Hilarious! More brain death from the left


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2022
Four years late.

Only a leftard could be this stupid.

California is 29 billion in the hole, they're paying for the 6 million illegals they let in, and suddenly they're worried about gas prices.

Democrats are woefully dumb. Just plain stupid.
Four years late.

Only a leftard could be this stupid.

California is 29 billion in the hole, they're paying for the 6 million illegals they let in, and suddenly they're worried about gas prices.

Democrats are woefully dumb. Just plain stupid.
Stupid is your thread.

Ignorance is your guide.

Hours before the Legislature prepared to wrap up for the year, Gov. Gavin Newsom tonight called a special session to address gasoline prices — giving him more time to persuade lawmakers to act on a package of energy bills that he failed to jam through in the final weeks of the regular session.

But the special session may already be in jeopardy, after the leader of the state Senate immediately rejected the governor’s call for the Legislature to meet this fall, during what would normally be a crucial campaign period for lawmakers leading up to the Nov. 5 election.

In what has become a frequent move, Newsom earlier this month proposed sweeping plans to bring down energy costs for Californians just as the annual legislative session was drawing to a close, leaving lawmakers little time to react or negotiate with the governor.

Increasingly frustrated with the strongarm tactics, the Legislature split this time in its response, sinking Newsom’s measures as the Assembly refused to take them up

Ignorance and hissy fits are what you have in common with the Cal legislature.

and California is doing just fine.

I believe when the governor issues a proclamation, it’s our constitutional obligation to get that work done,” Rivas said.

The governor’s office said Newsom and the Legislature had been working together on the proposal for months, noting that the first policy recommendation was shared with the Legislature in January, and that there were legislative committee hearings on the topic in May
Well according to right wingers all that cheap labor should be putting California in the black by trillions o Bux, especially with all those hard working super intelligent green card workers making $10 an hour and working 20 hours a day and stuff. Seems like both wing nutz are full of shit and can't do math, at least without cheating. Maybe a math test should be required along with literacy and civics tests. that will certainly weed out both the 'climate change' loons and the 'Fair Tax' loons as well.
Well according to right wingers all that cheap labor should be putting California in the black by trillions o Bux, especially with all those hard working super intelligent green card workers making $10 an hour and working 20 hours a day and stuff. Seems like both wing nutz are full of shit and can't do math, at least without cheating. Maybe a math test should be required along with literacy and civics tests. that will certainly weed out both the 'climate change' loons and the 'Fair Tax' loons as well.
California is doing fine. Will continue to do so.

btw, "We're #1"

Texas is still chanting "We're number 17!"

Cali is doing fine

"Californians' net worth totals over $6 trillion or about $160,000 per resident. The state holds 17 percent of national net worth, while making up only 12 percent of the U.S. population." - 2019

lol all from govt. handouts and their huge Congressional delegation voting themselves more every year. 80% of that wealth is in the hands of 10% of the population, if that; I'm being very generous here, it's probably more like 3%.

This is just income alone, not total wealth. The Feds keep almost 60% of Californians half-assed fed.

And, Texas is #4, not #17. The Red Chinese aren't flooding Texas and hyper-inflating real estate 'equities'.

75% of Californians have less than a third of the wealth. 2% hold over 20%, and of course with the tax codes in place at both the state and Federal level over half of that goes undeclared or deferred or tax exempt and not recorded in public data and tax returns are private.

The other 23% is the imaginary 'middle class'. lol
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Is California self sufficient in oil?
The state's market is nearly self-sufficient. Imported gasoline and blending components account for only 3 to 7 percent of supply.

never understood this one: Does California tax oil extraction?
There is no statewide severance tax on oil and gas production in California.
Four years late.

Only a leftard could be this stupid.

California is 29 billion in the hole, they're paying for the 6 million illegals they let in, and suddenly they're worried about gas prices.

Democrats are woefully dumb. Just plain stupid.
I believe Cali's GDP is more than Mississippi, your ass backwards state.
Wait, I'll check.
lol all from govt. handouts and their huge Congressional delegation voting themselves more every year. 80% of that wealth is in the hands of 10% of the population, if that; I'm being very generous here, it's probably more like 3%.
Despite receiving the most federal funding dollar-wise, California was the second-least reliant state on a percentage basis, with 14.5% of revenue coming from the federal government, followed by Minnesota (14.6%), South Dakota (15.0%), and Iowa (15.5%).

Despite receiving the most federal funding dollar-wise, California was the second-least reliant state on a percentage basis, with 14.5% of revenue coming from the federal government, followed by Minnesota (14.6%), South Dakota (15.0%), and Iowa (15.5%).

The Feds pay for expanding your ports and fund the highways as well as lots of other stuff, including R&D, medical, etc. You really have no clue, which is why you're trying to peddle your fake 'percentages' BS.
The Feds pay for expanding your ports and fund the highways as well as lots of other stuff, including R&D, medical, etc. You really have no clue, which is why you're trying to peddle your fake 'percentages' BS.
You poor baby.

Cali is doing fine

"Californians' net worth totals over $6 trillion or about $160,000 per resident. The state holds 17 percent of national net worth, while making up only 12 percent of the U.S. population." - 2019
You poor baby.

Cali is doing fine

"Californians' net worth totals over $6 trillion or about $160,000 per resident. The state holds 17 percent of national net worth, while making up only 12 percent of the U.S. population." - 2019

Nothing poor about me. I passed math with 4.0's. That's why I can laugh at your inability to grasp your own numbers. lol without Feds you're not even Georgia.
Four years late.

Only a leftard could be this stupid.

California is 29 billion in the hole, they're paying for the 6 million illegals they let in, and suddenly they're worried about gas prices.

Democrats are woefully dumb. Just plain stupid.

At least Newsom cares about people unlike your Nazi hero Trump.
PC Stretchedanus says 75% of Californians average net worth is less than $70,000, not $160,000. Of course in a high cost of living and high tax state that doesn't even buy a trailer house. State average is 154,000, not 160,000. But math is racist, so why bother? Just make up whatever you want. 15 percent of the Bay Area has a 'net worth' of less than $50,000. That is they're one week away from homelessness. Most of this 'wealth' is in ridiculously inflated real estate appraisals, not real wealth..
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