jew awareness day.

Yeah...it's a whole month.

Jewish American Heritage Month - Wikipedia

Not at the school. Again. We are discussing the schools. I didnt even know that month existed. LOL.

I am not sure what it is you want? Jews are not mistreated in this country, nobody is trying to take away rights that other people have.

I am sure you have a point, but you are just coming across a whiny baby.
What do you mean by "throwing LGTBQ shit"? If you mean teaching children who are just entering puberty that being LGTBQ isn't a crime and that people are who they are, this is EXACTLY the age when they need to learn about this stuff. Teen suicide statistics show that a disproportionate number of teens committing suicide are struggling with their sexual identity. Fact based information to eases fears, rather than reinforcing sexual stereotypes, could reduce that suicide rate.

#1) Moment of silence for LGTBQ.

#2) LGTBQ awareness day

Odd. Just treat them as anyone else. No need for a spotlight. There is no Jewish awareness day. There are fewer Jews in the US than LGTBQ.

Perhaps when people treat them like anyone else, then there will be no need for a spotlight. We have people on this very forum that compare gay people to rapist and mass murderers.

We have the same who blame Jews for 9/11 and all the evil in the world. There is no Jew awareness day.

Yeah...it's a whole month.

Jewish American Heritage Month - Wikipedia

Not at the school. Again. We are discussing the schools. I didnt even know that month existed. LOL.

Equity & Diversity (formerly Equity & Academic Attainment) / Holocaust Remembrance Day
Holocaust Remembrance Day
BCPS celebrates Holocaust Memorial Day, Holocaust Remembrance Day, or Yom HaShoah every April. When the actual date of Yom Hashoah falls on a Friday, the state of Israel observes Yom Hashoah on the preceding Thursday; when it is on a Sunday, it is observed on the following Monday. The observance for 2020 is April 21st.

This internationally recognized date corresponds to the 27th day of Nisan on the Hebrew calendar and marks the anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. The US Congress established this observance as our nation’s annual commemoration of the Holocaust and created the US Holocaust Memorial Museum as a permanent living memorial to the victims. Although the official observance and remembrance activities occur during the week of remembrance that runs from the Sunday before Holocaust Remembrance Day (Yom Hashoah) through the following Sunday (view the Remembrance Day Calendar), we encourage the incorporation of diversity sensitization materials throughout the year in multiple subject areas.

Find tools on how to organize a remembrance event at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum. More supporting lessons can be found at the Holocaust curriculum, Jewish American History Month, or the Jewish Museum of Florida webpages.
What do you mean by "throwing LGTBQ shit"? If you mean teaching children who are just entering puberty that being LGTBQ isn't a crime and that people are who they are, this is EXACTLY the age when they need to learn about this stuff. Teen suicide statistics show that a disproportionate number of teens committing suicide are struggling with their sexual identity. Fact based information to eases fears, rather than reinforcing sexual stereotypes, could reduce that suicide rate.

#1) Moment of silence for LGTBQ.

#2) LGTBQ awareness day

Odd. Just treat them as anyone else. No need for a spotlight. There is no Jewish awareness day. There are fewer Jews in the US than LGTBQ.

Perhaps when people treat them like anyone else, then there will be no need for a spotlight. We have people on this very forum that compare gay people to rapist and mass murderers.

We have the same who blame Jews for 9/11 and all the evil in the world. There is no Jew awareness day.

Yeah...it's a whole month.

Jewish American Heritage Month - Wikipedia

Not at the school. Again. We are discussing the schools. I didnt even know that month existed. LOL.

No it wasnt. What I responded to had nothing to do with the school.
What do you mean by "throwing LGTBQ shit"? If you mean teaching children who are just entering puberty that being LGTBQ isn't a crime and that people are who they are, this is EXACTLY the age when they need to learn about this stuff. Teen suicide statistics show that a disproportionate number of teens committing suicide are struggling with their sexual identity. Fact based information to eases fears, rather than reinforcing sexual stereotypes, could reduce that suicide rate.

#1) Moment of silence for LGTBQ.

#2) LGTBQ awareness day

Odd. Just treat them as anyone else. No need for a spotlight. There is no Jewish awareness day. There are fewer Jews in the US than LGTBQ.

