Hilarious: Hillary now claims she "has always wanted" her emails released quickly


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
San Diego, CA
Hillary Clinton's email scandal took a hilarious turn yesterday as Hillary herself announced, after months of deleting, concealing, and obstructing release of her emails while Secretary of State, that she had always wanted the emails released to Congress as quickly as possible.

That's like Vladimir Putin announcing that he want to get to the bottom of the Ukraine invasion and find out whose tanks went rolling across the border from Russia in 2014.

BACKGROUND: Instead of using normal government email systems while she was Secretary of State (as required by U.S. laws about tracking and transparency), Hillary had set up her own private server out of the reach of government monitors and conducted State business on it instead, while foreign policy disaster after disaster unfolded. Then when her tenure as SS ended, she deleted many of her emails from the server, printed out what was left on paper (making them very difficult to examine or search through quickly), and turned those over to the State Dept. She then wiped clean the hard drive they were stored on, and refused to turn over the server to authorities.

She claimed the deleted emails were "personal", though she admitted later that she didn't check them before deleting them, but simply deleted ALL emails that didn't match certain keywords she had chosen. She has since dodged and refused to answer questions about her activities, including questions of why she felt she was allowed to delete so many emails from a server used for official government business, in the face of Federal laws clearly forbidding her from doing so.

After all that, now she says she "has always" wanted all her emails released as quickly as possible, and even insists that others are being slow about it!

If that were so, all she had to do was turn over the hard drive to Congress when she left office more than two years ago.

The brazenness of this woman's lies and contempt for American citizens and the law is truly astonishing at times.


Clinton takes questions from media says emails should be released - CNNPolitics.com

Hillary Clinton: 'I have said repeatedly I want those emails out'

By Dan Merica and Eric Bradner, CNN
Updated 5:47 PM ET, Tue May 19, 2015

Cedar Falls, Iowa (CNN)—Hillary Clinton's nearly month-long stretch of avoiding the press ended Tuesday when she told reporters here that her State Department emails should be released "as soon as they can get out."

"I have said repeatedly I want those emails out," Clinton told reporters. "Nobody has a bigger interest in getting them released than I do."

Clinton is under scrutiny for using private -- instead of official -- email during her time as Secretary of State. As she returned to this state that helped thwart her White House ambitions in 2008, it was clear that the issue isn't fading away.

In Washington, the State Department said it might not be able to release Clinton's emails until January -- just weeks before the Iowa caucuses. A U.S. district court judge asked State to consider a 'rolling' release of the emails. Clinton herself said she's unable to demand their release but urged State to do "anything that they might to do expedite that process."

Relationship to Sidney Blumenthal under scrutiny

Clinton made her comments at a time when it seems the issues facing her campaign are growing. A New York Times story on Tuesday documented emails Clinton exchanged with longtime ally Sidney Blumenthal about Libya. The messages were sent while Clinton was Secretary of State and Blumenthal worked for clients in the country.
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Yep, that makes sense since she used a private server and took 2 years to even turn the emails over to the State Department doesn't it????:blahblah:
hillary is quite convinced that her base will believe her this time too.
Liberals! When will you see that the woman, like her husband, is a pathological liar.
And those of you who already have, why would you ever consider voting someone with such dismal integrity?
Hmm, seems like the board liberals don't want to touch this one with a ten-foot pole.

Orwell called Hillary's tactic "doublethink": The art of professing true belief in one thing, and then coming out and truly believing the exact opposite just a short time later.

NO comments? One wonders why.
Who cares. Emails don't stay on one server. They go from point A to point B. Her emails are everywhere.
I have no problem touching this....because it is TRUE that she asked for her government State dept emails to be released to congress BUT those investigating or the State dept have refused to release them.....She has been asking for them to be released for months if not a year now....from when they were initially turned over and I read this MONTHS AGO.
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won't stop partisans from painting a different picture to suit their smear agenda, however...
She has since dodged and refused to answer questions about her activities, including questions of why she felt she was allowed to delete so many emails from a server used for official government business, in the face of Federal laws clearly forbidding her from doing so.
This is an example of "partisans painting a different picture"?

