Hillary and Liberals Claim Trumps Security Proposals Will Lead to More Terrorism

Yes and no. Temporary bans of Muslims will turn more Muslims against us. Stronger security on our borders will not. Nuance and context escape the far left and the far reactionary right.
We have American Muslims in the military fighting for this country. We have Muslim countries helping us fighting terrorism. At the same time ban Muslims???? Just imagine how many pissed off American Muslims right now. Hate breeds hate.
So hitlary is telling us we should surrender to jihad because the terrorists won without actually being opposed yet?

Someone please tell me how we need to "compromise" with these sniveling fucktards again...

Yeah us tightening border security is going to offend Muslims then we will get more terrorism!

That is such a cowards perspective. Imagine the cowards who wont say anything to offend the bully lest the bully turn on them. That is the foreign policy of libtardism.

Hillary: Trump's Muslim Travel Plan 'Dangerous' 'Great Propaganda Tool' for Terrorists - Breitbart
I think this is what Rubio, Cruz, Christie, Jeb, Carson, Fiorino, Kasich are saying too.

Nearly six-in-10 Americans oppose Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's proposal to bar Muslims from entering the United States, but Republicans are evenly divided, according to a new national NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.

Fifty-seven percent of all adults disagree with Trump's proposal, versus 25 percent who agree.

But views are mixed among Republicans: 42 percent of GOP respondents support Trump's proposal to ban Muslims from entering the U.S., while 36 percent oppose it.

And among Republican primary voters, it's 38 percent support, 39 percent oppose.

By comparison, 75 percent of Democrats and 55 percent of independents disagree with Trump's proposal.

There's an urban-rural divide, too: Just 13 percent of urban respondents and 27 percent of suburban respondents back Trump's plan, compared with 41 percent of rural Americans.
But views are mixed among Republicans: 42 percent of GOP respondents support Trump's proposal to ban Muslims from entering the U.S., while 36 percent oppose it.

These numbers don't add up. I would say 64% of Republicans agree with trump and 36% don't.
I think bringing in 100,000 Syrian refugees next year will lead to more terrorism, not anything Trump is saying.
Yeah us tightening border security is going to offend Muslims then we will get more terrorism!

That is such a cowards perspective. Imagine the cowards who wont say anything to offend the bully lest the bully turn on them. That is the foreign policy of libtardism.

Hillary: Trump's Muslim Travel Plan 'Dangerous' 'Great Propaganda Tool' for Terrorists - Breitbart

That's right friends. A vote for Trump and all hell will break loose with terrorism

This kicker is that he will also destroy the earth with capitalism and the global warming it is causing.

Be afraid, very afraid! FEAR RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The end is near!! Repent!!!! Vote for Hillary, the only way to achieve our collective salvation!!

Trump is a bad man who is going to hell.

He may have a nice ass, but that's about it.

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