Hilary Clinton vs. Rand Paul 2016 - The Choice is Clear


Libertarian Republican
Oct 14, 2013
While I'm using Clinton's and Paul's names here, this can be interpreted as "Democrat vs. Republican" in actuality.

Hilary Clinton supports Obama's big-government agenda, including the flop of Obamacare, higher taxes, and massive welfare spending, including food stamps for people like Jason Greenslate, who surfs and eats lobster all day. Rand Paul opposes the Obama welfare state. He'll crack down on food-stamp abusers like Jason and take on wasteful spending and high taxes. And Rand Paul will repeal Obamacare root and branch, including its job-killing taxes and regulations, the anti-freedom individual mandate, and its decimation of our healthcare system. Rand Paul believes medical decisions should be between an individual and their doctor, period.

Hilary Clinton supports Obama's war on coal - which should really be called a War on America. The War on Coal doesn't just mean that thousands of miners are out of a job; it also means that hundreds of coal plants have been closed or prevented from opening. This means higher electricity rates for all Americans, which hits the poor disproportionately hard. Clinton also supports Obama's job-killing moratoria on offshore drilling, which are driving gas prices higher and threatening American energy independence. She even backs cap-and-trade, a radical leftist proposal that would raise gas prices by 25%, lead to skyrocketing electricity rates, and kill millions of jobs. Rand Paul wants to lower or eliminate the gas tax. He is 100% against Obama's war on coal, and he'll fight for more oil wells and refineries by lifting Obama's drilling bans. Clinton stands with Hollywood environmentalists; Rand Paul stands with hard-working Americans.

On privacy rights, Hilary Clinton supports Obama's NSA program. Hillary thinks it's OK for the government to spy on your e-mails. Rand Paul supports America's privacy rights. He believes in the 4th amendment and will take liberals to court in order to stop the usurpation of our Constitutional rights. Hillary also lied about the Benghazi attacks, leading to the death of 5 Americans(the troops at Benghazi were DENIED military aid when requested and then Clinton claimed it wasn't a terrorist attack). When James Clapper tried to tell the truth about the attacks, Hillary demoted her. Rand Paul respects the military and he will never lie to the American people about an attack on an American embassy. Clinton supports the IRS, even though it targeted groups that disagreed and even took a luxury retreat after getting caught with its scandal. Now, she wants the IRS as an Obamacare enforcer. Rand Paul wants to eliminate the IRS, and he'll make sure that government workers don't waste millions of dollars on luxuries like "swag bags" with taxpayer money. Finally, Hillary supports giving billions of YOUR MONEY to terrorists like the Muslim Brotherhood. Rand Paul opposes funding Muslim terrorists who hate America, and he'll respect our Constitution and require Congress to declare war before authorizing military action.

The choice in 2016 is crystal clear - bigger government and less freedom or smaller government and more freedom. We've got to get this right.
OP- THAT'S NOT THE dem plan, brainwashed functional idiot, that's what intelligent people do in a Pub meltdown/depression/Great Recession. see sig para 1. The large numbers on UE and welfare will end when the TP stops wrecking the recovery with phony crises. Thanks for underfunding the web site too. Just about fixed, despite the Pubcrappe....and has nothing to do with O-Care's long term success..Pub dupes...stupidest voters in the modern world...
Paul is more flexible than Cruz for example. He has common sense and intelligence. If he is nominated, he will likely beat the pants off Hillary(what a ghastly sight)!
OP- THAT'S NOT THE dem plan, brainwashed functional idiot, that's what intelligent people do in a Pub meltdown/depression/Great Recession. see sig para 1. The large numbers on UE and welfare will end when the TP stops wrecking the recovery with phony crises. Thanks for underfunding the web site too. Just about fixed, despite the Pubcrappe....and has nothing to do with O-Care's long term success..Pub dupes...stupidest voters in the modern world...
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