Hilarious! More brain death from the left

The Feds pay for expanding your ports and fund the highways as well as lots of other stuff, including R&D, medical, etc. You really have no clue, which is why you're trying to peddle your fake 'percentages' BS.

Expanding ports benefits the nation, giving you exit ports for exports, and customs and receiving of imports. This ensures the orderly processing of all goods coming into the country in terms of customs and import restrictions. Sea Ports are all federal installations regardless of the politics of the state. So does expanding all interstate highways and rail systems.

Red states are the "taker" states. The receive far more in federal funding than they return to Washington in taxes, and many are among the poorest states in the union.

You complain about all of the money California spends on education, healthcare, and other programs for their residents. You never mention that Texas is ranked as the "worst state in America to live in".

This is why:

  • ranks near the bottom in primary care providers per 100,000 residents at 182, according to the United Health Foundation
  • leads the nation by far, in residents without health insurance
  • 19% of all people with a credit score in Texas have medical debt that has gone to collection
  • no public accommodation law barring discrimination against non-disabled people
  • passed a barrage of laws targeting the LGBTQ+ community
  • its abortion ban is the strictest in the nation
  • state unemployment benefits cover less than 10% of the average cost of living
  • the power grid is unreliable
Expanding ports benefits the nation, giving you exit ports for exports, and customs and receiving of imports. This ensures the orderly processing of all goods coming into the country in terms of customs and import restrictions. Sea Ports are all federal installations regardless of the politics of the state. So does expanding all interstate highways and rail systems.

Red states are the "taker" states. The receive far more in federal funding than they return to Washington in taxes, and many are among the poorest states in the union.

You complain about all of the money California spends on education, healthcare, and other programs for their residents. You never mention that Texas is ranked as the "worst state in America to live in".

This is why:

  • ranks near the bottom in primary care providers per 100,000 residents at 182, according to the United Health Foundation
  • leads the nation by far, in residents without health insurance
  • 19% of all people with a credit score in Texas have medical debt that has gone to collection
  • no public accommodation law barring discrimination against non-disabled people
  • passed a barrage of laws targeting the LGBTQ+ community
  • its abortion ban is the strictest in the nation
  • state unemployment benefits cover less than 10% of the average cost of living
  • the power grid is unreliable

Says some moron who thinks California is buying all the stuff that lands on its shores itself. Most idiots really don't have a clue. The vast majority of Californians can't buy squat. And, as for that list of rubbish, California plates are all over Texas now, along with plates from many other states, so all you got is another stupid rant. As for 'credit scores'. yes we have a lot of illegal aliens and their anchor babies along with more than our share of deadbeat black gangbangers, so all you did was make a case for deporting a few million people Democrats pander to. Thanks for your input.

lol 'quality of life'??? Lived in the Bay area; nothing there worth bragging on, and certainly nothing in LA to brag about, unless you're into dead brown palm trees and wetbacks. The highway between LA and Vegas is covered with needle tossed out by junkies, so obviously the 'quality of life' isn't making anybody happy anywhere in the state. Arizona is filling up with ex-Californians, so are many other states; many already flooded Oregon and Washington. California s going to be a few rich movie stars, a few Silly Con Valley swindlers, and the rest wetbacks and junkies soon. lol

Now run along dumbass, and keep trying to remember which country you're supposed to be living in.
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Says some moron who thinks California is buying all the stuff that lands on its shores itself. Most idiots really don't have a clue. The vast majority of Californians can't buy squat. And, s for that list of rubbish, California plates are all over Texas now, along with plates from many other states, so all you got is another stupid rant. As for 'credit scores'. yes we have a lot of illegal aliens and their anchor babies along with more than our share of deadbeat black gangbangers, so all you did was make a case for deporting a few million people Democrats pander to. Thanks for your input.

Where did I say that California buys everything that arrives in its ports, idiot???? I didn't. You just jumped to a false conclusion, which a bad habit amongst you basement dwellers.

I gave you reasons why Texas has such a low "quality of life", and you respond lots of people are moving to Texas. Lot of people are LEAVING Texas too.

Where did I say that California buys everything that arrives in its ports, idiot???? I didn't. You just jumped to a false conclusion, which a bad habit amongst you basement dwellers.

I gave you reasons why Texas has such a low "quality of life", and you respond lots of people are moving to Texas. Lot of people are LEAVING Texas too.

More dumbassery. You just can't make a decent point to save your life, just post fake news and rave a lot.

If it weren't for 10 million illegal aliens coming in recently, California would have lost 12 Congressional seats. lol Working people are stampeding put of the shithole. As for it's 'GDP' it's just a pass through state, a temp warehouse, and its GDP is probably as fake as Red China's numbers, along with a lot of sweatshops run by gangsters.
Four years late.

Only a leftard could be this stupid.

California is 29 billion in the hole, they're paying for the 6 million illegals they let in, and suddenly they're worried about gas prices.

Democrats are woefully dumb. Just plain stupid.
Why aren’t you supporting efforts to lower gas prices?

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