Hilarious! Hillary talks about "double standard" and then press proves her right!

Hillary Clinton is giving a number of press conferences in her plane as it travels from location to location. The press could ask her any question they want so of course came the questions about emails and The Clinton Foundation which she graciously answered.

And then, she pointed out the double-standard from the press. How they are treating a serious candidate for the Office Of President and how they are treating a "reality TV star".

She pointed out the press says almost nothing about Trump's tax returns. He doesn't want to be asked, so they stop asking.

Forget that he apparently owes a half billion to the Bank Of China. Just that fact is troubling. She said is this something the American people should know about before the election.

Then she mentioned his bribery and pay to play for the Attorney General of Florida, ignoring complaints from residents of Florida, who dropped the suit against Trump after the AG was illegally paid $25,000.00 from the Tax Exempt Trump Foundation and the fine they were forced to pay from the IRS for their illegal transaction.

Then she asked about Trump's troubling ties with Russia and Trump's invitation to hack into US cyber systems.

She mentioned the American workers he stiffed and the foreign workers he hired.

She pointed out she was exonerated after the FBI's very long investigation. And that the press should focus, at least some of the time, on these troubling Trump issues.

Now this is where it gets funny. After the interview, they returned to the station where the announcer said that was a brief interview with Hillary Clinton where she answered questions after bowing to pressure from the Trump campaign where she was asked questions about the email scandal and the problems with the Clinton Foundation. AND THAT WAS IT!

Not a word about Trump's Pay for Play. Remember, this is what Trump accused Mrs. Clinton of doing and he actually did it. We have dates and checks and amounts and times and admissions and fines and everything.

We know from her Tax Returns how much she earned speaking and from who.

From him, we have NOTHING. But that's OK.

No mention of the hundreds of millions of dollars he owes to foreign countries. No mention of the hundreds of millions he owes to Wall Street.

No mentions of the workers he's stiffed and the bills he decided not to pay.

Only her emails and the Clinton Foundation.

But I suspect it's not going to last. Trump has so many scandals brewing. She didn't even mention his court date set for Nov. 28th with the American judge who according to Trump, can't be fair because his parents were Mexican. She didn't mention the enemy he made of the President of Mexico. Mrs. Clinton and her surrogates are going to be bringing every Trump scandal up again and again until the press finally starts doing their job. It's going to be great!

Yeah right. Personally hand picked journo's who know not to ask any tough questions and she only talks to them in 20 minute blocks. Yeppers, to derpy that's a real "press conference".....
So has dean just not been paying attention? Cause the media has been asking trump these things since may. You know right when he won the nomination and media started wanting him to lose?

They haven't been asking Hillary though. Why? She hasn't been holding press conferences. Not to mention they dumped the emails THIS weekend. Why should they ask her about a current scandal? You expect them to do their jobs???

Speaking of double standards, Hillary sure wanted the press to notice her new plane. If a republican did that he would be a poor hating elitist. Funny how its acceptable for her.
I guess I haven't been paying attention. So tell me, what are Trump's plans?
Did anyone ask about her cough?
In fact, they did. She said she gets dryness. Being in my middle 60's, it's one of those things I also get. My mouth and throat are dry and suddenly, my body over compensates and I cough for a minute or two then it goes away. Sometimes for a couple of days. Sometimes until only the next day.
Hillary Clinton is giving a number of press conferences in her plane as it travels from location to location. The press could ask her any question they want so of course came the questions about emails and The Clinton Foundation which she graciously answered.

And then, she pointed out the double-standard from the press. How they are treating a serious candidate for the Office Of President and how they are treating a "reality TV star".

She pointed out the press says almost nothing about Trump's tax returns. He doesn't want to be asked, so they stop asking.

Forget that he apparently owes a half billion to the Bank Of China. Just that fact is troubling. She said is this something the American people should know about before the election.

Then she mentioned his bribery and pay to play for the Attorney General of Florida, ignoring complaints from residents of Florida, who dropped the suit against Trump after the AG was illegally paid $25,000.00 from the Tax Exempt Trump Foundation and the fine they were forced to pay from the IRS for their illegal transaction.

Then she asked about Trump's troubling ties with Russia and Trump's invitation to hack into US cyber systems.

She mentioned the American workers he stiffed and the foreign workers he hired.

She pointed out she was exonerated after the FBI's very long investigation. And that the press should focus, at least some of the time, on these troubling Trump issues.

Now this is where it gets funny. After the interview, they returned to the station where the announcer said that was a brief interview with Hillary Clinton where she answered questions after bowing to pressure from the Trump campaign where she was asked questions about the email scandal and the problems with the Clinton Foundation. AND THAT WAS IT!

Not a word about Trump's Pay for Play. Remember, this is what Trump accused Mrs. Clinton of doing and he actually did it. We have dates and checks and amounts and times and admissions and fines and everything.

We know from her Tax Returns how much she earned speaking and from who.

From him, we have NOTHING. But that's OK.

No mention of the hundreds of millions of dollars he owes to foreign countries. No mention of the hundreds of millions he owes to Wall Street.

No mentions of the workers he's stiffed and the bills he decided not to pay.

Only her emails and the Clinton Foundation.

