Hillary claims the Bible is her "biggest influence"

Republicans think they own exclusive rights to the bible.
No, but we are the ones that defend it.

Right. And that explains all the angry threads and posts directed at Pope Francis when he uses the Bible and it's passages as he addresses the poor, inequality, racism and pollution. Screams of "communist/socialist" directed at the Pope are quite common from the far right.
That's defending the Bible?
When have I gone against the pope? Even though I am Baptist.
Right. And that explains all the angry threads and posts directed at Pope Francis when he uses the Bible and it's passages as he addresses the poor, inequality, racism and pollution. Screams of "communist/socialist" directed at the Pope are quite common from the far right.
That's defending the Bible?
What makes the Pope immune from criticism? Liberals do it all the time, unless the Pope embraces Gays.

Wanna read a REAL criticism of the Pope by a TRUE Catholic? Read this, I dare ya'!
Prepost for a Repost Because the first time I posted it it was lacking in forthrightness Barnhardt
Pope Francis Bergoglio is dumb. He is an unintelligent man. He washed out of a doctorate program in Germany in the ’70s because he couldn’t hack it, which is saying something indeed, because the ’70s weren’t exactly intellectually rigorous. His extemporaneous speech is incoherent, wandering, rambling, nonsensical fog banks of thought. I have been told from EYEWITNESSES to his “sermonettes” every morning in Rome that he will literally lose his train of thought in mid-sentence (not that he actually speaks in COMPLETE sentences mind you), stand staring into space for 20 seconds, and then pick up on a completely different train of thought. His statements are staggeringly idiotic pastiches of meaningless buzz words, catchphrases and tropes. In other words, he speaks like the typical dimwitted 1970s Jesuit, post-modernist that he is. Just two examples from the past couple of weeks are these gems: “Corruption is worse than sin” and “Judas Iscariot wasn’t the worst sinner among the Apostles”. These are terrifying in their stupidity. Corruption IS a sin, so how can sin be worse than sin? And Judas Iscariot betrayed our Lord and then COMMITTED SUICIDE. I wonder, which of the other Apostles could beat suicide and Deicide?
If she was honest she would have noted that Saul Alinsky's "rules for radicals" changed her life. It's alleged that she worshiped Alinski while in college. Now that Hillary is officially a candidate her professional life will become an open book. She might be successful in dodging most difficult questions now with inane and pandering responses but sooner or later her radicalism and her world class enabling for her husband's abuse of women will have to be addressed.
No, but we are the ones that defend it.
You defile it when you use it to get votes for hypocrites who love war and hate people.
Don't love war, but sometimes you need to do it. Christianity doesn't teach hate. It's the non believers that do the hating.
So with the hate I have seen you extol, you are a non-believer..
Hate? No hate sometimes the truth just hurts.
So you hate no one, why your not even biased..
Hate is a powerful emotion, no I don't hate anyone. I do dislike people, like Obama as an example.
LMAO Really?
Want to bet this is nothing but a political move?

Hillary Clinton Claims The Bible Is Her “Biggest Influence”

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced during a New York Times interviewthat the Holy Bible is the book that made her who she is today.

“If you had to name one book that made you who you are today, what would it be?” asked The New York Times, in a book review questionnaire.

“At the risk of appearing predictable, the Bible was and remains the biggest influence on my thinking,” Clinton said. “I was raised reading it, memorizing passages from it and being guided by it.”

“I still find it a source of wisdom, comfort and encouragement,” she added.

Hillary Clinton Claims The Bible Is Her Biggest Influence RedFlagNews.com

Then why did she do such disrespectful ornaments on the WH Christmas tress when she was the first lady?
Boy that was a very big controversy in the early 90's.
Hillary is full of it.
"I proudly declare my Christianity!"
"Where do you worship at?"
"Er.. um... the Washington D.C. Mosque! Yeah!"
"That's for practitioners of Islam."
"Well I meant, uh... the D.C. Synagogue!"
"That's where Jews go"

Liberals only know "Love thy Neighbor" and a miss understanding of Romans 13. They don't know sh*t else.

See, questioning people about their Religion isn't a "Religious Test", it's merely finding out if they're full of sh*t or not. Liberals always resist any form of questioning.

I was brought up a strict southern baptist and have studied the bible extensively and in all my years I have yet to find the part that says the government should never be allowed to reflect the humanitarian values exemplified by the words of Jesus. When you heal the sick, feed the hungry, forgive your enemies and protect the downtrodden you practice true religion, the rest is just ritualistic mumbo-jumbo.
"I proudly declare my Christianity!"
"Where do you worship at?"
"Er.. um... the Washington D.C. Mosque! Yeah!"
"That's for practitioners of Islam."
"Well I meant, uh... the D.C. Synagogue!"
"That's where Jews go"

Liberals only know "Love thy Neighbor" and a miss understanding of Romans 13. They don't know sh*t else.

See, questioning people about their Religion isn't a "Religious Test", it's merely finding out if they're full of sh*t or not. Liberals always resist any form of questioning.

I was brought up a strict southern baptist and have studied the bible extensively and in all my years I have yet to find the part that says the government should never be allowed to reflect the humanitarian values exemplified by the words of Jesus. When you heal the sick, feed the hungry, forgive your enemies and protect the downtrodden you practice true religion, the rest is just ritualistic mumbo-jumbo.
They don't support the government, even when it does what their Lord taught.