Perhaps when people treat them like anyone else, then there will be no need for a spotlight. We have people on this very forum that compare gay people to rapist and mass murderers.

We have the same who blame Jews for 9/11 and all the evil in the world. There is no Jew awareness day.

Dallas Holocaust And Human Rights Museum Dedicated: 'It's So Stunning, So Meaningful To So Many Of Us'

We are talking about the school right? Not some obscure event in Dallas. There are Gay Pride marches all the time.
At the school? That school has marches all the time?
#1) Moment of silence for LGTBQ.

#2) LGTBQ awareness day

Odd. Just treat them as anyone else. No need for a spotlight. There is no Jewish awareness day. There are fewer Jews in the US than LGTBQ.

Perhaps when people treat them like anyone else, then there will be no need for a spotlight. We have people on this very forum that compare gay people to rapist and mass murderers.

We have the same who blame Jews for 9/11 and all the evil in the world. There is no Jew awareness day.

Yeah...it's a whole month.

Jewish American Heritage Month - Wikipedia

Not at the school. Again. We are discussing the schools. I didnt even know that month existed. LOL.

I am not sure what it is you want? Jews are not mistreated in this country, nobody is trying to take away rights that other people have.

I am sure you have a point, but you are just coming across a whiny baby.

You’re kidding right? Antisemitic behavior is prevalent. Does the Holocaust give you a calming feeling too? Do you chant Jews will not replace us?
#1) Moment of silence for LGTBQ.

#2) LGTBQ awareness day

Odd. Just treat them as anyone else. No need for a spotlight. There is no Jewish awareness day. There are fewer Jews in the US than LGTBQ.

Perhaps when people treat them like anyone else, then there will be no need for a spotlight. We have people on this very forum that compare gay people to rapist and mass murderers.

We have the same who blame Jews for 9/11 and all the evil in the world. There is no Jew awareness day.

Yeah...it's a whole month.

Jewish American Heritage Month - Wikipedia

Not at the school. Again. We are discussing the schools. I didnt even know that month existed. LOL.

Equity & Diversity (formerly Equity & Academic Attainment) / Holocaust Remembrance Day
Holocaust Remembrance Day
BCPS celebrates Holocaust Memorial Day, Holocaust Remembrance Day, or Yom HaShoah every April. When the actual date of Yom Hashoah falls on a Friday, the state of Israel observes Yom Hashoah on the preceding Thursday; when it is on a Sunday, it is observed on the following Monday. The observance for 2020 is April 21st.

This internationally recognized date corresponds to the 27th day of Nisan on the Hebrew calendar and marks the anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. The US Congress established this observance as our nation’s annual commemoration of the Holocaust and created the US Holocaust Memorial Museum as a permanent living memorial to the victims. Although the official observance and remembrance activities occur during the week of remembrance that runs from the Sunday before Holocaust Remembrance Day (Yom Hashoah) through the following Sunday (view the Remembrance Day Calendar), we encourage the incorporation of diversity sensitization materials throughout the year in multiple subject areas.

Find tools on how to organize a remembrance event at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum. More supporting lessons can be found at the Holocaust curriculum, Jewish American History Month, or the Jewish Museum of Florida webpages.

We are discussing my kids school. Nothing was that ever at that school. My contention is that schools should be able to do as they please or remain completely neutral. No picking and choosing.
#1) Moment of silence for LGTBQ.

#2) LGTBQ awareness day

Odd. Just treat them as anyone else. No need for a spotlight. There is no Jewish awareness day. There are fewer Jews in the US than LGTBQ.

Perhaps when people treat them like anyone else, then there will be no need for a spotlight. We have people on this very forum that compare gay people to rapist and mass murderers.

We have the same who blame Jews for 9/11 and all the evil in the world. There is no Jew awareness day.

Yeah...it's a whole month.

Jewish American Heritage Month - Wikipedia

Not at the school. Again. We are discussing the schools. I didnt even know that month existed. LOL.

No it wasnt. What I responded to had nothing to do with the school.

This is what Gator and I are debating.
Perhaps when people treat them like anyone else, then there will be no need for a spotlight. We have people on this very forum that compare gay people to rapist and mass murderers.