The only "partisans", are the liberals fanatics who don't want to touch this.
She has since dodged and refused to answer questions about her activities, including questions of why she felt she was allowed to delete so many emails from a server used for official government business, in the face of Federal laws clearly forbidding her from doing so.
This is an example of "partisans painting a different picture"?

The only "partisans", are the liberals fanatics who don't want to touch this.
Federal Law prohibits her and anyone else in the government using a server outside of the government, i.e. the last Secretary of State, Colin Powell, from deleting any GOVT emails.....she and Powell had to turn over their Govt involved emails, and THAT is what BOTH of them did.

It's against the law to delete gvt emails if the gvt did not have your copy of them, it IS NOT AGAINST THE LAW to delete your own personal emails NOT INVOLVED with the government position she held or Powell held..

So either you are confused on the topic, or you are trying to make 'something' out of nothing....

Yes, you can wonder all you want on whether there were some gvt emails that she deleted...instead of turning them all over and the same can be said about Powell and any other high up gvt official that may have used their own servers while in office and turned the gvt emails over....no one asked Powell for his server or if he had other emails that were personal that he did not turn over... so WHY OH WHY are you demanding that Hillary give you her personal and private emails and her server????

WHY? What is it that you speculate she has not turned over and WHY are you speculating such? Sounds like a bunch of partisan crud to me....and to most people.
Hillary Clinton's email scandal took a hilarious turn yesterday as Hillary herself announced, after months of deleting, concealing, and obstructing release of her emails while Secretary of State, that she had always wanted the emails released to Congress as quickly as possible.

That's like Vladimir Putin announcing that he want to get to the bottom of the Ukraine invasion and find out whose tanks went rolling across the border from Russia in 2014.

BACKGROUND: Instead of using normal government email systems while she was Secretary of State (as required by U.S. laws about tracking and transparency), Hillary had set up her own private server out of the reach of government monitors and conducted State business on it instead, while foreign policy disaster after disaster unfolded. Then when her tenure as SS ended, she deleted many of her emails from the server, printed out what was left on paper (making them very difficult to examine or search through quickly), and turned those over to the State Dept. She then wiped clean the hard drive they were stored on, and refused to turn over the server to authorities.

She claimed the deleted emails were "personal", though she admitted later that she didn't check them before deleting them, but simply deleted ALL emails that didn't match certain keywords she had chosen. She has since dodged and refused to answer questions about her activities, including questions of why she felt she was allowed to delete so many emails from a server used for official government business, in the face of Federal laws clearly forbidding her from doing so.

After all that, now she says she "has always" wanted all her emails released as quickly as possible, and even insists that others are being slow about it!

If that were so, all she had to do was turn over the hard drive to Congress when she left office more than two years ago.

The brazenness of this woman's lies and contempt for American citizens and the law is truly astonishing at times.


Clinton takes questions from media says emails should be released - CNNPolitics.com

Hillary Clinton: 'I have said repeatedly I want those emails out'

By Dan Merica and Eric Bradner, CNN
Updated 5:47 PM ET, Tue May 19, 2015

Cedar Falls, Iowa (CNN)—Hillary Clinton's nearly month-long stretch of avoiding the press ended Tuesday when she told reporters here that her State Department emails should be released "as soon as they can get out."

"I have said repeatedly I want those emails out," Clinton told reporters. "Nobody has a bigger interest in getting them released than I do."

Clinton is under scrutiny for using private -- instead of official -- email during her time as Secretary of State. As she returned to this state that helped thwart her White House ambitions in 2008, it was clear that the issue isn't fading away.