But I suspect it's not going to last. Trump has so many scandals brewing. She didn't even mention his court date set for Nov. 28th with the American judge who according to Trump, can't be fair because his parents were Mexican. She didn't mention the enemy he made of the President of Mexico. Mrs. Clinton and her surrogates are going to be bringing every Trump scandal up again and again until the press finally starts doing their job. It's going to be great!

Yeah right. Personally hand picked journo's who know not to ask any tough questions and she only talks to them in 20 minute blocks. Yeppers, to derpy that's a real "press conference".....
Are you talking about Trump? Didn't he ban around 200 reporters and news organizations? Ask me for a link and I'll make fun of you for not knowing anything about your candidate.
What's laughable about this string is that Hillary Clinton has been ducking the tough questions from the press for the better part of the year while Donald Trump has had news conference after news conference where he took hundreds if not thousands of questions from reporters! So what the heck are you even talking about R-Derp?
What are her best accomplishments as SOS?
There were so many, but I think the best two was the sanctions that brought Iran to the table and agreed to stop development of nuclear weapons. Republicans like to say that's not true, but notice the issue went away? Because the Iranians are complying.

Second is the cease fire:

Hillary Clinton scores Gaza cease fire success

Republicans want her to be this terrible failure, but 5 minutes of research and it's easy to find out the truth.
What's laughable about this string is that Hillary Clinton has been ducking the tough questions from the press for the better part of the year while Donald Trump has had news conference after news conference where he took hundreds if not thousands of questions from reporters! So what the heck are you even talking about R-Derp?
Questions about her emails and Benghazi.

What could she possibly say she hasn't already.

On the other hand, don't you want to know:

More about the pay for play between Trump and the Florida Attorney General

Besides the half billion to the Bank of China, who else does he owe? Russia? The mafia? Who?

Who are Trump's national security advisers? His kids?

Does he really stiff his workers?

Does he really hire illegals?

What's his connection to Russia?

Does he really support Russia's invasion of the Ukraine?

Isn't there anything you want to know?
What's laughable about this string is that Hillary Clinton has been ducking the tough questions from the press for the better part of the year while Donald Trump has had news conference after news conference where he took hundreds if not thousands of questions from reporters! So what the heck are you even talking about R-Derp?
Questions about her emails and Benghazi.

What could she possibly say she hasn't already.

On the other hand, don't you want to know:

More about the pay for play between Trump and the Florida Attorney General

Besides the half billion to the Bank of China, who else does he owe? Russia? The mafia? Who?

Who are Trump's national security advisers? His kids?

Does he really stiff his workers?

Does he really hire illegals?

What's his connection to Russia?

Does he really support Russia's invasion of the Ukraine?

Isn't there anything you want to know?

Those are all the talking point bullshit that Hillary Clinton's camp has thrown at Trump because they don't want anyone asking Hillary questions she has no answers for.

Trump answers reporter's questions...Clinton does not! That tells me VOLUMES about who's honest and who's not!
Did anyone ask about her cough?
In fact, they did. She said she gets dryness. Being in my middle 60's, it's one of those things I also get. My mouth and throat are dry and suddenly, my body over compensates and I cough for a minute or two then it goes away. Sometimes for a couple of days. Sometimes until only the next day.
well thats no surprise that you would get the "cough".....you have your head far enough up her ass....
Eventually, Trump will have to answer the hard questions I outlined above. If you continually accuse someone of pay for play and then evidence turns up that it was you doing that, then it has to be explained.

Hillary has yet to explain anything.
What should she explain?

Of course you would ask that question.

Why don't we start with the parade of lies following Benghazi.

I don't blame her for what happened...not her deal.

She is totally accountable for the charade the followed.

Video my ass.
But I suspect it's not going to last. Trump has so many scandals brewing. She didn't even mention his court date set for Nov. 28th with the American judge who according to Trump, can't be fair because his parents were Mexican. She didn't mention the enemy he made of the President of Mexico. Mrs. Clinton and her surrogates are going to be bringing every Trump scandal up again and again until the press finally starts doing their job. It's going to be great!

"You suspect"...meaning...."You hope"

Why don't you post something that makes a little sense ?

I don't like Trump, but I like that he pissed off the Mexican President. It's about time.

And he'll pay for the wall....we all know it....one way or the other.
There will be no wall. When more of them are leaving than coming here? Look at what Republcians did to agriculture in Georgia and other southern states:

The Law Of Unintended Consequences: Georgia's Immigration Law Backfires

Alabama Illegal Immigrant Crackdown Destroys Farm Business

Why Undocumented Workers Are Good for the Economy | TIME.com

Why breaking he law is good for the economy...?

Hey, that works well.

Why don't you just shoot the guy you are competing with a job for ?
The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy is back.

And Chillary is doing what she did then, clamming up.
Perhaps a better interpretation of the event is that Hillary spent the whole time talking about Trump instead of laying out her plan to revitalize the moribund Obama economy or her plan to secure the nation's borders against those who explicitly desire to kill as many Americans as possible, or her plan to quell the increasing racial tension under the first "post racial" president. And the press, naturally, let her get away with it.
And what are Trump's plans?

Maybe you should address the post before deflecting.

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