Hillary Blames Her Loss on White Women Listening to Their Husbands



Where did I.....oh wait......didn't she run for president a looooooooooooong time ago?
/——/ you tell her to STFU because as long as she interjects herself into the news, she’s fair game.
Wives listening to their husbands????

Hey ... Ya gotta admit, she's a dinosaur ... And maybe is just remembering her good old days ... :dunno:

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Were there really any..."good old days?"
Face like a catcher's mitt.
/——/ That photo proves Hildabeast is a bleached blonde.
Nope...jury's in your honor...the carpet does not match the drapes.
..what they are saying is that THEY know --without a doubt--they voted for the BEST person
..and the Trumpers are all STUPID
..white women are STUPID--that's what they are saying
..A big FU to you people for saying that crap
Trump is in and that's that!!

Prissy elitist liberals are convinced they are 10 times smarter than everyone else, they remind me of the Nazi party.
Imagine Romney blaming his loss on black women listening to their husbands and you can appreciate her candor even more.

She's belittling every single female who voted for anyone but her. The LSM will go out of their way to ignore this.


Where did I.....oh wait......didn't she run for president a looooooooooooong time ago?

She is your Goddess. You cannot deny her.
You're right. She was a great candidate.

30 years being chased and attacked by the GOP and all they could find was innocence. She was the most vetted presidential candidate ever.

And look at what they have now.
A deviant.
A liar.
Russian agent
Broken campaign laws paying off a porn star he had unprotected sex with.
His foundation still under criminal investigation
19 indictments
5 guilty pleas

It's only going to get worse.

And these people had the nerve to shout "Lock her up!"
well, according to Hillary Clinton anyway

what a sexist bitch

Clinton: White Women Voted for Trump Because Their Husbands Told Them To

Hillary Clinton said that white women voted for President Trump during the 2016 presidential election because their husbands told them to, during a discussion at the India Today Conclave on Saturday.

The moderator asked Clinton why she thinks almost 52 percent of white women voted for Trump, despite them knowing about the controversial “Access Hollywood” tape.

“[Democrats] do not do well with white men and we don’t do well with married, white women,” Clinton explained. “And part of that is an identification with the Republican Party, and a sort of ongoing pressure to vote the way that your husband, your boss, your son, whoever, believes you should.”
I wonder if she thought she could sell that line of shit because she was in India?
Hillary should have listened to her husband. He gave her several pieces of good advice during the campaign, but she refused to listen.
Uncle Ferd says, "Yeah...

... he told his g/f to vote fer the Donald...

... but she voted fer Bernie Sanders anyway."
When will this wicked, depraved, drunken, lying, grossly incompetent bitch ever go away?

In Argentina, half a century or so ago, Evita Peron got to be President just because her husband was President first.

When will this hideous, sick, disgusting crone learn that this ain't Argentina?

American is ready for a woman President, but please Lord, let it be someone who earned it for herself...like Margaret Thatcher...instead of a crass and craven stupid witch who flunked the Bar Exam...and so realized that she would have to ride the coat-tails of a pussy-lovin Southern Boy, who happened to be a political genius....ALL of her crime-ridden useless life.

My wife is disgusted tonight. Hillary Clinton is the Dumb-Ass who looks to her Husband for all she gets....and when she goes off on her own...she makes an Ass of herself....over and over and over.
And once again conservative's obsession with Hillary Clinton -- a woman who not only lost the election to be POTUS but who also holds no public office and who for the most part isn't using her celebrity in anything like the way celebrities typically do to be "in your face" -- has led one of them to seek out a YouTube version of an interview the woman gave on India Today.

Seriously? OP-er. You chased down a damn interview the woman gave to an Indian television network! Figuratively speaking, you chased the woman halfway around the world! In most rational people's circles, that's beyond obsessed; so much so that it's called stalking!
And once again conservative's obsession with Hillary Clinton -- a woman who not only lost the election to be POTUS but who also holds no public office and who for the most part isn't using her celebrity in anything like the way celebrities typically do to be "in your face" -- has led one of them to seek out a YouTube version of an interview the woman gave on India Today.

Seriously? OP-er. You chased down a damn interview the woman gave to an Indian television network! Figuratively speaking, you chased the woman halfway around the world! In most rational people's circles, that's beyond obsessed; so much so that it's called stalking!

For the record, no one had to "chase down" anything, it was linked on Drudge earlier today and I think I saw it on MSN as well.

Furthermore, although she no longer holds public office, she remains a public figure as well as, to some, an influential political voice. She is out plugging her tome by blaming everyone else for her political shortcomings and not once taking any responsibility on herself for her failure. All of this adds up to one thing, she remains fair game for criticism. You don't have to like it, but it is a fact.

Personally, I have no dog in the fight, I voted for neither Trump nor Clinton. They both suck.
For the record, no one had to "chase down" anything, it was linked on Drudge earlier today and I think I saw it on MSN as well.
Okay. Drudge/MSN "chased her down" and the OP-er latched onto it. I sit corrected.

I get much of my news from The Economist, Barron's, Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, Financial Times, PBS Newshour, The WSJ, Cook Political Report, the BBC, The Independent and whatever I pick up on CNN while it's on as "background noise" when I'm in my office. None of them any more consider Hillary Clinton currently newsworthy for the obvious reason: someone trying to make money by promoting their book that came out quite some time ago isn't worth mentioning. The only people talking about Hillary Clinton are (1) rational people on whose property she'll appear in person and (2) people who are obsessed with her. She's "old news."

There's plenty that's current and newsworthy in the world to criticize. Druge, MSN, and anyone else who's of a mind to remark on Clinton should catch-up with the rest of the world and discuss some of it, most especially conservatives for whom Hillary-ragging is, in a word, hackneyed.
For the record, no one had to "chase down" anything, it was linked on Drudge earlier today and I think I saw it on MSN as well.
Okay. Drudge/MSN "chased her down" and the OP-er latched onto it. I sit corrected.

I get much of my news from The Economist, Barron's, Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, Financial Times, PBS Newshour, The WSJ, Cook Political Report, the BBC, The Independent and whatever I pick up on CNN while it's on as "background noise" when I'm in my office. None of them any more consider Hillary Clinton currently newsworthy for the obvious reason: someone trying to make money by promoting their book that came out quite some time ago isn't worth mentioning. The only people talking about Hillary Clinton are (1) rational people on whose property she'll appear in person and (2) people who are obsessed with her. She's "old news."

There's plenty that's current and newsworthy in the world to criticize. Druge, MSN, and anyone else who's of a mind to remark on Clinton should catch-up with the rest of the world and discuss some of it, most especially conservatives for whom Hillary-ragging is, in a word, hackneyed.

I don't disagree. I consider her irrelevant. But as long as she's out there making noise, there will be people looking to take their shots.

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