We have the same who blame Jews for 9/11 and all the evil in the world. There is no Jew awareness day.

Yeah...it's a whole month.

Jewish American Heritage Month - Wikipedia

Not at the school. Again. We are discussing the schools. I didnt even know that month existed. LOL.

I am not sure what it is you want? Jews are not mistreated in this country, nobody is trying to take away rights that other people have.

I am sure you have a point, but you are just coming across a whiny baby.

You’re kidding right? Antisemitic behavior is prevalent. Does the Holocaust give you a calming feeling too? Do you chant Jews will not replace us?

There are laws that protect Jews from discrimination that do not protect gays...even though Hitler went after gays first.
#1) Moment of silence for LGTBQ.

#2) LGTBQ awareness day

Odd. Just treat them as anyone else. No need for a spotlight. There is no Jewish awareness day. There are fewer Jews in the US than LGTBQ.

Perhaps when people treat them like anyone else, then there will be no need for a spotlight. We have people on this very forum that compare gay people to rapist and mass murderers.

We have the same who blame Jews for 9/11 and all the evil in the world. There is no Jew awareness day.

Dallas Holocaust And Human Rights Museum Dedicated: 'It's So Stunning, So Meaningful To So Many Of Us'

We are talking about the school right? Not some obscure event in Dallas. There are Gay Pride marches all the time.
At the school? That school has marches all the time?

See you jumped in the middle and now are all over the place. School has LGTBQ stuff all the time. Never Jewish stuff. Gator said there are Jewish things happening around the country frequently and I said there are gay pride marches taking place frequently too.
Perhaps when people treat them like anyone else, then there will be no need for a spotlight. We have people on this very forum that compare gay people to rapist and mass murderers.

We have the same who blame Jews for 9/11 and all the evil in the world. There is no Jew awareness day.

Yeah...it's a whole month.

Jewish American Heritage Month - Wikipedia

Not at the school. Again. We are discussing the schools. I didnt even know that month existed. LOL.

Equity & Diversity (formerly Equity & Academic Attainment) / Holocaust Remembrance Day
Holocaust Remembrance Day
BCPS celebrates Holocaust Memorial Day, Holocaust Remembrance Day, or Yom HaShoah every April. When the actual date of Yom Hashoah falls on a Friday, the state of Israel observes Yom Hashoah on the preceding Thursday; when it is on a Sunday, it is observed on the following Monday. The observance for 2020 is April 21st.

This internationally recognized date corresponds to the 27th day of Nisan on the Hebrew calendar and marks the anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. The US Congress established this observance as our nation’s annual commemoration of the Holocaust and created the US Holocaust Memorial Museum as a permanent living memorial to the victims. Although the official observance and remembrance activities occur during the week of remembrance that runs from the Sunday before Holocaust Remembrance Day (Yom Hashoah) through the following Sunday (view the Remembrance Day Calendar), we encourage the incorporation of diversity sensitization materials throughout the year in multiple subject areas.

Find tools on how to organize a remembrance event at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum. More supporting lessons can be found at the Holocaust curriculum, Jewish American History Month, or the Jewish Museum of Florida webpages.

We are discussing my kids school. Nothing was that ever at that school. My contention is that schools should be able to do as they please or remain completely neutral. No picking and choosing.

Thought you were talking about schools in general.
We have the same who blame Jews for 9/11 and all the evil in the world. There is no Jew awareness day.

Yeah...it's a whole month.

Jewish American Heritage Month - Wikipedia

Not at the school. Again. We are discussing the schools. I didnt even know that month existed. LOL.

I am not sure what it is you want? Jews are not mistreated in this country, nobody is trying to take away rights that other people have.

I am sure you have a point, but you are just coming across a whiny baby.

You’re kidding right? Antisemitic behavior is prevalent. Does the Holocaust give you a calming feeling too? Do you chant Jews will not replace us?

There are laws that protect Jews from discrimination that do not protect gays...even though Hitler went after gays first.

The BDS movement is openly anti Jew and Omar and Tlaib are openly anti Jew. I disagree. It’s OK to hate Jews in America and on this site. Many hate Jews and from both sides. Left and Right. Interesting, right?

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