In Washington, the State Department said it might not be able to release Clinton's emails until January -- just weeks before the Iowa caucuses. A U.S. district court judge asked State to consider a 'rolling' release of the emails. Clinton herself said she's unable to demand their release but urged State to do "anything that they might to do expedite that process."

Relationship to Sidney Blumenthal under scrutiny

Clinton made her comments at a time when it seems the issues facing her campaign are growing. A New York Times story on Tuesday documented emails Clinton exchanged with longtime ally Sidney Blumenthal about Libya. The messages were sent while Clinton was Secretary of State and Blumenthal worked for clients in the country.
Little Acorn

Glad you mentioned those Blumenthal emails, since they didn't meet the search criteria Hillary used....

Care4All, would you like to address that fact?
Liberals dont give a shit what hillary does as long as she gets elected so she can carry on with the destruction of our country that obammy started.
You dumbfuck liberals better wake up.
If you think business is leaving now? Just wait,you aint seen nothing yet.
Myself and many of my friends will take our money and leave if that bitch gets elected and you can count on a shitload of others to do the same.
May you live in interesting times.
First Hillary acts like control of her emails was her's to decide.
Then she says yesterday that all the emails are controlled by State department and
acts like....Hey I have nothing do to with emails the State department has control of them...
Why is everyone asking me about them.....

Way too fucking funny.
Hillary Clinton's email scandal took a hilarious turn yesterday as Hillary herself announced, after months of deleting, concealing, and obstructing release of her emails while Secretary of State, that she had always wanted the emails released to Congress as quickly as possible.

That's like Vladimir Putin announcing that he want to get to the bottom of the Ukraine invasion and find out whose tanks went rolling across the border from Russia in 2014.

BACKGROUND: Instead of using normal government email systems while she was Secretary of State (as required by U.S. laws about tracking and transparency), Hillary had set up her own private server out of the reach of government monitors and conducted State business on it instead, while foreign policy disaster after disaster unfolded. Then when her tenure as SS ended, she deleted many of her emails from the server, printed out what was left on paper (making them very difficult to examine or search through quickly), and turned those over to the State Dept. She then wiped clean the hard drive they were stored on, and refused to turn over the server to authorities.

She claimed the deleted emails were "personal", though she admitted later that she didn't check them before deleting them, but simply deleted ALL emails that didn't match certain keywords she had chosen. She has since dodged and refused to answer questions about her activities, including questions of why she felt she was allowed to delete so many emails from a server used for official government business, in the face of Federal laws clearly forbidding her from doing so.

After all that, now she says she "has always" wanted all her emails released as quickly as possible, and even insists that others are being slow about it!

If that were so, all she had to do was turn over the hard drive to Congress when she left office more than two years ago.

The brazenness of this woman's lies and contempt for American citizens and the law is truly astonishing at times.


Clinton takes questions from media says emails should be released - CNNPolitics.com

Hillary Clinton: 'I have said repeatedly I want those emails out'

By Dan Merica and Eric Bradner, CNN
Updated 5:47 PM ET, Tue May 19, 2015

Cedar Falls, Iowa (CNN)—Hillary Clinton's nearly month-long stretch of avoiding the press ended Tuesday when she told reporters here that her State Department emails should be released "as soon as they can get out."

"I have said repeatedly I want those emails out," Clinton told reporters. "Nobody has a bigger interest in getting them released than I do."

Clinton is under scrutiny for using private -- instead of official -- email during her time as Secretary of State. As she returned to this state that helped thwart her White House ambitions in 2008, it was clear that the issue isn't fading away.

In Washington, the State Department said it might not be able to release Clinton's emails until January -- just weeks before the Iowa caucuses. A U.S. district court judge asked State to consider a 'rolling' release of the emails. Clinton herself said she's unable to demand their release but urged State to do "anything that they might to do expedite that process."

