Hillary Above the Law, Part 2; Misuse of Air Force One Violates US Campaign Laws

He explained why he didn't recommend prosecution. No Republican who has been hoping and dreaming for years that Clinton would be thrown in prison heard that part.
But be of good cheer, all ye Clinton haters. This morning, CBS and CNN were compiling all their footage of Clinton saying she had never had Classified information on her server, etc. Now, does the fact that Clinton blithely and repeatedly lied to us about it surprise me? No. It might be the straw that broke the camel's back for a lot of undecided voters, however. She is not liked to begin with, and now it is being once again very clearly and without equivocation shown that she is an inveterate liar. I can't wait to see how she tries wiggling her way out of this one.
Which is why, again, I suggest the Right stop whining about this, that, and the other, and start selling a positive position on how they are going to save this country.

Hey, Asshole! Explain why he said that anybody else doing the same thing could expect prosecution. Explain that shit away. Do it.
Did he actually say that? Don't be paraphrasing to suit your agenda. Tsk, tsk, tsk, calling old ladies names for no reason.

"We do not see those things here. To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary, those individuals are often subject to security or administrative sanctions, but that's not what we're deciding now," Comey added. “As a result, although the Department of Justice makes final decisions on matters like this, we are expressing to Justice our view that no charges are appropriate in this case."

Read more: FBI recommends no charges against Clinton in email probe
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He sure as fuck did. Moron.
To the contrary, those individuals are often subject to security or administrative sanctions,
I take that to mean internal actions, like limiting their access to sensitive material, or a formal reprimand in their H.R. file. Or an unpaid suspension. I do not see how Comey's words lead you to believe he was speaking of criminal charges.
obsession doesn't care about the facts.
not even smart enough to know when your chain is being yanked

Of course I knew. You just needed a slap upside your stupid little head.
if that was your version of a slap, you don't have a clue as to what a slap is.
Says a clueless retarded scum lib.
damn funny you talking about others being clueless.
you're just barely sentient, sometimes.
Only in your dreams....
For using Air Force One, Hillary reimbursed them the cost of a coach ticket

Seems fair
not even smart enough to know when your chain is being yanked

Of course I knew. You just needed a slap upside your stupid little head.
if that was your version of a slap, you don't have a clue as to what a slap is.
Says a clueless retarded scum lib.
damn funny you talking about others being clueless.
you're just barely sentient, sometimes.
Only in your dreams....
imitation the highest form of flattery ..
I your case it's due to one live brain cell.

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