LMAO Really?
Want to bet this is nothing but a political move?

Hillary Clinton Claims The Bible Is Her “Biggest Influence”

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced during a New York Times interviewthat the Holy Bible is the book that made her who she is today.

“If you had to name one book that made you who you are today, what would it be?” asked The New York Times, in a book review questionnaire.

“At the risk of appearing predictable, the Bible was and remains the biggest influence on my thinking,” Clinton said. “I was raised reading it, memorizing passages from it and being guided by it.”

“I still find it a source of wisdom, comfort and encouragement,” she added.

Hillary Clinton Claims The Bible Is Her Biggest Influence RedFlagNews.com


Do you think that's why she joined GW Bush's crusade into Iraq?

My guess is that a lot of professional politicians claim to be Christian more as a marketing tool than as a fact.

Hillary s State Dept. Forced Out An Ambassador For Using Private Email

Although Hillary Clinton and her allies may be claiming that her private e-mail system is no big deal, Hillary’s State Department actually forced the2012 resignation of the U.S. ambassador to Kenya in part for setting up an unsanctioned private e-mail system. According to a 2012 report from the State Department’s inspector general, former U.S. ambassador to Kenya Scott Gration set up a private e-mail system for his office in 2011.

The inspector general’s report offered a scathing assessment of Gration’s information security practices — practices that are eerily similar to those undertaken by Clinton while she served as Secretary of State:

Very soon after the Ambassador’s arrival in May 2011, he broadcast his lack of confidence in the information management staff. Because the information management office could not change the Department’s policy for handling Sensitive But Unclassified material, he assumed charge of the mission’s information management operations. He ordered a commercial Internet connection installed in his embassy office bathroom so he could work there on a laptop not connected to the Department email system. He drafted and distributed a mission policy authorizing himself and other mission personnel to use commercial email for daily communication of official government business. During the inspection, the Ambassador continued to use commercial email for official government business. The Department email system provides automatic security, record-keeping, and backup functions as required. The Ambassador’s requirements for use of commercial email in the office and his flouting of direct instructions to adhere to Department policy have placed the information management staff in a conundrum: balancing the desire to be responsive to their mission leader and the need to adhere to Department regulations and government information security standards. The Ambassador compounded the problem on several occasions by publicly berating members of the staff, attacking them personally, loudly questioning their competence, and threatening career-ending disciplinary actions. These actions have sapped the resources and morale of a busy and understaffed information management staff as it supports the largest embassy in sub-Saharan Africa.

My guess is that a lot of professional politicians claim to be Christian more as a marketing tool than as a fact.

That's not just the pols, that's most Americans. Not even as Christian as I am.
Agreed, I suspect many Americans say they're Christian to pollsters more out of habit or obligation than anything else.

Actual practicing, devout, God-fearing, Bible-reading, church-going Christians? Doubtful. Cafeteria Christians? Yeah.

LMAO Really?
Want to bet this is nothing but a political move?

Hillary Clinton Claims The Bible Is Her “Biggest Influence”

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced during a New York Times interviewthat the Holy Bible is the book that made her who she is today.

“If you had to name one book that made you who you are today, what would it be?” asked The New York Times, in a book review questionnaire.

“At the risk of appearing predictable, the Bible was and remains the biggest influence on my thinking,” Clinton said. “I was raised reading it, memorizing passages from it and being guided by it.”

“I still find it a source of wisdom, comfort and encouragement,” she added.

Hillary Clinton Claims The Bible Is Her Biggest Influence RedFlagNews.com
Simply checking the box....

BTW, does anyone remember the way she pandered to Gays a month after the 2012 election???


Hillary We re Standing Up for LGBT Rights All Around the World CNS News

I was brought up a strict southern baptist and have studied the bible extensively and in all my years I have yet to find the part that says the government should never be allowed to reflect the humanitarian values exemplified by the words of Jesus. When you heal the sick, feed the hungry, forgive your enemies and protect the downtrodden you practice true religion, the rest is just ritualistic mumbo-jumbo.
You studied the words but couldn't grasp the meanings. Jesus didn't preach a theocracy. His message was to change the inner man so your works reflected your spiritual awakening.

He clearly taught the division with the "give to Caesar that which is Caesar's" parable.

History proves what happens when the church unifies with the state. But I have a feeling your theocracy only includes what you deem important, everything else to be discarded.
I was brought up a strict southern baptist and have studied the bible extensively and in all my years I have yet to find the part that says the government should never be allowed to reflect the humanitarian values exemplified by the words of Jesus. When you heal the sick, feed the hungry, forgive your enemies and protect the downtrodden you practice true religion, the rest is just ritualistic mumbo-jumbo.
You studied the words but couldn't grasp the meanings. Jesus didn't preach a theocracy. His message was to change the inner man so your works reflected your spiritual awakening.

He clearly taught the division with the "give to Caesar that which is Caesar's" parable.

History proves what happens when the church unifies with the state. But I have a feeling your theocracy only includes what you deem important, everything else to be discarded.
Who's talking theocracy? The moral and ethical values I mentioned go beyond mere religion, they are the highest values any human can aspire to and make us kind and civilized people rather than savage beasts.

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