Relationship to Sidney Blumenthal under scrutiny

Clinton made her comments at a time when it seems the issues facing her campaign are growing. A New York Times story on Tuesday documented emails Clinton exchanged with longtime ally Sidney Blumenthal about Libya. The messages were sent while Clinton was Secretary of State and Blumenthal worked for clients in the country.
Hey so do I !!! oh, but wait till I delete all of my emails pertaining to BenGhazi and my other 14 scandals first! and the emails where I called Bama and Moochelle very very bad names.
First Hillary acts like control of her emails was her's to decide.
Then she says yesterday that all the emails are controlled by State department and
acts like....Hey I have nothing do to with emails the State department has control of them...
Why is everyone asking me about them.....

Way too fucking funny.
George Orwell described that exact behavior in his book "1984". He called it "doublethink".
But, but there's nothing new here. She wants the emails she approved to be released immediately released, and she wants the ones she had her minions delete to stay deleted. Nothing new here. Move along. (-:
Hillary Clinton's email scandal took a hilarious turn yesterday as Hillary herself announced, after months of deleting, concealing, and obstructing release of her emails while Secretary of State, that she had always wanted the emails released to Congress as quickly as possible.

That's like Vladimir Putin announcing that he want to get to the bottom of the Ukraine invasion and find out whose tanks went rolling across the border from Russia in 2014.

BACKGROUND: Instead of using normal government email systems while she was Secretary of State (as required by U.S. laws about tracking and transparency), Hillary had set up her own private server out of the reach of government monitors and conducted State business on it instead, while foreign policy disaster after disaster unfolded. Then when her tenure as SS ended, she deleted many of her emails from the server, printed out what was left on paper (making them very difficult to examine or search through quickly), and turned those over to the State Dept. She then wiped clean the hard drive they were stored on, and refused to turn over the server to authorities.

She claimed the deleted emails were "personal", though she admitted later that she didn't check them before deleting them, but simply deleted ALL emails that didn't match certain keywords she had chosen. She has since dodged and refused to answer questions about her activities, including questions of why she felt she was allowed to delete so many emails from a server used for official government business, in the face of Federal laws clearly forbidding her from doing so.

After all that, now she says she "has always" wanted all her emails released as quickly as possible, and even insists that others are being slow about it!

If that were so, all she had to do was turn over the hard drive to Congress when she left office more than two years ago.

The brazenness of this woman's lies and contempt for American citizens and the law is truly astonishing at times.


Clinton takes questions from media says emails should be released - CNNPolitics.com

Hillary Clinton: 'I have said repeatedly I want those emails out'

By Dan Merica and Eric Bradner, CNN
Updated 5:47 PM ET, Tue May 19, 2015

Cedar Falls, Iowa (CNN)—Hillary Clinton's nearly month-long stretch of avoiding the press ended Tuesday when she told reporters here that her State Department emails should be released "as soon as they can get out."

"I have said repeatedly I want those emails out," Clinton told reporters. "Nobody has a bigger interest in getting them released than I do."

Clinton is under scrutiny for using private -- instead of official -- email during her time as Secretary of State. As she returned to this state that helped thwart her White House ambitions in 2008, it was clear that the issue isn't fading away.

In Washington, the State Department said it might not be able to release Clinton's emails until January -- just weeks before the Iowa caucuses. A U.S. district court judge asked State to consider a 'rolling' release of the emails. Clinton herself said she's unable to demand their release but urged State to do "anything that they might to do expedite that process."

Relationship to Sidney Blumenthal under scrutiny

Clinton made her comments at a time when it seems the issues facing her campaign are growing. A New York Times story on Tuesday documented emails Clinton exchanged with longtime ally Sidney Blumenthal about Libya. The messages were sent while Clinton was Secretary of State and Blumenthal worked for clients in the country.
Hey so do I !!! oh, but wait till I delete all of my emails pertaining to BenGhazi and my other 14 scandals first! and the emails where I called Bama and Moochelle very very bad names.
ahhhhhh, what bull crap....

