High Water Temps Kill Most Repopulated Keys Coral

The desperate warmers are back squirting bleach into coral since their claim of "record warm ocean water" resulted in a big DUD of a cane season....
Staghorn and Elkhorn coral, both considered sensitive to warming waters and classified as threatened on the endangered species list, had been grown in tanks and then placed at different sites in the Florida Keys in an attempt to bring them back. Scientists revisiting these sites found most dead.

You will have to stop volcanoes from erupting under the ocean. How do you plan to do that?
You still don't get it. These people are relocating because of conditions that they believe are caused by climate change. Are you challenging their beliefs?
In some cases, absolutely. In the article, it mentions that Alexander Pyslarash is fearful of the increase strength of hurricanes in Florida. He said he still worries about climate change effects in Florida. “The hurricanes are becoming stronger every year, it seems. The locals are used to them." However, how would Alex have any idea of the strength of hurricanes because, "I [have] only experienced one tropical storm so far myself.” So, Alex has never experienced a hurricane but believes they're getting stronger. What reference point does he have to go on to say one way or the other?

Also, the story mentions that a lot of the movers are leaving places like the Pacific Northwest. Places where the residents are more liberal meaning that they're more likely to believe in climate change. It also mentions that there are a lot of people moving into the areas that others are leaving.

While USPS data shows an increase in moves out of certain regions that are experiencing more climate change within the last few years, Dr. Cascade Tuholske, an Earth Institute Postdoctoral Research Scientist for Columbia University, argued that there are also a large number of moves into these same areas (also supported by USPS data from 2020 and 2021).

“People are moving to areas with worsening risk to climate hazards. Take wildfires—real estate prices are skyrocketing across the west, not decreasing, in areas with increased fire risk because of climate change. The same can be said for booming housing markets in coastal regions facing increasing flood risk due to climate change, like Florida,” Dr. Tuholkse said. “What is really concerning to me is extreme heat, often called the silent killer in cities like Houston, which my work shows has had the biggest increase in dangerous hot-humid over the last 30 years of any American city. Yet again, Houston’s population has exploded.”
You still don't get it. These people are relocating because of conditions that they believe are caused by climate change. Are you challenging their beliefs?
No, they are moving because of conditions resulting from bad weather. You all take the leap to call it what is convenient for you. Except, in the bigger picture, people don't want weather related expenses. PERIOD. Again, any day, post the empirical evidence it's climate change that causes storms and hurricanes. Mud slides are due to rain.
You will have to stop volcanoes from erupting under the ocean. How do you plan to do that?
Has there been some massive increase in volcanism coinciding with this dramatic increase in ocean heat content? No, there has not. So, once again, you don't have the faintest fuck of an idea what you're talking about.
No, they are moving because of conditions resulting from bad weather. You all take the leap to call it what is convenient for you. Except, in the bigger picture, people don't want weather related expenses. PERIOD. Again, any day, post the empirical evidence it's climate change that causes storms and hurricanes. Mud slides are due to rain.
Tell that to the people whose oceanfront properties are falling into the sea.
Staghorn and Elkhorn coral, both considered sensitive to warming waters and classified as threatened on the endangered species list, had been grown in tanks and then placed at different sites in the Florida Keys in an attempt to bring them back. Scientists revisiting these sites found most dead.

Coral lives and dies, dumbass. Here a bit of enlightment for ya: It's fucking HOT in the keys, retard.
Always has been, always will be. You get a little breeze off of the water, but it's hot, with up to 100% humidity.
And a high chance of fags.
Weather is the child of climate.

Weather is made up of six main components. These are temperature, atmospheric pressure, cloud formation, wind, humidity and rain. A

Climate is but one piece of a very complex system.
Coral lives and dies, dumbass. Here a bit of enlightment for ya: It's fucking HOT in the keys, retard.
Always has been, always will be. You get a little breeze off of the water, but it's hot, with up to 100% humidity.
And a high chance of fags.
God are you fucking stupid. It hasn't always been like this you ignorant, blithering twat.



God are you fucking stupid. It hasn't always been like this you ignorant, blithering twat.

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Still waiting for you to explain why the temperatures warmed to melt the ice sheet over what is now Chicago?
God are you fucking stupid. It hasn't always been like this you ignorant, blithering twat.

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Ya know, dude, there's enough real things in this world to worry about, and that made-up bullshit ain't one of them.

Ya know, dude, there's enough real things in this world to worry about, and that made-up bullshit ain't one of them.
You know what you call people who reject valid, objective evidence out of unjustified bias? They call it ignorance.
You know what you call people who reject valid, objective evidence out of unjustified bias? They call it ignorance.
no evidence ever presented. Been waiting for you to post one piece. Still today, zippola, only sky is falling rhetoric.

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