You can EASILY find out if she deleted any of her gvt emails on Benghazi, by finding ONE single email of hers to any of the gvt officials (that do have records) she works with, that is not in her group of emails...just find one itty bitty email that is not in her pile, and THEN YOU WOULD HAVE A CASE that she deleted gvt email...

Oh but noooooooooo, that's just too damn easy to do and it would spoil your "talking Points" now wouldn't it?

Trust me, we are "on to you", we know the Republican ilk in congress quite well....

As with the IRS scandal, nothing at all to support the R's allegations with the 100000 documents and emails retrieved from Lois Learner,

but the smoking gun is "always" in those emails that they didn't have....

Yeah, right....


fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me....
First Hillary acts like control of her emails was her's to decide.
Then she says yesterday that all the emails are controlled by State department and
acts like....Hey I have nothing do to with emails the State department has control of them...
Why is everyone asking me about them.....

Way too fucking funny.
George Orwell described that exact behavior in his book "1984". He called it "doublethink".
The only thing George Orwell got wrong was the year. It should have been entitled 2015.
Hillary Clinton's email scandal took a hilarious turn yesterday as Hillary herself announced, after months of deleting, concealing, and obstructing release of her emails while Secretary of State, that she had always wanted the emails released to Congress as quickly as possible.

That's like Vladimir Putin announcing that he want to get to the bottom of the Ukraine invasion and find out whose tanks went rolling across the border from Russia in 2014.

BACKGROUND: Instead of using normal government email systems while she was Secretary of State (as required by U.S. laws about tracking and transparency), Hillary had set up her own private server out of the reach of government monitors and conducted State business on it instead, while foreign policy disaster after disaster unfolded. Then when her tenure as SS ended, she deleted many of her emails from the server, printed out what was left on paper (making them very difficult to examine or search through quickly), and turned those over to the State Dept. She then wiped clean the hard drive they were stored on, and refused to turn over the server to authorities.

She claimed the deleted emails were "personal", though she admitted later that she didn't check them before deleting them, but simply deleted ALL emails that didn't match certain keywords she had chosen. She has since dodged and refused to answer questions about her activities, including questions of why she felt she was allowed to delete so many emails from a server used for official government business, in the face of Federal laws clearly forbidding her from doing so.

After all that, now she says she "has always" wanted all her emails released as quickly as possible, and even insists that others are being slow about it!

If that were so, all she had to do was turn over the hard drive to Congress when she left office more than two years ago.

The brazenness of this woman's lies and contempt for American citizens and the law is truly astonishing at times.


Clinton takes questions from media says emails should be released - CNNPolitics.com

Hillary Clinton: 'I have said repeatedly I want those emails out'

By Dan Merica and Eric Bradner, CNN
Updated 5:47 PM ET, Tue May 19, 2015

Cedar Falls, Iowa (CNN)—Hillary Clinton's nearly month-long stretch of avoiding the press ended Tuesday when she told reporters here that her State Department emails should be released "as soon as they can get out."

"I have said repeatedly I want those emails out," Clinton told reporters. "Nobody has a bigger interest in getting them released than I do."

Clinton is under scrutiny for using private -- instead of official -- email during her time as Secretary of State. As she returned to this state that helped thwart her White House ambitions in 2008, it was clear that the issue isn't fading away.

In Washington, the State Department said it might not be able to release Clinton's emails until January -- just weeks before the Iowa caucuses. A U.S. district court judge asked State to consider a 'rolling' release of the emails. Clinton herself said she's unable to demand their release but urged State to do "anything that they might to do expedite that process."

Relationship to Sidney Blumenthal under scrutiny

Clinton made her comments at a time when it seems the issues facing her campaign are growing. A New York Times story on Tuesday documented emails Clinton exchanged with longtime ally Sidney Blumenthal about Libya. The messages were sent while Clinton was Secretary of State and Blumenthal worked for clients in the country.
I wonder how many people still have her emails? they must be somewhere out there on google/yahoo/aol/etc.

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